1) For definitions, see page 25 in the Annual Report. 2) Excluding effect of 1.8 percentage points from discrete tax items and unsually-high tax payments made at year-end. 3) For definitions, see page 35 in the Annual Report.
CASH FLOW A growing market and sales, and an effective cost management are not enough to create shareholder value. We therefore focus on cash flow which can be returned to shareholders by:- Buying back shares in an opportunistic way
- Raising dividends long-term
Capital Structure At the end of 2006, operating working capital had risen to 11.7% of sales compared to the cap of 10% in the Company's policy. However, this ratio was boosted from the end of 2005 by 1.8 percentage points due to discrete tax items and tax payments made before year-end. We expect to meet this long-term target also for the next few years, although it may fluctuate between quarters.
We should also be able to continue to conform to our policy that the leverage ratio should be significantly below three and our interest coverage ratio significantly above 2.75. These ratios were 1.3 and 14.0, respectively, at the end of 2006.
Furthermore, we believe depreciation (including amortization) will be roughly in line with anticipated capital expenditures during the next few years. The need for additional manufacturing capacity could, however, be affected by, for instance, the above-mentioned voluntary commitment for side-impact protection in the United States.
Capital Employed From 2001, it has been possible to grow sales by 55% and more than double operating income and still only increase capital employed by 17%.
This improvement in capital utilization reflects a number of initiatives, such as plant consolidations, outsourcing, simplification of manufacturing processes by product redesign and moving to low-cost countries where less capital-intensive manufacturing processes can be utilized. It should also be noted that growth in sales and profits has been achieved without any major acquisitions. As a result, goodwill and other intangibles, net now correspond to 27% of sales compared to 42% in 2001. Since our market tends to increase, it should be possible to continue to grow business organically even without major acquisitions. As a result and given the cost containment programs we have introduced, we should be able to continue to grow earnings faster than capital employed.
Use of Funds In conclusion, Autoliv has the potential to continue to generate strong cash flow. When analyzing how to best use this operating cash flow ($560 million in 2006), the Autoliv Board uses the model depicted on page 15 in the Annual Report.
To create value for shareholders, cash flow from operations should only be used to finance investments in operations to the point when the return on equity still exceeds the cost of equity. For a number of years, Autoliv's returns on equity have reached or exceeded 12%, well above the Company's cost of equity. Accordingly, in 2006, we re-invested, net $295 million in our business.
We also used cash flow from operations to increase dividend payments to $112 million.
In addition, we bought back shares for $221 million by utilizing the remaining $153 million of operating cash flow and by increasing debt by $68 million. On this marginal debt, the interest rate was less than 5.5% or not even half of Autoliv's long-term return on equity of at least 12%. Hence, it should be profitable to increase leverage.
Share Buy-Backs Stock repurchases create value if the share is undervalued, but it destroys value if the share is overvalued. Autoliv therefore tries to buy back shares opportunistically, i.e. more shares when there is deemed to be a dip in the share price and less when the share price is higher.
Since the inception of the repurchase program in 2000, 24 million shares have been repurchased for $920 million at an average cost of $38.36 per share. At the end of 2006, the Autoliv share closed at $60.30, indicating a market value of approximately $1.4 billion for the repurchased shares. This 57% increase in the indicated market value compares favorably with the 22% reduction in the number of shares outstanding due to the share repurchases.
By taking advantage of Autoliv's strong financial position and buying back shares in this opportunistic way, it should be possible to grow earnings per share faster than sales, thereby improving the potential to create incremental shareholder value.
Dividend Policy Since Autoliv uses both dividend payments and share buy-backs to return funds to shareholders, the Company has no set dividend policy. Instead, the Board of Directors continuously analyzes which one of these methods is most efficient to create shareholder value. The model takes all important variables into account such as the cost of marginal borrowing, the return on marginal investments and the price of the Autoliv share. Management believes that such recurrent analyses have the potential to generate more value for Autoliv's shareholders than a pre-defined dividend policy.
