FINANCE RECEIVABLES AND ALLOWANCE FOR CREDIT LOSSES | FINANCE RECEIVABLES AND ALLOWANCE FOR CREDIT LOSSES The following is a summary of gross loans receivable by Customer Tenure as of: Customer Tenure December 31, 2020 0 to 5 months $ 109,146,394 6 to 17 months 140,042,981 18 to 35 months 189,205,533 36 to 59 months 148,244,918 60+ months 677,647,591 Tax advance loans 242,898 Total gross loans $ 1,264,530,315 During the first quarter of fiscal 2021, we adopted ASU 2016-13, which replaces the incurred loss methodology for determining our provision for credit losses and allowance for credit losses with an expected loss methodology that is referred to as the CECL model, using the modified retrospective approach. Upon adoption, the total allowance for credit losses increased by $28.6 million, with no impact to the consolidated statement of operations. Based on the Company’s loan products, the purpose and the term, current payment performance is used to assess the capability of the borrower to repay contractual obligations of the loan agreements as scheduled. Current payment performance is monitored by management on a daily basis. On an as needed basis, qualitative information may be taken into consideration if new information arises related to the customer’s ability to repay the loan. The Company’s payment performance buckets are as follows: current, 30-60 days past due, 61-90 days past due, 91 days or more past due. The following tables provide a breakdown of the Company’s gross loans receivable by current payment performance on a recency basis and year of origination at December 31, 2020: Term Loans By Origination Loans Up to Between Between Between Between More than Total Current $ 1,096,454,268 $ 53,542,759 $ 2,329,906 $ 128,216 $ 10,211 $ 3,063 $ 1,152,468,423 30 - 60 days past due 42,220,508 4,099,955 272,431 58,886 8,142 168 46,660,090 61 - 90 days past due 23,939,973 2,640,530 158,794 23,586 1,198 574 26,764,655 91 or more days past due 31,674,388 6,339,220 325,237 46,724 6,639 2,041 38,394,249 Total $ 1,194,289,137 $ 66,622,464 $ 3,086,368 $ 257,412 $ 26,190 $ 5,846 $ 1,264,287,417 Term Loans By Origination Tax advance loans Up to Between Between Between Between More than Total Current $ 7,920 $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — 7,920 30 - 60 days past due 9,305 — — — — — 9,305 61 - 90 days past due 11,647 — — — — — 11,647 91 or more days past due 211,779 2,247 — — — — 214,026 Total $ 240,651 $ 2,247 $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 242,898 Total gross loans $ 1,264,530,315 The following tables provide a breakdown of the Company’s gross loans receivable by current payment performance on a contractual basis and year of origination at December 31, 2020: Term Loans By Origination Loans Up to Between Between Between Between More than Total Current $ 1,082,056,393 $ 48,598,283 $ 1,885,402 $ 74,695 $ 270 $ 831 $ 1,132,615,874 30 - 60 days past due 46,120,163 2,687,437 146,140 15,455 — — 48,969,195 61 - 90 days past due 27,167,688 2,234,188 81,559 945 — — 29,484,380 91 or more days past due 38,944,893 13,102,556 973,268 166,317 25,919 5,015 53,217,968 Total $ 1,194,289,137 $ 66,622,464 $ 3,086,369 $ 257,412 $ 26,189 $ 5,846 $ 1,264,287,417 Term Loans By Origination Tax advance loans Up to Between Between Between Between More than Total Current $ 63 $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 63 30 - 60 days past due 50 — — — — — 50 61 - 90 days past due 2,744 — — — — — 2,744 91 or more days past due 237,794 2,247 — — — — 240,041 Total $ 240,651 $ 2,247 $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 242,898 Total gross loans $ 1,264,530,315 The allowance for credit losses is applied to amortized cost, which is defined as the amount at which a financing receivable is originated, and net of deferred fees and costs, collection of cash, and charge-offs. Amortized cost also includes interest earned but not collected. Credit Risk is inherent in the business of extending loans to borrowers and is continuously monitored by management and reflected within the allowance for credit losses for loans. The allowance for credit losses is an estimate of expected losses inherent within the Company’s gross loans receivable portfolio. In estimating the allowance for credit losses, loans with similar risk characteristics are aggregated into pools and collectively assessed. The Company’s loan products have generally the same terms therefore the Company looked to borrower characteristics as a way to disaggregate loans into pools sharing similar risks. In determining the allowance for credit losses, the Company examined four borrower risk metrics as noted below. 1. Borrower type 2. Active months 3. Prior loan performance 4. Customer Tenure To determine how well each metric predicts default risk the Company uses loss rate data over an observation period of twelve months at the loan level. The information value was then calculated for each metric. From this analysis management determined the metric that had the strongest predictor of default risk was Customer Tenure. The Customer Tenure buckets used in the allowance for credit loss calculation are: 1. 