Loan Summary Schedule – Central Europe JV Central Europe Loans (by Collateral Pool) % of Total Lender Maturity Date 9/30/2015 fx 1.1243 Logistics Michalovce 25.01% Lone Star In Workout € 12,607,998 $ 14,175,172 (1) Retail INEX Witawa 11.11% Lone Star In Workout € 5,599,720 $ 6,295,765 (1) Logistics Everet 2.96% HSBC 3/31/2016 € 1,493,854 $ 1,679,540 (2) Retail Fairway 20.87% HSBC 3/31/2016 € 10,521,250 $ 11,829,041 (2) Retail Alpha Plus 5.74% CSOB 12/31/2016 € 2,892,558 $ 3,252,103 Logistics Cestlice 3.74% CSOB 12/31/2016 € 1,888,685 $ 2,123,449 Retail CZ 15.17% CSOB 12/31/2016 € 7,649,090 $ 8,599,872 Retail Beta Plus 7.75% CSOB 12/31/2017 € 3,905,590 $ 4,391,055 Retail Ceske Budejovice 3.97% CSOB 12/31/2017 € 2,003,718 $ 2,252,780 Retail Cerny Most 3.68% Unicredit 12/31/2018 € 1,856,700 $ 2,087,488 100.00% € 50,419,163 $ 56,686,265 (1) In September 2015, the JV partner reached an agreement with Lone Star Funds which holds the loans for the Michalovce and Witawa assets. These loans matured in December 2012. Under the terms of the agreement, the Michalovce building will be sold for €13.2 million to an unrelated third party. After closing costs and prorations, the joint venture should receive approximately €1 million from the sale and the lender will receive approximately €10.8 million. The unpaid portion of the debt will be extinguished. The Witawa asset is being marketed for sale by the lender and any proceeds from the sale will go to Lone Star and the remaining balance of the debt will be extinguished. (2) The joint venture expects to sell the Everet and Fairway assets prior to their debt maturities.