In 2006, this approach resulted in a total return to the Autoliv shareholders of $333 million which was 23% more than the year's cash flow before financing and corresponded to a total yield of 7.4%, i.e., total returns in relation to Autoliv's average market capitalization during 2006. In addition, the Autoliv stock appreciated 30%, thereby continuing to outperform both most of its peers in the automotive industry and the general stock market in New York, which the Autoliv stock has done for the last five years.
Research & Development - Technological Leadership
Autoliv's comprehensive safety research and product innovation have been essential in establishing the Company as the industry's global sales leader with superior profitability. In our quest to reduce traffic accidents, fatalities and injuries we continue to research automotive safety problems beyond current regulatory and rating requirements.
In 2006, Autoliv introduced a new airbag that offers improved protection for certain passengers in the front-seat and saves costs for the vehicle manufacturers.
Although airbags save thousands of lives every year, they are potentially dangerous for children and other occupants who are sitting too close to a deploying frontal airbag.
Autoliv's new "Safety-Vent Airbag" automatically releases pressure should the occupant be too close to the bag. If the occupant is at a safe distance to the bag, two straps will be stretched and, as a consequence, cinch their vent tubes to allow gas pressure to build up in the bag.
Already, Autoliv has more than 20 contracts for this new product.
During 2006, we increased our gross expenditures for R,D&E by 7% to $507 million or to 8.2% of sales from 7.7% in 2005 and 7.6% in 2002. Of the 2006 amount, $106 million was related to customer-funded engineering projects and crash tests.
Net of this income, we increased our R,D&E expenditures by 3% to $398 million or to 6.4% of sales, compared to 6.2% in 2005 and 5.2% in 2002.
As the global leader in passive safety products and systems, Autoliv is now looking to reduce accidents and their severity by developing complimentary active safety technologies. By integrating passive and active safety systems, we expect to provide breakthroughs in vehicle crash worthiness and occupant protection for frontal and side impact crashes.
Although there are many different types of frontal crashes (e.g. head-on vehicle-to-vehicle crashes, offset vehicle-to-vehicle crashes, crashes against trees, animals or pedestrians, etc.) it has, so far, been impossible to tune the design of a vehicle for each specific crash condition. Vehicle manufacturers have instead been forced to make a compromise between these different requirements and, as a result, a vehicle can be stiffer than necessary and dangerous for certain milder crashes and not strong and hard enough for other more violent crashes.
We are now addressing this problem by developing "active structures". Each such structure uses a "crash box" at the front end of the vehicle beams. An empty crash box is relatively soft to provide best possible protection to pedestrians' legs in low to medium speed crashes. If, however, in an imminent high-speed crash, a radar or another pre-crash warnings system detects a full vehicle-to-vehicle crash, both crash boxes will be pressurized using airbag inflator technology from Autoliv. The vehicle structure then becomes stiff and offers more efficient protection. If only one of the vehicle's front corners is engaged in a violent crash, only the crash box behind this corner is activated. Particularly these crashes with low overlap or crashes into trees or poles can be dangerous. They are difficult for the airbag sensor to detect in time and they often cause high risks for intrusions into the passenger compartment.
Since this new technology improves the crashworthiness of vehicles, it could be possible to make vehicles smaller and more compact with less weight without reducing the occupant safety or the space for the occupants, thereby reducing fuel consumption and emissions and also providing better driving conditions in dense traffic.
Human Resources - Dedicated and Competent Employees
Our Human Resources organization and activities support Autoliv's overriding profitability target by making sure that our Company offers an attractive and safe workplace, while ensuring we have enough skilled, competent and dedicated people to maintain growth.
We offer a wide range of career development programs, including on-the-job training, job rotation and international assignments. Our belief is that by investing in these programs we will enable a highly motivated workforce. By providing our employees a broader view, we are increasing the workforce mobility and developing our organization to be more global, flexible, dynamic and target-driven. In 2006, we increased our investments in employee training and development programs to a record high of 7 days per employee per year.
