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AA, ability, abreast, absence, AbsenceTech, ABSLAMC, absolute, Academy, ACB, accelerate, accelerated, accelerating, accept, acceptable, acceptance, accident, accompanied, accompanying, accomplish, accredited, accrue, accrued, accruing, Accumulated, Accumulation, accuracy, accurate, achieve, achieved, achievement, achieving, acknowledging, ACMA, acquire, acquired, acquisition, active, actively, activity, acute, adapt, adaptation, adaptive, add, additionally, addressed, adequacy, adequate, adequately, adhered, adherence, Aditya, adjudicated, adjudication, adjust, adjustability, adjustable, adjusted, adjustment, administration, administrative, administrator, advance, advanced, advancement, advancing, advantage, adverse, adversely, advice, advisor, advisory, advocacy, advocate, advocated, affect, affected, affecting, affiliate, affiliated, affinity, affirmed, Affordable, aforementioned, AFS, age, aged, agency, agenda, aggregate, aggregating, aggregation, aggressively, agile, agreed, agreement, ahead, aid, aided, aim, aimed, alleviate, allocate, allocated, allocating, allocation, alternate, alternative, ambition, AMC, America, American, amortization, amortized, amount, amplified, ANA, analytic, analyzed, Annex, announced, announcement, annuitization, annuity, annum, anticipate, anticipated, app, appeal, appetite, Apple, applied, apply, applying, appraisal, approach, approval, approve, approved, approving, approximate, approximated, approximately, approximating, arbitration, arise, arising, ARR, arrangement, array, arrive, articulation, artificial, ASB, Asia, Asian, ASO, aspiration, aspire, asset, assign, assigned, assist, assisting, assume, assumed, assuming, assumption, attention, attract, attracting, attractive, attributable, attributed, auditor, augment, augmented, augmenting, August, AUM, Australia, automate, automated, automatic, automatically, automation, average, avoid, avoided, avoiding, aware, BA, back, backed, backup, balance, balanced, bancassurance, bank, banking, bankruptcy, bar, base, based, battery, BBB, bear, began, beginning, behave, behaviour, behavioural, benchmark, benchmarking, Bentall, BentallGreenOak, Berhad, Bermuda, BGO, bid, bilateral, bill, billed, billion, Birla, block, blockchain, bond, book, borrow, borrower, borrowing, Branch, brand, breach, breadth, breakdown, bridge, Brighter, Bring, bringing, broad, broaden, Broadened, broader, broadly, broker, brokerage, BSE, budgeting, build, building, built, BundleSM, buy, calculate, calculated, calculating, calculation, calibre, call, called, Canadian, capability, capable, capacity, capture, carbon, care, career, carefully, CARR, carried, carrier, carry, carrying, case, cash, catastrophic, categorize, categorized, category, cautionary, CDOR, CDP, CDS, cease, ceded, central, centre, centred, century, CEO, certainty, cessation, CFO, CGU, chain, chaired, challenge, challenging, champion, channel, character, charge, charged, chief, China, choice, choose, choosing, chosen, chronic, CIMB, claim, Clarica, clarify, classified, clean, cleaner, clear, cleared, clearing, Client, climate, clinical, closer, closest, closure, cloud, CMG, CMHC, coach, coaching, coal, coastline, codified, cohort, collaborate, collaborated, collaboration, collaborative, collaboratively, collateral, collateralize, collect, collected, collection, collective, collectively, combination, combine, combined, combining, Commencing, commensurate, commercial, comparability, comparable, comparative, compared, comparing, comparison, compelling, compensation, compete, competition, competitive, complementing, complex, complexity, compliance, compliant, complimentary, component, composed, composition, compound, comprehensive, compression, comprised, compromised, computational, computer, computing, concentration, concept, Conceptual, concluded, condition, confident, confidential, conjunction, consecutive, conservative, consideration, constant, constitute, consultation, consulting, consumer, consumption, contemplated, context, contingency, contingent, continue, continued, continuing, continuity, continuously, contract, contrast, contributory, convenient, conventional, Conversely, conversion, convert, converted, convertible, converting, convexity, coordinated, core, correlation, corroborated, corruption, cost, Council, counsel, count, counterparty, counting, country, coupled, coverage, create, created, creating, creation, credibility, credit, credited, crediting, creditor, Crescent, criminal, criteria, critical, CRO, culture, cumulative, currency, curve, custodian, customary, customized, cyber, cycle, daily, damage, deal, dealing, death, debt, decarbonization, Decent, decide, decision, declaration, declared, decline, declining, decrease, decreased, decumulation, dedicated, dedication, deductible, deducting, deep, deepen, deepening, deeper, default, defence, defense, deferral, deferred, degree, Delaware, delayed, delaying, delegated, delinquency, deliver, delivered, delivering, Deloitte, demand, demonstrated, demonstrating, denominated, dental, DentaQuest, dentist, depend, dependence, dependent, depending, deploy, deploying, deployment, deposit, deposited, depreciation, depressed, depth, derivative, derived, design, designate, designated, designed, desire, desired, detail, detailed, detect, deteriorate, deteriorating, deterioration, determination, determine, determined, determining, develop, developed, developing, development, deviation, differentiate, differentiated, differentiation, difficult, difficulty, digital, digitally, digitize, digitized, diligence, diluted, dilutive, diminution, direct, direction, directional, directly, disability, disappearance, disaster, discharging, Discipline, disciplined, disclose, disclosed, discontinuance, discontinued, discontinuity, discount, discounted, discounting, disease, disposal, dispose, disposed, dispute, disrupt, disrupted, disruption, distancing, distinct, distinctive, distinguish, distract, distributable, distribute, distributed, distribution, diverse, diversifiable, diversification, diversified, diversify, diversifying, diversion, diversity, divest, divestiture, divided, dividend, dividing, document, documented, dollar, domiciled, donated, double, Dow, downgrade, download, downtime, DRIP, driven, due, duration, dynamic, eApp, earlier, earliest, earn, earned, eased, easier, easing, EBG, EBITDA, economic, economically, economy, ecosystem, educate, education, effect, effective, effectively, efficacy, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, electrification, element, elevate, elevated, eligible, eliminated, elite, Ella, embed, embedded, embedding, embrace, employ, employed, employee, empower, Empowered, empowering, enable, enabled, enabling, enact, enacted, enactment, encourage, encouraging, endeavour, energy, enforced, engine, enjoyed, enrollment, ensure, ensuring, enter, entered, enterprise, entity, entrant, entrusted, environment, environmental, environmentally, EPS, equal, equality, equip, equipment, equity, equivalent, ERC, error, escalating, escalation, ESG, essential, essentially, establish, established, establishing, Establishment, estate, estimate, estimated, estimation, ETF, evaluate, evaluating, evaluation, event, Everbright, evidence, evolve, evolving, exacerbated, examination, exceed, exceeding, excel, excellence, excellent, excessive, exclude, excluded, excluding, exclusive, exemption, exercise, exercised, exist, existing, exiting, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expansive, expect, expectancy, expectation, expected, expedient, expense, experience, experienced, expert, expertise, explain, explaining, explicit, explore, expose, exposed, exposure, expressed, extensive, extent, external, externally, extreme, face, facilitate, facilitating, facility, facing, Fact, factor, factored, factoring, facultative, fail, failed, failover, failure, fair, fall, fallback, falling, family, faster, favourable, FCA, FCT, fear, feasible, federal, federally, fee, feel, fewer, field, final, finance, financing, finite, fiscal, fit, Fitch, fixed, flagship, flash, flexibility, flexible, floating, flooding, flow, fluctuate, fluctuation, focused, food, footprint, force, forced, forcing, forecast, forecasted, foreign, formulating, fortify, forward, fossil, foster, fostering, found, foundation, foundational, fourth, framework, frequency, frequent, frequently, fuel, fulfill, fulfilling, fulfillment, full, fully, function, functional, functionality, fund, fundamental, funded, funding, future, FVTPL, gain, gap, gas, gathered, GB, GBP, GDP, Gender, general, generally, generate, generated, generating, generation, generator, Geneva, Genworth, geographic