Proxy Voting Policies
Our policies regarding voting the proxies of securities held in client accounts depend on the nature of our relationship to the client. When we are an ERISA fiduciary of an account, there are additional considerations and procedures than for all other (regular) accounts. In all cases, when we vote client proxies, we must do so in the client’s best interests as described below by these policies.
Regular Accounts
We do not assume the role of an active shareholder when managing client accounts. If we are dissatisfied with the performance of a particular company, we will generally reduce or terminate our position in the company rather than attempt to force management changes through shareholder activism.
Making the Initial Decision on How to Vote the Proxy
As stated above, our goal and intent is to vote all proxies in the client’s best interests. For practical purposes, unless we make an affirmative decision to the contrary, when we vote a proxy as the Board of Directors of a company recommends, it means we agree with the Board that voting in such manner is in the interests of our clients as shareholders of the company for the reasons stated by the Board. However, if we believe that voting as the Board of Directors recommends would not be in a client’s best interests, then we must vote against the Board’s recommendation.
As a matter of standard operating procedure, all proxies received shall be voted (by telephone or Internet or through a proxy voting service), unless we are not authorized to vote proxies. When the client has reserved the right to vote proxies in his/her/its account, we must make arrangements for proxies to be delivered directly to such client from its custodian and, to the extent any such proxies are received by us inadvertently, promptly forward them to the client.
Documenting our Decisions
In cases where a proxy will NOT be voted or, as described below, voted against the Board of Directors recommendation, our policy is to make a notation to the file containing the records for such security (e.g., Corporation X research file, since we may receive numerous proxies for the same company and it is impractical to keep such records in the file of each individual client) explaining our action or inaction, as the case may be. Alternatively, or in addition to such notation, we may include a copy of the rationale for such decision in the appropriate equity correspondence file (e.g. equitycorresp@madisonadv.com).
Why would voting as the Board recommends NOT be in the client’s best interests?
Portfolio management must, at a minimum, consider the following questions before voting any proxy:
| 1. | Is the Board of Directors recommending an action that could dilute or otherwise diminish the value of our position? |
(This question is more complex than it looks: We must consider the time frames involved for both the client and the issuer. For example, if the Board of Directors is recommending an action that might initially cause the position to lose value but will increase the value of the position in the long-term, we would vote as the Board recommended for if we are holding the security for clients as a long-term investment. However, if the investment is close to our valuation limits and we are anticipating eliminating the position in the short-term, then it would be in our clients’ best interests to vote against management’s recommendation.)
| 2. | If so, would we be unable to liquidate the affected securities without incurring a loss that would not otherwise have been recognized absent management’s proposal? |
| 3. | Is the Board of Directors recommending an action that could cause the securities held to lose value, rights or privileges and there are no comparable replacement investments readily available on the market? |
(For example, a company can be uniquely positioned in the market because of its valuation compared with otherwise comparable securities such that it would not be readily replaceable if we were to liquidate the position. In such a situation, we might vote against management’s recommendation if we believe a “No” vote could help prevent future share price depreciation resulting from management’s proposal or if we believe the value of the investment will appreciate if management’s proposal fails. A typical recent example of this type of decision is the case of a Board recommendation not to expense stock options, where we would vote against management’s recommendation because we believe expensing such options will do more to enhance shareholder value going forward.)
| 4. | Would accepting the Board of Directors recommendation cause us to violate our client’s investment guidelines? |
Essentially, we must “second guess” the Board of Directors to determine if their recommendation is in the best interests of our clients, regardless of whether the Board thinks their recommendation is in the best interests of shareholders in general. The above questions should apply no matter the type of action subject to the proxy. For example, changes in corporate governance structures, adoption or amendments to compensation plans (including stock options) and matters involving social issues or corporate responsibility should all be reviewed in the context of how it will affect our clients’ investment.
In making our decisions, to the extent we rely on any analysis outside of the information contained in the proxy statements, we must retain a record of such information in the same manner as other books and records (2 years in the office, 5 years in an easily accessible place). Also, if a proxy statement is NOT available on the SEC’s EDGAR database, we must keep a copy of the proxy statement.
Addressing Conflicts of Interest
Although it is not likely, in the event there is a conflict of interest between us and our client in connection with a material proxy vote (for example, (1) the issuer or an affiliate of the issuer is also a client or is actively being sought as a client or (2) we have a significant business relationship with the issuer), our policy is to alert affected client(s) of the conflict before voting and indicate the manner in which we will vote. In such circumstances, our client(s) may instruct us to vote in a different manner. In any case, we must obtain client consent to vote the proxy when faced with a conflict of interest. If the conflict involves a security held by a mutual fund we manage, then we must present the conflict to the Board of the applicable fund for consent or direction to vote the proxies. If the conflict involves a security held by wrap accounts, then we may present the conflict to the wrap sponsor, as our agent, to obtain wrap client consent or direction to vote the proxies. Note that no conflict generally exists for routine proxy matters such as approval of the independent auditor (unless, of course, the auditor in question is a client, we are seeking the auditor as a client or we have a significant business relationship with the auditor), electing an uncontested Board of Directors, etc.
In the event it is impractical to obtain client consent to vote a proxy when faced with a conflict of interest, the firm will employ the services of an independent third party “proxy services firm” to make the proxy voting decision in accordance with Rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940, as amended.
In the absence of any conflict, once any member of the relevant portfolio management team determines that it would be in our clients’ best interests to vote AGAINST management recommendations (or, for Madison Scottsdale and Concord Asset Management, any particular portfolio manager makes such determination), then the decision should be brought to the attention of the Investment Committee, or any subcommittee appointed by the Investment Committee from among its members (such subcommittee may be a single person), to ratify the decision to stray from our general policy of voting with management. Such ratification need not be in writing.
