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aa, aaa, abandonment, abnormal, accelerated, acceleration, accidental, accomplish, accrued, accumulate, accused, Acquisitionco, activist, actuarial, add, adding, Additionally, addressed, adhere, adjacent, administered, administration, administrative, advance, Advanced, advancement, advancing, advantage, advice, advisor, advisory, affiliate, affirmed, Affordable, afforded, AG, age, agency, aging, agree, agreed, ahead, Ahlstrom, air, Alberta, Alibaba, Allen, alleviated, Alpine, Altavista, altered, aluminum, Amazon, ambient, Amee, America, Amherst, amount, anaerobic, Analyst, ancillary, Andersen, Andover, angle, anniversary, annum, Antitrust, APCo, Apple, apprenticeship, approach, APSC, AQNU, Arizona, Aroostook, arranged, arrangement, arranging, array, artifact, Arun, ascribed, assigned, assignment, assumed, assumption, AST, Atlantic, attack, attended, attention, Attleborough, attributable, auction, August, Austin, Australia, automatic, automatically, average, Avondale, aware, AY, Baa, Bachelor, back, bacteria, bad, Bakersfield, balance, balancing, bank, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Banskota, Bar, bargaining, Barton, basin, battery, Bay, BB, BBB, bear, bearing, began, BELCO, belonging, benchmark, beneficial, beneficially, Benning, Berlin, Bermuda, bid, bidding, bilateral, bill, billed, billing, billion, biological, Blackstone, Blue, bodily, body, Bond, booster, Booz, border, borrow, borrowing, bottom, bought, box, Bremner, bribery, bring, bringing, British, broad, Brooklyn, brought, BRRBA, build, bulk, burdensome, buried, Burling, Burlington, Butler, buy, buyer, Caa, CAFD, calendar, Calgary, California, Call, called, CalPeco, camera, Campbell, Campbellville, canal, Canton, cap, capability, car, care, career, Caribbean, Carmel, Caruthersville, casualty, Catalyst, category, Causa, CCC, CCR, CDL, CDOR, cease, ceased, ceasing, Celestica, censure, Center, centered, central, centralized, Centre, CEO, certainty, certificate, certificated, certification, cessation, Chair, Chairman, Chairperson, challenge, challenged, challenging, Chande, channel, characterized, ChargePoint, chart, cheaper, Chevron, Chicago, Chile, Chilean, Chilo, choice, choose, chosen, chronic, CICA, circuit, civil, claim, claimed, clarify, clean, cleaner, clearance, CLECO, closure, cloud, coastal, cofounded, cogeneration, cold, colder, Colin, collapse, College, Columbia, combination, combine, combined, combustion, commenced, commencing, comment, commerce, commitment, committed, commonly, Commonwealth, compatible, competing, complement, complementary, component, composed, comprehensive, comprised, compromise, compromised, concentrated, concession, Concho, Concord, concurrent, confidence, confidential, confiscation, conflict, Connecticut, consecutive, conservation, constrained, consultant, consulting, consume, consumed, consummate, consummation, consumption, contact, contaminant, contaminated, contamination, contemplated, content, context, contingent, contract, contracted, contractor, contravene, conventional, Conversely, conversion, convert, converted, convertibility, convertible, conveyed, cooling, coordination, core, correctly, corrupt, corruption, costly, Cottonwood, Council, Counsel, country, County, court, covenant, Covington, CPA, CPUC, craft, Cranell, Cranfield, create, created, creating, creation, Creative, CreditWatch, criminal, criteria, culture, cumulative, cured, curtailed, curtailment, customary, cycle, Dade, daily, dairy, Dakota, dam, damage, damaged, Dan, Dana, darren, datacenter, daylight, Dean, death, Decent, declare, declared, decline, decommission, decommissioning, decoupling, dedicate, dedicated, deductibility, deep, Deerfield, defer, deferral, deferred, degradation, Delaware, delay, delayed, delegate, delegated, delineating, deliver, delivered, delivering, delivery, demographic, demonstrated, denial, denied, denote, denoted, Denver, denying, depart, departing, department, depend, Dependence, dependent, depending, depleted, deployment, deposit, depth, Deputy, deregulation, derivative, derived, desire, destination, Destruction, deterioration, detract, Detroit, devoted, dewatered, dialogue, difficult, difficulty, digested, digestion, Digital, diligence, direct, direction, directly, disadvantage, disallowance, discharge, discharged, disconnected, discontinuation, discount, discretion, disease, dispatch, dispute, dissolution, distinct, distinction