| | otherwise deal in all kinds of equipment, apparatus, plant, machinery, appliances, articles, furniture, things, accessories, components, fittings, tools, materials, substances, products, systems, computers, computer programs and software which are required or are likely to be required by the company for the purposes of, or in connection with, any of its businesses, or by other persons, or which in the opinion of the directors may be conveniently or advantageously dealt with by the company in connection or association with any of its objects or the objects of any of its subsidiaries. |
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| (16) | To purchase, charter, lease, take or let on hire, operate, use, employ or turn to account, build, equip, service, repair, maintain, supply and deal in ships and vessels and craft of every description (including, without limitation, submersible craft), hovercraft, motor vehicles, aircraft, airships, railway locomotives, wagons, trucks and any means of transport and parts and accessories of all kinds for any of the same. |
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| (17) | To enter into, carry on and participate in financial transactions and operations of all kinds and to undertake, carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, trading, trust, agency and other operations, including, without limitation, acting as agents for the collection, receipt or payment of money. |
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| (18) | To establish, acquire, produce, transmit, broadcast, publish, print and reproduce in any form whatsoever (including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, visual or audible form and forms capable of being used by, in, or in connection with, computers), and to buy, sell, supply and otherwise deal in brochures, manuals, journals, periodicals, magazines., newspapers, books, pictures, photographs, stationery and other documents, sound and visual recordings, tapes, films, and programmes for radio, television, cinema and other means of communication. |
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| (19) | To carry on any other business or activity which the directors consider is, or may be capable of being carried on directly or indirectly for the benefit of the company. |
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| (20) | To acquire by any means and hold and deal with any real or personal property or rights whatsoever and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, to purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire and hold any real property and any estate or interest in such property, including, without limitation any lands, buildings, installations, structures, servitudes, easements, rights, privileges and concessions and to exploit and develop the same. |
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| (21) | To explore for, acquire and exploit natural resources, lands, claims, wells, mines, minerals, mineral, drilling and mining rights, exploration and production rights, and interests of all descriptions in or relating to the same. |
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| (22) | To further the conservation, enhancement and appreciation of features of the natural and physical environment. |