Segment Information | Note 12. Segment Information The company’s chief operating decision maker (CODM), who is the Chief Executive Officer, analyzes the results of the business through the following reportable segments: steel operations, metals recycling operations, steel fabrication operations, and aluminum operations. In the fourth quarter 2024, results from an entity previously reported within the metals recycling operations segment were moved to the aluminum operations segment, consistent with a change in how the CODM manages the business. Segment information provided within this Form 10-K has been recast for all prior periods presented consistent with the current reportable segment presentation. The segment operations are more fully described in Note 1. Description of the Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The CODM assesses segment performance and allocates resources primarily based on operating income. The CODM uses operating income to allocate operating and capital resources and assesses performance of each segment by comparing actual operating income results to historical and previously forecasted financial information. The accounting policies of the reportable segments are consistent with those described in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements. Intra-segment sales and any related profits are eliminated in consolidation. The company’s segment results, with prior periods recast consistent with our current reportable segments presentation, including disaggregated revenue by segment to external, external non-United States, and other segment customers, are as follows (in thousands): Metals Steel For the year ended Steel Recycling Fabrication Aluminum December 31, 2024 Operations Operations Operations Operations Other (a) Eliminations Consolidated Net sales - disaggregated revenue External $ 11,311,552 $ 1,311,124 $ 1,761,771 $ 256,051 $ 1,435,062 $ - $ 16,075,560 External Non-United States 749,932 694,010 1,731 2,496 16,661 - 1,464,830 Other segments 465,582 2,131,779 8,293 60,142 - (2,665,796) - Net sales 12,527,066 4,136,913 1,771,795 318,689 1,451,723 (2,665,796) 17,540,390 Less: Cost of goods sold 10,736,557 3,946,457 1,006,211 298,572 1,420,978 (2,670,971) 14,737,804 Other segment items (b) 208,135 113,649 98,600 92,448 348,153 (1,436) 859,549 Operating income (loss) 1,582,374 76,807 666,984 (72,331) (317,408) 6,611 1,943,037 Interest expense, net of capitalized interest 56,347 Other (income) expense, net (96,191) Income before income taxes $ 1,982,881 Depreciation and amortization $ 351,558 $ 56,148 $ 11,071 $ 6,786 $ 53,344 $ - $ 478,907 Capital expenditures 461,524 83,020 29,374 1,309,027 55,183 (70,122) 1,868,006 Total Assets 8,776,445 1,301,234 665,867 2,802,647 3,319,917 (c) (1,930,877) 14,935,233 Note 12. Segment Information (Continued) Metals Steel For the year ended Steel Recycling Fabrication Aluminum December 31, 2023 Operations Operations Operations Operations Other (a) Eliminations Consolidated Net sales - disaggregated revenue External $ 11,603,139 $ 1,162,246 $ 2,798,262 $ 239,095 $ 1,164,942 $ - $ 16,967,684 External Non-United States 1,037,412 774,211 672 9,105 6,232 - 1,827,632 Other segments 427,071 2,222,131 7,843 37,707 727 (2,695,479) - Net sales 13,067,622 4,158,588 2,806,777 285,907 1,171,901 (2,695,479) 18,795,316 Less: Cost of goods sold 10,977,249 3,971,743 1,115,515 237,759 1,147,441 (2,700,274) 14,749,433 Other segment items (b) 208,773 139,110 98,001 31,002 419,037 (1,221) 894,702 Operating income (loss) 1,881,600 47,735 1,593,261 17,146 (394,577) 6,016 3,151,181 Interest expense, net of capitalized interest 76,484 Other (income) expense, net (144,246) Income before income taxes $ 3,218,943 Depreciation and amortization $ 331,225 $ 65,803 $ 9,787 $ 4,917 $ 26,072 $ - $ 437,804 Capital expenditures 453,955 185,903 22,044 967,739 28,264 - 1,657,905 Total Assets 8,650,450 1,340,445 790,399 1,444,335 3,248,822 (c) (566,031) 14,908,420 Metals Steel For the year ended Steel Recycling Fabrication Aluminum December 31, 2022 Operations Operations Operations Operations Other (a) Eliminations Consolidated Net sales - disaggregated revenue External $ 13,783,666 $ 1,293,258 $ 4,245,803 $ 252,121 $ 1,276,923 $ - $ 20,851,771 External Non-United States 779,683 602,555 183 16,806 9,776 - 1,409,003 Other segments 537,647 2,304,414 11,221 23,158 1,281 (2,877,721) - Net sales 15,100,996 4,200,227 4,257,207 292,085 1,287,980 (2,877,721) 22,260,774 Less: Cost of goods sold 11,787,382 3,986,236 1,737,366 266,950 1,295,721 (2,930,712) 16,142,943 Other segment items (b) 220,925 114,619 95,186 10,365 586,304 (1,390) 1,026,009 Operating income (loss) 3,092,689 99,372 2,424,655 14,770 (594,045) 54,381 5,091,822 Interest expense, net of capitalized interest 91,538 Other (income) expense, net (20,785) Income before income taxes $ 5,021,069 Depreciation and amortization $ 295,468 $ 48,851 $ 9,727 $ 5,127 $ 25,029 $ - $ 384,202 Capital expenditures 613,678 63,967 17,519 189,805 23,933 - 908,902 (a) (b) (c) |