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abandon, abandoned, abandonment, abdomen, abdominal, abrogate, absent, absorption, accrual, Acerta, acid, acquiree, acquiror, advent, adversarial, advice, affirmative, aforementioned, akin, Albert, Aleksey, Alice, Alimta, alive, allegedly, alliance, Allied, allogeneic, alongside, Alto, Amgen, amino, AML, andinter, anecdotal, anemia, aninter, annum, anorexia, Anson, antileukemic, antimyeloma, antiproliferative, APC, arbitrage, ASCT, aspect, assorted, asthenia, AstraZeneca, ASUNo, attached, auditincluded, auditwe, augment, Austria, automated, autotransplant, azacytidine, bacterial, Bank, banking, Barbara, Barring, Bayesian, bear, Belgium, beneficiary, Bermuda, bilateral, bill, binomial, biology, bispecific, blanket, bleeding, blinded, blockade, blocker, bloodstream, bortezomib, bowel, brain, BRCA, breath, Bridge, Britain, broaden, bruising, bulky, Bulletin, burdensome, cage, CAGR, Canadian, Cantor, captioned, captionedJGB, carcinomain, cascade, catastrophic, Cayman, Celgene, cellular, certaina, cGCP, checkpoint, chemistry, chest, choice, chosen, circulatory, cisplatin, Clarendon, clarification, clause, clotting, CLS, CMO, cognate, colorectal, Comerica, commensurate, comparison, compliant, complicate, complicating, composed, compromise, compromised, compulsory, conceal, concealing, concomitantly, conflict, consolidatedfinancial, constitute, constituted, consumption, contemporaneously, contested, Contra, contractor, contributory, convene, convention, conventional, convincing, Costa, cough, counterparty, covertly, CRem, criterion, CRO, culture, curative, CVI, cycle, cytogenetic, cytometry, daily, David, de, dearth, decade, decentralized, decidual, decree, deep, defective, Deferral, deficiency, defraud, degrade, deliberately, demise, dendritic, dense, destruction, detain, detention, deter, deviating, devoid, diagram, diarrhea, differentiated, differentiating, differentiation, Digested, digestion, disagreement, disclaimed, disperse, dispersed, display, disregarding, disseminated, dissolution, dissuade, distinct, distinctive, DLC, Dohme, DOJ, domicile, donor, downstream, DTL, duty, dynamic, dyspepsia, dyspnea, edema, effectuate, effort, eiher, electrical, EMA, embracing, Empery, employeesand, emulsified, emulsion, endorsement, engraftment, enjoyed, enriched, entitledPatel, epithelial, EQC, Equilibria, eroding, error, essence, EUR, Eurasian, evenly, evolution, evolve, evolving, exact, excellent, exciting, exempt, exempted, exert, expeditiously, expenditure, explanatory, exploitation, exploiting, extinguished, extinguishment, extirpative, eye, FA, faith, fallopian, falsifying, fare, FASBASC, faster, fatigue, FCA, feasibility, feasible, feature, fedratinib, feedback, feeling, fetal, fever, fewer, fi, fifteen, fight, fighting, figure, finite, Finland, Fitzgerald, flammable, flat, flatulence, Flom, Floor, forma, formation, founder, fragment, France, fraudulent, freely, frontline, Fundamental, garnered, gathered, gave, GCP, Genentech, genetic, genetically, geometry, Germany, glioblastoma, global, globally, GLP, granulosa, great, Greece, hallmark, halt, Hamilton, haplotype, hazard, headache, heading, heart, heavy, hematopoietic, hereof, heteroclicity, heteroclitic, HIPAA, histocompatibility, histocompatible, HITECH, hoc, Hong, hospital, host, HR, HSCT, Hudson, humoral, hurricane, Iceland, Idhifa, illustrate, IMiD, imminent, immunobiologic, immunobiological, immunohistochemical, immunomodulatory, immunosuppressive, immunotherapeutic, Importantly, impractical, IMWG, inappropriate, incentivize, incremental, incurrence, Incyte, induction, inexorable, inexpensively, influence, infusion, ingested, inhibitor, inoperable, insert, insidiously, insight, insolvency, Inspector, installation, instance, Instruction, intentionally, Interbank, interstitial, interval, intoIn, intracellular, intriguing, introduction, invade, inventor, inventorship, involuntary, IPO, Ireland, irreversible, Italy, Jacob, Jakafi, JAKAVI, JGB, join, JQB, judicial, Juno, Keller, Kelly, Kenilworth, Kettering, Keytruda, kidney, kill, killer, killing, kind, Kite, Knapp, knowable, Kohne, Kong, Krylov, Lam, landmark, laparotomy, lattice, lawfully, layer, LDA, Lee, lenalidomide, ler, letter, leukemic, liaison, LIBOR, Liechtenstein, lieu, Lilly, link, linked, liposomal, literature, LLP, Lm, lobule, logo, London, longitudinal, lost, lot, LP, lung, lymphatic, macroscopic, Madison, malaise, mammary, managerial, mandatorily, manmade, Master, max, Mayo, Meagher, meant, mechanistic, media, medicament, melanoma, melphalan, membrane, menopausal, mesothelial, mesothelioma, metabolism, metal, Mexico, MFN, MHC, microbial, microenvironment, microsatellite, mild, misconduct, mixed, mixture, MM, modulate, Moffitt, mono, monotherapy, monovalent, Montanide, morbidity, Moser, motivate, motivating, mounted, mouse, MPM, MRD, MSD, MSK, multibillion, multiforme, multifunctional, multimodality, multitude, multivalent, mutated, myeloablation, myeloid, myeloma, Mylotarg, Myriad, narrowly, native, necessitated, negligent, negligible, neoplasm, newly, Newton, niche, NIH, nitrogen, nivolumab, NJ, NOL, nonclinical, noncompetitive, Noncontrolling, nonexclusive, nonperformance, Nonpublic, nonrecurring, Norway, novo, NY, obsolete, occupied, occupy, offshore, ofRecurrence, ofRegulation, oligopeptide, omitted, oncogene, Opdivo, operationalized, organizational, OTC, otherwisepari, outweigh, ovary, overa, overcome, overgrowth, overtly, overview, oxygen, pace, parallel, paresthesia, pari, passu, Patel, patentee, pathognomonic, PCAOB, PCT, peer, pembrolizumab, pemetrexed, pemrolizumab, penetrate, penny, peripheral, peritoneal, peritoneum, Perjeta, perspective, pertinent, pertuzumab, pervasive, PETHEMA, Pfizer, PFS, Pharm, pharmacodynamic, PhD, phenomena, platform, plausible, play, pleura, pleural, podocyte, poised, Poland, polymerase, poorly, PoP, Portability, Portugal, postoperative, potent, preclude, predecessor, predetermined, predisposed, preempted, prematurely, preoperative, prepayment, preplanned, preponderance, prespecified, presumption, priming, priori, prioritization, prison, privacy, pro, progenitor, proliferation, promissory, promptly, proof, proper, properly, proportion, proteasome, proven, provisional, provoke, provoked, proximity, PTA, pulmonary, pure, qualification, quickly, quotation, quotient, rare, rarely, rarity, rash, rata, ratification, ratifying, rationale, reactive, reactivity, realistically, reassigned, reassignment, reciting, red, redesign, redesigned, redomiciled, refractory, regularly, reinstated, relaxation, reliance, relinquish, remarkably, remnant, Rental, Reorganization, repaid, repatriated, repayment, repeal, repealing, repeat, repeated, repeatedly, reply, representation, reproduce, reproducibility, restoration, retina, revalue, reveal, revocation, reward, Roche, role, rolling, Romania, round, royal, ruxolitinib, Rydapt, Sabby, SAC, safeguarding, salvage, Sargramostim, satisfactory, scalable, ScD, Scheinberg, schema, scrutinized, secondarily, secret, Secretary, secreted, Segregated, Sely, semiannually, sense, serially, Serono, Sertoli, sham, sharesand, Sharp, shelf, shift, shortage, shortfall, signal, signaling, simultaneously, situated, Skadden, Slate, Sloan, slower, SLS, solid, Sougioultzoglou, space, Spain, Spanish, SPC, speed, sponsorship, Squib, stable, staining, Starcove, static