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abrupt, actuarialcalculationsfor, Addenda, aexchange, albeit, Alto, aluminium, Amaral, aminimum, amnesty, ANBIMA, anda, andanother, annualy, antecipated, appliedto, approximatey, Aprilup, aredenominated, arisk, arm, Arvoredo, asignificant, asofOctober, atDecember, Atlantic, atonannual, averagetariff, Bachelor, ballast, BBCarteira, becameoperational, beneficiary, berecognized, biannual, bidder, BNDESin, boad, Branco, broker, brownfield, BRR, byDeloitte, Care, Chinese, cl, clarify, clause, Cleber, clientswere, Collegiate, collusion, Compex, concessionairescontrolled, consecutive, consumersbecomingFree, Conta, Coopcanathermoelectric, Correa, Corrente, Costumer, Coutinho, CPFLEnergia, createdad, Curto, datedApril, debited, decommissioning, decreaseof, deloitte, depletion, describedpreviously, desk, deverticalization, device, disagreement, disclaimer, dispatchin, dispatchof, displacement, distance, Dr, driven, dynamism, enable, enabling, ENAP, energycontracted, energytransmission, entidade, entityCPFL, envolved, Equatorial, ESC, establishprovision, establishprovisionin, Estrella, EU, evaluaton, evolution, exclusivetransmission, explanatory, explicitly, Fax, Feburary, Financiamento, FINEP, firmwasKPMG, flowsattributable, fordirecting, formulated, forprovision, forreserve, Fortaleza, fragmented, fromaneffort, fromOperatingRevenue, frompart, FUNDAP, gathering, generationInstalled, greenfield, grew, guia, Gustavo, hard, hasalsobeen, havefourbroad, Helena, highlight, hired, hydrogenerator, hydrogeneratorsshare, IBM, ICSD, ifANEEL, IFR, Ifthese, immaterial, impositionof, inby, Incentivo, increaseof, increasetherange, indemnified, indemnity, indemnization, indenture, Independentesfor, IndustryModel, InJanuary, InJune, InMarch, InNovember, instantly, interlinked, interlocutory, intermediaryinstitution, intoeffect, inventory, involuntary, IOSCO, IPO, Irani, iscurrently, istalled, itsnetwork, IX, JBS, Jorge, Kerr, Lafarge, leaderand, leaving, length, LFA, lifting, literature, Macaco, Maria, MCPSE, Memorandum, metersof, millionare, millionat, millionof, Minerva, mismatch, mission, mobility, moderate, MP, MVA, MWp, Nect, NIB, Ninho, Nordic, numerator, obteve, occupied, occurrence, od, Odebrecht, OECD, ofAmerican, ofEPASA, ofmaintainingcomparability, ofonboard, ofpermissionby, ofthese, ofthistax, oftransmission, ombudsman, onlending, onSeptember, onthe, orincome, ourconventionalgeneration, ourincomewill, ourprovisionfor, ourtariffstructure, outlay, Paiol, Patrimonial, Peixe, periodicreviewcycle, periodicreviewof, phantom, PhD, photovoltaic, plaintiff, Planejamento, PlanningExecutiveOfficer, player, POCP, Prazo, prefixed, prescribed, pricesincreased, privileged, promissory, prorata, Proret, Queiroz, quotaholder, ratesvariation, reactive, ready, receivablesfrom, recoded, redeemable, reelection, remeasured, renewablegeneration, repurchase, requirementsapplywith, requiresdisclosure, resolved, respecttively, restructuringin, revenuereceived, riskscould, robust, rotate, Roundtable, RTA, RTP, rulesto, SA, Santana, Scotiabank, sellelectricity, servicesfrom, shareholderof, smart, sovereign, statementsand, Stateof, successor, switch, switched, tally, Tanquinho, team, Tel, Telecom, telemetry, territory, thatadditionalreporting, theBio, thecompetent, thegrowth, theincreaseof, theprior, theremoelectric, therespective, theriskscould, thermoeletric, theStrategic, thetransmission, thin, thirty, Tohmatsu, toll, toorgreater, toorlower, toprovision, totalingR, tothe, Touche, Turbina, TV, TWh, UERJ, uma, unassessed, unauditedinformation, undefined, undergone, understandimg, understood, underwent, unequivocally, unintentional, Universidade, Varginha, vesting, VIII, waslittle, Wedeductcertain, wehave, werea, wereprepared, whichinresulted, whichwe, whichwill, workplace, XI, Zangirolami
academic, accelerate, AIMR, allotted, Ana, andar, ANDIMA, asconsistently, bovespa, byInstituto, California, Carneiro, CFA, Chartered, check, CHESF, CMCE, confirmed, construed, Consultoria, convenience, devaluation, emergency, evidentiary, fossil, Galanto, Garantia, Guapor, handed, idea, implying, improved, installment, interested, interpret, IPP, linking, Metalfrio, Modal, Moura, nondeductible, parallel, partial, Pernambuco, phased, phasing, Pictet, played, presidential, professor, put, refurbish, regulator, repay, situated, succeeding, suggesting, survey, surviving, sustain, telephony, theConta, transition, translate, translated, translation, upgraded, yen, yield
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