0 to 5 months 2. 6 to 17 months 3. 18 to 35 months 4. 36 to 59 months 5. 60+ months Management will continue to monitor this credit metric on a quarterly basis. Management estimates an allowance for each Customer Tenure bucket by performing a historical migration analysis of loans in that bucket for the twelve most recent historical twelve-month migration periods, adjusted for seasonality. All loans that are greater than 90 days past due on a recency basis and not written off as of the reporting date are reserved for at 100% of the outstanding balance, net of a calculated Rehab Rate. Management considers whether current credit conditions might suggest a change is needed to the allowance for credit losses by monitoring trends in 60-day delinquencies, FICO scores and average loan size as compared to metrics in the historical migration period. Due to the short term nature of the loan portfolio, forecasted changes in macroeconomic variables such as unemployment do not have a significant impact on loans outstanding at the end of a particular reporting period. Therefore, management develops a reasonable and supportable forecast of losses by comparing the most recent 6-month loss curves as compared to historical loss curves to see if there are significant changes in borrower behavior that may indicate the historical migration rates should be adjusted. If an adjustment is made as a result of the forecast, then the Company has elected to immediately revert back to historical experience past the forecast period. The following table presents a roll forward of the allowance for credit losses on our gross loans receivable for the three and nine months ended December 31, 2020 and 2019. Three months ended December 31, Nine months ended December 31, 2020 2019 2020 2019 Beginning balance 109,601,359 $ 101,469,313 $ 96,487,856 $ 81,519,624 Impact of ASC 326 adoption — — 28,628,368 — Provision for credit losses 28,857,443 55,219,470 80,608,470 149,478,577 Charge-offs (29,239,780) (46,850,430) (106,865,225) (128,978,851) Recoveries 4,248,339 3,231,288 14,607,892 11,050,291 Net charge-offs (24,991,441) (43,619,142) (92,257,333) (117,928,560) Ending Balance $ 113,467,361 $ 113,069,641 $ 113,467,361 $ 113,069,641 The following table is an aging analysis on a recency basis at amortized cost of the Company’s gross loans receivable at December 31, 2020: Days Past Due - Recency Basis Customer Tenure Current 30 - 60 61 - 90 Over 90 Total Past Due Total Loans 0 to 5 months $ 91,287,471 $ 6,542,056 $ 4,492,845 $ 6,824,023 $ 17,858,924 $ 109,146,395 6 to 17 months 118,906,270 7,443,204 5,183,990 8,509,517 21,136,711 140,042,981 18 to 35 months 171,201,659 7,495,044 4,324,184 6,184,645 18,003,873 189,205,532 36 to 59 months 136,570,735 5,156,489 2,804,847 3,712,847 11,674,183 148,244,918 60+ months 634,502,288 20,023,296 9,958,789 13,163,218 43,145,303 677,647,591 Tax advance loans 7,920 9,305 11,647 214,026 $ 234,978 242,898 Total gross loans 1,152,476,343 46,669,394 26,776,302 38,608,276 112,053,972 1,264,530,315 Unearned interest, insurance and fees (305,365,570) (12,365,743) (7,094,775) (10,229,831) (29,690,349) (335,055,919) Total net loans $ 847,110,773 $ 34,303,651 $ 19,681,527 $ 28,378,445 $ 82,363,623 $ 929,474,396 Percentage of period-end gross loans receivable 3.7% 2.1% 3.1% 8.9% Days Past Due - Contractual Basis Customer Tenure Current 30 - 60 61 - 90 Over 90 Total Past Due Total Loans 0 to 5 months $ 90,177,810 $ 6,466,041 $ 4,502,768 $ 7,999,773 $ 18,968,582 $ 109,146,392 6 to 17 months 116,381,121 7,566,591 5,380,327 10,714,943 23,661,861 140,042,982 18 to 35 months 168,402,428 7,688,576 4,805,036 8,309,493 20,803,105 189,205,533 36 to 59 months 134,268,134 5,473,173 3,130,245 5,373,367 13,976,785 148,244,919 60+ months 623,386,383 21,774,814 11,666,004 20,820,390 54,261,208 677,647,591 Tax advance loans 63 50 2,744 240,041 $ 242,835 242,898 Total gross loans 1,132,615,939 48,969,245 29,487,124 53,458,007 131,914,376 1,264,530,315 Unearned interest, insurance and fees (300,103,263) (12,975,122) (7,813,048) (14,164,486) (34,952,656) (335,055,919) Total net loans $ 832,512,676 $ 35,994,123 $ 21,674,076 $ 39,293,521 $ 96,961,720 $ 929,474,396 Percentage of period-end gross loans receivable 3.9% 2.3% 4.2% 10.4 % The Company elected not to record an allowance for credit losses for accrued interest as outlined in ASC 326-20-30-5A. Loans are placed on nonaccrual status when management determines that the full payment of principal and collection of interest according to contractual terms is no longer likely. The accrual of interest is discontinued when a loan is 61 days or more past the contractual due date. When the interest accrual is discontinued, all unpaid accrued interest is reversed against interest income. While a loan is on nonaccrual status, interest revenue is recognized only when a payment is received. Once a loan moves to nonaccrual status, it remains in nonaccrual status until it is paid out, charged off or refinanced. During