The Investment Committee or any subcommittee appointed by the Investment Committee from among its members (such subcommittee may be a single person) shall monitor potential conflicts of interest between our firm and clients that would affect the manner by which we vote a proxy.
As of January 1, 2004, Jay Sekelsky represents the Investment Committee subcommittee described above.
ERISA Fiduciary Accounts
As a general rule, an ERISA plan Trustee is required to vote proxies. However, the fiduciary act of managing plan assets includes the responsibility to vote proxies on plan-owned stock when the named fiduciary has delegated management responsibility to an investment manager. Therefore, unless another named fiduciary (Trustee, another investment manager, consultant, plan administrator, employer, etc.) for any ERISA client expressly reserves the right to vote proxies, we are required to do so. In most cases, the plan document will specify who is required to vote proxies.
It is important that our investment management agreement (or the ERISA client’s plan document) (collectively, the “Contracts”) address the issue of who is responsible for voting proxies.
| 1. | If the Contracts expressly preclude us from voting proxies, then the Trustee must vote proxies attributable to our ERISA client’s accounts. |
| 2. | On the other hand, if the Contracts are silent or simply state that we “may” vote proxies, then it is our fiduciary duty to affirmatively vote under ERISA. |
ERISA requires us, when we are responsible for voting proxies:
| 1. | To maintain voting records for review by the named fiduciary of the plan; and |
| 2. | Ensure that the custodian (or plan Trustee, as the case may be) forward to us all proxies received so that we may vote them in a timely manner. |
Our general policy is to vote all ERISA plan proxies received in the same manner as we vote non-ERISA plan proxies described above. Again, as a matter of standard operating procedure, all proxies received shall be voted (by telephone or Internet).
Additional Recordkeeping Rules Related to Proxy Voting
We must keep any written documents (including email) we prepared that were material to making a decision on how to vote a proxy (or that memorialized the basis for our decision). As noted above, we need not keep a copy of the actual proxy statements we received if they are available on the SEC’s EDGAR database.
We must keep in the applicable client file records of written client requests for proxy voting information. We must, of course, also keep a copy in the client file of any of our written responses to clients who asked for such information either in writing or orally.
We retained the services of ProxyEdge to maintain the records of the proxy votes we cast on behalf of clients. To the extent we vote any proxies outside of this service (for
example, for logistical purposes, certain Madison Scottsdale proxies may not be maintained by this service), then copies of the voted proxy must be maintained in the applicable client or research file, as the case may be.
Practical and Logistical Matters
Equity proxies are generally distributed by Matt Hayner to the portfolio manager/analyst primarily responsible for research with respect to any particular company or, in the case of conflicted proxies, to the CCO in order to obtain information from Glass Lewis. Voting directions are provided by such individuals and returned to him. Voting decisions are documented by e-mail to the “Proxies” e-mail group by the individual making the proxy decision and hard copies maintained in Matt Hayner’s office as a cross-reference on how and what the firm is voting. Decisions are communicated to Operations for entry into Proxy Edge. Matt Hayner also provides the voting decisions via e-mail to individuals with proxy voting responsibilities at the Madison Scottsdale and Concord offices for consideration by portfolio managers in those offices.
Madison Investment Advisors, Inc.
Madison Scottsdale, LC
Concord Asset Management, LLC
Mosaic Funds
October 2004
Disclosure and Summary of Proxy Voting Policy
When you give us authority to vote proxies for securities held in your account, we do not assume the role of an active shareholder. Rather, if we are dissatisfied with the performance of a particular company, we will generally reduce or terminate our position in the company rather than attempt to force management changes through shareholder activism.
Nevertheless, our goal and intent is to vote all proxies in our client’s best interests. For practical purposes, unless we make an affirmative decision to the contrary, when we vote a proxy as the Board of Directors of a company recommends, it means we agree with the Board that voting in such manner is in the interests of our clients as shareholders of the company for the reasons stated by the Board. However, if we believe that voting as the Board of Directors recommends would not be in a client’s best interests, then we must vote against the Board’s recommendation.
We will vote against the Board of Directors recommendation if the Board recommends an action that could dilute or otherwise diminish the value of your position. This may occur if we are unable to liquidate the affected securities without incurring a loss that would not otherwise have been recognized absent management’s proposal. This may also occur if the action would cause the securities held to lose value, rights or privileges and there are no comparable replacement investments readily available on the market. Note that we may vote in a manner that could diminish the value of your position in the short-term if we believe it will increase this value in the long-term and we are holding the security in your portfolio for the long-term. Finally, we won’t vote as the Board of Directors recommends if voting in that manner would violate your account’s investment guidelines.
In the unlikely event that we are required to vote a proxy that could result in a conflict between your best interests and the interests of our firm, we will alert you or your representative in advance to obtain your consent or direction on how to vote a proxy under such circumstances. In cases where it is impractical for us to alert you (for example, we need to vote the proxy in so many accounts that we could not reasonably alert all affected clients in a timely manner), we will seek the opinion of a knowledgeable, independent third party proxy service provider to indicate the manner in which we should vote the proxy so that our decision is not influenced by the potential conflict.
If you would like to know how we voted any proxy in your account, please contact your client service representative and he or she will give you that information. If you’re not sure of your client service representative, call us at our Wisconsin office at 800-767-0300 and we will be happy to answer your questions.
You may request a complete copy of our written proxy voting procedures. Clients whose accounts are managed by our Madison, Wisconsin office may call 800-767-0300 to request a copy, clients whose accounts are managed by our Chicago, Illinois office may call 312-236-1166 to request a copy and clients whose accounts are managed by our Scottsdale, Arizona office may call 800-767-8020 to request a copy.