In 2006, we introduced a career development tool that will be used both internally and externally to recruit the most competent people to open positions in the Company.
We also have a program for identifying high potential employees, who are offered development plans, including leadership training and expatriate positions.
A global trainee program started out in early 2006. The participants represent six nationalities and their average age is 28 years. Of the participants, 40% are women.
We believe that building a network of highly qualified people and developing the organization to be less hierarchical is an investment for the future. By encouraging our employees to grow, we will grow our business. By providing our employees with a more global view, our organization will strengthen its competitive edge in a global environment.
Additionally, more than 2/3 of our senior managers are being recruited internally. To continue this trend, a succession-planning program for all key positions was implemented worldwide a few years ago.
In addition to attracting and retaining talented professionals and skilled workers, our target is to have a balance between men and women and to have a diversity of age groups and nationalities. The average age of our employees is only 35 years, which reflects the Company's rapid expansion over the past few years. Almost half of our associates are women, also with a similar age distribution.
To remain an attractive employer, we invest in the well-being of our associates. These investments range from safe and healthy workplaces with competitive compensation to ethical principles and promoting sustainable development.
All of our plants' safety records are benchmarked. In 2006, 12 plants met our tough target of zero injuries, compared to 10 plants in 2005 and 7 in 2004. The graph on page 18 in the Annual Report shows the injury rate (i.e. number of injuries per 200,000 work hours) for the entire Autoliv corporation.
Another operational indicator of our global manufacturing monitoring system is the number of improvement suggestions per employee. Who are better to propose improvements to the manufacturing processes, than the line operators themselves? We therefore encourage our employees to be creative and we globally benchmark the suggestion rates at our plants.
During 2006, we received 23% more improvement suggestions per employee than in 2005, which should contribute to additional productivity improvements over the next years.
Reduction of absenteeism in our plants is an important target for us, especially in Western Europe, where absenteeism has historically been close to 10%.
However, we have managed to reduce it gradually and in 2006 the level was less than 5% in Europe, well in line with our global average of 5%.
In 2006, we improved our labor productivity by almost 8%, exceeding our target of 5% improvement.
A broader measure that we monitor is the value added per headcount. Since 2002, it has increased to $73,300 per head compared to the average headcount cost of $39,600 in 2006. During 2002 and 2003, the value added and the average headcount cost were affected by the stronger Euro. In 2005 and 2006, the value added has been impacted by the move to low-cost countries, where manufacturing is less automated and therefore the value added per head lower.
To maintain our Company's worldwide leading position, leadership training on all levels is very important. Three years ago, we introduced a leadership training program where we both identify the need for training and conduct the training according to very high standards and our core values. We want our leaders to assume the five leadership behaviors presented in our Leadership Pentagon.
Why did you apply for the trainee program? I wanted to put my international background into practice in my working life. By being in the trainee program, I'm able to work on an international arena where I am challenged to use my professional skills as well as personal skills at a maximum level. During the course of the program, what will you be doing? I will be working in different customer accounts at different Autoliv sites in, for instance, Sweden, Turkey and Germany. My assignments will give me a broad insight into areas such as: Request for quotations from customers, customer management, product development and production. How do you believe the program will help you in your future career? Assignments in different plants introduce you to new cultures and teach you how to find new ways of communication. Performing and delivering results in these dynamic environments are, of course, a challenge but it is a great way to get a broad view of our Company and this has given me a great cross border/cross function network that I and Autoliv will have use for in the future.
Handan Dogramaci - Graduate Engineer from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Corporate Social Responsibility - Highest Ethical Standards
Every year our products save 20,000 lives and help prevent at least ten times as many severe injuries. This saves tens of billion dollars every year to societies and is the most important contribution from Autoliv to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We also assume this responsibility in several other ways.
