| |
The contract is a single premium deferred individual variable | during the Right to Examine Period and then automatically |
annuity with a Minimum Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit, | reallocated to the ING Retirement Moderate Portfolio. |
The annuity contract will be used as a rollover vehicle for | Different investment options may be available in the future. |
interests in an employer sponsored retirement plan group | See page 9. |
variable annuity contract, also issued by the Company and | |
which also offers a similar minimum guaranteed withdrawal | Because earnings under the annuity contract are tax-deferred, |
benefit (hereinafter referred to as the “Group Contract”). As a | you do not pay taxes on the earnings until the money is paid to |
rollover vehicle, the single premium will equal the individual | you because of a Withdrawal (including Withdrawals under |
account value rolled from the retirement plan Group Contract | the MGWB), Annuity Payments or Surrender. Special rules |
and the Maximum Annual Withdrawal Percentage and the | apply to taxation of amounts invested in a Roth IRA. See |
MGWB Base will also be equal to the same amounts in the | page 33. |
retirement plan Group Contract.The annuity contract will | |
be issued as either a traditional Individual Retirement | During theincome phase, we begin to pay money to you. |
Annuity (“IRA”) or as a Roth IRA, depending on the type | The income phase begins upon election of MAW payments |
of account being rolled into the annuity contract from the | under the MGWB or when you elect to begin receiving |
employer sponsored retirement plan Group Contract. | Annuity Payments. |
There is no minimum initial premium, however, the minimum | The annuity contract includes a minimum guaranteed |
MGWB Base that may be rolled over into the annuity contract | withdrawal benefit, or MGWB, which generally provides, |
is $5,000. No additional premiums are allowed after | subject to certain restrictions and limitations, that we will |
acceptance of the Initial Premium. | guarantee MAW payments for the lifetime of the Annuitant in |
| the case of a single life MGWB or for the life of the Annuitant |
You can use the annuity contract to preserve the MGWB and | and the Annuitant’s spouse in the case of a Joint and Survivor |
other accrued benefits from the retirement plan Group | MGWB, even if these withdrawals deplete your Accumulation |
Contract following a distributable event (e.g. retirement, | Value to zero. It is important to note that ExcessWithdrawals |
severance from employment, disability and death) under the | (as described more fully on page 15) will decrease the value of |
Annuitant’s employer sponsored retirement plan. The contract | the MGWB and may, if applicable, result in the loss of the |
is not meant to be used to meet short-term financial goals and | MGWB. This is more likely to occur if such withdrawals are |
you should roll over your interest in the Group Contract only | made during periods of negative market activity.For more |
if the contract’s MGWB, and other features and benefits are | information about the MGWB, and how withdrawals can |
suitable for you. Do not roll over your interest in the Group | affect this benefit, see page 15.While you are receiving |
Contract if you do not need the retirement income for life | MAW payments, your Accumulation Value can increase or |
offered by the MGWB. When considering an investment in | decrease, based upon the performance of the underlying |
the contract, you should consult with your investment | Fund(s) in which your Accumulation Value is allocated. |
professional about your financial goals, investment time | |
horizon and risk tolerance, see page 13. | If you elect to begin receiving Annuity Payments instead of |
| MAW payments, we use Accumulation Value of your contract |
THE ANNUITY CONTRACT | to determine the amount of income you receive. Depending |
How does the contract work? | on the Annuity Plan you choose, you can receive payouts for |
The contract is between you and us. You pay premium into | life or for a specific period of time. You select the date the |
your contract, which premium is rolled over from your | payouts start, which we refer to as the Annuity |
retirement plan’s Group Contract, and we agree to make | Commencement Date, and how often you receive them. See |
payments to you, starting upon election of MAW payments | page 28 for more information about Annuity Payments and |
under the MGWB or when you elect to begin receiving | Annuity Plans available to you. |
Annuity Payments. | |
| What happens if I die? |
The contract has an accumulation phase and an income phase. | The annuity contract has a death benefit that pays money to |
| your Beneficiary if the Annuitant dies. The death benefit is |
During theaccumulation phase, your contract’s value, which | equal to the Accumulation Value. For more information about |
we refer to as the Accumulation Value can increase or | the death benefit, see page 24. |
decrease, based upon the performance of the underlying | |
investment option(s) to which your Accumulation Value is | |
allocated. Currently, unless otherwise required by state law, | |
your Premium is allocated to the ING Money Market Portfolio | |