Condition H was substituted by paragraph 10 of a Modification dated 10 March 2005, coming into effect on 1 April 2005.
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1. In this Condition "supply pipe" means that part of the service pipe for which the owner is responsible.
2. The Appointee shall within two months after the transfer date prepare and submit to the Director for his approval a Code of Practice concerning liability for charges of domestic customers occupying metered premises where there is an unidentified leak on the supply pipe. The Code shall contain information as to the procedures described in paragraph 8 and such other information as the Appointee considers appropriate.
3. The Appointee shall, not less frequently than once every three years and if and whenever requested to do so by the Director but not more frequently than once a year, review the Code and the manner in which it has been operated, with a view to determining whether any modification should be made to it or the manner of its operation.
4. In carrying out any review of, or making any substantive revision of, the Code or its operation (whether under paragraph 3 or otherwise) the Appointee shall consult the Customer Service Committee and shall consider any representations made by it about the Code or the manner in which it is likely to be or, as the case may be, has been operated.
5. The Appointee shall submit to the Director for his approval any revision of the Code which, after consulting the Customer Service Committee if so required under paragraph 4, it wishes to make.
6. The Appointee shall make such modifications to the Code and any revision of the Code as the Director, after prior consultation with the Appointee, may specify within two months of the date on which the Code or, as the case may be, the relevant revision is submitted to him under paragraph 2 or, as the case may be, under paragraph 5 as a condition of approving the Code under paragraph 2, or, as the case may be, approving any revision of the Code under paragraph 5, being such modifications as in the Director's opinion are necessary to ensure that the Code contains the information required by paragraph 2. The Director's approval shall be deemed to have been given if, within the said period of two months, he shall not have specified any such modifications to the Code or, as the case may be, the relevant revision.
7. The Appointee shall:
| (1) send a copy of the Code and each revision of it (in each case in the form approved, or deemed approved, by the Director) to the Customer Service Committee; |
| |
| (2) with every demand for payment of charges which are fixed by reference to volume, draw the attention of domestic customers to the existence of the Code in its latest form and how they may inspect or obtain a copy; |
| |
| (3) make a copy of the Code in its latest form available for inspection at each Relevant Premises; and |
| |
| (4) send a copy of the Code in its latest form free of charge to any person requesting it. |
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8.1 The Appointee shall follow the procedures described in this paragraph.
8.2 At the time when a meter is installed, the Appointee shall check the supply pipe between the meter and the customer's tap to establish if there are significant leaks in that pipe. Where as a result of that check a leak is detected in the supply pipe which can be repaired without additional excavation at the time the meter is installed the Appointee shall repair the leak at the Appointee's expense. Where as a result of that check a leak is detected which cannot be repaired without additional excavation, the Appointee shall notify the customer of the leak and ask the customer to repair it at the customer's expense. If the customer then fails to repair the leak, the Appointee shall be entitled to treat any subsequent loss of water as consumption by the customer and to charge the customer accordingly.
8.3 Subject to sub-paragraph 8.2, where, after a meter has been installed, a subsequent meter reading indicates that a customer has an abnormally high consumption which could be due to an undetected leak in the supply pipe, then if a leak is subsequently discovered the Appointee shall make an adjustment to the customer's measured charges provided that the customer (or the owner responsible for the supply pipe) carries out the necessary remedial work at the customer's, or as the case may be, the owner's direction and expense within a reasonable period of time specified by the Appointee. The Appointee shall not be required to make such an adjustment in the event of a subsequent leak or where a leak has been caused through the negligence of the customer (or the owner responsible for the supply pipe) or their respective agents or where the customer knew or ought to have known that there was a leak and failed to repair it.
8.4 Where the Appointee is required to make an adjustment to the customer's measured charges under sub-paragraph 8.3, the adjustment shall be based upon the customer's past normal consumption. Where there is no record of past consumption, the adjustment shall be based upon typical usage for property of a similar type and the customer's measured charges shall be further adjusted if the customer's subsequent actual usage is significantly different.
8.5 Where the Appointee is required to make an adjustment to a customer's measured charges for water supply under this paragraph it shall make a similar adjustment to the customer's measured charges for sewerage services, provided that where sewerage services are provided in relation to the same premises by a different undertaker then the Appointee shall inform that undertaker as soon as reasonably practicable that the Appointee is required to make such an adjustment to the customer's measured charges for water supply and of the basis on which the adjustment has been, or will be, made.
8.6 Where the Appointee is informed by any water undertaker that it is required to make an adjustment to a customer's measured charges for a supply of water to any premises in relation to which the Appointee provides sewerage services the Appointee shall make an adjustment to the customer's measured charges for sewerage services on a basis similar to that made by that water undertaker.
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Part I. Levels of Service information
1. Provision of Information
1.1 The Appointee shall in respect of each Charging Year, starting with the Charging Year commencing on 1st April 1990, furnish Information to the Director once in each Charging Year in respect of the matters specified in, and otherwise in accordance with, Appendix A to the letter entitled "Levels of Service" dated 21st August 1989 from the Secretary of State to the Water Authority ("the Levels of Service Letter")*.
1.2 Where the Director is satisfied that the provision of Information in respect of the matters specified in Appendix A to the Levels of Service Letter is inadequate to enable him properly to keep the quality of the services provided by the Appointee in the course of the Appointed Business ("Services") under review the Director may, subject to prior consultation with the Appointee, by notice to the Appointee vary the matters specified in that Appendix in respect of which Information is to be furnished under sub-paragraph 1.1 in a manner which is reasonable having regard to the Director's duties under sub- sections (1) and (2) of section 26 and thereafter the Appointee shall in respect of each Charging Year furnish Information to the Director in respect of those matters as so varied. The Director may, subject as aforesaid, make variations from time to time under this sub-paragraph and references in this sub-paragraph to the matters specified in Appendix A to the Levels of Service Letter shall be read and construed as though they were references to the matters specified in Appendix A as varied from time to time.
1.3 Where the Director considers it requisite or expedient for the purpose of deciding whether to make an application to the Secretary of State under section 38 or 68 (and, if so, what provisions should be set out in the application) or to require the Appointee to notify a Service Target under sub-paragraph 3.2 the Appointee shall furnish to the Director:
| (1) such further Information as the Director reasonably requires in respect of the quality of Services; and |
| |
| (2) Information in respect of the quality of Services in respect of any reasonable period other than a Charging Year and/or more frequently than once in a Charging Year (but not more frequently than is reasonable) as may be specified by the Director. Such Information, at the Appointee's option, may consist of updating Information previously furnished to the Director under sub-paragraph 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3(1). |
1.4 In this Condition references to the quality of Services shall include references to the manner in which the Appointee carries out the Regulated Activities.
2. Reports, certificates etc
Information furnished to the Director by the Appointee under paragraph 1 (other than under sub-paragraph 1.3) and, where the Director so requires, Information furnished to him by the Appointee under that sub-paragraph, ("Levels of Service Information") shall be accompanied by:
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| (1) a report, signed by or on behalf of the Appointee, containing such information as the Director may reasonably specify as to the methods used, and the steps taken, by the Appointee for the purpose of monitoring, assessing and reporting on the matters in respect of which Levels of Service Information has been furnished; and |
| |
| (2) a statement, signed by or on behalf of the Appointee, of the reasons why, and the extent to which, (if such be the case) the quality of any Services shall have been such that any standard by reference to which Levels of Service Information has been furnished shall not have been met. The statement shall include, without limitation, information as to the categories of persons to whom those Services have been so provided or who have been affected by the carrying on of the Appointed Business in that manner and their geographical distribution. |
Part II Service Targets
3. Setting of Service Targets by the Appointee
3.1 The Appointee shall once in each Charging Year, starting with the Charging Year commencing on 1st April 1990, notify the Director of its intentions as to the quality of such Services as are specified in Appendix B to the Levels of Service Letter in respect of each Charging Year falling within the period beginning at the start of the Charging Year in which the notification falls to be given and ending on the expiry of such number of Charging Years as is specified in that Appendix and otherwise in accordance with the procedures specified in that Appendix.
3.2 Where the Director considers it requisite or expedient for the purpose of enabling him properly to keep the quality of Services under review the Director may require the Appointee to notify him of its intentions as to the quality of such other Services in accordance with such requirements as the Director may reasonably specify.
3.3 The Appointee's intentions shall be expressed in any notification under sub- paragraph 3.1 or 3.2 as a target (a "Service Target") for achievement by such date or over such period or at such times during such period as may be specified in Appendix B to the Levels of Service Letter or, as the case may be, as the Director may have specified when he requires the Appointee to notify him of its intentions under sub-paragraph 3.2 and in respect of the whole or such part of the Area as may be specified in the said Appendix B or, as the case may be, as the Director may have so specified and so as to be capable of verification in accordance with this Condition.
