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aaa, ability, abrogated, abstaining, abuse, accelerate, accelerated, accelerating, acceleration, Accenture, accept, acceptable, acceptance, accepted, accessed, accessible, accidental, accidentally, accommodate, accompanying, accomplish, accrual, accrued, accruing, accumulate, accumulated, accuracy, accurate, accurately, achieve, achieved, Achieving, acknowledgment, acquire, acquired, acquiring, acquiror, acquisition, active, actively, activity, actuarial, actuarially, actuary, adapt, adapting, add, added, adding, addition, additional, Additionally, addressed, addressing, adequacy, adequate, adequately, Aderant, adjust, adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, administered, administration, administrative, administrator, advance, advanced, advantage, adverse, adversely, advertising, advice, advisor, advisory, affect, affected, affecting, affiliated, affiliation, affirmatively, affirmed, AG, age, Agence, agency, agenda, aggregate, aggregating, aggregation, aggressive, aggressively, agile, aging, agree, agreed, agreement, ahead, AI, aim, Alice, alleged, allegedly, Allianz, Allison, allocate, allocated, allocating, allocation, alongside, alter, alternative, amalgamated, amalgamation, America, amortization, amortize, amortized, amount, amounted, analytic, analytical, analyze, analyzed, anniversary, announced, announcement, annuity, anticipate, anticipated, anticipating, antitrust, app, appealed, Appen, appendix, applied, apply, applying, appointed, appointment, apportioned, apportionment, approach, approval, approve, approved, approx, approximate, approximately, approximating, Apron, architecture, Argentina, Argentine, arise, arisen, arising, Arnold, arose, arrangement, array, Article, artificial, Asia, assessed, assessing, assessment, asset, assist, assistance, assumed, assuming, assumption, assurance, assure, assured, attaching, attempted, attempting, attend, attention, attorney, attract, attracting, attractive, attributable, attribute, attrition, auditor, augment, August, Aumentum, Australia, Australian, authoritative, automate, automatic, automatically, automating, automation, Avalara, average, Avid, avoidance, award, aware, BA, Baa, bachelor, back, backbone, bad, Bain, Baker, balance, balanced, bank, banking, bankruptcy, Barry, base, based, baseline, basic, BAWAG, Bay, BBB, Bedrijfsbeheer, began, beginning, behavior, Bell, Bello, benchmark, beneficial, beneficially, bid, Biden, big, billed, billing, billion, Binet, blackout, Blackstone, blend, blended, blockchain, Bloomberg, Blue, bolster, book, borne, borrow, borrowed, borrowing, bp, brand, Brazil, Brazilian, breach, breached, breadth, Brian, Bribery, bring, bringing, Bristol, British, broad, broadcast, broaden, broader, broadly, broker, Brooklyn, brought, BS, BSA, budget, build, built, Bunshoft, buy, buyback, buying, CAA, calculate, calculated, calculating, calculation, Calgary, calibrated, California, call, Cambridge, Campaign, Canada, Canadian, cancel, cancellation, cancelled, Canton, capability, capacity, carbon, care, career, Carlo, Carolina, carried, Carrollton, carry, carrying, Carthage, case, CaseWare, cash, cast, Catalyst, categorized, category, Cautionary, cautioned, Cayman, CCGG, CCH, CCPA, cease, center, central, centralized, centrally, Centre, CEO, certainty, certified, CFO, CGU, chain, chair, chaired, chairman, Chairmen, challenge, challenged, challenging, characterized, charge, charged, Charlotte, Checkpoint, Chemistry, Chile, China, choose, chosen, circular, civil, claim, Clark, classified, clear, client, climate, Clorox, closure, cloud, Coalition, CODM, cognitive, cohesive, Colby, collaborate, collaboration, collect, collectible, collecting, collection, collective, collectively, College, Columbia, column, combat, combination, combine, combined, combining, comfort, commenced, commencement, commensurate, commentary, commerce, commercial, commercially, commingled, commitment, committed, committing, commoditization, commonly, Compact, Companion, comparability, comparable, compare, compared, comparison, compassion, compatible, compensate, compensation, compete, competition, competitive, competitor, complement, complementary, complex, complexity, compliance, component, composition, compounding, comprehensive, comprise, comprised, compromise, compromised, computation, compute, computed, computer, Computershare, computing, concentrated, concentration, conceptual, concluded, condensed, condition, conference, confidence, confident, confidential, confidentiality, confirm, confirmation, conflict, conflicting, conformity, conjunction, consecutive, conservative, consideration, consist, consisted, consistency, consistent, consistently, consisting, consolidate, consolidated, consolidating, consolidation, consortia, consortium, constant, constantly, constitute, constituted, constraining, constructive, construed, consult, consultant, consultation, consulting, consumer, consuming, contact, contemplated, content, contesting, context, contingent, continually, continue, continued, continuing, continuity, continuously, contract, contracted, contractual, contractually, contributor, control, controllable, controlled, Controller, controlling, convenience, convening, convention, conversely, conversion, convert, converted, converting, cooperation, coordinate, coordinated, copy, copyright, core, correlate, Corrupt, corruption, COSO, cost, costly, counterparty, country, court, courtroom, covenant, covenanted, coverage, CPPIB, create, created, creating, creation, creative, credibility, credit, crediting, criteria, critical, crowded, CS, culture, cumulative, currency, curtailment, curve, customary, customer, CXO, cybersecurity, Dakota, damage, Dartmouth, David, DaVita, DCF, de, deal, dealer, Deanna, death, debt, debtor, decade, decide, decided, decision, declaration, declare, declared, decline, declined, declining, decrease, decreased, dedicated, deduct, deductible, Deed, deemed, deep, defamation, default, defend, defending, defer, deferment, deferred, degree, Delaware, delay, delayed, delaying, delegate, delegated, deliver, delivered, delivering, delivery, Dell, Deloitte, demand, demographic, demonstrate, demonstrated, denominated, denominator, denouncing, department, depend, dependability, dependency, dependent, depending, deploy, deployed, Depositary, depreciated, depreciation, deputy, derecognized, derivative, derive, derived, description, design, designated, designed, designing, desktop, destruction, detail, detailed, detect, detection, deteriorate, deterioration, determinable, determination, determine, determined, determining, detract, Deutsche, Deutschland, develop, developed, developing, development, device, DHL, DI, differentiate, differentiated, difficult, difficulty, digit, digital, digitalization, digitally, digitization, diligence, dilute, diluted, dilution, dilutive, diminished, diplomacy, direct, directed, direction, Directive, directly, director, directory, DIs, disability, disaggregate, disaster, disciplined, disclaim, disclose, disclosed, disclosing, disclosure, discontinue, discontinued, discount, discounted, discounting, discovered, discovery, discrete, discretion, discretionary, disposal, dispose, disposed, disposition, dispute, disrupt, disrupting, disruption, Disruptive, dissemination, dissolution, distinct, distinction, distinguished, distortion, distortive, distressed, distribute, distribution, diverse, diversified, diversify, diversity, diverted, divested, divided, dividend, dividing, division, DMA, Doctor, Doctorate, document, documentation, dollar, domain, domestic, donating, doubled, doubtful, downgraded, downgrading, downturn, DPT, draft, Drake, dramatic, drew, DRIP, driven, Drug, DSA, Duane, due, Duke, duration, duty, dynamic, Eagan, Eagle, earlier, earn, earned, Earth, eased, easier, East, Eastwood, Ebenbichler, EBITDA, ECHR, economic, economy, ecosystem, Ed, EDGAR, edge, eDiscovery, editor, editorial, Edmund, education, educational, effect, effective, effectively, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, eLearning, electrical, eligible, eliminate, eliminated, Elite, email, embed, embedded, embraced, eminent, employ, employed, employee, empower, empowered, empowering, enable, enabled, Enablement, enabling, enacted, enactment, encryption, energy, enforceable, enforced, enforcement, engineering, England, enhance, enhancing, enjoined, enriching, ensure, ensuring, enter, entered, entering, enterprise, entertainment, entitle, entitled, entitlement, entity, entrenched, Entrepreneurship, entrust, entry, environment, environmental, Epiphany, ePrivacy, EPS, equal, Equality, equally, equipment, equity, equivalent, ERISA, erosion, error, escalate, escalated, Escrowed, ESG, ESPP, essential, essentially, establish, established, establishing, establishment, estate, estimate, estimated, estimating, estimation, ethical, EU, Euro, Europe, European, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, evenly, event, Everbridge, evidence, evolve, evolved, evolving, Ewelme, exacerbated, examined, examining, exceed, exceeded, Excellence, exclude, excluded, excluding, exclusive, exclusively, exempt, exempted, exemption, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exercising, existing, exit, expand, expanded, expatriate, expect, expectancy, expectation, expected, expend, expenditure, expense, expensed, expensive, experience, experienced, experiencing, expert, expertise, expiration, expire, expired, explanation, exploited, explore, exploring, export, expose, exposed, exposure, expressed, extent, external, extinguishment, extraordinary, face, Facebook, facilitate, facility, facing, faction, factor, fail, failure, fair, fairly, fall, Fame, family, faster, favorable, FC, feasible, federal, fee, feel, Fidelity, fiduciary, final, finalized, Finally, finance, financing, Finastra, FindLaw, finite, fintech, firm, Fischer, Fitch, Fitt, fix, fixed, flatter, Fleet, flexibility, flexible, flow, fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuation, focused, focusing, footprint, force, forced, forecast, forecasted, forecasting, foreign, foreseeable, forgotten, format, formation, formula, Fortune, forward, foster, fostering, found, Foundation, founded, founder, fourth, framework, franc, France, Francisco, fraud, fraudulent, free, freedom, freeze, freezing, French, frequency, frequently, Friedenberg, Front, ft, fulfill, fulfilling, full, fully, function, functional, functionality, fund, fundamental, fundamentally, funded, funding, future, gain, gaining, Gas, gathered, gathering, GDP, GDPR, geographic, geographical, geography, geopolitical, Germany, Getty, GIC, global, globalization, globally, globe, glossary, goal, good, goodwill, govern, governance, governed, government, governmental, gradual, gradually, graduate, grant, granted, graph, great, greater, greatest, grew, group, grouping, Grove, grow, growing, guarantee, guaranteed, guarantor, guidance, half, Hall, Hamline, Hancock, hand, handle, handling, hardware, harm, harmed, harmful, Harvard, Hasker, Head, health, healthcare, heavier, heavily, hedge, hedged, hedging, Hewlett, hierarchy, high, higher, highest, highlighted, highly, HighQ, Hilton, hired, historical, historically, history, HM, HMRC, hold, holder, holding, holiday, holistic, Holy, home, Honeywell, honorary, horizontal, host, hosted, hosting, HP, HR, HSBC, human, hybrid, hyperinflationary, hypothetical, IAS, IASB, IBM, ID, identical, identifiable, identified, identify, IDG, iii, immaterial, impact, impacted, impair, impaired, impairment, impartiality, impede, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implicit, implied, important, impose, imposed, improper, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inactive, inadequate, inadvertent, incentive, incentivized, inception, Incident, inclusion, inclusive, income, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, Incubator, incur, incurred, indefinite, indefinitely, indemnification, indemnify, indemnity, indenture, independence, independent, independently, index, indexed, India, Indian, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, induce, inducted, ineffective, inexpensive, inflation, influence, influenced, info, infrastructure, infringe, infringement, infringing, inherent, inherently, initial, initially, initiated, initiative, innovate, innovation, innovative, INSEAD, insider, insight, insist, inspire, instability, installation, installed, Institute, instituted, institution, institutional, instrument, insufficient, insurance, intangible, integral, integrate, integrated, integrating, integration, integrity, intellectual, intelligence, intelligent, intend, intended, intense, intensifying, intensity, intention, intentional, intentionally, intercompany, Intercorporate, interest, interested, interim, internal, internally, international, internet, interpretation, interpreted, interrelated, interrupt, interrupted, interruption, introduce, introduced, introduction, Intuit, intuitive, Inver, invest, invested, investee, investigation, investing, investment, investor, Involuntary, involve, involved, involvement, involving, IP, IPO, Iran, Ireland, irrevocably, issuable, issuance, item, ITRA, January, Japan, Jay, JD, Jersey, Jijabai, job, Johnson, joined, joining, joint, jointly, journalism, judgment, judicial, July, June, junior, jurisdiction, justice, Keane, Kellogg, Kennebunk, Kenneth, key, Kingdom, Kirk, Kirsty, Kluwer, knowingly, knowledge, Koenigsbauer, Korea, La, Lab, labor, Labour, Lack, lag, landlord, landscape, Lansdown, large, largely, larger, largest, Latin, launched, launching, laundering, law, Lawton, lawyer, lead, leader, leadership, leading, learning, lease, leased, Lecturer, led, legacy, legislation, legislative, Lemann, lend, lengthy, Lerner, lessee, lesser, lessor, letter, level, leverage, leveraging, Ley, LGBTQ, liability, LIBOR, library, libre, license, licensed, licensing, lieu, life, lifecycle, light, likelihood, Likewise, limit, limitation, limited, limiting, Linda, line, linked, liquidation, liquidity, listed, listing, literacy, literate, litigation, live, lived, LLC, LLM, Loblaw, local, localization, localized, located, location, logged, logo, London, long, longer, longest, longevity, longstanding, Lord, lose, lost, low, lower, lowered, lowest, loyal, LSEG, Lucy, lump, Luxembourg, MA, machine, macroeconomic, magnitude, mail, main, Maine, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, mandated, mandating, mandatory, Manila, manner, manufacturing, margin, market, marketing, marketplace, Mart, Mary, master, match, matching, material, materialize, materially, matter, mature, maturity, maximize, maximum, Maxingvest, MBA, McGill, McKenzie, McKinsey, meaningful, measure, measured, measurement, media, medical, meditation, medium, meet, meeting, Melbourne, member, Mental, mentioned, mentorship, merger, merit, met, method, Methodist, methodology, metric, Michael, Microsoft, Middle, midst, migrate, migrated, Migration, Mike, million, Mineral, minimize, minimized, minimum, Minnesota, mirrored, misappropriation, misinformation, misleading, mismatch, mission, misstatement, MIT, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mitigation, MitraTech, mix, mobile, model, moderate, modern, modernize, modernized, modernizing, modest, modification, modified, modify, modifying, Modular, momentum, monetary, monetize, monitor, monitored, monitoring, Monte, Montreal, Moody, morale, mortality, motivate, motivating, Mount, move, movement, Multilateral, multimedia, multinational, multiple, mutual, narrative, narrower, narrowly, national, natural, nature, navigate, navigating, navigation, NCIB, necessarily, negate, negative, negatively, NerveWire, net, netted, netting, network, newer, newly, Nielsen, nil, nominate, nomination, nominee, nonpublic, North, Northwestern, notably, note, noted, notice, notional, November, NPS, numerical, NYSE, object, objective, obligor, observable, obsolescence, obsolete, obtain, obtained, obtaining, Occupation, occupied, occur, occurred, occurrence, occurring, October, OECD, offer, offered, offering, officially, offset, offsetting, Oil, omitted, ONESOURCE, ongoing, online, Ontario, Onvio, OPEB, open, opened, operate, operating, operation, operational, operationally, opinion, Oppenheimer, Opperman, opportunity, opt, optimize, optimized, option, optionality, order, orderly, ordinarily, ordinary, organic, organically, Organisation, organization, organizational, organize, organized, original, OTC, outbreak, outcome, outflow, outline, outlined, outlook, outperform, outsourced, outsourcing, overhead, oversee, oversight, overview, owed, owner, ownership, pace, Pacific, Packard, paid, pandemic, Pandita, Pangea, paper, par, Parent, parity, part, partially, participant, participate, participation, partly, partner, partnership, party, passage, passed, passing, patent, pathway, pattern, Paul, pay, payable, paying, payment, payout, payroll, PCAOB, Peace, Peccarelli, peer, penalty, pending, penetrating, penetration, Pennsylvania, pension, people, PeopleMap, percentage, perception, perform, performance, performed, performing, permanent, permanently, permissible, permit, permitted, perpetual, persistent, personnel, perspective, pertain, peso, Peter, phase, phishing, photo, physical, pioneer, pipeline, plan, planned, planning, Plano, plant, platform, plc, pledged, point, policy, political, Pondera, pooling, Poor, popularity, population, portfolio, portion, pose, posed, position, positioned, Positioning, positive, positively, possession, Postbank, postpone, postponed, posture, potential, potentially, pound, power, powered