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absolute, abundant, abutment, acumen, AgRev, andesite, andesitic, Anglo, apportioned, arsenic, Article, articulated, Arvin, ASA, Asanko, aspect, atomic, AuRev, background, barge, basecase, behaviour, bell, Bin, Bismuth, bolded, bolting, Bondar, boom, bore, boxhole, Braemar, Brazil, breadth, breakage, breaker, breccia, Bumbat, burn, ca, calliper, campaign, carapace, Cardiff, carrier, caveability, centroid, CGU, channel, chargeability, CHP, clarity, Clegg, College, collegiality, compatibility, cone, conservatism, cont, CPA, CuRev, Curtin, cyber, Dayan, Dec, deficit, Deloitte, deployed, deployment, derecognition, deterrent, Detour, deviation, differential, diorite, dispatch, disregarding, distinct, diversified, Dr, drawbell, drawbelling, drawcone, drew, drift, Duane, duration, dyke, dynamic, Eastman, el, Eldorado, electrode, elongated, embankment, emission, Enargite, endorsed, envisaged, EPMC, Escalation, ethnicity, exacerbate, exact, exceeded, Exhibit, explained, explanation, explosive, eye, facture, fan, farm, Fe, feldspar, Fengro, Filingsof, Fiore, flagged, Flexit, flood, floor, fluorine, FML, folding, footprint, fragmentation, fraud, freight, fresh, fringe, frother, furnace, FVTOCI, FVTPL, gallery, gender, Generale, Geocad, Green, greenhouse, gyro, halved, Hancock, handover, heating, heavily, HFT, homoclinal, horizon, Hudbay, IAS, IASB, IFRIC, imagery, inAudit, interface, intermediate, Internet, introduction, invoiced, ion, irrevocable, iv, Javkhlant, JVA, JVACo, Khishig, Kodak, KOH, lapilli, LECO, left, lessee, leveraging, LHD, liaison, liberation, lieu, likewise, lime, limonite, lithcap, lithic, lithocap, Lo, Lodestone, logistical, LSE, lube, Luna, Mag, magnetotelluric, matrix, meaningful, mechanical, MEGDT, mentorship, mesh, mindset, Misc, mixture, ML, MNR, MoRev, MSSNF, mucking, multiplied, nameplate, Nikon, NM, noise, northeasterly, NQ, optical, Orvana, OTCQB, overprinted, Oyut, Parliamentary, patchy, PCAOB, PCD, perimeter, perspective, phyllic, pillar, plasma, PM, PMC, polycrystalline, polymetallic, porpylitic, portal, pose, PQ, predecessor, probative, propagation, PSCA, PSFA, pulverized, pulverizing, Quantum, questionnaire, raisebore, Ranger, RecAg, RecAu, recessionary, reclassification, RecMo, reconciled, reconnaissance, recurrence, recycle, red, reorganization, repealed, representation, reputation, reset, retention, retrospective, retrospectively, reuse, revaluation, rhyolite, Ridge, robust, Rothschild, routine, routinely, Sabina, safeguard, safeguarded, salvage, satellite, scattered, sediment, sending, SFH, shotcrete, signalling, silicification, siltstone, Silurian, situ, Societe, soft, softer, sound, southerly, spare, spectrometry, spectroscopy, Sperry, spin, spinoff, spirit, stakeholder, standalone, stipulated, straight, strata, submittied, subsidence, subsurface, Sun, sunk, supernatant, syenite, synergistic, tabular, TEC, template, terrorism, theft, theIncome, theInvestment, theodolite, therafter, thickened, thickening, thirty, thoughtful, Tianjin, timeframe, Tolgui, Toloi, topsoil, tour, Tourism, tramming, tranche, transected, Tromino, TSF, tuff, UG, unadjusted, unanticipated, unattended, uncapped, unmineralized, unplanned, unrestricted, Unsampled, unused, unwinding, upward, USD, vandalism, vapour, variance, variant, variogram, VAT, vi, vibration, vii, viii, vision, vitiated, volumetric, VWAP, warehousing, wedge, weekly, window, wisdom, woman, women, Wood
abandoned, Accessibility, accompanied, accomplish, accretionary, acidic, acme, add, advancing, Affidavit, AGP, agriculture, Alberni, albite, Altaid, alter, amenable, AMR, Anaconda, angle, AngloGold, anniversary, anode, arc, Argo, Ashanti, Asian, assemblage, assembled, averaged, azurite, Badger, bag, basement, batholith, bay, BBA, bedding, belt, bench, benched, benchmarked, benchmarking, berm, biology, biotech, Birthday, black, Blackjack, BLM, BMG, BMRR, Bonython, borehole, Bottomer, bought, brecciated, Britain, broadly, Bronco, Bruce, Bureau, busing, buy, buydown, Bylaw, California, cancelled, Cann, capitalization, Carson, catalogued, centered, chalcocite, Chancellor, characteristic, characterization, Chile, chosen, cleaner, clearance, closest, coarse, coldest, collage, collecting, Colorado, Colwill, commendable, Companion, comparison, compete, complementary, compositing, compressional, comprise, Computershare, concentric, conditional, confirmation, confirming, conform, conglomerate, connected, constant, consultation, contact, Continuance, conveyancing, coring