the three months ended December 31, 2020, the Company reversed a total of $6.4 million of unpaid accrued interest against interest income. During the nine months ended December 31, 2020, the Company reversed a total of $16.2 million of unpaid accrued interest against interest income. The following table presents the amortized cost basis of loans on nonaccrual status as of the beginning of the reporting period and the end of the reporting period and the amortized cost basis of nonaccrual loans without related expected credit loss. It also shows year-to-date interest income recognized on nonaccrual loans: Nonaccrual Financial Assets Customer Tenure As of December 31, 2020 As of March 31, 2020 Financial Assets 61 Days or More Past Due, Not on Nonaccrual Status Nonaccrual Financial Assets With No Allowance as of December 31, 2020 Interest Income 0 to 5 months $ 12,725,225 $ 26,040,593 $ — $ — $ 1,283,886 6 to 17 months 16,352,270 17,466,450 — — 1,617,925 18 to 35 months 13,429,551 13,723,295 — — 1,418,093 36 to 59 months 8,794,918 10,071,288 — — 1,082,178 60+ months 33,829,640 44,293,545 — — 4,822,468 Tax advance loans 296,191 41,573 — — Unearned interest, insurance and fees (22,635,352) (28,510,140) — — Total $ 62,792,443 $ 83,126,604 $ — $ — $ 10,224,550 Under the prior incurred loss methodology, loss contingencies were evaluated as: probable, reasonably possible, or remote. If, at the date of financial statement presentation, information was available that indicated an asset had been impaired and the amount of loss could be reasonably estimated, then an allowance for that loss could be recorded. Recording an allowance for a loss that was considered reasonably possible or remote was not permitted. With the adoption of ASC 326, the Company considers the lifetime potential for losses at the point of origination and records an allowance for that potential, at that point in time, removing the necessity of differentiation between the three loss contingency concepts and impairment. The following disclosures are presented under previously applicable GAAP. The following is a summary of loans individually and collectively evaluated for impairment for the periods indicated: March 31, 2020 Loans individually Loans collectively Total Gross loans in bankruptcy, excluding contractually delinquent $ 5,165,752 — 5,165,752 Gross loans contractually delinquent 70,719,727 — 70,719,727 Loans not contractually delinquent and not in bankruptcy — 1,133,985,887 1,133,985,887 Gross loan balance 75,885,479 1,133,985,887 1,209,871,366 Unearned interest and fees (16,848,762) (292,131,962) (308,980,724) Net loans 59,036,717 841,853,925 900,890,642 Allowance for credit losses (54,090,509) (42,397,347) (96,487,856) Loans, net of allowance for credit losses $ 4,946,208 799,456,578 804,402,786 December 31, 2019 Loans individually Loans collectively Total Gross loans in bankruptcy, excluding contractually delinquent $ 5,066,019 — 5,066,019 Gross loans contractually delinquent 80,765,569 — 80,765,569 Loans not contractually delinquent and not in bankruptcy — 1,286,936,992 1,286,936,992 Gross loan balance 85,831,588 1,286,936,992 1,372,768,580 Unearned interest and fees (19,140,361) (346,893,706) (366,034,067) Net loans 66,691,227 940,043,286 1,006,734,513 Allowance for losses (61,840,514) (51,229,127) (113,069,641) Loans, net of allowance for losses $ 4,850,713 888,814,159 893,664,872 The average net balance of impaired loans was $56.7 million for the nine-month period ended December 31, 2019. It is not practical to compute the amount of interest earned on impaired loans. The following is an assessment of the credit quality of loans for the periods indicated: March 31, 2020 December 31, 2019 Credit risk Consumer loans- non-bankrupt accounts $ 1,203,552,152 $ 1,366,079,543 Consumer loans- bankrupt accounts 6,319,214 6,689,037 Total gross loans $ 1,209,871,366 $ 1,372,768,580 Consumer credit exposure Credit risk profile based on payment activity, performing $ 1,104,130,714 $ 1,255,471,072 Contractual non-performing, 61 or more days delinquent (1) 105,740,652 117,297,508 Total gross loans $ 1,209,871,366 $ 1,372,768,580 Credit risk profile based on customer type New borrower $ 124,800,193 $ 155,284,022 Former borrower 127,108,125 161,575,535 Refinance 935,448,882 1,031,380,059 Delinquent refinance 22,514,166 24,528,964 Total gross loans $ 1,209,871,366 $ 1,372,768,580 _______________________________________________________ (1) Loans in non-accrual status. The following is a summary of the past due receivables as of: March 31, 2020 December 31, 2019 Contractual basis: 30-60 days past due $ 49,137,102 $ 55,172,208 61-90 days past due 35,020,925 36,531,939 91 days or more past due 70,719,727 80,765,569 Total $ 154,877,754 $ 172,469,716 Percentage of period-end gross loans receivable 12.8 % 12.6 % Recency basis: 30-60 days past due $ 48,206,910 $ 54,090,162 61-90 days past due 28,450,942 33,295,364 91 days or more past due 50,669,837 62,565,314 Total $ 127,327,689 $ 149,950,840 Percentage of period-end gross loans receivable 10.5 % 10.9 % |