Gas Utilities and Infrastructure
Gas Utilities and Infrastructure includes PGS, NMGC, SeaCoast, Brunswick Pipeline and Emera’s non-consolidated investment in M&NP. PGS is a regulated gas distribution utility engaged in the purchase, distribution and sale of natural gas serving customers in Florida. NMGC is an intrastate regulated gas distribution utility engaged in the purchase, transmission, distribution and sale of natural gas serving customers in New Mexico. SeaCoast is a regulated intrastate natural gas transmission company offering services in Florida. Brunswick Pipeline is a regulated 145-kilometre pipeline delivering re-gasified liquefied natural gas from Saint John, New Brunswick, to markets in the northeastern United States.
Gas Utilities and Infrastructure USD earnings are anticipated to be higher in 2022 than 2021, primarily due to customer growth and the reversal of accumulated depreciation at PGS, as discussed below.
PGS anticipates earning within its allowed ROE range in 2022 and expects rate base and USD earnings to be higher than in 2021. PGS expects favourable customer growth in 2022 and sales volumes in 2022 are expected to increase at a level consistent with customer growth. The PGS rate case settlement, which was approved in November 2020, also provides the ability to reverse a total of $34 million USD of accumulated depreciation through 2023. In Q1 2022, PGS reversed $5 million USD accumulated depreciation. The reversal of the remaining accumulated depreciation is expected to occur over the 2022 and 2023 periods.
NMGC anticipates earning near its authorized ROE in 2022 and expects rate base to be higher than 2021. NMGC expects customer growth rates to be consistent with historical trends.
On December 13, 2021, NMGC filed a rate case with the NMPRC for new rates to become effective January 2023. NMGC requested a $41 million USD increase in annual base revenues primarily as a result of increased operating costs and capital investments in pipelines and related infrastructure. A decision from the NMPRC is expected by the end of 2022.
In 2018, SeaCoast executed a 34-year agreement to provide long-term firm gas transportation service via a 21-mile, 30-inch pipeline lateral. The lease of the pipeline lateral commenced January 1, 2022.
In 2022, capital investment in the Gas Utilities and Infrastructure segment is expected to be approximately $485 million USD (2021 - $407 million USD), including AFUDC. PGS will make investments to expand its system and support customer growth. NMGC will continue to make investments to maintain the reliability of its system and support customer growth.
Other Electric Utilities
Other Electric Utilities includes Emera (Caribbean) Incorporated (“ECI”), a holding company with regulated electric utilities. ECI’s regulated utilities include vertically integrated regulated electric utilities of BLPC on the island of Barbados, GBPC on Grand Bahama Island, and a 19.5 per cent interest in Lucelec on the island of St. Lucia which is accounted for on the equity basis.
Other Electric Utilities’ USD earnings in 2022 are expected to increase over the prior year due to higher earnings due to higher base rates at GBPC and BLPC and the continued recovery in local economies from the impacts of COVID-19.
On March 31, 2022, Emera completed the sale of its 51.9 per cent interest in Dominica Electricity Services Ltd. (“Domlec”) for proceeds which approximated carrying value. Domlec was included in the Other Electric segment in Q1 2022. The sale did not have a material impact on earnings.
On January 14, 2022, the GBPA issued its decision on GBPC’s rate application allowing for an increase in revenues of $3.5 million USD starting on April 1, 2022.