(Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Ultrapar Participações S.A., held on October 7th, 2019)
Subsequently, the members of the Board appointed Mr. Décio de Sampaio Amaral, Brazilian, married, electronic engineer, bearer of Identity Card (RG) no.11.621.893-9 – SSP/SP and enrolled in the Brazilian Individual Taxpayers’ Registry (CPF/MF) under no.081.286.298-83, with commercial address at Avenue Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, 1.343, 9th floor, in the city and State of São Paulo, to take office as an Executive Officer of the Company. The term of office of Mr. Décio de Sampaio Amaral will begin on January 1, 2020, when he will sign the deed of appointment, and remain for the duration of the term of office of the other Officers of the Company in exercise, with compensation as proposed and duly filed with the People Committee’s Secretariat.
From October 14 to December 31, 2019, Mr. Décio de Sampaio Amaral will act as an executive at Ultracargo and count with the support of Mr. Catran for his integration in the company, in order to assure a planned and effective transition process.
As per the Board’s consultation, Mr. Décio de Sampaio Amaral, informed that (a) he has not incurred any offense that prevents him from carrying out the duties inherent to the position for which he was appointed; (b) he does not hold any position in companies that may be considered competitors of the Company; and (c) he has no conflict of interest with the Company, in accordance with article 147 of Law no. 6,404/76.
Observation: The resolutions were approved, with no amendments or qualifications, by all the Board Members.
As there were no further matters to be discussed, the meeting was closed, the minutes of this meeting were written, read and approved by all the attending Board Members.
Pedro Wongtschowski– Chairman
Lucio de Castro Andrade Filho– Vice-Chairman
Alexandre Gonçalves Silva
Ana Paula Janes Vescovi
Flávia Buarque de Almeida
Joaquim Pedro de Mello
Jorge Marques de Toledo Camargo
José Galló
José Maurício Pereira Coelho
Nildemar Secches