ETHICAL CODES Autoliv's ethical Code draws on universal standards such as the "Global Sullivan Principles of Social Responsibilities" and on the UN's "Global Compact". In our Code we therefore commit ourselves, for instance, to:- Express our support for universal human rights and, particularly, within our sphere of influence, the communities within which we operate, and parties with whom we do business.
- Promote equal opportunity for our employees at all levels of the company with respect to issues such as color, race, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation or religious beliefs, and operate without unacceptable worker treatment such as the exploitation of children, physical punishment, female abuse, involuntarily servitude, or other forms of abuse.
- Respect our employees' voluntary freedom of association.
- Compensate our employees to enable them to meet, at least, their basic needs and provide the opportunity to improve their skills and capability in order to raise their social and economic opportunities.
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace, protect human health and the environment, and promote sustainable development.
- Promote fair competition, uphold the highest standard in business ethics and integrity and not offer, pay or accept bribes.
Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics can be downloaded from www.autoliv.com.
The Code applies to all operations and all employees worldwide. The Autoliv president in each country is responsible for communicating the Code to the employees.
Our Code is also an integrated part of the Autoliv Supplier Manual (ASM). All new and existing suppliers are required to sign an acknowledgement letter where they confirm that they will comply with the ASM-requirements, including the Code.
COMPLIANCE MONITORING Each Autoliv country president, business director and certain other managers are obliged to report violations to our codes and other regulations. It is a standing heading in their monthly letters to the Autoliv CEO. In addition, our employees are encouraged to report any violation of law or Autoliv codes. It can be done anonymously by using a special "hotline".
We have also initiated a self-assessment review of Autoliv facilities. This study assesses the compliance with and the standards of working conditions, work hours, work rules, work practices, health & safety status, union representation, wages & salaries, benefits and insurance coverage.
Almost every second Autoliv associate works in a low-cost country and we have the strategy to continue to expand in these countries. We therefore started this Social Responsibility Assessment in the low-cost countries where Autoliv has operations.
The results are satisfying and show that all our plants in these emerging markets maintain overall good standards and practices. We will continue the assessment this year in high-cost countries.
Our leading suppliers are monitored as part of our regular quality audits of them.
ENVIRONMENT Our environmental management goes beyond the legal requirements, since recyclable and environmentally friendly products are a competitive tool in the automotive industry.
Most of our products are produced from steel and other metals, or plastics and other oil-based materials. The products are installed in vehicles where their weight will affect the fuel consumption and emissions during the long life of the vehicle. Our products could also affect the environment when the vehicle is scrapped, if due attention is not paid to the material selection. As a result, we focus on all phases of a product's life, and not only on the manufacturing phase that, in our case, is the phase that has the least environmental impact.
Before Manufacturing The most important contribution we can make to the environment is to redesign and develop low weight environmentally friendly safety systems. In 2006, we introduced a side curtain airbag that has 38% less weight than the first curtain airbag which was introduced in 1998.
Our latest passenger airbag has 25% less weight than the previous product generation which, in turn, was 30% lighter than its predecessor. These two examples alone save 10,000 tons annually (mainly steel) and lead to a corresponding environmental improvement in our supply chain.
We also work closely with our suppliers in several other respects and encourage them to implement an international environmental management standard, preferably ISO 14001. We also require them to adhere to our environmental policy.
Internal Improvements It is our policy that every Autoliv facility be certified according to ISO 14001. The few remaining non-certified plants are essentially new manufacturing facilities that have not yet been certified.
We continuously monitor a number of other environmental indicators such as energy and water consumption and emissions. All values are low. For instance, the level of emission (measured in relation to sales) of the "green house gas" carbon dioxide is four to five times less than for an average engineering company and our level is comparable to a bank or a service company. We therefore focus on reducing freight and packaging materials, where we have the highest savings potentials.
