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ABA, abandonment, ability, abrasive, absence, abstain, accessed, accessible, accidental, accompanying, accomplished, accuracy, achieve, achieved, acid, acquiror, acquisition, active, actively, activism, activity, added, Additionally, adequacy, adjacent, ADR, adsorption, advance, advanced, advancing, adverse, adversely, advice, advisory, afforded, aforesaid, Ag, agency, agenda, aggregate, agreed, agreement, air, AISC, Alacer, Alaska, Alex, alia, allegedly, allotted, alter, altered, alternative, alternatively, altogether, Alumni, AMEBC, America, analysing, analytical, analyze, analyzed, Anderson, announced, anticlinal, anticline, APEX, appoint, appointed, appointment, approach, approximate, approximately, April, arbitrage, Ariane, arise, arising, Armstrong, Army, arrange, arrangement, arranging, arrival, ascribed, assay, assemblage, asset, assignment, assist, Assistance, assurance, asymmetric, attain, attend, attendant, attenuation, attract, attracting, attributed, Au, auditor, AuEq, August, Australia, automatic, Avenue, avoid, Award, aware, Bachelor, background, Bald, bankrupt, bankruptcy, barite, barium, Barrick, baseline, basic, Battle, BCBCA, Beacon, bedrock, began, begin, beginning, beneficial, beneficially, Benjamin, Berkeley, Bermudez, bid, billion, bioclastic, biological, BLM, block, Bluestone, BMO, body, bottle, bought, boundary, bounded, branch, breach, breadth, breccia, briefly, bring, bringing, British, broadly, broker, brought, Bruce, budget, budgeting, build, Bullion, Bunker, Bureau, Burrard, businesspeople, Butte, ca, calcarenite, calculating, calendar, California, Cambior, camera, Canaccord, cancellation, capability, capacity, carbon, care, career, careful, carefully, Carlin, case, Cassandra, Cassiday, cast, cease, ceased, ceasing, centered, central, certainty, cessation, CGA, chain, Chainman, challenge, challenged, channel, characterization, characterize, characterized, charge, charged, circuit, circular, circulation, civil, claim, Clara, clastic, clay, Clayton, clear, climate, Climax, closer, closure, coarse, coarsest, coercive, Coeur, collar, collection, collectively, College, Colorado, Columbia, column, combination, combined, commence, commenced, commencement, Commerce, commercial, commercially, commodity, communicable, compensate, compensation, compete, competing, competition, competitive, complemented, complex, complexity, compliant, composition, comprise, comprised, compromise, computer, Computershare, conduct, conducted, conducting, confer, confidential, conflict, conglomeratic, Conifex, conjunction, connect, connected, connection, consecutive, considerable, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, constating, constitute, constitution, constrained, construction, consumption, contemplated, contemplating, content, contest, context, contingency, contract, conventional, conventionally, conversion, conveyance, COO, cooperating, cooperative, copper, core, cored, correct, corrective, correctly, corridor, cost, County, couple, court, Cowal, CPA, CPG, create, created, creating, credit, Creek, creeping, Creston, criminal, crush, crushed, crushing, Cu, cultural, currency, curtailed, custody, cutoff, cyanide, cyber, cycle, Dakota, damage, damaged, Dark, Dartmouth, database, DC, De, deal, dealer, dealing, death, debt, declare, declared, decline, declining, decrease, dedicated, deem, deemed, deeper, defect, defence, defense, deficit, degree, delay, delayed, delegate, delineated, delineating, delineation, delinquent, delisted, delisting, deliver, delivered, delivering, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, denial, denied, Department, departure, depend, dependence, dependent, deploy, deposit, deposition, depth, Deputy, derisking, desorption, destabilization, destruction, destructive, detailed, detect, Detour, devaluation, deviation, device, Devonshire, devote, devoting, dewatering, dialogue, Diamond, diem, difficult, difficulty, digital, diligence, diligently, dilute, dilution, dilutive, dip, dipping, direct, directed, Disability, disadvantage, discharge, discharged, discount, discover, discovered, discovery, discretion, disease, disposal, disposing, disposition, dispute, disrupt, disruptive, disseminated, dissolution