Investment in joint venture [Text Block] | 8. On July 31, 2018, the Company completed a transaction (the "JV Transaction") with a subsidiary of Gold Fields Limited ("Gold Fields"), following which: • the Company and Gold Fields each own a 45% economic interest in Asanko Gold Ghana Limited ("AGGL"), which owns the AGM, with the Government of Ghana retaining a 10% free-carried interest in the AGM; • the Company and Gold Fields each own a 50% interest in Adansi Gold Company (GH) Limited ("Adansi Ghana"), which owns a number of exploration licenses; and • the Company and Gold Fields each acquired a 50% interest in the JV entity, Shika Group Finance Limited ("JV Finco"). As the JV is structured within the legal entities of AGGL, Adansi Ghana and JV Finco, the JV represents a joint venture as defined under IFRS 11 - Joint Arrangements, and the Company commenced equity accounting for its interest in the JV effective July 31, 2018. The following table summarizes the change in the carrying amount of the Company's investment in the joint venture: December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 $ $ Balance, beginning of year 59,159 - Company's share of the JV's net (loss) income for the year (51,528 ) 59,159 Impairment of investment in joint venture (7,631 ) - Balance, end of year - 59,159 Impairment of the AGM On February 25, 2022, the Company announced that recent gold recovery at the AGM had been lower than expected. The Company determined the AGM was not in a position to declare mineral reserves in its updated NI 43-101 filed on March 29, 2022, with an effective date of February 28, 2022. The Company considered these factors to represent an indicator of impairment of the MPP&E of the AGM. In addition, the AGM’s mine plan for 2022 contemplates a temporary deferral of mining activities in Q2 2022 following which only stockpile material will be processed for the balance of 2022. Accordingly, the Company assessed the recoverable amount of the AGM, which was based on management's best estimate of the fair value less cost to sell. Without defined mineral reserves published in a NI 43-101, management was unable to undertake a meaningful discounted cash flow analysis based on Life of Mine cash flows as had been done in previous impairment analyses. Therefore, management estimated the recoverable amount of the AGM by applying a fair value of $25 per ounce to the AGM’s Measured and Indicated resources. The fair value of $25 per ounce was estimated by reviewing market prices for similar assets while also considering risks specific to the AGM asset, including historical reclamation and workforce related costs. Stockpiles were valued based on the estimated selling price less remaining costs to process the ore. The fair value less cost to sell of the AGM CGU (on a 100% basis) was estimated to be $100.7 million. Management's estimate of the fair value of the AGM's MPP&E is classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy. At December 31, 2021, the carrying value of the AGM’s MPP&E was $153.2 million greater than its estimated recoverable amount, therefore an impairment charge on MPP&E in this amount was recognized for the year ended December 31, 2021 (the Company's share of which was $ 68.9 In addition, as a result of lower expected recovery, the AGM also recorded a $22.8 million write-down of stockpile inventory to net realizable value (refer to note 8(ii)). Sensitivity analysis Due to the sensitivity of the recoverable amount to management judgments and estimates, specifically market comparable rates for in-situ mineral resources, as well as unforeseen factors, any significant change in key assumptions and inputs could result in changes in impairment charges to be recorded in future periods. The following table highlights the assumptions and estimates that management believes are most sensitive to estimating the recoverable amount. Any change in these assumptions and estimates could have a material impact on the estimated recoverable amount of the AGM. Assumption Per management's Sensitivity Impact on recoverable amount (100% basis) Increase ($'millions) Decrease ($'millions) Market value of in-situ resources $25/oz +/- $5/oz $14 $14 Impairment testing of Investment in associate recognized by the Company The Company recorded its share of the AGM's losses for the year ended December 31, 2021 of $51.5 million, which reduced the carrying value of the investment in the associate to $7.6 million as at December 31, 2021. Furthermore, as discussed in note 7, the value attributed to the preference shares was $72.4 million (compared to the par value of $132.4 million). The Company's management considered that the above noted impairment considerations identified at the JV level were also applicable to the carrying value of the Company's equity investment in the AGM JV. When considering the capital structure of the JV, specifically the face value of the preference shares, management concluded that the fair value attributed to the preference shares was indicative that no additional value would be available to equity interests in the JV. Accordingly, management estimated the recoverable amount of its equity investment in the JV to be nil at December 31, 2021 and as a result recognized an impairment charge of $7.