(1) The Board of Management comprises at least two members. The board members are appointed and dismissed by the Advisory Board with a majority of two thirds of its members. The appointment requires the approval of the supervisory authority (Section 11 para. 1).
(2) The Board of Management shall be responsible for conducting the business of the Bank unless such responsibility is allocated to another official body of the institution by law or under the terms of its statutes.
(3) The Board of Management represents the Bank in court and out of court. The authority to represent the Bank as well as the form for declaration of intention of the authorised representatives is regulated by the statutes. If a declaration of intention is to be submitted to the Bank, the submission to a member of the Board of Management will suffice. The provisions valid for public limited companies are to be applied accordingly to the representation of the Bank with regard to its executive bodies.
(2) The Chairman of the Advisory Board shall be elected by the Advisory Board from the ranks of the members of the German Farmers’ Union. His/her deputy is the Federal Minister of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture.
(3) Members of the General Meeting may not belong to the Advisory Board.
(4) The Advisory Board monitors the business conduct of the Board of Management and makes decisions regarding its discharge; it may issue to the Board of Management general and specific instructions.
(5) The Advisory Board decides on the annual accounts, the allocation to the principal reserve and the guarantee reserve as well as on the division of the net profit for the year between the promotional
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fund (Section 9 para. 2) and the special-purpose fund (Section 9 para. 3); it shall forward its proposal for the appropriation of profits as per Section 9 para. 2 to the General Meeting for a final decision.
(6) The Advisory Board decides on the statutes and their amendments. These require the authorisation of the supervisory authority (Section 11 para. 1).
Section 8
General Meeting of the institution
(1) The General Meeting of the institution shall be made up of representatives of the owners and lessors of properties encumbered with the Rentenbank land charge.
(2) The General Meeting comprises 28 members, of which two members in each case shall be appointed by the states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia and one member in each case by the states of Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg and Saarland. During the selection of the representatives, the individual agro-business size-categories, in particular family farms, are to be taken into consideration appropriately.
(3) The General Meeting receives the reports of the Board of Management on the business activities of the Bank and the Advisory Board on the resolutions it has passed and advises the Bank in matters of the promotion of agriculture and rural areas as well as on general agricultural and business policy issues. It decides on the appropriation of profits in accordance with Section 9 para. 2.
Section 9
Appropriation of profits
(1) The net profit for the year may only be used for the promotion of agriculture and rural areas, in compliance with general interest.
(2) At most half of the amount to be distributed is allocated to a promotional fund, the appropriation of which is decided by the General Meeting in accordance with guidelines, which it is to draw up.
(3) At least half of the amount to be distributed shall be allocated to the special-purpose fund of the Federal Republic as stated by the Act on the Special-Purpose Fund of the Federal Republic at Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank as of August 12, 2005 (FG I, 2363) provided that this is managed by the Bank and provided that the Bank is exempted of all taxes on assets, net income and commercial enterprise.
Section 10
Specific duty of the executive bodies
The duty of care and responsibility of the members of the Board of Management and the Advisory Board comply with the relevant provisions for Board of Management and Supervisory Board members of public limited companies.
Section 11
(1) The Bank is subject to the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (supervisory authority), which makes its decisions in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Finance. The supervisory authority ensures that the business operation of the Bank
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complies with public interest in particular in the promotion of agriculture and rural areas as well as with the laws and its Statutes.
(2) The supervisory authority is empowered to request information from the executive bodies of the Bank on all business matters, to view any books and correspondence of the Bank and to participate in meetings of the Advisory Board and its committees as well as in the General Meeting, and to raise motions; its representatives must be admitted to the floor at all times.
(3) The supervisory authority is also authorised to request the calling of meetings of the executive bodies and the announcement of subjects to be decided as well as to prohibit the implementation of directives or resolutions, which contravene public interest in particular the promotion of agriculture and rural areas or are in breach of the laws or the Bank’s statutes.
(4) Otherwise, the Bank is independent with regard to its administration and management, likewise in the appointment of personnel.
Section 12
Official seal and public documents
The Bank is entitled to hold an official seal. Bank declarations, which are duly signed and given the stamp of the official seal have the character of officially authenticated public documents.
Section 13
Covered bonds
(1) The Bank may issue covered bonds according to paragraphs 2 to 4.
