Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Consolidated Statements of Fina
- Consolidated Statements of Inco
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Chan
- Consolidated Statements of Ch_2
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Consolidated Statements of Ca_2
- Summary of Significant Accounti
- Significant Events
- Reporting Segments
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Financial Assets Held for Tradi
- Investments under Resale Agreem
- Derivative Financial Instrument
- Loans and Accounts Receivable a
- Loans and Accounts Receivable_2
- Debt Instruments at Fair Value
- Investments in Associates and o
- Intangible Assets
- Fixed Assets and Right of Use A
- Current and Deferred Taxes
- Other Assets
- Time Deposits and Other Time Li
- Interbank Borrowings
- Issued Debt Instruments and Oth
- Maturity of Financial Assets an
- Provisions and Contingent Provi
- Other Liabilities
- Contingencies and Commitments
- Equity
- Non-controlling Interest
- Interest Income
- Fees and Commissions
- Net Income (Expense) From Finan
- Net Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss
- Expected Credit Losses Allowanc
- Personnel Salaries and Expenses
- Administrative Expenses
- Depreciation, Amortization, and
- Other Operating Income and Expe
- Transactions with Related Parti
- Pension Plans
- Fair Value of Financial Assets
- Risk Management
- Non Current Assets Held for Sal
- Subsequent Events
- Accounting Policies, by Policy
- Summary of Significant Accoun_2
- Significant Events (Tables)
- Reporting Segments (Tables)
- Cash and Cash Equivalents (Tabl
- Financial Assets Held for Tra_2
- Investments under Resale Agre_2
- Derivative Financial Instrume_2
- Loans and Accounts Receivable_3
- Loans and Accounts Receivable_4
- Debt Instruments at Fair Valu_2
- Investments in Associates and_2
- Intangible Assets (Tables)
- Fixed Assets and Right of Use_2
- Current and Deferred Taxes (Tab
- Other Assets (Tables)
- Time Deposits and Other Time _2
- Interbank Borrowings (Tables)
- Issued Debt Instruments and O_2
- Maturity of Financial Assets _2
- Provisions and Contingent Pro_2
- Other Liabilities (Tables)
- Contingencies and Commitments (
- Equity (Tables)
- Non-controlling Interest (Table
- Interest Income (Tables)
- Fees and Commissions (Tables)
- Net Income (Expense) From Fin_2
- Net Foreign Exchange Gain (Lo_2
- Expected Credit Losses Allowa_2
- Personnel Salaries and Expens_2
- Administrative Expenses (Tables
- Depreciation, Amortization, a_2
- Other Operating Income and Ex_2
- Transactions with Related Par_2
- Pension Plans (Tables)
- Fair Value of Financial Asset_2
- Risk Management (Tables)
- Non Current Assets Held for S_2
- Summary of Significant Accoun_3
- Summary of Significant Accoun_4
- Summary of Significant Accoun_5
- Summary of Significant Accoun_6
- Summary of Significant Accoun_7
- Significant Events (Details)
- Significant Events (Details) -
- Reporting Segments (Details)
- Reporting Segments (Details) -
- Cash and Cash Equivalents (Deta
- Cash and Cash Equivalents (De_2
- Financial Assets Held for Tra_3
- Investments under Resale Agre_3
- Investments under Resale Agre_4
- Derivative Financial Instrume_3
- Derivative Financial Instrume_4
- Derivative Financial Instrume_5
- Derivative Financial Instrume_6
- Derivative Financial Instrume_7
- Derivative Financial Instrume_8
- Derivative Financial Instrume_9
- Derivative Financial Instrum_10
- Derivative Financial Instrum_11
- Loans and Accounts Receivable_5
- Loans and Accounts Receivable_6
- Loans and Accounts Receivable_7
- Loans and Accounts Receivable_8
- Loans and Accounts Receivable_9
- Loans and Accounts Receivabl_10
- Debt Instruments at Fair Valu_3
- Debt Instruments at Fair Valu_4
- Debt Instruments at Fair Valu_5
- Debt Instruments at Fair Valu_6
- Debt Instruments at Fair Valu_7
- Investments in Associates and_3
- Investments in Associates and_4
- Investments in Associates and_5
- Investments in Associates and_6