After Delivery We actively support our customers in their environmental programs. We are, for instance, represented in the Ford Supplier Sustainability Forum together with ten other leading Ford suppliers who have a track record of being at the forefront of environmental management.
The most significant contribution we can make to our customers' environmental targets is to continue to reduce the weight of our products, thereby reducing vehicles' energy consumption and emission. This will help meet the vehicle industry's new commitment that carbon dioxide emissions in Europe should be reduced by 30% in new vehicles. The European directive End of Life of Vehicle (ELV) requires that 85% of material in all new vehicle models should be recoverable by 2006 and 95% should be recoverable by 2015.
Although the ELV does not specify recovery levels for individual car components but only states the recovery levels for the whole vehicle, we will make sure that our products will contribute to meeting these standards.
The EU-directive also bans the use of hazardous substances such as lead. During 2006, Autoliv completed its multi-year program to phase out lead from its igniters for airbags. Some older igniters contained small quantities of lead (less than one-hundredth of a gram).
For selecting and controlling of all materials in our products, Autoliv register all materials and substances in an internal global database.
At the end of 2006, 88% of Autoliv's facilities had been certified to ISO 14001, an international environmental management standard. These facilities account for almost 100% of consolidated sales. Virtually all of the non-certified facilities are new plants that have not been certified yet.
The weight of Autoliv's side curtain airbag has been reduced with every new product generation. Not only has this saved cost, but it improves the environment both in our supply chain and when the vehicles are used due to less fuel consumption and emissions.
Quality - A Key to our Profitability
Our products never get a second chance. We must deliver flawless products and still meet the tough price conditions in the automotive industry. Achieving superior quality, while reducing scrap rates and other costs, is therefore key to our profitability.
"NO SPILLS ALLOWED" Superior quality is a "must" for a reliable, worldclass supplier of safety systems. It affects our ability to win new orders, as well as impacting our margins through scrap and other related costs.
For these reasons, we are committed to a "zero defect" principle that emphasizes proactive methods aimed at eliminating root causes, rather than screening out non-conforming products at the end of the manufacturing line.
All new products must pass five checkpoints in Autoliv's Product Development System APDS: Project planning, Concept definition, Product and process development, Product and process validation, and Product launch. In this way, we proactively prevent problems and ensure we deliver only the best designs to the market.
Equally important is the training of our employees. Emphasis is placed on ensuring that all team members are aware of and understand the critical connection between them and our life-saving products.
Autoliv's Quality System prevents bad parts from entering our plants, and eliminates bad intermediate products as early as possible. Our manufacturing lines are equipped with sensors, cameras and other instruments, at selected critical stations, for detecting errors as early as possible.
As a supplement, we maintain an advanced product traceability system. Should there be a suspected problem, we are capable of tracing the issue to the vehicle level. This means that vehicle owners can rest assured that necessary actions will be taken without delay, which contributes to increasing the confidence people place in our safety systems.
FLAWLESS PRODUCTS AND DELIVERIES Reported quality deviations very rarely affect the performance of our products. Virtually all deviations are due to other tough requirements, such as flawless labeling, precise delivery of the right parts at the right moment, as well as correct color nuance and surface texture on steering wheels and other products where the "look and feel" is important to the car buyer.
We register all deviations and include them in our quality measure PPM (Parts Per Million). The highest level accepted by our customers is 10 PPM. This represents one non-conforming part per hundred thousand delivered.
To give an idea of how tough this target is, it could be compared to the number of days since 1750, i.e. before, for instance, the founding of the United States. Ten PPM would require that there not be one single bad day in more than 250 years.
Certification Excellence At the end of 2006, over 90% of Autoliv's facilities were certified to the automotive quality standard ISO/TS 16949. These facilities represented 98% of consolidated sales. This is as close to 100% as we could get, since we are continuously opening new plants. During 2006, Autoliv received several awards from customers, including this Supplier Award for Achievement in Project Management from Toyota.
Management's Discussion and Analysis