, geography, geopolitical, GHG, GICRC, GIF, gig, global, globally, globe, goal, Golnaraghi, Good, goodwill, Google, GoWell, grace, gradual, grant, granted, great, greater, greatest, green, greenhouse, Grepa, GRESB, grew, ground, group, grouped, grouping, grow, growing, GRS, guarantee, guaranteed, guided, guideline, half, halted, hand, handling, Hang, harbour, harnessing, headcount, headquartered, health, healthcare, healthier, healthy, hedge, hedged, hedging, heightened, heightening, hierarchy, high, higher, highest, highlighted, highly, historic, historical, history, hold, holder, holding, holistic, holistically, home, homogeneity, Hong, hospital, hosting, household, housing, HR, IAS, IASB, IBOR, ice, identical, identifiable, identified, identify, identifying, ii, iii, illustrate, illustrated, illustrative, impact, impacted, impacting, impaired, impairment, imperfect, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implied, imply, impose, imposed, impracticable, inability, inaccurate, inadequate, inadvertent, inappropriate, incentive, inception, inclusion, inclusive, inclusivity, income, inconsistent, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incumbent, incur, incurred, indefinite, indemnity, index, indexation, India, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, Indonesia, inequality, infection, inflation, inflationary, influence, influenced, InfraRed, infrastructure, inherent, inherently, initial, initiative, innovation, innovative, input, insight, insolvency, inspiring, Institute, institution, institutional, instrument, insufficient, insurability, insurance, insured, insurer, intangible, integral, integrate, integrated, integrating, integration, integrity, intelligence, intend, intended, intense, intensified, intensity, intensive, intent, intention, Interbank, interest, Intergovernmental, interim, interpret, interpretation, interpreted, interrelationship, interruption, intrinsic, introduce, introduced, introduction, intuitive, invest, invested, investing, investment, investor, involve, involving, IPCC, IPO, Ireland, irrational, ISDA, isolation, ISS, issuance, item, iv, ix, January, Japan, joined, joint, journey, judgment, July, June, Khazanah, Kingdom, knowledge, Kong, lab, lack, land, landlord, landscape, language, lapse, large, largely, larger, largest, launch, launched, launching, laundering, law, layered, LDI, lead, leader, leadership, leading, leasable, lease, leaseback, leasehold, leasing, leave, led, legacy, legal, legislation, legislative, lend, lending, length, level, leverage, leveraged, leveraging, levied, liability, LIBOR, LICAT, lifetime, lift, lifted, light, likelihood, limit, limited, LIMRA, line, lineup, Link, linked, linking, listed, litigation, live, LLP, loan, loaned, local, location, LOD, London, long, longer, longevity, losing, low, lower, LP, LRCN, Lumino, macro, macroeconomic, magnitude, mailing, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, Malaysia, Malaysian, mandatory, manifest, Manifesto, manner, manual, March, margin, market, marketed, marketing, Maryam, master, match, matched, matching, material, materiality, materialize, materially, matter, matured, maturing, maturity, maximize, maximum, Maxwell, MDRT, meaningful, measurable, measure, measured, measurement, measuring, mechanism, Medicaid, medical, Medicare, meditation, medium, meet, meeting, membership, mental, merger, met, method, methodology, metric, mfs, Michigan, military, million, mind, mindful, minimize, minimizing, minimum, misuse, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mitigation, mix, mixed, mobile, mobility, mobilize, model, modeling, modelling, modification, modified, modifying, momentum, monetary, monitor, monitored, monitoring, monthly, Moody, morbidity, Morningstar, mortality, mortgage, motivating, move, movement, MPF, MRA, multinational, multiple, municipal, mutual, mutually, NAIC, narrow, narrowing, Nasional, national, Nationally, Nationwide, natural, nature, navigate, navigation, Navigator, necessarily, necessitate, negative, negatively, negotiated, net, netting, network, neutral, neutralize, Niaga, nil, nominal, Nomura, North, notable, note, noted, noteholder, notice, notional, November, NYSE, objective, observable, obtain, obtained, occupancy, occur, occurred, occurrence, OCI, October, offer, offered, offering, office, officer, offset, offsetting