Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Consolidated Statements of Fina
- Consolidated Statements of Inco
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Chan
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- 1 Operations
- 2 Concessions and Authorization
- 3 Basis of Preparation
- 4 Significant Accounting Polici
- 5 Cash and Cash Equivalents
- 6 Bonds and Securities
- 7 Trade Accounts Receivable
- 8 CRC Transferred to the Parana
- 9 Net Sectorial Financial Asset
- 10 Accounts Receivables - Conce
- 11 Contract Assets
- 12 Other Receivables
- 13 Taxes
- 14 Prepaid Expenses
- 15 Judicial Deposits
- 16 Investments
- 17 Property, Plant and Equipmen
- 18 Intangible assets
- 19 Payroll, Social Charges and
- 20 Accounts Payable to Supplier
- 21 Loans and Financing
- 22 Debentures
- 23 Post-employment Benefits
- 24 Sectorial Charges Payable
- 25 Research and Development and
- 26 Accounts Payable Related to
- 27 Right-of-use asset and lease
- 28 Other Accounts Payable
- 29 Provisions for Legal Claims
- 30 Equity
- 31 Net Operating Revenue
- 32 Operating Costs and Expenses
- 33 Financial Results
- 34 Operating Segments
- 35 Financial Instruments
- 36 Related Party Transactions
- 37 Commitments
- 38 Insurance
- 39 Additional information to th
- 40.Assets held for sale and dis
- 41 Subsequent events
- 42 Condensed individual financi
- 4 Significant Accounting Poli_2
- 1 Operations (Tables)
- 2 Concessions and Authorizati_2
- 3 Basis of Preparation (Tables)
- 5 Cash and Cash Equivalents (Ta
- 6 Bonds and Securities (Tables)
- 7 Trade Accounts Receivables (T
- 8 CRC Transferred to the Para_2
- 9 Net Sectorial Financial Ass_2
- 10 Accounts Receivable Concessi
- 11 Contract Assets (Tables)
- 12 Other Receivables (Tables)
- 13 Taxes (Tables)
- 14 Prepaid Expenses (Tables)
- 15 Judicial Deposits (Tables)
- 16 Investiments (Tables)
- 17. Property, Plant and Equipme
- 18 Intangible Assets (Tables)
- 19 Payroll, Social Charges an_2
- 20 Accounts payable to suppli_2
- 21 Loans and Financing (Tables)
- 22 Debentures (Tables)
- 23 Post-Employment Benefits (Ta
- 24 Sectorial Charges Payable (T
- 25 Research and Development a_2
- 26 Accounts Payable Related t_2
- 27 Right-of-use asset and lea_2
- 28 Other Accounts Payable (Tabl
- 29 Provisions for Legal Claim_2
- 30 Equity (Tables)
- 31 Net Operating Revenue (Table
- 32 Operating Costs and Expens_2
- 33 Financial Results (Tables)
- 34 Operating Segments (Tables)
- 35 Financial Instruments (Table
- 36 Related Party Transactions (
- 37 Commitments (Tables)
- 38 Insurance (Tables)
- 40 Assets held for sale and dis
- 42 Condensed individual finan_2
- 1 Operations (Details)
- 1 Operations (Details 1)
- 1 Operations (Details 2)
- 1 Operations (Details 3)
- 1 Operations (Details 4)
- 1 Operations (Details Narrative
- 2 Concessions and Authorizati_3
- 2 Concessions and Authorizati_4
- 2 Concessions and Authorizati_5
- 2 Concessions and Authorizati_6
- 3 Basis of Preparation (Details
- 3 Basis of Preparation (Detai_2
- 4 Significant Accounting Poli_3
- 5 Cash and Cash Equivalents (De
- 5 Cash and Cash Equivalents (_2
- 6 Bonds and Securities (Details
- 6 Bonds and Securities (Detai_2
- 7 Trade Accounts Receivable (De
- 7 Trade Accounts Receivable (_2
- 7 Trade Accounts Receivable (_3
- 8 CRC Transferred to the Para_3
- 8 CRC Transferred to the Para_4
- 8 CRC Transferred to the Para_5
- 9 Net Sectorial Financial Ass_3
- 9 Net Sectorial Financial Ass_4
- 10 Accounts Receivables - Con_2
- 10 Accounts Receivables - Con_3
- 10 Accounts Receivables - Con_4
- 10 Accounts Receivables - Con_5
- 10 Accounts Receivables - Con_6
- 10 Accounts Receivables - Con_7
- 11 Contract assets (Details)
- 11 Contract assets (Details 1)
- 11 Contract assets (Details 2)
- 11 Contract assets (Details Nar
- 12 Other Receivables (Details)
- 12 Other Receivables (Details N
- 13 Taxes (Details)
- 13 Taxes (Details 1)
- 13 Taxes (Details 2)
- 13 Taxes (Details 3)
- 13 Taxes (Details 4)
- 13 Taxes (Details 5)
- 13 Taxes (Details Narrative)
- 14 Prepaid Expenses (Details)