, powerful, practical, practice, practiced, practicing, precise, predecessor, predicated, predict, predicted, predominantly, preemptive, preliminary, premium, Prepaid, preparation, prepare, prepared, preparing, prescribed, prescribing, presence, present, presentation, presented, presenting, presently, preserved, preserving, pressure, prevailing, prevalent, prevent, prevented, prevention, Pri, price, priced, pricing, primarily, prime, principled, print, prior, prioritizing, priority, privacy, private, proceeding, processed, processing, procurement, product, productive, productivity, professional, professionally, Professor, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, program, programming, progressed, prohibit, project, projected, projecting, proliferation, prolonged, prominence, promise, promised, promote, Promoter, property, proportion, proportionate, proportionately, propose, proposed, proposition, proprietary, prospective, protect, protected, protecting, protection, protective, proud, prove, proven, provincial, provision, proximity, proxy, public, publicity, publicly, publishing, Puget, purpose, pursue, pursuing, put, qualified, qualify, qualifying, qualitative, quality, quantitative, quarter, quarterly, Queen, quickly, quoted, racism, random, range, ranging, rank, ranked, ranking, ransom, rapid, rapidly, ratable, ratably, rate, rated, rating, ratio, rational, reach, reached, reaching, read, readily, real, realigned, realization, realize, realized, realizing, rebranded, rebuilding, rebuilt, receivable, receive, received, receiving, recent, recently, recession, recipient, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recognizing, recommend, recommendation, reconcile, reconciled, reconciliation, record, recorded, recoup, recover, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recurrence, recurring, recycled, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, redoubled, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, redundancy, redundant, Refinitiv, reflect, reflected, reflecting, reflection, reflective, reform, refrain, refund, regime, region, regional, regular, regularly, regulation, regulatory, Reimagine, reimbursed, reimbursement, reinforced, reinvest, reinvested, reinvestment, relationship, release, released, relevant, reliability, reliable, reliably, reliance, relied, relief, RELX, rely, remain, remained, remaining, remapped, remeasured, Remote, remotely, remove, removed, remuneration, rendered, renegotiate, renew, renewable, renewal, renewed, reorganization, reorganized, repaid, repay, repayment, repealed, replace, replication, reposition, repositioning, represent, representation, representative, represented, representing, repurchase, repurchased, reputation, reputational, requisite, resale, research, reserve, resided, residence, resident, residual, resilience, resiliency, Resilient, resolution, resolve, resource, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, Restated, restoration, restore, restrict, restricted, restriction, restructured, restructuring, result, resulted, resulting, resume, retail, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retire, retired, retiree, retirement, retiring, retrieval, retrospective, return, returned, returning, revaluation, revalue, revenue, reversal, reverse, reversed, revert, review, reviewed, RIA, risk, Rivera, Robinson, Rockwell, ROIC, role, rolling, Ronald, Roth, Rothert, rounding, routine, routinely, Roy, Rudin, run, rupee, Rushton, sabotage, safe, safeguard, safeguarding, safety, Sage, salary, sale, Salzberg, San, SAP, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, satisfying, scalable, scale, schedule, scheduled, Scheme, Schimmelmann, Schindellegi, School, science, scope, Score, scored, screening, scrutinizing, scrutiny, seasonal, seasonality, Seattle, sec, secondarily, secondary, sector, secure, securing, security, sedar, seek, seeking, segment, seldom, selected, selecting, selection, selectively, sell, selling, Sending, senior, sensitive, sensitivity, separate, separated, separately, separation, September, serve, served, serving, session, set, setting, settle, settled, settlement, shareholder, shareholding, sharpen, sheet, shelf, shift, shifting, shipment, short, shortage, shortly, showed, showing, shown, significant, significantly, similar, Similarly, Simon, simplification, simplified, simplify, simplifying, simulation, simultaneously, single, sit, situation, size, sized, skill, skilled, slavery, slightly, Sloan, slower, slowly, small, smaller, smart, SMB, social, societal, software, solid, solution, solve, sophisticated, sought, Sound, source, sourced, South, Southern, space, Spain, spared, specialist, specific, specifically, speculative, speed, spend, spending, spent, split, sponsor, Sponsoring, spot, spread, sq, Square, SSAE, SSP, stability, stable, stage, stand, standalone, standing, standstill, Stanford, state, stated, Station, statute, statutory, step, Stephane, sterling, Steve, Steven, stewardship, stop, storage, store, storing, strain, stranded, strategic, strategy, stratification, stream, streaming, streamline, streamlining, Street, strength, strict, strictly, strive, strong, stronger, structure, structured, style, subleased, subscription, subsection, subsequent, subsequently, subside, subsidiary, substance, substantial, substantially, substantively, substitute, succeed, successful, successfully, succession, successive, successor, sued, sufficient, Suisse, suit, suitability, suitable, suite, sum, summarized, summary, Summit, Sunil, Supervisory, supplement, supplemental, supplier, supply, support, supported, supporting, survivor, susceptible, suspend, sustainability, sustainable, SVP, swap, swapped, swing, Switzerland, syndicated, Syria, system, systematic, tactical, tailored, takeover, talent, talented, target, targeted, targeting, task, tax, taxable, taxation, taxing, TCF, TD, team, technical, technically, technique, technological, technology, tel, Teleknow, television, temporarily, temporary, terminate, terminated, terminating, termination, terrorist, Tesco, test, tested, testing, text, textual, threat, threaten, thwart, TIL, time, timekeeping, timeline, timely, Timetable, timing, today, Tohmatsu, Tom, top, Toronto, Touche, TPG, tr, TRA, Tracker, trademark, traditional, traditionally, trafficking, training, tranche, Trane, transaction, transfer, transferred, transferring, transform, transformation, transformed, transforming, translated, translation, transmission, transmit, transparency, transparently, travel, Treadway, Treasurer, treasury, trend, TRGP, triennial, trust, trusted, trustee, TSX, TTC, turn, Turnbull, Tyco, type, typically, UK, ultimate, ultimately, UltraTax, unable, unadjusted, unaffected, unaffiliated, unamortized, Unanticipated, unaudited, unauthorized, unavailability, unavailable, unbiased, uncertain, uncertainty, unchanged, unclear, unconditional, unconditionally, unconsolidated, undergraduate, underlying, underscored, understand, understandably, understanding, undetected, undiscounted, undistributed, undue, unexpected, unfavorable, unforeseen, unfunded, UNGC, unilaterally, unintentional, Union, unique, uniquely, Universit, University, unlimited, unobservable, unpermitted, unprecedented, unrecognized, unrelated, unresolved, unsecured, unwilling, upcoming, upgrade, uphold, upholding, Uruguay, usable, usage, user, utilize, utilized, utilizing, vacated, vaccination, validity, valuable, valuation, Vance, Vancouver, variability, variable, variation, varied, variety, vary, varying, Vector, Veermata, vehicle, vendor, venture, Vertex, vest, vested, vesting, viability, video, view, viewed, vigorously, violated, violating, virtual, virtually, voice, volatile, volatility, volume, voluntarily, voluntary, volunteer, volunteering, volunteerism, von, vote, voting, VP, Vuicic, vulnerable, WACC, Walmart, war, warrant, waste, weakened, weaker, weather, website, Week, weight, weighted, weighting, wellbeing, West, Western, Westlaw, wholly, wide, widely, wider, widespread, Windsor, withdraw, withdrawing, withdrawn, withholding, witnessed, Wong, Woodbridge, Woodside, work, worked, workflow, workforce, working, workpaper, workplace, world, worldwide, worsen, worsening, writing, written, Wulf, yield, YMCA, York, Zealand, Zug, Zurich
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- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 99.1 EX-99.1 - Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2020
- 99.2 EX-99.2 - Consent of Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP
- 99.3 EX-99.3 - Certification of CEO Sect 302
- 99.4 EX-99.4 - Certification of CFO Sect 302
- 99.5 EX-99.5 - Certification of CEO Sect 906
- 99.6 EX-99.6 - Certification of CFO Sect 906
- 99.8 EX-99.8 - Audit Commitee Charter
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