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2021. Operating and financial results of the JV for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 Summarized financial information for the Company's investment in the JV is outlined in the table below. All disclosures in this note 8 are on a 100% JV basis, unless otherwise indicated. The JV applies the same accounting policies as the Company. Statement of Income (Loss) for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 2021 2020 Note $ $ Revenues (i) 382,380 418,130 Production costs (ii) (255,058 ) (198,347 ) Depreciation and depletion (vi) (50,177 ) (50,934 ) Royalties (ii) (19,119 ) (20,907 ) Income from mine operations 58,026 147,942 Impairment of MPP&E (153,164 ) - Exploration and evaluation expenditures (10,521 ) (9,681 ) General and administrative expenses (9,576 ) (7,434 ) (Loss) income from operations (115,235 ) 130,827 Finance expense (xi) (2,908 ) (3,165 ) Finance income 275 285 Foreign exchange gain 3,396 3,572 Net (loss) income after tax for the year (114,472 ) 131,519 Company's share of net (loss) income of the JV for the year (51,528 ) 59,159 The assets and liabilities of the Asanko Gold Mine JV, on a 100% basis, as at December 31, 2021 and 2020 were as follows: December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 Note $ $ Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 49,211 64,254 Receivables 14,285 10,820 Inventories (iii) 75,696 81,675 Prepaid expenses and deposits 2,944 4,909 VAT receivable 6,296 8,911 148,432 170,569 Non-current assets (iii),(iv),(v),(vi) 145,888 280,769 Total assets 294,320 451,338 Liabilties Current liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 57,948 73,102 Revolving credit facility (vii) - 30,000 Lease liabilities (viii) 10,025 5,608 Asset retirement provisions (ix) - 1,025 67,973 109,735 Non-current liabilities Lease liabilities (viii) 467 113 Long-term incentive plan liability 98 596 Asset retirement provisions (ix) 81,028 71,668 81,593 72,377 Total liabilities 149,566 182,112 Equity (x) 144,754 269,226 Total liabilities and equity 294,320 451,338 The Company has provided the following incremental disclosures for stakeholders to evaluate the financial performance and financial condition of the AGM. All amounts in the following tables and descriptions are on a 100% basis. (i) Revenue AGGL has an offtake agreement with a special purpose vehicle of RK Mine Finance Trust I ("Red Kite") with the following details (the "Offtake Agreement"): - - - - - - During the year ended December 31, 2021, the AGM sold 216,076 ounces of gold to Red Kite in accordance with the Offtake Agreement (year ended December 31, 2020 - 243,807 ounces). As of December 31, 2021, the AGM has delivered 1,299,256 ounces to Red Kite under the Offtake Agreement. The Offtake Agreement was not affected by the JV Transaction and will remain in effect until all contracted ounces have been delivered to Red Kite or AGGL elects to terminate the Offtake Agreement and pay the associated fee. Included in revenue of the AGM is $0.6 million relating to by-product silver sales for the year ended December 31, 2021 (year ended December 31, 2020 - $0.9 million). (ii) The following is a summary of production costs by nature, on a 100% basis, incurred during the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020: December 31, 2021 $ December 31, 2020 $ Raw materials and consumables (54,422 ) (54,588 ) Salary and employee benefits (37,449 ) (35,204 ) Contractors (net of deferred stripping costs) (135,244 ) (119,337 ) Change in stockpile, gold-in-process and gold dore inventories (7,825 ) 28,970 Insurance, government fees, permits and other (20,125 ) (17,161 ) Share-based compensation 7 (1,027 ) Total production costs (255,058 ) (198,347 ) During the year ended December 31, 2021, the AGM recognized a $26.4 million downward net realizable value adjustment to the carrying value of its stockpile inventory, of which $19.6 million was recorded as production costs and $6.8 million recorded as depreciation expense. The gold price assumption applied in the net realizable value calculation was $1,835 per ounce, and management estimated future costs of processing the stockpiles based upon historical and projected information. During the year ended December 31, 2020, the AGM recognized a $16.6 million reversal of previously recorded net realizable value adjustments on its stockpile inventory primarily due to an increase in gold prices during the year, of which $7.7 million was credited against production costs and $8.9 million credited against depreciation expense. All of the AGM's concessions are subject to a 5% gross revenue royalty payable to the Government of Ghana. The AGM's Akwasiso mining concession is also subject to an additional 2% net smelter return royalty payable to the previous owner of the mineral tenement, and the AGM's Esaase mining concession is also subject to an additional 0.5% net smelter return royalty payable to the Bonte Liquidation Committee. (iii) T December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 $ $ Gold dore on hand 3,244 8,197 Gold-in-process 1,563 1,814 Ore stockpiles 51,470 54,701 Materials and spare parts 24,562 22,152 Total inventories 80,839 86,864 Less non-current inventories: Ore stockpiles (5,143 ) (5,189 ) Total current inventories 75,696 81,675 (iv) The AGM is required to provide security to the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana ("EPA") for the performance by the AGM of its reclamation obligations in respect of its mining leases. The AGM deposits a reclamation deposit in a Ghanaian bank and the reclamation deposit is required to be held until receiving a final reclamation completion certificate from the EPA. The AGM is expected to be released from this requirement 45 days following the third anniversary of the date that the AGM receives a final completion certificate. The reclamation deposit accrues interest and is carried at $1.9 million at December 31, 2021 (December 31, 2020 - $1.9 million). Total security required to be provided to the EPA for the Obotan deposits totals $15.6 million and comprises a reclamation deposit of $4.7 million (including the $1.9 million previously paid) and a bank