4. Monitoring of Service Targets
The Appointee shall keep under review during each Charging Year the quality of Services as compared with any relevant Service Target notified by it to the Director under paragraph 3 as a target for achievement during that Charging Year or by a date or at a time during that Charging Year or over a period including that Charging Year. For this purpose the Appointee shall take such steps to monitor and assess the quality of Services as may be necessary to enable such comparison to be made and to enable the Appointee to make the report referred to in paragraph 5.
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5. Reporting on Service Targets
5.1 The Appointee shall furnish to the Director a written report (a "Service Target Report") as to the quality of Services as compared with any relevant Service Target.
5.2 A Service Target Report shall include:
| (1) all such Information as in the opinion of the Appointee is necessary to provide a proper explanation of the Report and of the quality of Services as compared with any relevant Service Target; |
| |
| (2) a statement of the methods used by the Appointee to keep the quality of Services under review in accordance with paragraph 4 and the steps taken by it to monitor and assess the quality of Services in accordance with that paragraph; and |
| |
| (3) if a Service Target in respect of foul flooding has been notified by the Appointee to the Director relating to the Charging Year in respect of which the relevant Service Target Report is furnished, a statement as to the Appointee's practice in dealing with claims arising out of loss or damage alleged to have been caused by foul flooding. |
5.3 Without prejudice to the generality of sub-paragraph 5.2, a Service Target Report may include a statement of:
| (1) any matters which, in the opinion of the Appointee, will or may result in the Appointee being unable to achieve any Service Target or which have resulted in the Appointee being unable to achieve any Service Target to the extent that it was expressed in the notification to the Director under paragraph 4 to be a target for achievement during the relevant Charging Year or by a date or at a time during that Charging Year; |
| |
| (2) any matters which have made it impossible for the Appointee to ascertain, either at all or with reasonable accuracy, whether or not any Service Target has been, or is likely to be, achieved; and |
| |
| (3) any exceptional matters or matters out of the ordinary course and in each case outside the reasonable control of the Appointee which have affected the quality of any Services and which could fairly be said to render or to have rendered the achievement of any Service Target substantially more onerous. |
5.4 The Appointee may also specify in a Service Target Report any revision of any Service Target which the Appointee has determined to make having regard to any matters included in that Service Target Report, including, without limitation, such matters as are referred to in sub-paragraph 5.3. Such revision may be, without limitation, as to the date by, or the period over, or the times at, which during any period the relevant Service Target was intended to be achieved, or the part of the Area in respect of which the relevant Service Target was intended to be achieved. Any such revised Service Target is hereinafter referred to as a "Revised Service Target". Paragraphs 4, 5 (including this sub-paragraph) and 6 to 13 inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to any Revised Service Target.
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5.5 The Appointee shall once in each Charging Year furnish a Service Target Report to the Director in respect of that Charging Year, provided that, if the Director considers it requisite or expedient for the purpose of deciding whether to make an application to the Secretary of State under section 38 or 68 (and, if so, what provisions should be set out in the application) the Appointee shall furnish a Service Target Report more frequently (but not more frequently than is reasonable).
6. Measures to achieve Service Targets
Where, following receipt by the Director of any Service Target Report, he considers it requisite or expedient for the purpose of deciding whether to make an application to the Secretary of State under section 38 or 68 (and, if so, what provisions should be set out in the application), the Appointee shall furnish to the Director in writing within such reasonable period as the Director may specify such further Information as the Director may reasonably require, including, but not limited to, Information as to:
| (1) the respective measures required to be taken to achieve any Service Target and the respective costs of such measures (and, where more than one measure is available, whether or not subject to the expenditure of money, the Appointee shall give details of the alternative measures); and |
| |
| (2) the measures being taken or proposed to be taken to achieve any Service Target. |
Part III. Certification and Verification of Information
7. Levels of Service Information and Service Target Reports required to be furnished once in each Charging Year shall be accompanied by a certificate, signed by the Auditors (or by such other person as the Director may approve, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) stating whether, in their opinion, the relevant Levels of Service Information and Information contained in the relevant Service Target Report has been ascertained by the use of the methods and the taking of the steps which the Appointee has informed the Director it has used and taken and whether, in their opinion, the methods used and the steps taken are adequate for the purpose of ascertaining that Levels of Service Information and the Information contained in that Service Target Report. To the extent that Levels of Service Information and a Service Target Report contain the same Information and are furnished at the same time only one certificate need be provided under this paragraph. Levels of Service Information and Service Target Reports furnished in accordance with any requirement of the Director under sub-paragraph 1.3 or sub- paragraph 5.5 shall also be accompanied by a like certificate if the Director so requires.
8. The Appointee shall co-operate fully with the Director in any investigation of:
| (1) the accuracy and sufficiency of any Information furnished by the Appointee to the Director under this Condition; |
| |
| (2) the methods used and steps taken by the Appointee to ascertain any such Information; and |
| |
| (3) whether any Service Target has been achieved |
which the Director may carry out for the purpose of deciding whether to make an application to the Secretary of State under section 38 or 68.
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9. Such co-operation shall include, without limitation:
| (1) subject to reasonable prior notice to the Appointee, giving to the Director access at reasonable hours to any Relevant Plant and to any premises occupied by the Appointee in relation to carrying out the Regulated Activities; and |
| |
| (2) subject to reasonable prior notice to the Appointee, allowing the Director at reasonable hours: |
| |
| | (a) to inspect and make photocopies of, and take extracts from, any books and records of the Appointee maintained in relation to the Appointed Business; |
| | |
| | (b) to carry out inspections, measurements and tests on or in relation to any such premises or Relevant Plant; and |
| | |
| | (c) to take on to or in to any such premises or Relevant Plant such other persons and such equipment as may be necessary for the purpose of such investigation. |
10. Nothing in paragraphs 8 and 9 shall require the Appointee:
| (1) to do anything which is outside its reasonable control; or |
| |
| (2) to do, or to allow the Director to do, anything which would materially disrupt the Appointee's business (unless it is essential for the purposes of the investigation that that thing be done). |
11. The Appointee shall not be liable to the Director for any loss or damage to persons or property which arises out of the Director having such access or doing any such thing as is mentioned in paragraphs 8 and 9 except to the extent that such loss or damage is caused by the Appointee's negligence or wilful default.
