The capital increases decided upon in the context of this authorisation shall be imputed to the remaining part of the authorised capital as referred to in paragraph (a).
d) Any issue premiums payable at the time of subscription to a capital increase within the framework of the authorised capital shall be booked to a separate account under shareholders’ equity in the liabilities section of the Company’s balance sheet and shall be constituted by contributions in cash or in kind, other than contributions in work, actually paid up at the occasion of the issuance of shares.
e) The Board of Directors shall also be authorised to restrict or cancel the preferential subscription right in the interest of the company. It may do this for the benefit of one or more specific persons, even if they are not members of the personnel of the company or its subsidiaries, provided that, including upon the issue of subscription rights, compliance with the relevant legal provisions is ensured. It may also decide, as appropriate, to give priority to the existing shareholders during the allocation of new shares.
f) The Board of Directors has the power, with the possibility of subrogation, to amend the articles of association of the company in order to align them with decisions on capital increases within the framework of the authorised capital.
On June 9, 2021, the company's board of directors decided to increase the company's share capital, by contribution in kind, within the framework of the authorized capital, the first partial realization of which was adopted on June 14, 2021 at an amount for the capital increase of three hundred twenty thousand euros (320,000.00 EUR), bringing the available amount of the authorized capital to three million seven hundred forty-seven thousand seven hundred euros and seventy-two cents (3,747,700.72 EUR).
A second and final partial realization was established on July 6, 2021 at an amount for the capital increase of forty-eight thousand euros (48,000.00 EUR), bringing the available amount of authorized capital to three million six hundred ninety-nine thousand seven hundred euros and seventy-two cents (3,699,700.72 EUR).
ARTICLE 7: Capital increase - preferential subscription right.
a) Subject to the possibility of a capital increase within the framework of authorized capital by decision of the Board of Directors, an increase in the share capital can only be decided upon by an extraordinary general meeting before a notary public, in accordance with the provisions of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code.
b) For each capital increase by means of a contribution in cash, the shareholders shall have a preferential subscription right in accordance with Article 7:188 et seq. of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code and the new shares, convertible bonds and subscription rights shall first be offered to the existing shareholders in proportion to the part of the capital represented by their shares.
The period during which the preferential subscription right may be exercised shall be determined by the general meeting of shareholders or, as applicable, by the Board of Directors, and may not be less than fifteen days from the date on which the subscription is opened.
The Board of Directors may decide that the total or partial non-use by the shareholders of their preferential subscription rights shall increase the proportional share of the shareholders who have already exercised their preferential subscription rights; it shall also decide on the subscription procedure. The Board of Directors shall also have the right, upon such terms as it shall determine, to conclude all agreements to ensure the subscription to all or part of the shares to be issued.
If a share is encumbered with a usufruct, the preferential subscription right shall belong to the usufructuary, unless otherwise agreed. The newly acquired shares, convertible bonds and subscription rights shall be fully owned by him, subject to a possible fee paid to the bare owner for exercising the preferential subscription right.
In the case of pledged shares, the preferential subscription right shall exclusively belong to the owner-pledger.
In the interest of the company and with due observance of the relevant legal requirements, the general meeting of shareholders and, within the framework of the authorized capital, the Board of Directors, may restrict or cancel the preferential subscription right.
c) The general meeting of shareholders, or the Board of Directors within the authorized capital, as appropriate, may decide to increase the capital in favour of its employees, subject to the provisions of Article 7:204 of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code.
d) A capital increase can also be realized through the conversion of reserves. The extraordinary general meeting may grant the Board of Directors the power to increase the capital within the limits of the authorized capital through the conversion of reserves.