, district, diverse, diversification, diversified, diversion, diversity, divert, divest, dividend, Doctor, Doctorate, dollar, domain, domestic, domiciled, Dominion, Dorado, downriver, downstream, Draft, drafted, drink, drinking, driven, drought, drowning, earlier, earn, earned, earning, earthquake, east, eastern, Eco, economy, ecosystem, EDG, Edison, education, efficiency, efficient, effluent, effort, El, electromagnetic, electromechanical, elevated, elevation, Eli, eligibility, eligible, eliminate, eliminated, elimination, Ellen, Emera, eminent, emission, employed, employee, enable, enacted, enacting, encountered, encouragement, encouraging, endangered, endeavor, EnergyNorth, enforce, enforced, enforcement, engineer, engineering, England, enjoyed, enjoyment, ENMAX, enriched, enrolled, enter, entered, entering, entitle, entitled, entitlement, environment, EPC, epidemic, equal, Equality, equally, ERCOT, ERM, Erosion, error, escrow, Escrowed, ESG, essentially, estate, Europe, Eversource, EVgo, exacerbated, exceed, excellence, exceptionally, exclusive, exempt, exemption, exhaustion, expand, expanded, expansion, expenditure, experience, experienced, experiencing, expertise, expiration, expiring, expiry, explore, expose, exposed, exposure, expressing, expropriation, extracted, extraordinary, face, faced, facilitate, facilitated, facilitating, factor, fair, faith, fall, falling, Fame, Farmington, fashion, fatal, fault, favour, favourable, FD, fear, feasibility, feasible, feature, fee, FERC, fewer, fibre, final, Finally, fire, FIT, Fitch, flat, floating, flood, flooding, Florida, fluctuate, fluctuating, fluctuation, flying, focused, focusing, Fondo, forecast, forecasted, forfeited, Fork, formal, formally, formula, Fort, forward, fossil, foundation, franchise, Franklin, Fraser, fraud, frequency, frequent, frequently, fuel, fulfill, full, fully, function, functional, fundamental, GAF, gained, Gainesville, gate, GE, gear, Gender, geographic, geological, geomagnetic, Georgia, gigawatt, Girl, globe, goal, Gold, Goldberg, good, Goodyear, Google, grace, Graduate, Graham, grammatical, Granite, granting, Great, greener, greenfield, greenhouse, grid, grit, grocery, ground, groundwater, grow, growing, guarantee, guaranteed, guidance, GW, habitat, half, Halifax, Hall, halt, Hamilton, Hampshire, Handbook, handling, Hannibal, harbour, hardware, harnessed, Harrisburg, Harvard, hauled, headrace, hearing, Heartshare, heat, heating, heavy, hedge, hedged, hedging, heightened, Helen, high, highest, highly, highway, Hill, hinder, hire, hired, hiring, history, hold, holder, holding, home, host, hostility, hot, hourly, housing, HR, Hub, human, humid, humidity, Huron, hurricane, Huskilson, hydraulic, Hydro, hydrocarbon, hydroelectric, hydroelectricity, Hydrogenique, hydrologic, hydrology, Ian, ice, icing, IESO, IL, illegal, impair, impairment, impede, imposition, improper, improve, improvement, improving, imputed, inactive, inapplicable, inaugural, incentive, inclusion, inclusive, income, inconsistent, increasingly, incumbent, indemnify, indenture, indexed, Indiana, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, inflation, inflationary, influence, Infraestructura, InfraRed, initial, initially, initiative, injury, Innovation, insolvency, instability, installation, installed, instance, Institute, instituted, institution, institutional, insufficient, intake, intense, intensity, intention, Intercorporate, interfere, internationally, interpretation, interruptible, interruption, interstate, intervening, intrinsic, introduction, intrusion, inverse, investor, Iowa, irradiance, irrigation, island, ISO, item, iv, ix, Jackson, January, Jarratt, Jasper, jeff, Jennifer, Johnny, Johnston, joined, joining, jointly, Joplin, journey, judged, judgment, June, junior, jurisdiction, jurisdictional, JV, KCC, Keene, Kenneth, Keokuk, kilovolt, kinetic, Kingston, Kirksville, kirsten, km, knowledge, kV, Lab, labour, lack, lag, Lake, landfill, laney, lapse, lapsed, large, largely, larger, largest, Las, launched, lawsuit, laying, lead, leadership, leading, learning, lease, Lebanon, led, Lee, legacy, Leon, level, leverage, liaison, Liberal, Liberty, LIBOR, licensed, licensing, life, lift, lifted, light, lightning, likelihood, likewise, Lilly, line, Litchfield, literacy, literate, Livingbridge, Llanquihue, LLC, load, loan, Loblaw, local, located, location, Logan, London, long, longer, lose, lost, Louisiana, low, lower, lowered, lowest, LP, Luning, macroeconomic, magnitude, Maine, Malden, malfeasance, Malone, malware, managerial, Manchester, mandatory, Manitoba, manufacturing, margin, Maricopa, marketplace, Martina, Mary, Maryland, Masheed, Massena, Master, matrix, matter, McKinsey, McMaster, MDPU, meaningful, mechanical, mechanism, Medal, media, medium, megawatt, Melissa, mentor, merchant, mercury, Meridian, met, Meta, meter, methane, methodology, Mexico, Michigan, micro, Midcontinent, middle, Midhurst, migratory, mild, military, Militech, million, Mineral, minimize, minimum, mining, Minnesota, Minonk, mismanagement, mismatch, MISO, mission, Mississauga, Missouri, misuse, mitigate, mitigating, mitigation, mixture, mobility, moderate, modern, modification, modified, modifier, monetary, monitor, monitored, monitoring, Mono, Montana, monthly, Moody, Moore, motivate, Mountain, mounted, mouth, move, movement, moving, MPSC, multijurisdictional, multinational, multiple, municipalize, MW, MWs, nameplate, Nashua, Nassau, NB, nearby, NERC, network, neutral, Nevada, NewPoint, NextEra, NHPUC, NI, nitrogen, noncompliance, nonconsolidated, nonpayment, norman, north, Northeast, northeastern, northern, northwest, northwestern, notice, Notwithstanding, Nova, November, NP, nuclear, nuisance, numerical, NV, Oakwood, OATT, objective, objectivity, obligor, OCC, occasionally, Occupation, Occupational, occupied, occur, occurred, occurrence, occurring, Ocean, Odell, OECD, offer, offered, offering, offeror, offset, Ogdensburg, oil, Oklahoma, olsen, Oncology, onsite, OPEB, open, opening, opinion, opposition, opt, option, order, organic, organically, organization, organizational, organized, original, originally, Osorno, Ottawa, outdoor, output, outsourcing, overhead, oversee, oversight, owe, owed, Owner, Oxford, oxygen, paid, Palena, Palm, PanAmSat, par, parental, parity, park, partial, partially, Paso, passed, pay, payable, paying, payment, Peach, peak, pendency, Pennsylvania, Penny, pension, penstock, people, Permian, perspective, Perth, PGA, pharmaceutical, phase, phased, phasing, philosophy, Phoenix, photovoltaic, pilot, Pittsburgh, PJM, Placer, platform, pleasure, point, pollution, Polytechnic, pool, pooling, Poor, popular, population, portfolio, portion, pose, post, posted, potable, Potsdam, PPA, practical, practice, practising, precaution, precipitation, preclude, predecessor, predict, predictable, predicted, preference, preferential, preferred, prejudice, premium, prepay, preponderance, presence, preservation, preserving, President, pressure, pressurized, prevailing, prevalence, primarily, Prime, privacy, pro, proactively, problem, proceed, produce, produced, profile, program, progressive, progressively, promise, promote, promotion, propane, proper, property, proportion, proprietary, prospect, prospective, protect, protected, protecting, protection, proven, province, provincial, proxy, prudence, prudent, prudently, Psychology, publicly, publish, published, pulse, pump, pumped, punitive, Purdue, PwC, qualification, quality, quantify, quantity, quarter, quarterly, Queen, questionable, quorum, quoted, RAB, radiance, rainfall, Ranco, randy, range, ranging, rank, ranking, ransom, rapidly, rata, ratio, raw, reach, reactive, real, REC, receding, receivership, recession, recharging, recipient, Reclamation, recognition, recommend, recommendation, recommending, recourse, recover, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, recovering, recruit, recycling, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, reduce, reduced, reducing, refinanced, refinancing, refund, regeneration, Regina, region, regional, registrar, regular, regularly, reimburse, reinstate, reinstated, reinstatement, reinvest, reinvestment, relationship, release, released, relevant, reliant, rely, remain, remaining, remarketable, remote, remuneration, renamed, render, rendered, rendering, renegotiate, Rensselaer, repair, repatriation, repay, repayable, replace, replaced, replacement, replacing, representation, repudiation, research, reservation, reserve, reservoir, reset, reside, residential, residual, resolved, restated, restoration, resume, resurgence, retail, retailer, retaliatory, retention, retiree, return, returned, reuse, revenue, revocation, revoked, revolving, Richmond, riskier, river, Riverton, RNG, Robertson, rock, role, rotated, rotating, rotor, route, routinely, RTO, rupture, Russia, RWE, Saidi, Salem, Salisbury, Sandhill, Sandy, Sanger, Sanitary, Sanitation, Sarcoxie, Saskatchewan, SaskPower, satisfaction, satisfactory, saturated, scale, scarcer, School, Science, scope, scoring, Scotia, Scotland, screening, scrutiny, sea, secondary, Secretary, sector, segmentation, seismic, selected, selecting, selection, selective, sell, seller, Senate, senior, sensitive, sentiment, separate, September, SES, settle, sewage, Sewer, Sexton, Shady, shaft, shaving, shelf, Shelter, Shifting, Shore, short, shortfall, show, Sierra, significantly, Sikeston, Similarly, Simon, single, site, siting, situated, situation, ski, skill, skilled, SLC, small, snow, snowfall, societal, software, soil, solar, solid, solution, Somerset, sophisticated, source, sourced, south, southeastern, southern, southwest, southwestern, SpA, space, speculative, speed, spent, spill, spinning, spot, SPP, spread, spring, stable, staffing, stage, Stanford, Stapleton, statute, statutory, steam, steel, Stella, stepping, stoppage, storage, store, stored, storm, stranded, strength, strike, strong, stronger, strongest, structurally, structure, structured, submission, subscription, substation, succeed, successor, suffer, suggested, suitability, suitable, Suite, sulfur, summarize, summary, summer, Sun, sunlight, Supercluster, Superintendence, superior, supervision, supplement, supplemental, supplier, support, supported, supporting, supportive, suppression, surcharge, surface, surge, survive, susceptible, suspended, suspension, swimming, swing, symbol, syndicate, system, table, Tahoe, tailrace, talent, Tampa, tank, tariff, Task, TCFD, team, technical, Telecom, telecommunication, Telesat, temperature, temporary, tender, tendered, tenure, terrain, territory, terror, terrorism, Tesco, theft, thereon, thereunder, therewith, thermal, thirteen, threat, threatened, threshold, Thumbtack, ticker, tier, timber, Tindale, Tinker, Toesca, top, tornado, tourist, Town, tracker, traditional, Traduction, trained, training, TransAlta, transform, transformation, transformer, Translation, transmit, transmitted, transportation, transported, travel, Treasurer, treasury, treated, treatment, trend, trust, trustee, tsunami, TSX, turbine, turmoil, turn, turned, Turquoise, twelve, type, typhoon, typical, typically, UK, Ukraine, ultimately, unable, unadjusted, unaffected, unaudited, unavailability, unavailable, unbilled, uncertain, uncommitted, uncontrolled, undepreciated, underground, underlying, underwritten, undivided, uneconomical, unfavourable, unfilled, uniform, unincorporated, unique, unit, United, University, unlimited, unpaid, unpredictable, unrealizable, unreleased, unrest, unrestricted, unsecured, unsolicited, unusual, unwilling, upgrading, upstream, urban, USA, user, Valdivia, valid, Valley, valuation, Vancouver, Vandalia, vandalism, variance, variation, variety, vary, varying, vehicle, vendor, verbally, vertically, vi, viability, viable, Vice, vicinity, view, viewed, vii, viii, village, violation, Virden, Virginia, voltage, volume, voluntary, volunteer, vulnerability, vulnerable, wage, waive, waived, war, warrant, warranty, Washoe, waste, wastewater, watch, watercourse, Waterloo, Watonwan, Waverly, Waymo, weak, weaken, Web, weighted, wellhead, Western, wholesale, wholly, wide, widely, widespread, Wiener, wildfire, wildlife, win, Windom, Windsor, Winnipeg, winter, Wisconsin, withdrawn, women, workforce, workplace, World, worldwide, worth, Wright, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, XOCEAN, xv, xvi, xvii, Zealand
Amelia, amending, assessed, Ball, behalf, calculating, calculation, capitalized, carried, check, concluded, conclusion, consideration, detection, disclose, documentation, duly, electronically, Employer, exhibit, explicitly, fairly, family, favorable, Guide, harbor, hereto, Inline, inquiry, Interactive, investee, irrevocable, labor, mandated, Manual, mark, maturation, Page, peer, pertain, placement, pledged, promulgated, recognized, referencing, registrant, registration, relief, rolling, shorter, Sponsoring, submitted, telephone, testing, Title, Treadway, Tsang, undersigned, website, zip
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- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 99.1 EX-99.1 2023 Aif
- 99.2 EX-99.2 2022 Q4 Financial Statements
- 99.3 EX-99.3 2022 Q4 Md&a
- 99.4 EX-99.4 2022 Q4 Ey Consent Letter
- 99.5 EX-99.5 2022 Q4 CEO Sox 302
- 99.6 EX-99.6 2022 Q4 CFO Sox 302
- 99.7 EX-99.7 2022 Q4 CEO Sox 906
- 99.8 EX-99.8 2022 Q4 CFO Sox 906
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