, oil, omission, Onboard, onboarded, ongoing, online, open, openly, operate, operated, operating, operation, operational, operationalize, opinion, opportunity, opposite, optimize, optimizing, option, optional, optionality, oral, order, orderly, organization, organizational, origin, original, OSFI, OTC, outbreak, outcome, outdated, outflow, outlined, outlook, outreach, outsourced, outsourcing, overhead, overlay, oversee, overseeing, overseen, oversight, overview, owed, owner, ownership, pace, package, paid, pandemic, panel, par, parallel, paramedical, paramount, parent, part, partially, participate, participated, participating, participation, partner, partnering, partnership, party, passage, passed, passive, path, pattern, pave, pay, payable, payer, paying, payment, payout, payroll, peer, penetration, pension, people, percentage, percentile, perform, performance, performed, performing, permissible, permit, permitted, personnel, perspective, pertain, pertaining, Phase, Philippine, philosophy, Phong, physical, pillar, pilot, Pinnacle, PinnacleCare, placement, plan, planned, planning, plant, platform, plausible, play, Playbook, player, pledge, pledging, point, policy, policyholder, political, pool, pooling, poor, population, portfolio, portion, pose, posed, posted, potential, potentially, power, powered, PPO, practical, practice, precisely, predict, predictive, predominantly, predominately, prefer, preferred, premier, premise, premium, prepayable, prepayment, prescribe, prescribed, prescription, presence, present, presentation, presented, presenting, preserve, Preserving, president, pressure, prevailing, prevalent, PRI, price, priced, pricing, primarily, Prime, prior, prioritize, priority, privacy, private, proactive, proactively, processing, produce, produced, product, production, productivity, profession, professional, professionally, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, profitably, program, programmatic, Programme, programming, progressing, progression, prohibit, project, projected, prolonged, prominent, promote, promoting, promulgated, properly, property, proportion, proportional, proportionate, proposal, proprietary, prorated, prospect, prospective, prospectively, protect, protecting, protection, Protocol, prove, proven, provincial, provision, Provisional, Proxy, prudence, prudent, prudently, PSE, publicly, published, pure, purpose, pursue, pursuing, pursuit, put, Putting, qualify, qualifying, qualitative, quality, quantified, quantify, quantitative, quarantine, quarter, quarterly, quartile, quicker, quickly, quoted, random, range, ranked, Ranking, rapid, rapidly, rate, rated, rating, ratio, RBSL, reach, reached, read, ready, real, realign, realization, realize, realized, reassessed, recapture, receipt, receive, received, recent, recently, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recognizing, recommendation, recommended, recommending, reconciliation, reconfirm, record, recorded, recourse, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recruitment, red, redeem, redeemed, redefining, redemption, redomesticated, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, refined, Refinitiv, reflect, reflected, reflecting, reflective, Reform, refreshed, refunded, regain, region, regional, regular, regularly, regulatory, reinsurance, reinsured, reinsurer, reinvest, reinvested, reinvestment, relationship, release, released, reliability, reliably, relief, rely, remain, remaining, remote, remove, removed, removing, remuneration, renegotiation, renewable, renewal, renewed, rent, rental, reorganization, repay, repayment, replacement, replicate, replication, repositioning, represent, representation, representative, represented, representing, reprisal, reproduce, repurchase, repurchased, reputable, reputation, reputational, research, reserve, reset, residential, residing, residual, resilience, resilient, resolution, resolve, Resource, response, responsibility, responsible, responsibly, restriction, restructuring, result, resulted, resulting, resume, retail, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retirement, retiring, retroceded, retrospective, retrospectively, return, returned, revenue, reverse, reversed, review, reviewed, reviewing, reward, robotic, robust, ROE, role, rolled, roughly, Round, rounded, routine, Ryan, safe, safety, sale, sample, sanitizer, satisfaction, satisfy, save, saving, scalable, scale, scenario, schedule, school, scientific, scope, scoring, scrutinized, scrutiny, seamlessly, sec, secondary, sector, securitization, securitize, securitized, seed, seek, seeking, SEG, segment, segregated, segregation, select, Selected, selection, selectively, sell, selling, Seng, senior, sensitive, sensitivity, separate, separation, September, sequence, serve, served, serving, set, setting, settled, settlement, shaded, shading, shape, share, shared, shareholder, shelf, shift, shifting, short, side, signatory, significantly, Simfund, similar, similarly, simple, simplified, simplifying, Singapore, single, situation, size, SLA, SLC, SLF, SLFD, SLGI, SLHKEIB, slightly, SLIMTC, slower, slowly, small, smaller, smallest, smoothed, smoothing, social, society, socioeconomic, sociological, SOE, software, solution, solve, solvency, solving, sooner, sound, source, Sourcing, sovereign, space, spanning, SPDR, specialty, specific, Specifically, speed, spend, spending, sponsor, sponsored, Sponsoring, spot, spread, stability, stable, stage, stake, standing, state, stated, statistical, statistically, statutory, stay, steadfast, steering, stewardship, stimulate, Stitch, stochastic, stop, Store, straight, strain, stranded, strategic, strategy, streamlining, strength, strict, stricter, stringent, strive, strong, stronger, structural, structure, structured, Studio, submetering, subordinated, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, successful, successfully, succession, sufficient, suitable, suite, sum, summarize, summarized, summarizing, summary, summit, SunSmart, Superintendent, superior, supervision, supervisory, supplement, supplemental, supplementary, supplier, supply, support, supported, supporting, supportive, surgical, surrender, surrendering, survival, survivorship, susceptible, sustain, sustainability, sustainable, sustainably, sustained, swap, switch, switching, symbol, system, systematically, systemic, tackle, tactical, tailored, takaful, talent, tangible, target, targeted, targeting, Task, tax, taxable, taxation, TCFD, team, technical, technological, technology, telco, telemarketing, temperature, temporary, tenant, terminated, termination, terrorism, test, tested, testing, text, theft, theoretical, therefrom, thing, threat, ticker, tied, time, timely, timing, today, tolerance, tone, tool, top, topic, topical, toxic, TPBank, track, Tracker, traditional, trailing, trained, training, transacting, transaction, transfer, transferred, Transform, transformation, translate, translated, translation, transparency, transparent, transportation, travel, Treadway, treasury, treated, treatment, trend, trillion, Trust, trusted, TSX, turbulence, turn, turnkey, type, typical, typically, UK, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unadjusted, unanticipated, uncalled, uncertain, uncertainty, unchanged, underinsured, underlying, underpin, underpinned, understand, understanding, understood, underwriting, underwritten, undue, UNEPFI, unexpected, unfavorable, unfavourable, unfavourably, unified, uniform, uninsured, unique, universal, Universe, unknown, unlocking, unmet, unobservable, unpaid, unprecedented, unqualified, unrealized, unreasonable, unsecured, unused, unusual, unwarranted, unwind, unwinding, Upheld, upper, upward, URR, user, utility, utilization, utilize, utilized, utilizing, vaccination, vaccine, valid, validation, valuable, valuation, variable, varied, variety, vary, varying, vehicle, venture, Vermont, version, vested, vi, viability, Vietnam, view, viewed, viewpoint, vii, viii, virtual, virtually, vision, visit, vital, VNB, volatile, volatility, volume, voluntary, Voting, warming, waste, water, weakening, wealth, weather, weighted, weighting, wholly, wide, widening, wider, withdrawal, withstand, work, workforce, working, workplace, worksite, workspace, world, worldwide, worse, worsening, worst, worth, writing, written, xi, xii, yield, Yuchengco
Accountant, authorized, chapter, check, communicated, complying, Consent, copy, dated, duly, electronically, Exhibit, Floor, furnish, hereto, Interactive, mark, Ontario, person, promptly, referencing, registrant, registration, requested, Rule, shorter, Street, submit, submitted, telephone, thereto, Title, titled, undersigned, Washington, zip
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