- 14 Prepaid Expenses (Details 1)
- 14 Prepaid Expenses (Details 2)
- 14 Prepaid Expenses (Details Na
- 15 Judicial Deposits (Details)
- 16 Investments (Details)
- 16 Investments (Details 1)
- 16 Investments (Details 2)
- 16 Investments (Details 3)
- 16 Investments (Details 4)
- 16 Investments (Details Narrati
- 17 Property, Plant and Equipm_2
- 17 Property, Plant and Equipm_3
- 17 Property, Plant and Equipm_4
- 17 Property, Plant and Equipm_5
- 17 Property, Plant and Equipm_6
- 17 Property, Plant and Equipm_7
- 17 Property, Plant and Equipm_8
- 17 Property, Plant and Equipm_9
- 18 Intangible assets (Details)
- 18 Intangible assets (Details 1
- 19 Payroll, Social Charges an_3
- 20 Accounts Payable to Suppli_3
- 21 Loans and Financing (Details
- 21 Loans and Financing (Detai_2
- 21 Loans and Financing (Detai_3
- 21 Loans and Financing (Detai_4
- 21 Loans and Financing (Detai_5
- 21 Loans and Financing (Detai_6
- 22 Debentures (Details)
- 22 Debentures (Details 1)
- 22 Debentures (Details 2)
- 22 Debentures (Details 3)
- 23 Post-employment Benefits (De
- 23 Post-employment Benefits (_2
- 23 Post-employment Benefits (_3
- 23 Post-employment Benefits (_4
- 23 Post-employment Benefits (_5
- 23 Post-employment Benefits (_6
- 23 Post-employment Benefits (_7
- 23 Post-employment Benefits (_8
- 23 Post-employment Benefits (_9
- 23 Post-employment Benefits _10
- 23 Post-employment Benefits _11
- 23 Post-employment Benefits _12
- 23 Post-employment Benefits _13
- 23 Post-employment Benefits _14
- 23 Post-employment Benefits _15
- 24 Sectorial Charges Payable (D
- 25 Research and Development a_3
- 25 Research and Development a_4
- 26 Accounts Payable Related t_3
- 26 Accounts Payable Related t_4
- 26 Accounts Payable Related t_5
- 27 Right-of-use asset and lea_3
- 27 Right-of-use asset and lea_4
- 27 Right-of-use asset and lea_5
- 27 Right-of-use asset and lea_6
- 27 Right-of-use asset and lea_7
- 27 Right-of-use asset and lea_8
- 28 Other Accounts Payable (Deta
- 29 Provisions for Legal Claim_3
- 29 Provisions for Legal Claim_4
- 30 Equity (Details)
- 30 Equity (Details 1)
- 30 Equity (Details 2)
- 30 Equity (Details 3)
- 30 Equity (Details Narrative)
- 31 Net Operating Revenue (Detai
- 31 Net Operating Revenue (Det_2
- 31 Net Operating Revenue (Det_3
- 31 Net Operating Revenue (Det_4
- 31 Net Operating Revenue (Det_5
- 31 Net Operating Revenue (Det_6
- 31 Net Operating Revenue (Det_7
- 32 Operating Costs and Expens_3
- 32 Operating Costs and Expens_4
- 32 Operating Costs and Expens_5
- 32 Operating Costs and Expens_6
- 32 Operating Costs and Expens_7
- 32 Operating Costs and Expens_8
- 32 Operating Costs and Expens_9
- 32 Operating Costs and Expen_10
- 33 Financial Results (Details)
- 34 Operating Segments (Details)
- 34 Operating Segments (Details
- 34 Operating Segments (Detail_2
- 35 Financial Instruments (Detai
- 35 Financial Instruments (Det_2
- 35 Financial Instruments (Det_3
- 35 Financial Instruments (Det_4
- 35 Financial Instruments (Det_5
- 35 Financial Instruments (Det_6
- 35 Financial Instruments (Det_7
- 35 Financial Instruments (Det_8
- 35 Financial Instruments (Det_9
- 35 Financial Instruments (De_10
- 35 Financial Instruments (De_11
- 35 Financial Instruments (De_12
- 35 Financial Instruments (De_13
- 36 Related Party Transactions_2
- 36 Related Party Transactions_3
- 36 Related Party Transactions_4
- 36 Related Party Transactions_5
- 37 Commitments (Details)
- 38 Insurance (Details)
- 38 Insurance (Details Narrative
- 39 Additional information to _2
- 40 Assets held for sale and d_2
- 40 Assets held for sale and d_3
- 40 Assets held for sale and d_4
- 40 Assets held for sale and d_5
- 41 Subsequent events (Details N
- 42 Condensed individual finan_3
- 42 Condensed individual finan_4
- 42 Condensed individual finan_5
- 42 Condensed individual finan_6
- 42 Condensed individual finan_7
- 42 Condensed individual finan_8
- 42 Condensed individual finan_9
- 42 Condensed individual fina_10
- 42 Condensed individual fina_11
- 42 Condensed individual fina_12
- 42 Condensed individual fina_13