12. In paragraphs 9, 10 and 11:
| (1) references to the Director include references to his employees and agents; and |
| |
| (2) "Relevant Plant" means any plant used by the Appointee for the purpose of the Appointed Business including, without limitation, water mains, sewers and other pipes and their accessories. |
Part IV. Publication of Information
13. Unless the Director otherwise consents in writing (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld) pursuant to an application to him in that behalf by the Appointee when the relevant Information and Reports are furnished to the Director under this Condition the Appointee shall:
| (1) draw the attention of customers to the existence of Levels of Service Information (excluding any report or statement furnished under paragraph 2) and Service Target Reports furnished to the Director under this Condition in respect of a Charging Year; |
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| (2) make a copy of the most recent Levels of Service Information (excluding any report or statement furnished under paragraph 2) and Service Target Report available for inspection at each Relevant Premises; and |
| |
| (3) send a copy of the most recent Levels of Service Information (excluding any report or statement furnished under paragraph 2) and Service Target Report to any person requesting it. |
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1. Introduction
The purposes of this Condition are to ensure:
| (1) that the Appointee retains sufficient rights and assets for the purpose described in sub-paragraph 3.1; and |
| |
| (2) that the best price is received from disposals of land to which this Condition applies so as to secure benefits to customers through the application of the proceeds of such disposals to reduce charges as provided in, and subject to the provisions of, Condition B. |
2. Interpretation and Construction
2.1 In this Condition and for the purposes of this Condition:
| a "Disposal Certificate" means a certificate signed by all the directors of the Appointee for the time being or approved by a duly convened meeting of the board of directors of the Appointee for the time being and signed by a director or the secretary of the Appointee confirming that it has been so approved and having attached to it a certified copy of an extract of the minutes of the relevant meeting containing the resolution to approve the certificate; |
| |
| "formal tender" means a tender, acceptance of which creates a binding obligation to purchase; |
| |
| "land" includes any interest or right in or over any land; |
| |
| "the Materiality Amount" for the purpose of any disposal of land is |
| |
| or such greater amount as may from time to time be determined by the Director so as to allow for movements in the Retail Prices Index or as may from time to time otherwise be determined by the Director and approved by the Secretary of State; |
| |
| "nominee" of any person includes any person acting at the direction of, or in concert with, that first-mentioned person or pursuant to any agreement or understanding with that first-mentioned person; |
| |
| a "proposed disposal" is any such disposal to which paragraph 4, 5 or 6 applies; |
| |
| "protected land" and "disposal" have the meanings respectively given to them in section 189 and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly; |
| |
| "Short-term Disposal" means a disposal which consists of the creation of any interest or right in or over protected land which the Appointee has an unconditional right to terminate without penalty at any time and from time to time by not more than thirty months' notice or which expires or otherwise ceases in accordance with its terms within thirty months of the date of its creation without any other interest or right arising on such expiry or cessation; |
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| "the Transfer Threshold" for the purpose of any disposal of land to an Associated Company is |
| |
| or such greater amount as may from time to time be determined by the Director so as to allow for movements in the Retail Prices Index or as may from time to time otherwise be determined by the Director and approved by the Secretary of State |
| |
| "value" includes value of any kind including, without limitation, cash, the value of real or personal property or any interest in such property and the value of any right or benefit, actual or prospective, and the value of any release, in whole or in part, of any obligation or claim. |
2.2 For the purpose of calculating "best price":
| (1) for the purpose of any valuer's certificate required to be furnished under sub-paragraph 4.6(1)(a)(i), or 5.1(1)(b); |
| |
| | (a) no reduction shall be made on account of the method, terms and timing of the proposed disposal (if relevant) in respect of which the relevant certificate is required to be furnished, but "best price" shall be calculated on the basis of a disposal of the land in question, the method, terms and timing of which are most likely to secure that the best price is obtained; and |
| | |
| | (b) where the proposed disposal or, as the case may be, the change of use is related to, or connected or interdependent with, any other proposed disposal, then, subject to sub-paragraph (a), no account shall be taken of that fact; and |
| | |
| (2) for any purpose under this Condition, "best price" shall include value of any kind as "value" is defined in sub-paragraph 2.1. |
3. "Ring Fencing"
3.1 The Appointee shall at all times ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that if a special administration order were made in respect of the Appointee the Appointee would have available to it sufficient rights and assets (other than financial resources) to enable the special administrator so to manage the affairs, business and property of the Appointee that the purposes of such order could be achieved, provided that this paragraph shall not require the Appointee to seek to re-negotiate the terms of any contract or obligation which, in accordance with a scheme under Schedule 2, is transferred to the Appointee.
3.2 The Appointee shall publish with its audited accounts for each financial year a statement as to whether the Appointee was in compliance with sub-paragraph 3.1 as at the end of that financial year.
3.3 Where any such rights and assets as are mentioned in sub-paragraph 3.1 are provided or made available by any Group Company, the Appointee's obligations under sub-paragraph 3.1 in respect of such rights and assets shall be such as they would be if the words "so far as reasonably practicable" and the proviso were omitted from that sub-paragraph.
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3.4 The state, condition and capacity of assets used by the Appointee in the Appointed Business are the subject of Conditions J and L and accordingly sub-paragraph 3.1 shall not apply thereto.
4. Disposals of protected land other than disposals by auction or formal tender or to Associated Companies
4.1 Subject to sub-paragraph 4.2, the Appointee shall not make any disposal of any protected land, unless the Appointee shall have complied with the provisions of sub-paragraph 4.3.
4.2 Sub-paragraph 4.1 shall not apply:
| (1) to any Short-term Disposal; |
| |
| (2) to any disposal of any protected land the value of which, when aggregated with: |
| |
| | (a) the value of any other protected land which affects or might affect the value of such protected land or the value of which is or might be affected by such protected land; and |
| | |
| | (b) to the extent not taken into account under (a), the value of any other protected land the subject of any other disposal which has taken place, is proposed or contemplated and which in the honestly held and reasonable opinion of the Appointee is or might be related to, or connected or interdependent with, the first-mentioned disposal |
| | |
| does not exceed the Materiality Amount; |
| |
| (3) to any such disposal of protected land as is referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6; |
| |
| (4) to any disposal of any protected land made in accordance with any such provision as is referred to in section 152(5)(a) to the relevant person referred to in that section; or |
| |
| (5) to any disposal of any protected land made pursuant to any obligation entered into by the Water Authority prior to the transfer date. |
4.3 Subject to sub-paragraph 4.6, the Appointee shall:
| (1) not less than 10 working days prior to the Appointee entering into an obligation (whether unconditional or subject to conditions) which requires or might require it to make the proposed disposal, furnish to the Director a Disposal Certificate which: |
| |
| | (a) identifies the protected land the subject of the proposed disposal both by written description and by a plan showing: |
| | |
| | | (i) such protected land; and |
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| | | (ii) all other land contiguous or adjacent to such protected land in or over which the Appointee or, to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Appointee, having made due and careful enquiry, any Associated Company has any interest or right and which affects or might affect the value of such protected land or the value of which is or might be affected by such protected land; |
| | | |
| | (b) describes the interest or right in or over the protected land to be disposed of; |
| | |
| | (c) sets out the terms of the proposed disposal; |
| | |
| | | (i) the consideration to be received or expected to be received; and |
| | | |
| | | (ii) separately, any other value which, in the reasonable opinion of the Appointee, is to be received or derived, or expected to be received or derived |
| | | |
| | in each case from or in connection with the proposed disposal by the Appointee and the timing of the receipt or derivation thereof; |
| | |
| | (e) sets out details as required by (a) to (d) inclusive above in respect of any other disposal of protected land which has taken place, is proposed or contemplated and which in the honestly held and reasonable opinion of the Appointee is or might be related to, or connected or interdependent with, the proposed disposal or, if none, a statement to that effect; |
| | |
| | (f) confirms that the protected land the subject of the proposed disposal is, or at the time the Appointee is required to give vacant possession will be, no longer required for carrying out the Regulated Activities and will not be so required in the foreseeable future; |
| | |
| | | (i) that the proposed disposal is an arms length transaction; |
| | | |
| | | (ii) that the consideration and other value (if any) certified under (d) above to be received or derived, or expected to be received or derived, by the Appointee from or in connection therewith is the total value to be received or derived, or expected to be received or derived, from the proposed disposal, whether by the Appointee or any other person; |
| | | |
| | | (iii) except where a certificate is furnished under sub-paragraph 4.5, that in the honestly held and reasonable opinion of the Appointee, taking account of proper professional advice obtained by the Appointee for that purpose, the consideration certified under (ii) is the best price that could reasonably be obtained for the protected land in question, having regard to all the circumstances at the time when the certificate is given (including, but without limitation, any reasonable prospect of planning permissions being obtained); and |
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| | | (iv) that neither the Appointee nor, to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Appointee, having made due and careful enquiry, any Associated Company or any company or business in which the Appointee, or, to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Appointee, having made due and careful enquiry, any Associated Company, has a material direct or indirect interest, shall, following the proposed disposal, have, either as a result of the proposed disposal or any other transaction, a continuing interest whether direct or indirect in the protected land the subject of the proposed disposal or in any development involving or connected with that protected land; and |
| | | |
| (2) prior to entering into the relevant obligation, furnish to the Director in writing such further Information regarding the proposed disposal which the Director may reasonably request. |
4.4 For the purpose of sub-paragraph 4.3(1)(g)(iv), "interest" includes an entitlement to a share of profits or participation in assets, rights or benefits but excludes any interest which consists solely of an entitlement to receive instalments of consideration which as to amount and timing are certain or variable only by reference to the grant of planning permissions.
4.5 The Appointee may, instead of giving the confirmation required by sub-paragraph 4.3(1)(g)(iii), furnish to the Director a certificate by a valuer appointed by the Appointee ("the Valuer") addressed to the Director which states that in the opinion of the Valuer the consideration certified under sub-paragraph 4.3(1)(g)(iii) is the best price that could reasonably be obtained for the protected land in question, having regard to all the circumstances at the time when the certificate is given (including, but without limitation, any reasonable prospect of planning permissions being obtained).
