| |
Accumulation Value– The sum of the value of your | General Account –An account that holds the assets that |
investment in each available Sub-account. See page 9. | support our general insurance, annuity and corporate |
Annuitant –The individual upon whose life the Minimum | obligations. All guarantees and benefits provided under |
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits, Death Benefit and | the contract that are not related to the Separate Account |
Annuity Payments are based. See page 12. | are subject to the claims of our creditors and the claims |
Annuity Commencement Date– The date on which Annuity | paying ability of the Company and our General Account. |
Payments commence. See page 26. | Joint and Survivor MGWB– The Minimum Guaranteed |
Annuity Payments– Periodic Annuity Plan payments made | Withdrawal Benefit payable for the life of the Annuitant |
by us to you or, subject to our consent, to a payee | and the life of the Annuitant’s spouse (as defined under |
designated by you. See page 26. | federal law). |
Annuity Plan– An option elected by you, or the contractually | Lifetime Automatic Periodic Benefit Status –A period |
designated default option if none is elected, that | during which we will pay you MGWB Periodic |
determines the frequency, duration and amount of | Payments. See page 20. |
Annuity Payments. See page 26. | Lifetime Withdrawal Eligibility Age –Age 62. The age of |
Beneficiary– The individual or entity you select to receive | the Annuitant on or after which you may begin the |
the Death Benefit. See page 12. | Lifetime Withdrawal Phase. See page 17. |
Business Day–Any day that the New York Stock Exchange | Lifetime Withdrawal Phase –The period under the |
(“NYSE”) is open for trading, exclusive of federal | Minimum Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit during which |
holidays, or any day the SEC requires that mutual funds | the Maximum Annual Withdrawal is calculated and |
be valued. | available for Withdrawal (see pages 15 and 17). The |
Cash Surrender Value– The amount you receive upon | Lifetime Withdrawal Phase begins on the date of the first |
Surrender of the contract, which equals the Accumulation | Withdrawal on or after the date the Annuitant reaches age |
Value minus any applicable charges. See page 21. | 62, the Lifetime Withdrawal Eligibility Age. See page |
Contract Anniversary– The same day and month each year | 17. |
as the Contract Date. If the Contract Date is February | Maximum Annual Withdrawal or “MAW” –Based on the |
29th, in non-leap years, the Contract Anniversary shall be | Annuitant’s age, the maximum amount available for |
March 1st. | Withdrawal from the contract under the Minimum |
Contract Date– The date on which the contract is issued. | Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit in any Contract Year |
Contract Year –The period beginning on a Contract | without reducing the MGWB Base in future Contract |
Anniversary (or, in the first Contract Year only, beginning | Years. See page 18. |
on the Contract Date) and ending on the day preceding the | MGWB Base– The factor that is used to calculate the MAW |
next Contract Anniversary. | and the charge for the Minimum Guaranteed Withdrawal |
Death Benefit– The amount payable to the Beneficiary upon | Benefit. The MGWB Base on the Contract Date will |
death of the Annuitant (1) prior to the Annuity | equal the Annuitant’s MGWB Base under the Group |
Commencement Date (see page 26) and before the | Contract that is rolled over into the contract. The MGWB |
contract enters Lifetime Automatic Periodic Benefit | Base has no cash value. See page 15. |
Status (see page 20), or (2) while the Table 2 Annuity | MGWB Charge –The charge deducted from the |
Plan is in effect (see page 26) and before the contract | Accumulation Value for the MGWB. See page 11. |
enters Lifetime Automatic Periodic Benefit Status (see | MGWB Periodic Payments– The payments that occur after |
page 20). | the contract enters the Lifetime Automatic Periodic |
Excess Transfer– If more than one Sub-account is available | Benefit Status. See page 15. |
for investment at any one time, any transfer between | Minimum Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit or MGWB– |
available Sub-accounts after 12 transfers have occurred | The benefit available after the Annuitant reaches the |
within any Contract Year. | Lifetime Withdrawal Eligibility Age that guarantees that |
Excess Transfer Charge– The charge we may access on | the Annuitant (and the Annuitant’s spouse if a joint and |
each Excess Transfer. See page 11. | Survivor MGWB has been elected) will have a pre- |
Excess Withdrawal –Any Withdrawal taken before | determined amount, the MAW, available for Withdrawals |
commencement of the Lifetime Withdrawal Phase or any | from the contract each Contract Year, even if the |
Withdrawal in a Contract Year on or after the Lifetime | Accumulation Value is reduced to zero (other than by |
Withdrawal Phase has begun that exceeds the then current | Excess Withdrawal or Surrender). See page 15. |
Maximum Annual Withdrawal (MAW) (see page 17). | |
See page 15. | |
Fund– The mutual fund in which a Sub-account invests. See | |
page 9. | |