(2) The total amount of the bonds issued by the Bank must be covered to the amount of the nominal value and the interest at all times. The following are permitted as cover
| 1. | covered bonds which are issued in accordance with Section 1 para. 3 of the German Covered Bond Act (Pfandbriefgesetz), |
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| 2. | loans to domestic statutory corporations and such federal institutions under public law to which a maintenance obligation (Anstaltslast) or guarantee obligation by law (Gewährträgerhaftung) or a governmental refinancing guarantee apply, or which are legally entitled to levy fees and other charges, or loans granted under acceptance of the complete guarantee by such a statutory corporation or institution under public law, or other loans of the Bank for which sufficient collateral exists which meets the requirements of the German Covered Bond Act (Pfandbriefgesetz) for the coverage of mortgage bonds or bottomry bonds. |
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| 3. | loans granted by the Bank for which sufficient collateral exists in accordance with the policies of the Bank. |
The appropriate cover prescribed in clause 2 may be replaced temporarily by credit deposits at Deutsche Bundesbank and at suitable banks (substitute cover).
(3) The assets determined for covering the bonds, including the substitute cover, as well as assets to the amount of principal reserves as per Section 2 para. 3 are to be entered individually into a register by the Bank. Section 5 para. 1 and 2 of the German Covered Bond Act (Pfandbriefgesetz) apply accordingly, provided that instead of the Federal Authority, the supervisory authority named in Section 11 para. 1 supersedes.
(4) After consultation with the Bank, the supervisory authority (Section 11 para. 1) nominates a trustee and a deputy. It is the responsibility of the trustee to ensure that the issuing, administration and
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cover of bonds comply with the legal and regulatory conditions and terms and conditions of the bonds. Section 7 para. 3 and 4 and Sections 8 to 11 of the German Covered Bond Act (Pfandbriefgesetz) apply accordingly, provided that instead of the Federal Authority, the supervisory authority named in Section 11 para. 1 supersedes.
(5) The covered bonds of the Bank, which are not denominated in foreign currency, are suitable for the investment of ward money.
Section 14
Compulsory execution and insolvency
(1) Section 29 of the German Covered Bond Act (Pfandbriefgesetz) shall apply accordingly to distraints and compulsory executions upon assets, which are entered in the register of covered bonds as per Section 13 para. 3.
(2) In the event that insolvency proceedings are instituted against the assets of the Bank, the assets recorded in the register pursuant to Section 13 para. 3 are not included in the insolvent assets. If these assets are not required to pay off creditors of the covered bonds, the liquidator may transfer them to the insolvent assets. Section 9 para. 2 clause 1 of the German Covered Bond Act (Pfandbriefgesetz) applies accordingly. The creditors of the covered bonds do not participate in the Bank’s insolvency proceedings, except in the case outlined in para. 3 clause 2.
(3) If the cover funds are insolvent or overindebted, separate insolvency proceedings are instituted against the same at the request of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). In the event that a creditor of a covered bond suffers a loss during the course of such proceedings, the creditor is entitled to claim for such a loss in the insolvency proceedings against the other assets of the Bank; the interest receivables due to the creditors of the covered bonds which have accrued since the opening of the proceedings are considered for the calculation of the loss in the same manner as other receivables. Any remaining surplus from the separate insolvency proceedings is to be surrendered to the liquidator of the proceedings against the other assets of the Bank.
(4) If, in the case of para. 3 clause 1, the Bank’s own covered bonds which the Bank has allocated to the securities portfolio are part of the insolvent assets, then at distribution these are treated equally to the remaining covered bonds in circulation.
Section 15
Special provision for refinancing loans
Credit institutions may request in advance an undertaking to pay interest on overdue interest in each case they grant a loan from funds received from the Bank.
Section 16
The Bank may only be dissolved by law. Such law shall determine the application of assets. They may only be used for the support and promotion of agriculture in the interests of the public at large.
Section 17
Transitional rules
(1) The current Bank registers for covered bonds are retained as separate coverage registers in addition to the register as per Section 13 para. 3 when the fifth law on the amendment of the law
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governing Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank comes into force. The duties of the trustee as per Section 13 para. 4 also encompass these coverage registers.
(2) Section 1 para. 3, Section 7 and Section 8 para. 2 and 3 and Section 11 in the version valid until August 1, 2002 are to apply until the conclusion of the General Meeting, which is to decide on the annual net profit of 2003.
(3) The commissioner appointed by the Federal Government or its deputy undertakes the duties of the supervisory authority as per Section 6 para. 1 clause 2 and Section 13 para. 4 clause 1 until the conclusion of the General Meeting, which is to decide on the annual net profit of 2003.
Section 18
Section 19
Section 20
(coming into force)