Security Division. Through our Security division, we provide security screening products and services globally, as well as turnkey security screening solutions. These products and services are used to inspect baggage, parcels, cargo, people, vehicles and other objects for weapons, explosives, drugs, radioactive and nuclear materials and other contraband. Revenues from our Security division accounted for 65% and 53% of our total consolidated revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2019 and 2020, respectively. We were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as discussed in the “Trends and Uncertainties-Coronavirus Pandemic” section below.
Healthcare Division. Through our Healthcare division, we design, manufacture, market and service patient monitoring, diagnostic cardiology, and connected care systems globally for sale primarily to hospitals and medical centers. Our products monitor patients in critical, emergency and perioperative care areas of the hospital and provide information, through wired and wireless networks, to physicians and nurses who may be at the patient’s bedside, in another area of the hospital or even outside the hospital. Revenues from our Healthcare division accounted for 14% and 20% of our total consolidated revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2019 and 2020, respectively.
Optoelectronics and Manufacturing Division. Through our Optoelectronics and Manufacturing division, we design, manufacture and market optoelectronic devices and flex circuits and provide electronics manufacturing services globally for use in a broad range of applications, including aerospace and defense electronics, security and inspection systems, medical imaging and diagnostics, telecommunications, office automation, computer peripherals, industrial automation, and consumer products. We also provide our optoelectronic devices and electronics manufacturing services to OEM customers, and our own Security and Healthcare divisions. Revenues from external customers in our Optoelectronics and Manufacturing division accounted for 21% and 27% of our total consolidated revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2019 and 2020, respectively.
Trends and Uncertainties
The following is a discussion of certain trends and uncertainties that we believe have influenced, and may continue to influence, our results of operations.
Coronavirus Pandemic. The coronavirus disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) pandemic has dramatically impacted the global health and economic environment, with millions of confirmed cases, business slowdowns and shutdowns, and market volatility. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused, and is likely to continue to cause, significant economic disruptions and has impacted, and is expected to continue to impact, our operations and the operations of our suppliers and customers as a result of quarantines, facility closures and travel and logistics restrictions. While we do not expect these impacts to be long-term, there is substantial uncertainty regarding the duration and ultimate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our Healthcare division has experienced increased demand for certain products as a result of COVID-19. In our Security division, toward the end of fiscal 2020 and early fiscal 2021, receipt of certain orders was delayed, most notably with respect to our aviation and cargo products. Our service revenues were also adversely impacted as a result of the pandemic. However, during the second half of our first fiscal 2021 quarter, bookings began to accelerate. As many of our customers in both our Security and Optoelectronics and Manufacturing divisions are being impacted by the pandemic, we have received and could receive further requests to delay deliveries of equipment and modify service arrangements or the scheduling of factory or site acceptance tests, which could impact timing of revenue recognition. In addition, as a result of COVID-19 related government regulations, certain of our global manufacturing facilities have had to limit operations and could have to limit operations in the future. If these business interruptions resulting from COVID-19 were to be prolonged or expanded in scope, our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows would be materially and adversely impacted. We intend to continue to actively monitor the situation and may take actions that alter our business operations as may be required by federal, state or local authorities or that we determine are in our best interests and the best interests of our employees, suppliers and customers.
Global Economic Considerations. In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, other global macroeconomic factors, coupled with the U.S. political climate, have created uncertainty and impacted demand for certain of our products and services. We do not know how long this uncertainty will continue. These factors could have a material negative effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition.
Global Trade. In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, the current domestic and international political environment, including in relation to recent and further potential changes by the U.S. and other countries in policies on global trade and tariffs, have resulted in uncertainty surrounding the future state of the global economy and global trade. This uncertainty is exacerbated by sanctions imposed by the U.S. government against certain businesses and individuals in select countries. Continued or increased uncertainty regarding global trade due to these or other factors may require us to modify our current business practices and could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition.