On December 31, 2020, the Company held 131,414 treasury shares with a value of € 4,868,744 – a decrease of € 3,488,506 compared to December 31, 2019 (225,800 shares, € 8,357,250). The reason for this decrease was the transfer of 91,037 treasury shares amounting to € 3,364,727 to the Management Board and selected employees of the Company (beneficiaries) from the 2016 Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTI Plan). The vesting period for this LTI Plan expired on April 1, 2020 and offered beneficiaries a six-month period until October 20, 2020 to receive a total of 91,037 shares. In addition, 3,349 treasury shares for an amount of € 123,779 from the 2019 Long-Term Incentive Plan were transferred to certain employees of MorphoSys US Inc.
Consequently, the number of MorphoSys shares owned by the Company as of December 31, 2020, was 131,414 (December 31, 2019: 225,800). The repurchased shares may be used for all of the purposes named in the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on May 23, 2014, particularly for existing and future employee stock option programs and/or to finance acquisitions. The shares may also be redeemed.
As of December 31, 2020, the capital reserve amounted to € 748,978,506 (December 31, 2019: € 628,176,568). The increase by a total of € 120,801,938 resulted mainly from the capital increase with Incyte in the amount of € 79,590,657 after deducting transaction costs of € 100,370 and from the convertible bond option of € 49,994,274 classified as equity and deducting deferred taxes directly recognized in equity of € 12,733,806 as well as transaction costs of € 777,418. Furthermore, the additional paid-in capital increased due to the addition of personnel expenses from share-based payments in the amount of € 7,455,761 and the exercise of convertible bonds in the amount of € 760,976. This was offset by the decrease from reclassifications of treasury shares in connection with the allocation of shares from the MorphoSys AG 2016 Performance Share Plan in the amount of € 3,364,727 and from the MorphoSys US Inc. 2019 LTI Plan in the amount of € 123,779.
On December 31, 2020, this reserve included changes in the fair value of equity instruments of € 1,260,132 (December 31, 2019: € -1,160,160) recognized directly in equity, as well as currency translation differences from consolidation of € 2,247,005 (December 31, 2019: € 75,332). The currency translation differences from consolidation included exchange rate differences from the revaluation of the financial statements of Group companies prepared in foreign currencies and differences between the exchange rates used in the balance sheet and income statement.
The consolidated net profit for the year of € 97,890,576 is reported under “accumulated deficit.” As a result, the accumulated deficit decreased from € 255,779,786 in 2019 to € 157,889,210 in 2020.
8 Remuneration System for the Management Board and Employees of the Group
A change in the organizational structure of MorphoSys took effect as of July 1, 2020. This change had an impact on the definition of related parties who hold a key position in MorphoSys AG as the parent company of the Group. In addition to the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, all persons on the management level below who have direct or indirect authority and responsibility for planning, directing, or supervising the activities of the Company are also considered to be key management personnel. From the Group’s perspective, key management personnel are those persons who direct and control a significant part of the Group’s activities. Starting in 2020, in addition to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, the other members of the Executive Committee that was newly formed in 2020 are considered key management personnel from the perspective of MorphoSys AG and are therefore relevant for the disclosures. Prior-year figures do not need to be adjusted and are therefore not comparable to the figures for 2020.