4.6 Where the Appointee proposes to make any such disposal as is mentioned in sub-paragraph 4.1 and the terms or circumstances of the proposed disposal are such that a Disposal Certificate giving the full confirmation required by (f) or (g) of sub-paragraph 4.3(1) (including, where relevant, such a certificate as is referred to in sub-paragraph 4.5) cannot properly be given, the Appointee shall not enter into any obligation (whether conditional or subject to conditions) which requires or might require it to make that proposed disposal unless:
| (1) in any case where the full confirmation required by (g) of sub-paragraph 4.3(1) (including, where relevant, such a certificate as is referred to in sub-paragraph 4.5) cannot properly be given: |
| |
| | | (i) not less than 10 working days prior to the Appointee entering into the relevant obligation, the Appointee has furnished to the Director a Disposal Certificate as required by sub-paragraph 4.3 including such of the matters specified in (g) as can properly be certified and a certificate by a valuer appointed by the Appointee and approved by the Director for the purpose of this sub-paragraph ("the Valuer") addressed to the Director which states: |
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| | | | (A) that in the opinion of the Valuer the consideration to be received by the Appointee from the proposed disposal is the best price likely to be obtained for the land in question, having regard to all the circumstances at the time when the certificate is given (including, but without limitation, any reasonable prospect of planning permissions being obtained); and |
| | | | |
| | | | (B) the amount of the consideration to be received or expected to be received by the Appointee from the proposed disposal, expressed in cash according to when that consideration is to be, or is expected to be, received; or |
| | | | |
| | | (ii) the Director gives his prior written consent to the proposed disposal, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed; and |
| | | |
| | (b) prior to entering into the relevant obligation, the Appointee shall have furnished to the Director in writing such further Information regarding the proposed disposal which the Director may reasonably request; and |
| | |
| (2) in any case where the full confirmation required by (f) of sub-paragraph 4.3(1) cannot properly be given, the prior written consent of the Director to the proposed disposal has been obtained, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. |
5. Disposals of protected land by auction or formal tender
5.1 Where the Appointee proposes to dispose by auction or formal tender of any protected land, the value of which (when aggregated with the value of any other such protected land as is described in sub-paragraphs 4.2(2)(a) and (b)) exceeds the Materiality Amount, it shall:
| (1) not less than 10 working days prior to the date of the auction or the invitation to tender: |
| |
| | (a) furnish to the Director a Disposal Certificate which: |
| | |
| | | (i) contains the information and confirmations required to be contained in a Disposal Certificate furnished under sub- paragraph 4.3(1) under items (a), (b), (c), (e), (f) and (g)(iv) of that sub-paragraph (but so that for this purpose references in the said item (e) to items (a) to (d) inclusive shall be taken to be references to items (a) to (c) inclusive); |
| | | |
| | | (ii) sets out the reserve price (if any); and |
| | | |
| | | (iii) confirms that the auction will be conducted on the basis that bids will be accepted only on condition that they are not made by an Associated Company or any nominee of any Associated Company or, as the case may be, that, it will be a term of the invitation to tender that it is not capable of acceptance by an Associated Company or any nominee of any Associated Company; |
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| | (b) furnish to the Director a certificate by a valuer appointed by the Appointee ("the Valuer") addressed to the Director which states that in the opinion of the Valuer the disposal of the protected land by auction or, as the case may be, formal tender and the timing of the proposed disposal are respectively the method and timing of disposal most likely to secure that the best price is obtained for the land in question; |
| | |
| (2) prior to the date of the auction or the invitation to tender, furnish to the Director in writing such further Information regarding the proposed disposal which the Director may reasonably request. |
5.2 In any case where the full confirmation required by sub-paragraph 5.1(1)(a)(i) or (iii) cannot properly be given, the Appointee shall not proceed with the proposed disposal without the prior written consent of the Director.
6. Disposals of protected land to Associated Companies
6.1 Subject to paragraph 6.2, the Appointee shall not make any disposal, other than a Short-term Disposal, of any protected land to any Associated Company, unless it has complied with the provisions of paragraph 6.3.
6.2 Sub-paragraph 6.1 shall not apply to any disposal of any protected land the value of which, when aggregated with:-
| (a) the value of any other protected land which affects or might affect the value of such protected land or the value of which is or might be affected by such protected land; and |
| |
| (b) to the extent not taken into account under (a), the value of any other protected land the subject of any other disposal which has taken place, is proposed or contemplated and which in the honestly held or reasonable opinion of the Appointee is or might be related to, or connected or interdependent with, the first mentioned disposal does not exceed the Transfer Threshold. |
6.3 Subject to paragraph 6.4, the Appointee shall:
| (1) not later than 10 working days (or such other period to be agreed in advance between the Appointee and the Director) prior to the Appointee entering into any obligation (Whether unconditional or subject to conditions) which requires or might require it to make that disposal (a "relevant obligation") furnish to the Director: |
| |
| | | (i) a Disposal Certificate, which contains the information and confirmations required to be contained in a Disposal Certificate furnished under sub-paragraph 4.3(1), including such of the matters specified in (g) as can properly be certified; and |
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| | | (ii) a certificate by a valuer appointed by the Appointee and approved by the Director for the purpose of this sub-paragraph ("the Valuer") addressed to the Director which states: |
| | | |
| | | | (A) that in the opinion of the Valuer the consideration to be received by the Appointee from the proposed disposal is the best price likely to be obtained from a disposal of the land in question to an unconnected third party, having regard to all the circumstances at the time when the certificate is given (including, but without limitation, any reasonable prospect of planning permissions being obtained); and |
| | | | |
| | | | (B) the amount of the consideration to be received or expected to be received by the Appointee from the proposed disposal, expressed in cash according to when that consideration is to be, or is expected to be, received; and |
| | | | |
| (2) shall furnish to the Director in writing such further Information regarding the proposed disposal which the Director may reasonably request; and |
| |
| (3) ensure that the terms on which the proposed disposal is made are in accordance with any terms which may have been specified by the Director, either in relation to disposals of protected land to Associated Companies generally or in relation to the particular proposed disposal, being such terms as the Director considers appropriate to secure that the Appointee receives such share of any value to be derived or expected to be derived by the Associated Company from the land in question as the Director considers appropriate, having regard to the duty imposed on the Director under section 7(3)(c). |
6.4 In any case where the full confirmation required by (f) of sub-paragraph 4.3(1) cannot properly be given, the Appointee shall not enter into a relevant obligation unless the prior written consent of the Director to the proposed disposal has been obtained, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
7. Disclosure of Information to Valuers
The Appointee shall disclose to the Valuer appointed for the purpose of any provision of this Condition all Information which, in the reasonable opinion of the Appointee, has or is likely to have a material bearing on the Valuer's certificate to be given under that provision and such other Information as the Valuer may reasonably require to enable him to give his certificate.]
This Condition was substituted by a Modification made on 27 March 1996 which came into effect on 1 April 1996.
