Report addressed to the general meeting of Galapagos NV concerning the financial and accounting data included in the report of the administrative body in accordance with 7:180 CCA (issuance subscription rights) and 7:191 CCA (cancellation of the preferential subscription right) and 7:193 of the CCA (cancellation of the preferential subscription right to the benefit of certain persons who are not part of the staff).
In accordance with articles 7:180 and 7:191 and 7:193 of the Code of companies and associations (hereinafter ‘CCA’), in our capacity as statutory auditor, we issue a report addressed to the general meeting of Galapagos NV (hereinafter ‘the Company’) on the financial and accounting data included in the report of the administrative body.
Conclusion of the report
Unmodified conclusion
Based on our review of the financial and accounting data included in the report of the administrative body, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the data, which includes the justification of the issuance price and the consequences for the shareholders’ capital and membership rights, is not, in all material respects, fair and sufficient to inform the general meeting, which is to vote on the proposed transaction.
In the context of articles 7:193 CCA, we have reviewed the justification of the issuance price.
Basis for the conclusion
We carried out our mission in accordance with the normative framework applicable in Belgium.
For the purpose of this mission, we must determine whether we have established facts that
cause us to believe that the financial and accounting data as a whole - included in the report of the administrative body - are not, in all material respects, sufficient and fair to inform the general meeting, which is to vote on the proposed transaction.
We have complied with all the ethical requirements that are relevant to the mission
We believe that the supporting information we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate as a basis for our conclusion.
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GALAPAGOS NV Report OF the statutory auditor in accordance with Articles 7:180 and 7:191 and 7:193 CCA | | 2/4 |