guarantee of $10.9 million, 50% of which was provided by the Company (note 12). The additional cash reclamation deposit of $2.8 million was paid in Q1 2022. The security provided to the EPA for the Esaase deposits is $1.1 million and comprised a reclamation deposit of $0.2 million and a bank guarantee of $0.9 million, 50% of which was provided by the Company (note 12). The cash reclamation deposit of $0.2 million is expected to be paid in 2022. (v) The following table shows the movement in the right-of-use asset related to the service and lease agreements of the AGM for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020: December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 $ $ Balance, beginning of year 2,873 9,429 Recognition of mining contractor services agreements entered into during the year 18,809 5,604 Depreciation expense (14,946 ) (9,407 ) Allocation of impairment (3,533 ) - Derecognition associated with termination of contractor services agreement - (2,753 ) Balance, end of year 3,203 2,873 (vi) Additions to mineral properties, plant and equipment During the year ended December 31, 2021, the AGM capitalized $35.8 million in expenditures related to mineral properties, plant and equipment, excluding capitalized deferred stripping costs and asset retirement costs (year ended December 31, 2020 - $54.1 million). Deferred stripping During the year ended December 31, 2021, the AGM deferred a total of $7.1 million of stripping costs to depletable mineral interests (year ended December 31, 2020 - $18.7 million). Depreciation and depletion During the year ended December 31, 2021, the AGM recognized depreciation and depletion expense of $50.2 million, including $0.6 million expensed through changes in inventories (year ended December 31, 2020 - depreciation and depletion expense of $50.9 million, while a further $1.8 million was allocated to the cost of inventories). Impairment As discussed above, the AGM recorded an impairment on MPP&E $153.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2021 (the Company’s share of which was $ 68.9 (vii) In October 2019, the JV entered into a $30.0 million revolving credit facility (the "RCF") with Rand Merchant Bank ("RMB"). The term of the RCF is three years, maturing in September 2022 and bears interest on a sliding scale of between LIBOR plus a margin of 4% and LIBOR plus a margin of 3.8%, depending on the security granted to RMB. Commitment fees in respect of any undrawn portion of the RCF will accrue on a similar sliding scale of between 1.33% and 1.40%. During the year ended December 31, 2021, the JV repaid in full the $30.0 million then outstanding on the RCF and as such the balance of the RCF as of December 31, 2021 was $nil (December 31, 2020 - $30.0 million). During the year ended December 31, 2021, the AGM recognized interest expense and other fees associated with the RCF of $0.8 million (year ended December 31, 2020 - interest expense and other fees of $1.2 million). (viii) The December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 $ $ Balance, beginning of year 5,721 23,205 Recognition of lease agreements entered into during the year 18,809 5,604 Lease payments made during the year (14,434 ) (17,160 ) Interest expense 396 732 Derecognition associated with termination of contractor services agreement - (6,660 ) Total lease liabilities, end of year 10,492 5,721 Less: current lease liabilities (10,025 ) (5,608 ) Total non-current lease liabilities, end of year 467 113 (ix) The following table shows the movement in the asset retirement provisions of the AGM as at December 31, 2021 and 2020: December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 $ $ Balance, beginning of year 72,693 56,148 Accretion expense 1,191 550 Change in estimate 7,307 16,149 Reclamation undertaken during the year (163 ) (154 ) Total asset retirement provisions, end of year 81,028 72,693 Less: current portion of asset retirement provisions - (1,025 ) Total non-current portion of asset retirement provisions 81,028 71,668 The asset retirement provisions consist of reclamation and closure costs for the JV's Ghanaian mining properties. Reclamation and closure activities include land rehabilitation, dismantling of buildings and mine facilities, ongoing care and maintenance and other costs. As (x) The following table shows the movement in the JV partners' preferred share investments in the JV for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020: December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 $ $ Balance, beginning of year 274,880 349,880 Distributions to partners during the year (10,000 ) (75,000 ) Balance, end of year 264,880 274,880 (xi) Finance expense The following is a summary of finance expense incurred by the JV during the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020: December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 $ $ Premiums paid for hedging instruments (381 ) (366 ) Interest on lease liabilities (note viii) (396 ) (732 ) Fees and expenses associated with RCF (note vii) (761 ) (1,198 ) Accretion charges on asset retirement provisions (note ix) (1,191 ) (550 ) Other (179 ) (319 ) Total finance expense (2,908 ) (3,165 ) (xii) December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 $ $ Cash provided by (used in): Operating cash flow before working capital changes 91,736 183,065 Operating activities 86,602 152,322 Investing activities (45,891 ) (69,108 ) Financing activities (55,522 ) (62,590 ) Impact of foreign exchange on cash and cash equivalents (232 ) (128 ) (Decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents during the year (15,043 ) 20,496 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 64,254 43,758 Cash and cash equivalents, end of year 49,211 64,254 |