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1. Interpretation and Construction
In this Condition:
| "the Appointment Obligations" means the Appointee's obligations under the Appointments and for this purpose and for this purpose only the Appointee shall be deemed to be subject to an obligation under the Appointments to achieve any Service Target or Revised Service Target notified to the Director by the Appointee under Condition J; |
| |
| | (1) in respect of a water undertaker: |
| | |
| | | (a) water mains and trunk mains (other than any pumps, valves and hydrants); |
| | | |
| | | (b) resource mains and discharge pipes; and |
| | | |
| | | (c) so much of any service pipe as is vested in the water undertaker; and |
| | | |
| | (2) in respect of a sewerage undertaker: |
| | |
| | | (a) public sewers (other than any pumps); |
| | | |
| | | (b) any outfall pipe or other pipe for the conveyance of effluent from any sewage disposal works of the sewerage undertaker; and |
| | | |
| | | (c) any pipe vested in the sewerage undertaker and used for the drainage of one building or of any buildings or yards appurtenant to buildings within the same curtilage |
| | but excluding any pipe which discharges directly into the sea or coastal waters; |
| | |
| "Network Expenditure" means expenditure in relation to any Network Assets (whether, having regard to the respective purposes referred to in sub-paragraph 2.1, such expenditure is to be made or incurred in or in relation to creating, acquiring, renewing, repairing, maintaining or improving any Network Assets or executing works or procuring the execution of works by other persons in relation to any Network Assets or otherwise); |
| |
| "the Plan Period" means such period as the Appointee shall specify, being a period of not less than fifteen years commencing on: |
| |
| | (1) in the case of the Underground Asset Management Plan required to be furnished under sub-paragraph 2.1, 1st April 1990; |
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| | (2) in the case of any revised Underground Asset Management Plan required to be furnished under sub-paragraph 2.4, the date of such revised Underground Asset Management Plan or, in the case of a revised Underground Asset Management Plan prepared for the purposes of a Periodic Review, the start of the relevant Review Charging Year; |
| | |
| a "Review Date" means the first date specified in the relevant paragraphs of Condition B by which the Appointee is required to furnish Information to the Director for the purpose of any Periodic Review. |
2. Duty to furnish Information
2.1 The Appointee shall prepare and furnish to the Director an underground asset management plan (an "Underground Asset Management Plan") showing separately:
| (1) an estimate and other Information in respect of Network Expenditure required to be made or incurred by the Appointee in each year during the Plan Period for the purposes of ensuring: |
| |
| | (a) that Network Assets used by the Appointee as at the transfer date (or, in the case of a revised Underground Asset Management Plan, as at the date of that revised Underground Asset Management Plan) are, and will throughout the Plan Period be, maintained in such a state or condition as is necessary for the purposes described in sub-paragraph 2.2 ("the Relevant Purposes"), insofar as Network Assets are necessary for, or relevant to, the Relevant Purposes; and |
| | |
| | (b) that the capacity of the system of water supply or, as the case may be, of public sewers comprising solely those Network Assets (but not including any other part of the Appointee's system of water supply or, as the case may be, of public sewers) is maintained and the estimate and other Information shall show expenditure to be capitalised and, separately, expenditure to be expensed; and |
| (2) an estimate and other Information in respect of Network Expenditure required to be made or incurred by the Appointee in each year during the Plan Period for the purpose of ensuring that, taking into account the expenditure to be made or incurred for the purposes referred to in sub-paragraph 2.1(1): |
| |
| | (a) the Appointee will at all times and from time to time have available to it for use all Network Assets (and in such a state or condition) as are necessary for the Relevant Purposes, in so far as Network Assets are necessary for, or relevant to, the Relevant Purposes; and |
| | |
| | (b) the capacity of the system of water supply or, as the case may be, of public sewers comprising solely those Network Assets (but not including any other part of the Appointee's system of water supply or, as the case may be, of public sewers) is and will be such as is necessary for the Relevant Purposes. |
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2.2 The Relevant Purposes referred to in sub-paragraph 2.1 are:
| (1) to enable the Appointee to carry out the Regulated Activities in respect of the whole of the Area in accordance with the provisions of the Act and of any other enactment or subordinate legislation relating to the Regulated Activities and in accordance with any service objectives which the Appointee has set itself in preparing the Underground Asset Management Plan and to carry out the Regulated Activities in such manner economically and efficiently; and |
| |
| (2) to enable the Appointee to perform the Appointment Obligations in respect of the whole of the Area (or, in the case of a Service Target or a Revised Service Target which applies only to part of the Area, then in respect of that part) |
but so that, unless the context otherwise requires, references in this Condition to the Relevant Purposes shall be read and construed subject to any assumptions as may be specified by the Appointee in the Underground Asset Management Plan as to the nature and scope of the Regulated Activities or, as the case may be, the Appointment Obligations and as to the effect of any provision of the Act or any other enactment or subordinate legislation relating to the Regulated Activities.
2.3 Where the Appointee has specified any such assumptions as are referred to in sub-paragraph 2.2, the Appointee shall also furnish an estimate and other Information as described in sub-paragraphs 2.1(1) and (2) on the basis of such other assumptions as to the matters referred to in sub-paragraph 2.2 as may be specified by the Director.
2.4 The Appointee shall keep the Underground Asset Management Plan prepared under sub-paragraph 2.1 under review and shall prepare a revised Underground Asset Management Plan in respect of the Plan Period from time to time and in any event by each Review Date, to the extent that such revision is necessary having regard to the Relevant Purposes, this Condition and Condition B and shall furnish to the Director any such revised Underground Asset Management Plan. Sub-paragraph 2.3 shall apply to any such revised Underground Asset Management Plan and references in this Condition to a revised Underground Asset Management Plan shall include references to any estimate and other Information which the Appointee is required to furnish under sub-paragraph 2.3 in respect of that revised Underground Asset Management Plan.
2.5 For the purposes of sub-paragraphs 2.1 and 2.4:
| (1) due allowance shall be made for Network Assets ceasing to be required for the Relevant Purposes during the Plan Period; |
| |
| (2) the Appointee shall include in any Underground Asset Management Plan furnished to the Director under this paragraph a description of any agreement or arrangement under which the Appointee uses Network Assets which are owned by, or used in conjunction with, another water undertaker or sewerage undertaker (including, without limitation, a description of any arrangements, as between the Appointee and the other undertaker, for the repair, renewal, maintenance and improvement of any such Network Assets) and an estimate and other Information in respect of any expenditure required to be made or incurred by the Appointee during the Plan Period in respect of such Network Assets for the Relevant Purposes; and |
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| (3) there shall be taken into account any changes in the nature of the Regulated Activities and the Appointment Obligations which the Appointee knows have occurred or will occur or which the Appointee reasonably believes will, or are likely to, occur (including, without limitation, any change in demand for the provision by the Appointee of any services provided by it in the course of carrying out the Regulated Activities). |
3. Information Systems
3.1 The Appointee shall establish and maintain methods and procedures for the purposes of:
| (1) keeping under review, collecting Information in respect of, and carrying out surveys of, the state, condition, capacity and performance of Network Assets; and |
| |
| (2) preparing, keeping under review and revising from time to time the Underground Asset Management Plan for the purposes of: |
| |
| | (a) providing Information to the Director in accordance with Condition B to enable him to carry out Periodic Reviews; and |
| | |
| | (b) providing Information to the Director in accordance with paragraph 18 of Condition B. |
3.2 The Appointee shall furnish to the Director a written description of such methods and procedures. The Appointee shall keep under review and shall revise such methods and procedures from time to time to the extent necessary having regard to the purposes for which such systems and procedures are intended to be used, this Condition and Condition B and shall furnish to the Director a written description of any revision of such methods and procedures.
4. Reports
4.1 Any revised Underground Asset Management Plan and any revision of the methods and procedures referred to in paragraph 3 (which in the reasonable opinion of the Director is material having regard to the purposes for which the Underground Asset Management Plan and such methods and procedures are intended, to this Condition and to Condition B) shall, if so required by the Director, be reported on by a person appointed by the Appointee and approved by the Director (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) ("the Assessor").
4.2 The Appointee shall enter into a written contract of engagement with the Assessor which shall:
| (1) where such a report is required by the Director under sub-paragraph 4.1, require the Assessor to prepare and furnish to the Director, and separately to the Appointee, a written report addressed jointly to the Director and the Appointee: |
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| | (a) in the case of a revised Underground Asset Management Plan, stating whether, in his opinion, the estimate included in the revised Underground Asset Management Plan has been prepared in accordance with the methods and procedures established and maintained by the Appointee under sub-paragraph 3.1 at the date at which the revised Underground Asset Management Plan has been prepared and if the action to be taken as described in the other Information included in the Underground Asset Management Plan were taken it would be sufficient for the Relevant Purposes, in so far as Network Assets are necessary for, or relevant to, the Relevant Purposes, (both on the basis of any assumptions specified by the Appointee and on the basis of any assumptions specified by the Director) and, if not, what other action would need to be taken; and |
| | |
| | (b) in the case of a revision of the methods and procedures referred to in paragraph 3, stating whether, in his opinion, the methods and procedures (as so revised) are sufficient for the purposes described in sub-paragraph 3.1 and if not, what changes would need to be made to those methods and procedures so that they were sufficient for those purposes; and |
| | |
| (2) include a term that the Assessor will provide such further explanation or clarification of his report as the Director may reasonably require and that where, by reason of anything in the Assessor's report, it appears to the Director: |
| |
| | (a) that the state or condition or capacity of Network Assets is such that they are or may be materially inadequate for the Relevant Purposes, in so far as Network Assets are necessary for, or relevant to, the Relevant Purposes, (either on the basis of the assumptions specified by the Appointee or on the basis of the assumptions specified by the Director, if any); or |
| | |
| | (b) that the methods and procedures are insufficient for the purposes described in sub-paragraph 3.1 and that as a result information as to the state, condition, capacity or performance of Network Assets is or may be materially inaccurate or incomplete the Assessor will provide such further Information in respect of, or verification of, the matters which are the subject of his report as the Director may reasonably require. |
The contract of engagement may also include provisions requiring the Assessor, his employees and agents to keep confidential and not to disclose, except to the Director or as required by law, any Information which the Assessor obtains in the course of preparing his report.