, statutorily, stay, stayed, staying, stead, stem, stemming, Stergiou, Stipulation, straight, strain, stratified, stream, strength, stringent, strongly, subcutaneously, subgroup, suboptimal, subscribe, subscribed, subset, succeed, successor, succumb, suitability, suitable, Supreme, surface, surprisingly, surrender, swap, swapped, Switzerland, swollen, synapse, synergy, TAA, tachycardia, tailored, tandem, tangible, taxation, technique, telecommunication, tetravalent, thalidomide, thePatellitigation, thereto, therewith, thing, threat, ticker, tied, tiered, timeframe, tired, TME, TNBC, tonon, toreceive, trace, traced, tradable, train, training, transform, transiently, transitory, transmission, transplant, treaty, treble, trimodality, triple, Trojantec, true, Trump, trustworthy, tube, Turkey, Twenty, UK, unaffected, unannounced, unapproved, uncover, uncovered, uncured, underneath, underwent, unencumbered, uneven, unfit, unified, uniformly, uninhibited, unlimited, unmanaged, unmatched, unproven, unquantifiable, unreliable, unresectable, unsatisfactory, unsolicited, untreated, unused, unvested, unwilling, UpdateNo, urge, USAO, user, USPTO, vague, variant, vector, verified, verify, vialed, vicinity, Vidaza, viral, virtually, virtue, visual, vitro, Votrient, VWAP, waiting, waive, waived, wall, warranty, watchful, water, weak, weaken, weather, whistleblower, white, witha, withdrew, withNeuVax, withpre, Wood, yearly, yearthen, YiYi, York, younger, yrs, Zhang, Zion, Zolpidem
ACA, administrator, annualized, API, attestation, Avotrient, bargaining, Black, borrowed, broken, call, categorized, caution, certainty, Cmax, coincide, collective, Colorado, communicated, Composite, condensed, conference, confidence, Connecticut, Conservation, consisting, consolidate, cooperating, corroboration, COSO, coupon, declined, dedicated, deduct, deducting, defer, Dendreon, depicted, depreciated, deteriorate, direction, discontinued, discretionary, disposition, DoD, earnout, Energy, equaled, evergreen, exceeded, experimental, expressly, footnote, forfeiture, furniture, Genzyme, Georgia, graph, Guarantor, harbor, Hillsberg, identical, impactful, impaired, incorrect, indemnified, index, indirect, Integrated, internet, invoicing, lawyer, lender, Leukine, leverage, levy, light, Lily, LPC, marked, marketable, matching, Maxim, mid, MLV, multicenter, necessity, negotiated, Nuclear, observable, Occupational, overhead, owed, Oxford, package, PC, pertain, poster, prepare, pretax, procure, profit, projection, purification, purview, quantitative, quoted, radioactive, rated, receivable, reclassified, recognizable, reinvestment, relate, remeasured, removed, renamed, rent, replenish, repurchase, retirement, salary, Sanford, settleable, sharing, SPA, spin, spun, step, strike, summarized, Symposium, transferred, Treadway, TroyGould, trust, trustee, underwriting, underwritten, undetected, undiscounted, unpatented, unrecognizable, unresolved, whichever, workload, workplace, wrong
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- 10-K Annual report
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Exhibit 23.1
We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statements on Form S-1 (No. 333-213908), and Form S-8(333-174819, 333-182578, 333-210833, and 333-213248) of SELLAS Life Sciences Group, Inc. (the “Company”) of our report dated April 13, 2018, relating to the consolidated financial statements of the Company (which report expresses an unqualified opinion and includes an explanatory paragraph regarding the Company’s going concern uncertainty), appearing in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
/s/ Moss Adams LLP
San Francisco, California
April 13, 2018