, correlate, county, Creek, Crowe, crush, CUSIP, custody, cyclone, dacitic, DCF, decimal, decreased, Defense, deformed, delivering, desert, diesel, difficulty, discern, discovering, discrete, dissolving, distinguished, disturbed, documented, drainage, driver, dry, dust, eastward, effort, EKA, electric, electrolytic, Elko, energy, enrichment, envelope, ephemeral, evidenced, excavated, excavator, expand, expanding, explored, exsolution, extra, extreme, face, factor, filled, flat, flora, fluctuate, footwall, forecasting, Forster, frame, Frankfurt, frequent, front, garage, Gazar, gently, geography, geologic, giant, Glenn, globally, Gord, Gorden, granitic, greatest, Gregory, groundwater, Grove, Grupo, GST, guaranteed, gypsum, hanging, hatched, hauled, headed, heap, heaped, hectare, highlight, highway, hiring, Honey, Honourable, horizontal, hourly, hundred, Idealized, Identity, illustrate, impacted, imperial, impregnating, improvement, inclined, increasingly, incurring, influencing, initiated, insertion, inspection, instrumental, intercalated, intergrown, internally, interrupted, intersect, intersecting, interstate, interval, intrinsic, Isa, island, Jgd, job, Jpqm, justify, Khoyor, Khud, kilometre, KPMG, lab, LaneCaputo, largely, Latin, latitude, leach, leachable, leached, leaching, leased, leasing, lender, Letter, LG, Lincoln, Lindsay, linear, liquid, liquidator, live, living, locating, lode, longest, longitude, lost, Ludwig, Lukkacha, Lympne, Lyon, mafic, magnitude, malaise, manufacturing, map, margin, marketed, match, matching, maximize, measuring, Mesozoic, Metcon, metre, metric, MGP, middle, military, MIM, mineralogy, minimize, Minnesota, Miocene, mix, MKT, MLOPA, Mod, Mona, Mongol, monitor, Montana, monzonite, Mount, Mountain, moved, Mtpa, NDEP, nearby, nearest, Neuromed, Ngadjuri, nomadic, notably, NV, Oak, objectively, ocean, oceanic, oil, older, Ontario, ordered, Oregon, originally, orogenic, OTTR, outlining, overland, overlie, overthrust, oxidation, oz, PacMag, paint, parameter, paramount, partially, partitioning, patented, paved, peer, Pennsylvania, percolation, pervasive, phased, Physiography, pinpoint, Poland, PoO, pool, poorer, possessing, potassic, precipitation, precision, producer, prominent, proportionately, propylitic, pulp, pursue, pyritic, QC, quadrant, quarrying, Queen, quotation, rail, rain, ranching, ranged, raptor, rarely, realistic, recommendation, reconciliation, recording, referee, registering, registrar, regrinding, rehandled, rejected, released, remobilization, Reno, rental, resolved, resolving, resultant, reveal, rewarded, rim, roasting, rotated, rotation, roughly, Roulette, round, rounding, Rt, rubber, runway, Sainshandhudag, saleable, scaled, schematically, seaborne, secured, securing, seeded, selectively, selling, separation, Seventeen, shaded, Shadow, shallowest, Shamrock, Shan, shear, shipped, shipping, shorten, shortly, Sierra, similarity, Simon, Singatse, sinistral, skarn, Skyline, slope, smaller, Smith, snow, snowfall, sodic, solvent, Sophia, sourced, southeastern, sparse, spatially, Spider, split, spot, SRM, stacked, staking, steep, Steppe, sterile, stick, stockpile, stockpiled, Stockton, stockwork, stratiform, stratigraphy, strength, Strict, strip, stronger, style, subordinate, sump, Supreme, swing, Tacna, tampering, tangible, tap, targeting, team, tectonic, televiewer, temperature, tenement, Tertiary, therefrom, thick, thinly, tied, tilting, tired, Togoot, Toquepala, tote, town, traced, Transeuro, transmission, transporting, trench, trickling, triple, truncated, tube, Tucson, turmoil, typical, unconformably, uncrushed, undeformed, underway, undeveloped, undiscounted, uniform, unintegrated, unique, unpatented, unproven, unrecognized, upside, valley, varied, vegetation, vein, veined, vicinity, visibility, visiting, visual, volcanogenic, Wabuska, warehouse, weathered, Weed, westward, widespread, wildlife, Wilyakali, wind, winter, wintertime, wound, WRMF, Yerington, younger, zoning
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Exhibit 13.2
18 U.S.C. § 1350,
In connection with the annual report of Entrée Resources Ltd. (the "Company") on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018 (the "Report"), I, Duane Lo, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:
1. | The Report fully complies with the requirements of section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; and |
2. | The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company. |
Dated: April 1, 2019
/S/Duane Lo | |
Duane Lo | |
Chief Financial Officer |