4.3 The Appointee shall co-operate fully with the Assessor to enable him to prepare his report, including without limitation, so far as is necessary for that purpose:
| (1) subject to reasonable prior notice to the Appointee, giving to the Assessor access at reasonable hours to any Network Assets used by the Appointee and to any premises occupied by the Appointee in relation to the carrying out of the Regulated Activities; and |
| |
| (2) subject to reasonable prior notice to the Appointee, allowing the Assessor at reasonable hours: |
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| | (a) to inspect and make photocopies of, and take extracts from, any books and records of the Appointee maintained in relation to the carrying out of the Regulated Activities; |
| | |
| | (b) to carry out inspections, measurements and tests on or in relation to any such premises or Network Assets; and |
| | |
| | (c) to take on to such premises or on to or in to any Network Assets such other persons and such equipment as may be necessary for the purposes of preparing and completing his report. |
4.4 Nothing in sub-paragraph 4.3 shall require the Appointee:
| (1) to do anything which is outside its reasonable control; or |
| |
| (2) to do, or to allow the Assessor to do, anything which would materially disrupt the Appointee's business (unless it is essential that that thing be done to enable the Assessor to prepare his report). |
4.5 In sub-paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4 references to the Assessor include references to his employees and agents.
5. General
5.1 The provision by the Water Authority to the Secretary of State of the estimate and other information enclosed with the letter entitled "Underground Asset Management Plan" dated 8th August 1989 and the description in the Underground Asset Management Plan of the Appointee's relevant methods and procedures shall be deemed to have been furnished to the Director by the Appointee under sub-paragraphs 2.1 and 3.2 and to satisfy the obligations of the Appointee under those sub-paragraphs (insofar as sub-paragraph 3.2 requires the Appointee to furnish a written description of the methods and procedures established by it).
5.2 Any other Information required to be furnished by the Appointee to the Director under this Condition shall be furnished within three months of the revision which gives rise to the requirement to furnish Information.
5.3 The Appointee shall deliver to the Director, at the same time as it delivers to him accounting statements in respect of a financial year prepared under paragraph 4 of Condition F, a statement of the expenditure made or incurred in relation to Network Assets during that financial year, distinguishing between amounts which have been expensed and amounts which have been capitalised, together with the details necessary to explain any difference between that expenditure and the expenditure which the Appointee had informed the Secretary of State or, as the case may be, the Director under this Condition it intended to make or incur in relation to Network Assets during that financial year.
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1. Subject to paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 the Appointee shall furnish the Director with such Information as the Director may reasonably require for the purpose of carrying out any of his functions under the Act.
2. Information required to be furnished under this Condition shall be furnished in such form and manner and at such times and be accompanied or supplemented by such explanations as the Director may reasonably require.
3. This Condition shall not require the Appointee to furnish the Director with Information in respect of any function of the Director under sections 16, 26 and 34 but the Appointee shall, if requested by the Director, give reasoned comments on the accuracy and text of any information or advice which the Director proposes to publish pursuant to section 34 and, subject always to section 174, nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the Director from using or disclosing any Information with which he has been furnished under this Condition or any other Condition of these Appointments for the purpose of carrying out his functions under the Act (including, without prejudice to the generality, under sections 16, 26 and 34).
4. Neither this Condition nor any other Condition of these Appointments shall require the Appointee to furnish any Information for any such purpose as is referred to in section 33 which it could not be compelled to produce or furnish under that section.
5. Neither this Condition nor any other Condition of these Appointments shall require the Appointee to furnish any Information which it would be entitled to refuse to disclose or produce on grounds of legal professional privilege in proceedings in the High Court.
6. Where, under any other Condition of these Appointments, the Appointee is or can be required to furnish Information to the Director there shall be a presumption that the furnishing of that Information in accordance with that Condition is sufficient for the relevant purposes of that Condition but this presumption shall be rebutted, and shall not limit the right of the Director to call for further Information under paragraph 1, if he states in writing that in his opinion such Information is or is likely to be necessary for the purpose of carrying out any of his functions under the Act.
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1. Interpretation and Construction
In this Condition a "Periodic Review Year" means the Charging Year starting on 1st April immediately preceding the start of a Review Charging Year.
2. Fees
The Appointee shall render the following payments to the Secretary of State at the times stated:
| (2) on 1st April 1990 and at the start of each subsequent Charging Year an amount equal to the costs estimated by the Director (in consultation with the Commission) as having been incurred in the preceding Charging Year by the Competition Commission following: |
| |
| | (a) references under section 16 (section 14 of the 1991 Act) which mention the Appointments (or either of them) only; and |
| | |
| | (b) references under Condition B or Condition C; |
| | |
| (3) on 1st April 1990 and at the start of each subsequent Charging Year an amount, which shall represent a fair proportion, to be determined each year by the Director according to a method which has been disclosed in writing to the Appointee, of the costs estimated by the Director (in consultation with the Competition Commission) as having been incurred in the preceding Charging Year by the Competition Commission following any reference under section 16 (section 14 of the 1991 Act) which mentions both the Appointments (or either of them) and also any other appointment made under Chapter I of Part II of the Act; |
| |
| (4) within thirty days of the date on which the Director notifies the Appointee of the amount payable under this sub-paragraph, an amount equal to the costs determined by the Director as having been or likely to be incurred by him in respect of any reference by the Appointee under paragraph 13/14 of Condition B and any determination by the Director under paragraph 14/15 of Condition B made in the Charging Year in which the Director's notification for the purposes of this sub-paragraph is given; |
| |
| (5) on 1st April 1990 and at the start of each subsequent Charging Year a renewal fee, which shall represent a fair proportion, to be determined each year by the Director according to a method which has been disclosed in writing to the Appointee, of the costs estimated by the Director as being likely to be incurred in that Charging Year by him in the regulation and enforcement of appointments made under Chapter I of Part II of the Act (including the Appointments) and in the carrying out of his other functions under the Act, including payments made by him under Schedule 4 (schedule 4 of the 1991 Act); |
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| (6) on 1st April of the first Charging Year after the announcement by the Director of his intention to carry out a Periodic Review, and at the start of each Charging Year up to but not including the Periodic Review Year, an additional fee, which shall represent a fair proportion, to be determined each year by the Director according to a method which has been disclosed in writing to the Appointee, of additional costs estimated by the Director as being likely to be incurred in that Charging Year by him in the preparation for or the carrying out of a Periodic Review, over and above the costs estimated by the Director as being likely to be incurred in that Charging Year under paragraph 2(5) above; and |
| |
| (7) where the Director so determines, on 1st January in any year a special fee, which shall represent a fair proportion, to be determined each year by the Director according to a method which has been disclosed in writing to the Appointee, of the amount, if any, by which the aggregate of the costs estimated by the Director to have been already incurred in that Charging Year and to be incurred in the remainder of that Charging Year by the Director in the regulation and enforcement of appointments made under Chapter I of Part II of the Act (including the Appointments) and in the carrying out of his other functions under the Act, including payments made by him under Schedule 4 (Schedule 4 of the 1991 Act), exceeds the aggregate of: |
| |
| | (a) all renewal fees payable at the start of that Charging Year under the Appointments and all other appointments made under the said Chapter I; and |
| | |
| | (b) all amounts (if any) payable in that Charging Year under sub-paragraph 2(4) and the equivalent provisions in other appointments made under the said Chapter I in respect of references and determinations of the kind described in sub-paragraph 2(4); |
| | |
| subject to his apportioning the special fee, according to the nature of the costs intended to be covered by it, between the renewal fee, the additional fee and the amounts referred to in paragraph (b). [; and |
| |
| (8) within 30 days of the date on which the Director notifies the Appointee of the amount payable under this sub-paragraph, the amount derived from the following formula: |
| | I is the amount payable under this sub-paragraph; |
| | |
| | M is the expenses, attributed by the Director to the Charging Year in which the notification is given, of the Director, the Secretary of State and the National Assembly for Wales in relation to the establishment of the Consumer Council for Water; |
| | |
| | t is equal to the turnover of the Appointed Business as shown in the accounting statements prepared by the Appointee under Paragraph 4 of Condition F for the financial year ending twelve months before the start of the Charging Year in which the payment under this sub-paragraph is payable; |
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| | T is equal to the aggregate of the turnover of the Appointed Business of all of the companies holding an Appointment under Chapter 1 of Part 2 of the 1991 Act, as shown in their accounting statements prepared under Paragraph 4 of Condition F for the financial year ending twelve months before the start of the Charging Year in which the payment under this paragraph is payable.] |
3. Limit on renewal fee, special fee and additional fee
3.1 The aggregate of the renewal fee payable in respect of any Charging Year starting on or after 1 April 2000 (other than a Periodic Review Year) and part of any special fee apportioned to the renewal fee payable in the same Charging Year shall not exceed X, where X shall be calculated in any year by the equation:
where the figures in the equation are defined as follows:
"S" is equal to the figure of £11.9M, increased by the percentage increase in Retail Prices Index between that published for the month of November 1998 and that published for the month of November immediately preceding the start of the Charging Year in which that renewal fee and special fee are payable;
"t" is equal to the turnover of the Appointed Business as shown in the accounting statements prepared by the Appointee under paragraph 4 of Condition F for the financial year ending twelve months before the start of the Charging Year in which that renewal fee and special fee are payable;
"T" is equal to the aggregate of the turnover of the Appointed Business of all of the Appointees as shown in their accounting statements prepared under Paragraph 4 of Condition F for the financial year ending twelve months before the start of the Charging Year in which that renewal fee and special fee are payable;
3.2 The aggregate of the renewal fee and any special fee payable in any Periodic Review Year and of the additional fees payable under paragraph 2(6), in the years immediately preceding that Periodic Review Year, shall not exceed X derived from sub-paragraph 3.1 plus a figure of 0.1, calculated as the sum of the percentages which each such fee represents of the turnover of the Appointed Business, as shown in the Accounting Statements prepared by the Appointee under paragraph 4 of Condition F, as an average over the five years concluding with the previous Periodic Review Year.
