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AAA, Abingdon, ABO, absent, accordion, Accountingfor, ACIN, ACM, adhere, affirmative, aftermath, AIB, AMFIRE, amortizationon, ancillary, ANR, APBO, apparent, arbitrage, arc, Arizona, ARNU, asAmortization, ASC, asFreight, asIncome, asSelling, assetsand, assetsconsisted, assetsin, ASU, atmosphere, attention, auctioning, auger, automobile, aware, Baltimore, behalf, Belgium, Ben, bill, billed, Box, Brazil, breakdown, bringing, brokerage, Brotherhood, Bryja, Buchanan, California, Callaway, Canada, Carlo, categorized, cautionary, cautioned, Center, centered, Chancery, Charter, cheaper, Circular, circumvention, Citicorp, Citigroup, citizen, cleaner, Cleveland, Clymer, coarse, Coast, Coastal, Cobra, Codification, commensurate, compulsory, Computershare, concept, condensed, Confidential, confirming, Connecticut, contour, convey, Copenhagen, copper, Copyright, costsandFreight, costsconsisted, creditworthy, Crowley, Crutchfield, CSTL, cubic, dam, deal, Deffered, degassing, denominator, depository, dictate, discovered, disease, dismissed, dispoal, division, Dominion, doubtful, dramatically, Draper, DTA, dual, duly, ease, easily, Egypt, Eisenberg, element, embedded, entertainment, entry, enumerated, EPRI, equating, equivalentsare, equivalentsconsist, Erbacon, error, ethical, European, exceeding, Excelven, exerted, exhibit, expeditiously, expelled, expensein, expenseshave, expensesin, fashion, fatal, FDIC, feasible, feature, Flame, fluidity, fly, forCash, forty, Fox, FR, fractional, Frank, freezing, fromAccumulated, front, fundamental, Gallatin, Gallup, gathered, Glenn, Goverance, grace, gradually, Grantee, grindability, Guide, Gulf, halt, Hampshire, harbor, height, hereof, herewith, highwall, highway, hotline, hour, hybrid, IBEW, identification, IEO, illegal, Illiquid, illustrative, impractical, inaccurate, inCoal, incomeandincome, incomeconsisted, incomeinto, indeterminate, ingredient, injunction, injured, inorganic, insignificant, insolvency, instability, interbank, interval, intoCost, inTreasury, irrespective, Island, Italy, John, Joinder, Jr, Kepler, Kevin, King, Kingwood, Kittanning, Kost, KPMG, Kurt, LA, landscape, Las, legacy, lender, lessInterest, liabilitiesapproximate, liabilitiesconsisted, lieu, lime, Linn, Linthicum, Litwar, London, lossare, lost, LTIP, macroeconomic, mail, marked, marketplace, Mate, Maxxim, McClure, MD, Michael, midpoint, Minnesota, mm, modest, Monte, motivate, mountain, movement, MW, NAV, NCI, NedBank, netandDepreciation, NETL, Newport, Nicewonder, nka, nonattainment, noncontrolling, nonconvertible, nonrecurring, NR, numerator, Occupational, ofAccumulated, ofCost, ofInterest, ofOther, ofTotal, omitted, onForm, onsite, operationsplusInterest, optimization, organizational, outlay, outlined, overstating, owed, pact, paragraph, Paramont, patented, peak, Peelish, periodCoal, perpetual, persuasive, plaintiff, plentiful, political, pool, Poor, Portage, possessing, PPA, preliminarily, premier, print, provisional, Pty, push, put, Quillen, readily, reassessment, receivableare, recipient, reclassification, recoupable, recourse, reestablished, registrar, regularly, rehabilitation, remote, reorganization, requisite, residue, retroactive, retroactively, revenuesandOther, revenuesfor, revenuesfrom, revenuesin, revenuesreported, reward, RGGI, Rhode, Rice, Rollover, rough, Roxana, rubber, safe, salesover, scientific, securitization, shale, Shop, shovel, signal, signature, simplified, simply, simulation, situation, Spain, SPE, staffed, Star, steadily, steady, stem, stockat, subordinated, sum, summit, Supercritical, syndication, tandem, tape, taxesresult, Ted, telephone, tender, tenure, thereunto, therewith, thousand, timeframe, timeline, toAcquired, toIncome, toNet, transformed, TRHC, trustee, Turkey, twenty, Twin, UBOC, UBS, unchanged, unconditionally, unconsolidated, undergo, undergone, undersigned, undetermined, undivided, unrecoverable, unsettled, upswing, va, Vaughn, vehicle, Venezuelan, vented, Vermont, Verona, vessel, Vice, virtually, Waiver, Wall, warehouse, welfare, White, Whitetail, widespread, William, withdrawn, worker, WV, WVDOH, WYW