- Intangible Assets (Details) - S
- Intangible Assets (Details) -_2
- Fixed Assets and Right of Use_3
- Fixed Assets and Right of Use_4
- Fixed Assets and Right of Use_5
- Fixed Assets and Right of Use_6
- Fixed Assets and Right of Use_7
- Fixed Assets and Right of Use_8
- Fixed Assets and Right of Use_9
- Fixed Assets and Right of Us_10
- Fixed Assets and Right of Us_11
- Fixed Assets and Right of Us_12
- Fixed Assets and Right of Us_13
- Fixed Assets and Right of Us_14
- Current and Deferred Taxes (Det
- Current and Deferred Taxes (D_2
- Current and Deferred Taxes (D_3
- Current and Deferred Taxes (D_4
- Current and Deferred Taxes (D_5
- Current and Deferred Taxes (D_6
- Other Assets (Details)
- Other Assets (Details) - Schedu
- Time Deposits and Other Time _3
- Interbank Borrowings (Details)
- Interbank Borrowings (Details)
- Interbank Borrowings (Details_2
- Interbank Borrowings (Details_3
- Interbank Borrowings (Details_4
- Issued Debt Instruments and O_3
- Issued Debt Instruments and O_4
- Issued Debt Instruments and O_5
- Issued Debt Instruments and O_6
- Issued Debt Instruments and O_7
- Issued Debt Instruments and O_8
- Issued Debt Instruments and O_9
- Issued Debt Instruments and _10
- Issued Debt Instruments and _11
- Issued Debt Instruments and _12
- Issued Debt Instruments and _13
- Maturity of Financial Assets _3
- Maturity of Financial Assets _4
- Provisions and Contingent Pro_3
- Provisions and Contingent Pro_4
- Provisions and Contingent Pro_5
- Provisions and Contingent Pro_6
- Other Liabilities (Details) - S
- Contingencies and Commitments_2
- Contingencies and Commitments_3
- Contingencies and Commitments_4
- Equity (Details)
- Equity (Details) - Schedule of
- Equity (Details) - Schedule o_2
- Equity (Details) - Schedule o_3
- Equity (Details) - Schedule o_4
- Non-controlling Interest (Detai
- Non-controlling Interest (Det_2
- Non-controlling Interest (Det_3
- Interest Income (Details) - Sch
- Interest Income (Details) - S_2
- Interest Income (Details) - S_3
- Fees and Commissions (Details)
- Fees and Commissions (Details_2
- Net Income (Expense) From Fin_3
- Net Foreign Exchange Gain (Lo_3
- Expected Credit Losses Allowa_3
- Expected Credit Losses Allowa_4
- Personnel Salaries and Expens_3
- Administrative Expenses (Detail
- Depreciation, Amortization, a_3
- Other Operating Income and Ex_3
- Other Operating Income and Ex_4
- Other Operating Income and Ex_5
- Transactions with Related Par_3
- Transactions with Related Par_4
- Transactions with Related Par_5
- Transactions with Related Par_6
- Transactions with Related Par_7
- Transactions with Related Par_8
- Transactions with Related Par_9
- Pension Plans (Details)
- Pension Plans (Details) - Sched
- Pension Plans (Details) - Sch_2
- Pension Plans (Details) - Sch_3
- Pension Plans (Details) - Sch_4
- Pension Plans (Details) - Sch_5
- Fair Value of Financial Asset_3
- Fair Value of Financial Asset_4
- Fair Value of Financial Asset_5
- Fair Value of Financial Asset_6
- Fair Value of Financial Asset_7
- Fair Value of Financial Asset_8
- Fair Value of Financial Asset_9
- Fair Value of Financial Asse_10
- Risk Management (Details)
- Risk Management (Details) - Sch
- Risk Management (Details) - S_2
- Risk Management (Details) - S_3
- Risk Management (Details) - S_4
- Risk Management (Details) - S_5
- Risk Management (Details) - S_6
- Risk Management (Details) - S_7
- Risk Management (Details) - S_8
- Risk Management (Details) - S_9
- Risk Management (Details) - _10
- Risk Management (Details) - _11
- Risk Management (Details) - _12
- Risk Management (Details) - _13
- Risk Management (Details) - _14
- Risk Management (Details) - _15
- Risk Management (Details) - _16
- Risk Management (Details) - _17
- Risk Management (Details) - _18
- Risk Management (Details) - _19
- Risk Management (Details) - _20
- Risk Management (Details) - _21
- Risk Management (Details) - _22
- Non Current Assets Held for S_3
- Subsequent Events (Details)