3.3 Where:
| (1) a Review Notice has been given under paragraph 7/8 of Condition B; |
| |
| (2) a Periodic Review falls to be carried out under paragraph 8/9 of Condition B; or |
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| (3) a Reference Notice has been given under paragraph 9/10 of Condition B |
the Director may, by notice to the Secretary of State, refer to the Secretary of State for determination by him not later than twelve months after the date which is the Review Notice Date for the purpose of the relevant Periodic Review, the question whether the limits on the fees specified in sub-paragraph 3.1 and 3.2 payable in respect of any Charging Year starting on or after 1st April 2000 should be changed (and if so what change should be made to that limit).
3.4 This Condition shall be modified by the change or changes (if any) to the said limits necessary to give effect to any determination made by the Secretary of State following a reference under sub-paragraph 3.3.
Wherever paragraph numbers are quoted in the alternative (e.e. 13/14) the lower number refers to that paragraph in Condition B of the appointment of each water only company and the higher number refers to the same paragraph in the joint appointment of each water and sewerage undertaker.]
This Condition was substituted by a Modification made on (say) 9 June 1993 and agreed to have come into effect on 1 April 1993, and amended in respect of subparagraphs 3.1 and 3.2 in accordance with the Secretary of State’s approval, dated 21 December 1999.. Paragraph 2 was modified dated 23 Nvember 2004 and coming into effect on 24 November 2004.
Note: The Director General's letter of 16 March 2000 included the following Protocol, which is not part of this Condition but illustrates how the new formula will work:
Condition N places limits on the fees, which the DG can levy to cover expenditure on a Periodic Review. Condition B of the licence states that companies will have five yearly Periodic Reviews, this in turn means that Periodic Review work is likely to be spread over the five years leading up to the Periodic Review Year eg 1999-2000, 2004-05 etc. The ceiling on Condition N is governed by the following formula:
AF = Total additional fees incurred before the Periodic Review Year;
PRY = The total renewal fee charged in the Periodic Review Year;
Y = X per paragraph 3.1 plus 0.1% of the average annual turnover of the five years concluding with the previous Periodic Review Year.
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Illustrative Example- Revised Condition N
Year | | | 1 | | | 2 | | | 3 | | | 4 | | | 5 | |
| |
Renewal fee (base) £m | | | 11.90 | | | 11.90 | | | 11.90 | | | 11.90 | | | 11.90 | |
| |
RPI at 2.5% per annum £m | | | 0.29 | | | 0.60 | | | 0.91 | | | 1.23 | | | 1.56 | |
| |
TOTAL £m | | | 12.19 | | | 12.50 | | | 12.81 | | | 13.13 | | | 13.46 | |
| |
Additional fee* £m | | | 1.2 | | | 1.2 | | | 1.2 | | | 1.2 | | | 1.2 | |
| |
PR costs in Periodic Review year | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1.2 | |
| |
TOTAL £m | | | 13.39 | | | 13.70 | | | 14.01 | | | 14.33 | | | 14.66 | |
| |
| |
| * Assumes average turnover over the five years 1994-95 to 1999-2000 = £6 billion |
| | | | | 0.1% of £6 billion = £6 million |
| | | | | |
| Additional fee as per para 2(6) recovered over years 1 to 4. Periodic Review costs in year 5 recovered as part of the Renewal Fee. The total of Renewal Fee in year 5 and the additional fee years 1 to 4 is constrained by the formula above. |
In this example the additional fee is distributed evenly over the four years, howeverin reality, the amount of additional fees will be kept lower, to only recover costs.
Ofwat in charging companies intends to keep well below the ceiling and would remain subject to external scrutiny by HMT, NAO and the industry.
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The Director has decided that fees will be recovered on the following basis until further notice.
A. Ofwat's Running Costs:
| Each Appointee's fee will be based on the turnover of its Appointed Business, taken from the latest available regulatory accounts, pro-rata to the industry's turnover. |
B. Competition Commission References:
1. Arising from the Appointments
| Ofwat's directly-attributable costs for dealing with matters referred to the Competition Commission under the Water Industry Act 1991 or the Appointments – for example a periodic review reference, a disputed licence modification or regulatory accounting guideline – will be recovered from the Appointee(s) concerned. |
| These contribute to maintaining the regulatory regime and the costs will therefore be recovered from all Appointees (under A above). |
| Ofwat may have to carry out work, e.g. special investigations, specific to certain Appointees. The Director will decide in each case how these costs will be recovered. If the work informs the regulatory regime, they will be recovered from all Appointees. If the work arises from (or gives rise to) issues which are peculiar to the Appointee(s), the directly-attributable costs will be recovered from it (them). |
| |
| For example, an investigation may lead to enforcement action. The costs of that action would normally fall upon the Appointee(s) against whom it was taken. |
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[For the purposes of paragraph (c) of Section 7(4) of the Water Industry Act 1991, the only circumstances in which an appointment or variation may be made, in relation to the area for which the Appointee holds the Appointment as water undertaker or, as the case may be, sewerage undertaker under this instrument, are where the Secretary of State has given the Appointee at least 25 years’ notice to terminate the relevant Appointment in relation to the whole of its area and that period of notice has expired.]
This Condition was substituted by a Modification dated 15 October 2002, which came into effect on that date. This Modification was made for all water and water and sewerage undertakers in England and Wales, except Albion Water (Shotton) Ltd.
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1 (1) The Appointee shall, not later than 12 April 1996, procure from United Utilities PLC a legally-enforceable undertaking in favour of the Appointee in a form specified by the Director and expressed to remain in force for as long as the Appointee retains the Appointments and United Utilities PLC remains the holding company of the Appointee.
1 (2) The undertaking referred to (1) above shall provide that:–
| (a) United Utilities PLC will, and will procure that each subsidiary of United Utilities PLC (other than the Appointee and its subsidiaries) will, give to the Appointee all such information as may be necessary to enable the Appointee to comply with the requirements of the conditions of the Appointments and |
| |
| (b) United Utilities PLC will, and will procure that each subsidiary of United Utilities PLC (other than the Appointee and its subsidiaries) will, refrain from any action which would or may cause the Appointee to breach any of its obligations under the Act or the conditions of these Appointments; and |
| |
| (c) United Utilities PLC will ensure that at all times the Board of the Appointee contains two non-executive Directors, who shall be persons of standing with relevant experience, including in particular an understanding of the interests of the customers of the Appointee and how these can be respected and protected. |
2. The Appointee shall, not later than 31 October 1997, produce to the Director the undertaking given to it under paragraph 1 of this condition, amended to reflect the requirements in paragraph 1(2)(c) above and to provide to him such certified copies of the undertaking as he may require.
3. The Appointee shall immediately inform the Director in writing, if it becomes aware that the undertaking referred to in paragraph 1 of this condition has ceased to be legally enforceable or that there has been any breach of its terms.
4. The Appointee shall not, except with the written consent of the Director, enter (directly or indirectly) into any contract or arrangement with United Utilities PLC or any Associated Company (other than subsidiaries of the Appointee) at a time when:-
| (i) no undertaking complying with paragraph 1 of this condition exists; or |
| |
| (ii) there is an unremedied breach of that undertaking. |
This Condition was inserted by a Modification dated 3 April 1996, which came into effect on 4 April 1996, and modified by a Modification dated 22 September 1997 which came into force on 23 September 1997.