, distancing, district, disturbance, disturbed, diverse, Diversity, dividend, division, document, documentation, Dodge, Dolomite, domain, dome, domed, Don, Donald, dor, doubt, downturn, Dr, drainage, drawn, drill, drilled, drilling, drip, drop, drying, dual, due, dumped, duration, duty, EA, earlier, earned, ease, easily, east, eastern, economy, Education, EIS, Electrical, electricity, electrowinning, element, Elevated, eliminate, eliminated, Elko, elongate, EM, embarking, employed, employee, enable, enabling, enacted, encompassing, encountered, endangered, endeavor, energy, enforce, enforcement, engineer, engineered, engineering, enhance, ensuing, enter, entered, entirety, entitled, entitlement, environment, Eocene, equal, equally, equate, equipment, equivalent, Escobal, escrow, ESCROWED, essential, Eureka, evaporation, event, eventual, evolving, exceeding, excellence, excluded, exclusive, exclusively, exercisable, exercise, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expend, expenditure, expense, expensive, experience, experienced, expertise, expire, expiring, exploited, exploiting, expose, exposed, expressed, expressly, extent, extraordinary, extreme, face, facility, facing, fact, factor, Factoring, fail, failing, failure, fairly, faith, fall, falsification, fault, faulty, favorable, February, fee, feed, Feet, feldspar, felsic, field, fifteen, Figure, fill, finance, financing, fine, flagship, flank, flat, FLC, flooding, Floor, fluctuated, fluid, fluorescence, focused, fold, folded, footwall, force, forecast, foreseeable, forfeited, Fork, formal, Fort, founder, fourteen, fourth, fraud, ft, fuel, Fuerstenau, fulfill, fulfilment, full, fully, fulsome, function, fund, funding, fundraising, furnace, gap, garnered, gas, Gate, Gehlen, gently, Genuity, geochemical, Geologist, geology, geophysical, geopolitical, Geoscience, geotechnical, GL, Glenn, global, Goldcorp, Golden, governor, graduate, grain, greenhouse, Greenstone, Grinding, ground, groundwater, group, Grouse, grow, GSV, guarantee, guidance, hacking, halt, hand, handed, handling, Hanson, hard, harm, harmed, haul, Haywood, heap, hear, Hecla, hedging, heightened, high, highest, highly, Highway, Hill, hinder, hiring, history, hold, holding, hole, Hollow, Homestake, honestly, horst, host, hosted, house, housing, HPGR, HSEC, human, hydraulic, hydrogeologic, hydrogeological, Idaho, iii, illegal, immaterial, impact, impacted, impacting, impair, impaired, Imperial, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, imposition, impossible, improper, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inadequate, inception, inch, incident, inclined, inclusion, inclusive, income, inconsistent, incorrect, increasingly, incur, incurred, indefinite, indirect, indirectly, individual, inducing, inexact, infill, infilled, infilling, infiltration, inflation, influence, infrastructure, inherent, inherently, initial, initiative, injury, input, insider, insolvency, insolvent, instability, installation, insufficient, insurance, insure, insured, integral, integrity, intense, intent, intention, inter, intercept, intermediate, Internet, interpret, interpretation, interpreted, interpreting, intersected, intersection, interval, intimately, introduced, intruded, investigate, investment, investor, invited, involve, involved, involvement, involving, irrigation, iv, January, Jasperoid, Jeff, Jim, JKR, John, joined, joining, joint, Jordan, Joseph, judgment, judicial, July, June, junior, justifiable, justify, Kaminak, Kevin, km, knowledge, Knox, KPMG, Kumoi, labor, laboratory, labour, lack, lacking, Laffoon, lake, Lamoille, land, Lander, lapse, large, largely, larger, Larry, Latin, Lawrence, leach, leached, leaching, lead, leader, leadership, leading, leak, leakage, led, legislation, lending, length, liability, liable, liberate, life, light, Lime, limestone, line, liquified, Lisa, Literacy, litigation, LLC, LNG, LOM, Lone, long, longer, low, Lowell, LT, Lucara, Lucky, macroeconomic, Madison, main, maintenance, managerial, manner, Map, mapping, margin, Marigold, marine, market, marketing, master, matrix, matter, maximum, Mayfair, MBA, McDonald, McLeod, MDA, mechanical, media, medical, medium, melting, Mercator, mercury, merger, mesh, met, metal, metallurgical, method, methodology, Metric, mi, micrite, middle, million, minimal, minimize, minute, misappropriation, misuse, mitigate, mitigation, mlbx, mm, mobility, model, modeled, modeling, modelled, moderate, moderately, modestly, modification, modified, Modifying, Moly, Molybdenum, monetary, Montana, month, monthly, moratorium, Morrison, mountain, MRE, mulilithic, multilithic, multiple, native, natural, naturally, nature, NDEP, NDWR, nearby, NEDP, Neeser, negotiate, negotiated, negotiation, neighbouring, NEPA, Nesbitt, Network, Nevada, Newmont, NITON, noise, nominate, nomination, north, Northair, northeast, northern, northwest, notice, NovaGold, November, NPV, nuclear, Nugget, numerical, NV, objective, objectivity, observed, obtain, obtainable, obtained, obtaining, occupation, occupational, occurrence, October, offer, Offered, offering, official, oil, onsite, Ontario, open, opportunity, optimization, optimize, optimized, order, ordered, ordinary, Ordovician, organizational, orientation, oriented, original, originally, Orion, orpiment, ounce, outbreak, outlined, outlining, oven, overcome, overlying, oversaw, oversee, oversight, Overview, owner, ownership, oxide, oxidized, Oxyoke, oz, pad, paid, Paleozoic, Palmerejo, Pan, pandemic, par, Paradigm, parallel, partial, partially, particle, partner, partnership, party, Passage, passing, passive, patent, patented, patenting, pattern, Pattison, paved, pay, payback, paying, payment, payroll, Pb, PE, peak, people, percent, percentage, perception, permanent, Permian, Pershing, personnel, pertain, Peru, petrographic, PFS, PG, pH, phase, PhD, pi, Pinion, pit, placement, Placer, plan, planned, planning, plant, PLLC, POD, Pogonip, point, political, pollution, population, porphyry, portfolio, portion, possessory, postponement, PQ, pre, precipitate, precipitated, predicated, predict, predicted, predominant, preliminary, present, presented, presently, preservation, Pressure, prevailing, prevent, primarily, principle, prior, pro, proactively, procedure, proceeding, procure, production, productivity, professional, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, profitably, program, progressing, progressively, prolonged, promoted, proper, properly, proposal, proposed, prospect, prospective, prove, proxy, publicly, published, pulp, pumping, pursue, quantitative, Quantum, quarter, quarterly, quartz, Quartzite, Quebec, Queen, questionable, quickly, Radford, Railroad, Rain, ramp, range, ranged, ranging, rank, rapid, rata, ratio, RC, reaction, read, reagent, real, realgar, realistic, realizable, realization, realized, reassessed, reblocked, recalculated, receive, received, receiver, recent, recently, reclamation, recognition, recommend, recommended, reconfirmation, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recruit, redemption, redox, reduction, refined, Refinery, Refining, reflect, refuse, regain, regime, regional, registrar, regular, regularly, regulatory, relationship, release, released, relevant, reliability, reliable, relied, rely, remedial, remediate, remediating, remediation, remedy, remove, remuneration, Renard, render, rendered, renew, renewal, renewed, repair, repatriate, repetition, replace, replacement, represent, representative, representing, reproduction, reputation, reputational, requisite, research, Reservoir, reside, residence, residential, residual, Resignation, resigned, resolution, resolve, resolving, RESPEC, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restrict, restricted, restricting, restriction, restrictive, resume, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retort, retraction, Retrieval, return, returned, revegetating, reverse, revoke, revoked, revoking, RG, Ripple, risk, rival, road, robust, rock, role, roll, ROM, Ron, Rotman, roughly, route, routine, royalty, running, Sabina, sabotage, safe, Sage, sale, saleable, Santa, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, Sauder, save, SB, SBB, scale, Scholz, School, science, scope, scoping, Seabridge, season, seasoned, secondary, sector, securityholder, sedimentary, seepage, selected, selectivity, sell, senior, sensitive, sentiment, Sentinel, separate, separately, September, sequence, serve, served, serving, settlement, shallow, shallowly, shaping, share, sheared, shelf, Sherwood, Shop, shore, short, shovel, silica, silicified, silty, silver, similarly, simple, sinking, site, situated, size, sizing, skarn, skill, skilled, slope, slowdown, sludge, small, social, socioeconomic, software, solid, solution, sooty, sophistication, source, south, southeast, southern, southernmost, southward, southwest, SOX, span, speak, speaking, specific, specifically, speculative, spending, spent, sporadic, spread, SR, SRMP, SSR, stable, stacked, stacking, stage, stakeholder, Star, statute, statutory, stay, steep, steeply, step, Stepout, Stifel, Stillwater, storage, stormwater, Stornoway, strategic, strategy, stratigraphic, streaming, strength, stricter, strike, striking, stringent, strip, stripped, stripping, strong, Strongbow, strongly, structural, STRUCTURE, style, subcommittee, subdivide, submicroscopic, submission, submittal, subscription, Subsection, subsequent, subsequently, substantial, substantially, substantive, subsurface, successful, successfully, succession, sudden, suffer, suffered, suffering, sulfide, sulfur, sulphide, summary, supplant, supplemented, supply, support, supported, supporting, surface, surrender, surveyed, surveying, sustained, sustaining, SVP, SWCA, Sweet, swell, swing, syndicate, Tacoma, Tahoe, tailing, takeover, Taseko, taxable, taxation, TCH, TD, team, Tech, technology, telecommunication, Temporary, Tentative, tenure, term, terminate, terminated, Territory, terrorism, terrorist, Tertiary, test, tested, testing, text, theft, thereof, thick, thicker, thirty, Threlkeld, Throughput, tie, Timber, timeline, Tomera, ton, Tonka, top, toxic, TPPC, traced, traditional, traffic, transaction, transfer, transportation, travel, treasury, treat, treated, treatment, trend, tribal, Trinity, Tripon, troy, truck, true, Trust, trustee, TSX, Tuck, twenty, type, Ukraine, ULC, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unanticipated, uncertain, uncover, underground, underlying, understated, undertaken, underwriting, undetected, undifferentiated, uneconomic, unexpected, unfair, unique, unissued, University, unlimited, unpatented, unprofitable, unregistered, unrelated, unresolved, unrest, unsuccessful, unsuitable, unsupported, untested, unusual, upcoming, uplift, USA, UTM, vacancy, vacated, validity, valuable, valuation, vandalism, variability, variable, variation, varied, venture, verification, vertical, vi, viability, viable, Vice, view, vii, viii, violation, Virgin, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volume, vote, voting, VP, Wade, Waldkirch, war, warranted, Wash, waste, water, Watson, weather, Webb, weighted, Western, Whistleblower, wide, widely, widespread, width, William, window, workforce, world, worth, WPCP, Wyoming, XRF, Yanacocha, Yancey, yielding, zinc, Zn, zone
acted, attempted, blackout, BTR, buying, cable, calling, carried, CDN, certification, chapter, check, close, coal, committed, communicated, concluded, consent, constant, designation, discretionary, distributed, duly, electronically, emailing, Employer, English, ensuring, exceed, expert, Extensible, formatted, GAAP, hereto, herewith, IASB, implicit, Industrial, Institute, Interactive, interested, language, Manual, operator, payable, Petroleum, phone, posted, print, promptly, Province, provision, recorded, referencing, Reform, registrant, relief, revised, seeking, shorter, St, standing, supervision, terminology, thereunto, undersigned, waiver, Wall, XBRL, York, zip
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 99.1 Annual Information Form of the Company for the Year Ended December 31, 2021
- 99.2 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2021
- 99.3 Management's Discussion and Analysis of the Company for the Year Ended December 31, 2021
- 99.4 Sox 302 CEO Certification
- 99.5 Sox 302 CFO Certification
- 99.6 Sox 906 CEO Certification
- 99.7 Sox 906 CFO Certification
- 99.8 Consent of Davidson & Company LLP
- 99.9 Consent of Art Ibrado
- 99.10 Consent of Matthew Sletten
- 99.11 Consent of Michael Lindholm
- 99.12 Consent of Thomas Dyer
- 99.13 Consent of Gary Simmons
- 99.14 Consent of Richard Delong
- 99.15 Consent of Jordan Anderson
- 99.16 Consent of Benjamin Bermudez
- 99.17 Consent of Kevin Lutes
- 99.18 Consent of Richard Yancey
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