POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESE TS, that I, Thomas S, Gtoss, a mamba.' ot WARCO Holdin s I c., a Delaware corporation, (the Com any ) ereby the board of Directors of WABCO Ho ings mo., ,ha Sac,a,aty,.ha Assistant Saotetaty sod (he Chief Human Raso oasOff.aar,.nda.cl, , y an lawful ahomays-in-f.a, and agents, ith full pow..' of subs,Wien and resubshtutmn fo, me anand lawful ay,s ym. ended my na e, place and stead, to sign the Fovm 10-K Annual tc p Dece ber 31, 2017, and all amendments thereto, and to file the same ith the So m(1 Commission an the appropriate securities exchange, grantin unto said atto,neys-.n- a each of them, o, their substitutes, hi,, power and -ori to do and perform each and eveiy an d or could do in person, hereby rati and conErming all that said atto eys in-fae, and »g»«, . a of .hem or thei, substitutes, may ,awful,y do o, cause to he done by y tue hereof. Th, Z - - - a ,0 ,h0 attomeys-in-fact and agents. Dated: WABCO Confidential
POWER OF ATTORNEY KNO ALL PERSO S BY THESE PRESENTS, th t I, O. P~ loia, n-*- «* f WABCO Holdmgs too , a Delaware corporation, (the Com any the board °f D re° ° S ° 6 office chfcf Financial Officer, the Treasurer, the Controller, constitute and appoint chlef Human Resources Officer, an each of them, my true and la ful attorneys-,n- (ot tbe Compa„y, fiscal yea, ended r 7.P ;7 and :,1 amend ents thereto, and to file th. sa e with the Seen,Lies and E changeDecember 31, 201 /, anu and age ts, an Commission and the appropriate securities exchange, granting s evcl7 aot >nd thi„B „f them, or their substitutes, may lawfuily do or cause to b. y Attorney shall he effective until such ti e as f deliver a wntten revocation attorneys-in-f ct and agents, Dated: l\h{ l G, Peter D Aloia WABCO Confidential
POWER OF ATTO NEY , ™„ onNS BY THESE PRESENTS, t at I, Michael T. Smit ,. memb r of know ALL PERSONS BY these ..Company ) hereby f ARCO Holdings Inc., a Delaware cor oration, (t the board of Directors o ofrKel. ch ef Financial Officer, the Treasurer, the Controller, constitute an appoint the Chief Execurve , officer and each of them, my true ,„d lawful adorneys-in-fac. an agen yeir 6nded my name, place an stea , to sign t e orm Securities an Exchange December 31, 2017, and all amend ents thereto, and to agents, and commission an the appropriate securities exchange, giant g un o requisite or necessary « said aho eys-in-fac, and a cnte, and each Atto ey shall be effective until such time as pttnmevs-in-f ct and agents. WABCO Confidential
POWER OF AT ORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, to. I, ean-Paul Motopat, a mem . of Dlre(jt0,s 0f WABCO Holdings lnc„ a Dolaware oorporation, (to Company «• T ' . , t fhe chief Executive Officer, Chief Fmancial Officer, to Treasurer, to Conti'o cl, constitute an appoint my trae and la ful -»¦»«¦ fol. the Co pany's fiscal yea, ended "7 »1'.. an-end ents theteto, and to f„e to sa e with to Seemities and Exc ange i - l „ «- r : Of tom, o, thei, substto.es, may la fully do or cause lbove„me Attorne shall he effective until so.h time as I deli,., a written revocation thceof nttnmevs-in-fact a d gents, WABCO Confidential
POWER OF ATTORNEY T*. *. o of WABCO Holdi,,gS constitute and appoint th© Chief Executive Officel-, Chie .n.net. , „„ o( them> my „•„» , . _ rh p Human Resources Otticei, anu a a„d , i attorneys-in-fact fc the Compa„,,s year e„« m name, place and stead, to stgn e o h(! same wtt fc Securities and Exchange December 31, 2017, and ali amend ents thereto, and to n.t,ct md tgents, and Commission and the appropriate securities exchange, granting »n o sa thing requisite or necessary to be done „ th,t said attomeys-in-fact an agents, and caeh . c,, ntifvine and confirming all that sain auom y o could do in person, heieby lat fy g hereof, phis Power of of them, or their substitutes, may lawMy thereof to t e abo e-named Attorney sh ll be effective until such time as ..H-rxi-nm -in-fact and agents. Dated: WABCO Confidential
POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PE SONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, M„y L. Patrovioh, , . . ,d of Directol, of WABCO Mto* **, » D*- <lh,, 'C°mP y ¦; y° 6 031 • t the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Fmaneial Officer, the Treasurer, the Contio er, consttote, . Po, the SectetaiY, e nts „!* f„U power of aubstitutiot, and rest,bstitation for me tmd m teM ip An- r ;, ; ;« a end ents thereto, and to fde the same whb the Secnrhtes and Eneban eDecember 31,2U1 /, ,, and aKents, and ¦ • A thp ann omiate secu ities exchange, granting unto sard attorneys-in-fact and ag Commission and the ap ropriate fn m each and every act and thing Id do in person hereby ratifying and confirming all that sard attomeys-m-fact and ag ;o could do in person, noi / . Vtepeof This Powe of of fcm, or thetr snbsthntes, ay « o or oanse to he done ... , . timp T deliver a ritten revocation thereoi ro me Attorney shall be effective until such time as attorneys-in-fact and agents, Dated: WABCO Confi ential
POWER OF ATTORNEY know ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, t at I, David N. Reilly, a ember of llK board of Dire.,» of WABCO Holdings Inc, a Delawe corporation, (,he constitute and appoint the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Off.cer, the " ,h. Secretary, the Assistant Secretary and the Chief Human Resources Officer, and each of the , y , ts with full power of substitution and resubstitution for me and m and la ful ttorneys-in-fact and agents, with up my name, plaee and stead, to sign the Form 10-K Annual Report for the Company s fiseal yea December 31, SOH, and a„ amendments thereto, and to f„e the same with the Securities and E» a Commission and the appropriate securities e chan e, rantin unto said .ttor„e,s-,„ «ct and each of them, or thei, suhstimtes, fui, po er and authority to do and perform each an every ac d m or could do in person, hereby ra ing and confrrming a„ tha, said ahorneys in-fae, of the , o, their substitutes, may i. fuiiy do cause to he done by vtrtue hereof. Th Attorney shall be effective unti, such time as 1 deliver a ritten revocation thereof the above-na e attorneys-in-fact and agents, Dated: f,i 'i WABCO Confidential
POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that L Henry Keizer, a member of the board of Directors of ABCO Hol ings Inc., a Delaware corporation, (the Compan ) hereby constitute an ap oint the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, the Treasurer, the Controller, the Secretary, the Assistant Secreta y and the Chief Human Resources Officer, and each ofthem, my true and l ful attomeys-in-f ct and agents, ith foil power of substitution and resubstitution for e and in name, place and stea , to sign the Form 10-K nnual Re ort for the Company s fiscal year ended Dece ber 31, 2017, and all amendments thereto, and to file the same ith the Securities and Exchange Commi sion and the ap ro riate securities e change, granting unto said attome s-in-fact and agents, and each ofthem, or their substitutes, full po er and authority to do and perform each and ever act and thing re uisite or necessa to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and pur oses as I might or could do in erson, hereby ratifying nd confirmin all that said attomeys-in-fact an agents, and each of them, or their substitutes, ay lawfully do or cause to be done b virtue hereof. This Power of Atto ey shall be effective until such ti e as I deliver a written revocation thereof to the above-named attomeys-in-fact and agents. Dated: Henr Keizer WABCO Confidential