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1. Interpretation
| "business customer" means the person who is liable to pay Appointee's charges in respect of a supply of water to premises other than domestic premises; |
| |
| "drought order" means an order made under section 73 of the Water Resources Act 1991; |
| |
| "household customer" means the person who is liable to pay the Appointee's charges in respect of a supply of water to domestic premises. |
2. Liability and amounts of payments
2.1 Where a supply of water to premises is interrupted or cut off under the authority of a drought order the Appointee shall, subject to sub-paragraph 2.2, pay to the customer (or credit to his account) whichever of the amounts referred to in paragraph 3 is applicable.
2.2 The appointee shall not be liable to make any payments under this Condition where the circumstances were so exceptional that it would have been unreasonable to have expected the interruption or cut-off to have been avoided.
3 Amounts payable to household and business customers
3.1.1 The Appointee shall pay to a household customer £10 for each day during which (or during part of which) the supply is interrupted or cut off.
3.1.2 The amount payable to any household customer in any Charging Year shall not exceed the average amount of water charges payable to the Appointee by household customers for the Charging Year preceding that in which the interruption or cut-off happens.
3.2.1 The Appointee shall pay to a business customer £50 for each day during which (or during part of which) the supply is interrupted or cut off.
3.2.2. The amount payable to any business customer in any Charging Year shall not exceed -
| (a) the amount of water charges payable by that customer for the supply of water to those premises for the Charging Year preceding that in which the interruption or cut-off happens or |
| |
| (b) if that customer was not liable to pay those charges, £500. |
3.2.3. When calculating the charges payable by a business customer for the supply of water services, amounts payable in respect of any separate supply which was provided solely for purposes other than domestic purposes shall be excluded.
3.3 If, when a payment becomes due under this Condition, a customer owes money to the Appointee and the debt has been outstanding for more than 6 weeks, any payment from the Appointee to which the customer is entitled under this Condition shall, to the extent that it does not exceed the amount so owed, be made by way of credit to that customer's account.
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4. Determination of Disputes
4.1 Where any dispute arises between the Appointee and a customer as to the right of that customer to a payment or credit under this Condition, the matter may be referred to the Director by either party for determination.
4.2 Any determination under this condition shall be final and, if the Appointee fails to give effect to the determination, the customer may set off the amount in question against any payment which is due to the Appointee.
5. Cessation or Modification of this Condition
5.1 This condition shall cease to have effect in relation to any interruptions or cut-offs occurring on or after the commencement date of any Regulations made by the Secretaries of State pursuant to Section 38 of the Water Industry Act 1991, implementing the recommendations made to them by the Director in May 1996 for the making of payments to customers for interruptions or cut-offs because of drought.
5.2 If the Regulations referred to in sub-paragraph 5.1 relate to either household customers or business customers only, this Condition shall cease to have effect in so far as it relates to those customers.]
This Condition was inserted by a Modification dated 18 April 1997, which came into effect on 19 April 1997. Its validity must be regarded as questionable in the light of the Water Resources Act 1991, s.79(2); and it is submitted that its acceptance by the water undertakers concerned was primarily political.
Explanatory Note about Condition Q4
The Director has indicated that, when deciding whether to require the Appointee to make a payment under paragraph 4 of condition Q he will, while not being able to anticipate all relevant circumstances, take account of the following:
| (a) the resources available to the company and its management of those resources, including the exploration of new resources; |
| |
| (b) the promotion by the company of the efficient use of water by its customers; |
| |
| (c) the company's ability to prohibit or restrict the use of water by the exercise of its powers under section 76 of the Water Industry Act 1991 (hosepipe bans) or by obtaining a drought order containing the provision authorised by paragraph (b) of section 74(2) of the Water Resources Act 1991 (non-essential use); and |
| |
| (d) the maintenance of the company's assets, including the management by the company of leakage. |
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1. The words and expressions set out in Column (1) below, which are used principally in the Conditions referred to in Column (2) below, are defined in the provision referred to in Column (3) below:
(1) | | | (2) | | | (3) | |
the Appointed | | | throughout | | | Condition A | |
Business | | | | | | | |
the Appointee | | | throughout | | | The Appointments | |
the Appointments | | | throughout | | | The Appointments | |
the Auditors | | | B and F | | | Condition A | |
Basket Items | | | B | | | Condition B, Part I | |
Charging Year | | | throughout | | | Condition A | |
the Customer | | | G, H and I | | | Condition A | |
Service Committee | | | | | | | |
Excluded Charges | | | B | | | Condition B, Part I | |
Information | | | throughout | | | Condition A | |
legal requirement | | | B | | | Condition B, Part IV | |
Measured Basket | | | B | | | Condition B, Part I | |
Items | | | | | | | |
Notified Item | | | B | | | Condition B, Part IV | |
Periodic Review | | | B, C, L, N | | | Condition A | |
Prior Year | | | B | | | Condition A | |
the Regulated | | | B, F, J and L | | | Condition A | |
Activities | | | | | | | |
Relevant Change of | | | B | | | Condition B, Part IV | |
Circumstance | | | | | | | |
the Relevant | | | B | | | Condition B, Part I | |
Charging Year | | | | | | | |
Relevant Premises | | | D, G, H, I | | | Condition A | |
| | | and J | | | | |
the Retail Prices | | | B, C and N | | | Condition A | |
Index | | | | | | | |
Review Charging | | | B and N | | | Condition A | |
Year | | | | | | | |
Relevant Premises | | | D, G, H, I | | | Condition A | |
| | | and J | | | | |
the Retail Prices | | | B, C and N | | | Condition A | |
Index | | | | | | | |
Review Charging | | | B and N | | | Condition A | |
Year | | | | | | | |
Standard Charges | | | B | | | Condition B, Part I | |
Unmeasured Basket | | | B | | | Condition B, Part I | |
items | | | | | | | |
the Water Authority | | | B, C, D, E, | | | Condition A | |
| | | F, J and L | | | | |
Weighted Average | | | B | | | Condition B, Part I | |
Charges Increase | | | | | | | |
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2 The definitions of other words and expressions used in the Conditions may be found either in this instrument or, by virtue of paragraph 1 of Condition A, in the Act or in the Interpretation Act 1978. The words and expressions set out in Column (1) below, which are used principally in the Conditions referred to in Column (2) below, are defined in the provision of the Act or of the Interpretation Act 1978 referred to in Column (3)(A) or, as the case may be, Column (3)(b) below:
(1) | | | (2) | | | (3)(A) | | | (3)(B) | |
| | | | | | Relevant | | | Relevant provision of | |
| | | | | | Provision | | | the Interpretation | |
| | | | | | of the Act | | | Act 1978 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
accessories | | | B and J | | | S.189(1) | | | | |
customer or | | | E | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
potential customer | | | | | | | | | | |
Director | | | throughout | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
discharge pipe | | | L | | | s.165(8) | | | | |
| | | | | | and | | | | |
| | | | | | Schedule 19 | | | | |
Functions | | | A, B and E | | | s.188 and 189(1) | | | | |
Holding company | | | A and F | | | s.189 | | | | |
Information | | | A | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
Monopolies | | | A, B, C, F | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
Commission | | | and N | | | | | | | |
new appointee | | | B | | | s.12(6) | | | | |
notice | | | throughout | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
public sewer | | | L | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
records | | | A | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
resource main | | | L | | | s.165(8), 167 and | | | | |
| | | | | | Schedule 19, | | | | |
| | | | | | paragraph 1 | | | | |
service pipe | | | H, I and L | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
| | | | | | and 189(4) | | | | |
sewerage services | | | E and I | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
sewerage undertaker | | | throughout | | | s.11 and 189(1) | | | | |
special administrator | | | K | | | Schedule 6, | | | | |
| | | | | | paragraph 12(2) | | | | |
special | | | K | | | s.25(6), Schedule 5, | | | | |
administration order | | | | | | paragraph 1(4) | | | | |
| | | | | | Schedule 6, | | | | |
| | | | | | paragraph 12(2) | | | | |
subordinate | | | B and L | | | s.189(1) | | | s.21(1) | |
legislation | | | | | | | | | | |
subsidiary | | | A | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
successor company | | | A | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
transfer date | | | throughout | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
trunk main | | | F and L | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
water mains | | | B, J and L | | | s.189(1) | | | | |
water undertaker | | | throughout | | | s.11 and 189(1) | | | | |
writing | | | B, I, M and N | | | s.5 and Schedule | | | | |
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3 The lists of words and expressions used in the Conditions in paragraphs 1 and 2 above are not exhaustive lists of all the words and expressions unused in the Conditions which are defined in this instrument, the Act or the Interpretation Act 1978.
4 This guide to defined terms is for ease of reference only, and shall not affect the construction of any provision of this instrument.