abandonment, absorption, accessible, achievable, addressing, adjoining, aforementioned, AG, againstInterest, agriculture, aid, aimed, Alternatively, Alum, amax, AMCI, Amoco, AMT, andCoal, andPlant, asserted, attribute, authoritative, authorizing, bargain, basically, BCOA, Blackstone, boundary, Boyd, breakage, broadened, budget, Bush, captive, Carolina, cast, Cedar, century, chart, choose, choosing, cited, Coalburg, collateralized, composite, computerized, concluding, Consol, continuously, controlling, costing, counted, credible, cured, cutting, cyclical, database, decade, decided, dedication, deeper, defect, deficiency, deposition, designate, designing, determinative, detrimental, diminish, direction, disability, disabled, discontinue, displace, dissolution, distinct, distributed, distribution, diversified, documented, drought, duty, EITF, England, enjoy, Ernst, ERP, exchanged, exclusively, expended, expensesandOther, expired, expiring, extending, fall, Fayette, FCL, FIN, fluctuate, focusing, forfeit, fringe, generator, geothermal, Gillette, Glen, GmbH, governed, greatly, green, grouting, Grove, hamper, hiring, history, impairing, impossible, improperly, imputed, incidence, inCost, inflationary, inOwned, inSelling, installed, instituted, integral, interested, involuntary, IPO, Japan, labeled, Lake, landfill, lapsing, leave, light, lining, liquidation, Massey, maximize, mmbtu, mode, monetized, mortality, multiemployer, nearby, NLRB, NMA, nominee, noncancelable, noncompliance, noncurrent, Northeast, notional, offshore, opening, opportunistically, opposed, Optional, ordered, ordinary, overland, package, partly, passage, payer, Peer, PM, practice, predecessor, predictable, preemptive, prepay, prepayment, privately, procurement, prohibit, promoting, prompted, properly, proposing, prorated, RAG, Raleigh, rata, ratification, ratify, realizability, recalculated, recapitalization, reconciled, reconsider, recruiting, refer, rejected, relationship, releasing, rental, repaying, resell, restriction, resumed, revision, revolver, Roland, Sago, schedule, scrubbing, secondary, sequestration, shallower, shield, shooting, siding, sinking, slope, Smith, solid, southeast, southwest, spend, spent, stabilize, stewardship, stratospheric, stringency, stripping, Structural, studying, supplementary, suspended, synfuel, tally, Task, threshold, toCost, tranche, transition, treat, tribal, unconditional, uncover, uncovered, undeveloped, unfamiliar, uniform, unopened, unrestricted, unusual, unutilized, upheld, urban, validly, vicinity, waived, Wayne, Waynesburg, wet, whichever, winding, withheld, wrote, Young
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-K Annual report
- 10.19 Exhibit 10.19
- 10.28 Exhibit 10.28
- 10.33 Exhibit 10.33
- 10.34 Exhibit 10.34
- 10.37 Exhibit 10.37
- 10.44 Exhibit 10.44
- 10.49 Exhibit 10.49
- 10.50 Exhibit 10.50
- 10.63 Exhibit 10.63
- 10.67 Exhibit 10.67
- 10.68 Exhibit 10.68
- 12.1 Exhibit 12.1
- 12.2 Exhibit 12.2
- 21.1 Exhibit 21.1
- 23 Exhibit 23
- 31 Exhibit 31(A)
- 31 Exhibit 31(B)
- 32 Exhibit 32(A)
- 32 Exhibit 32(B)
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