The Company has exposure to its own common share price through the issuance of various forms of stock-based compensation, which affect earnings through revaluation of the outstanding units every period. The Company uses equity derivatives to reduce the earnings volatility derived from stock-based compensation.
Interest Rate Risk
Emera utilizes a combination of fixed and floating rate debt financing for operations and capital investments, resulting in an exposure to interest rate risk. Emera seeks to manage interest rate risk through a portfolio approach that includes the use of fixed and floating rate debt with staggered maturities. The Company will, from time to time, issue long-term debt or enter interest rate hedging contracts to limit its exposure to fluctuations in floating interest rate debt.
For Emera’s regulated subsidiaries, the cost of debt is a component of rates and prudently incurred debt costs are recovered from customers. Regulatory ROE will generally follow the direction of interest rates, such that regulatory ROE’s are likely to fall in times of reducing interest rates and rise in times of increasing interest rates, albeit not directly and generally with a lag period reflecting the regulatory process. Rising interest rates may also negatively affect the economic viability of project development and acquisition initiatives.
Commodity Price Risk
The Company’s utility fuel supply is subject to commodity price risk. In addition, Emera Energy is subject to commodity price risk through its portfolio of commodity contracts and arrangements.
The Company manages this risk through established processes and practices to identify, monitor, report and mitigate these risks. The Company’s commercial arrangements, including the combination of supply and purchase agreements, asset management agreements, pipeline transportation agreements and financial hedging instruments are all used to manage and mitigate this risk. In addition, its credit policies, counterparty credit assessments, market and credit position reporting, and other risk management and reporting practices, are also used to manage and mitigate this risk.
Regulated Utilities
A large portion of the Company’s utility fuel supply comes from international suppliers and therefore may be exposed to broader global conditions, which may include impacts on delivery reliability and price, despite contracted terms. The Company seeks to manage this risk using financial hedging instruments and physical contracts and through contractual protection with counterparties, where applicable.
The majority of Emera’s regulated electric and gas utilities have adopted and implemented fuel adjustment mechanisms and purchased gas adjusted mechanisms respectively, which has further helped manage commodity price risk, as the regulatory framework for the Company’s rate-regulated subsidiaries permits the recovery of prudently incurred fuel and gas costs.
Emera Energy Marketing and Trading
Emera Energy has employed further measures to manage commodity risk. The majority of Emera Energy’s portfolio of electricity and gas marketing and trading contracts and, in particular, its natural gas asset management arrangements, are contracted on a back-to-back basis, avoiding any material long or short commodity positions. However, the portfolio is subject to commodity price risk, particularly with respect to basis point differentials between relevant markets, in the event of an operational issue or counterparty default.