
1 JANUARY 18, 2022 The Strategic Partner to the Provider Industry The fol lowing s l ide presentat ion , or port ions thereof , was created to be used in customer and prospect conversat ions on or af ter January 18, 2022. Fi led by R1 RCM Inc. Pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securi t ies Act of 1933, as amended, and deemed f i led pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Securi t ies Exchange Act of 1934, as amended Subject Company: R1 RCM Inc. Commission Fi le No. : 001-34746

Forward-Looking Statements This communicat ion includes information that may const i tute “forward-looking s ta tements” made pursuant to the safe harbor provis ions of the Private Securi t ies Li t igat ion Reform Act of 1995 and Sect ion 21E of the Securi t ies Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking s ta tements general ly re la te to future events and relat ionships , plans, future growth and future performance, including, but not l imited to , s ta tements about the expected t iming, complet ion and effects of the proposed t ransact ion, our s t ra tegic ini t ia t ives , our capi ta l plans, our costs , our abi l i ty to successful ly implement new technologies , our future f inancial and operat ional performance, and our l iquidi ty . These s ta tements are of ten ident i f ied by the use of words suc h as “ant ic ipate ,” “bel ieve,” “est imate ,” “expect ,” “ intend,” “designed,” “may,” “plan,” “predict ,” “project ,” “ target ,” “contemplate ,” “would,” “seek,” “see” and s imilar expressions or var ia t ions or negat ives of these words, a l though not a l l forward-looking s ta tements contain these ident i fying words. These s ta tements are based on var ious assumptions, whether or not ident i f ied in this presentat ion, and on the current expectat ions of R1’s and Cloudmed’s management and are not predict ions of actual performance . These forward-looking s ta tements are provided for i l lustrat ive purposes only and are not intended to serve as , and must not b e rel ied on by any investor as , a guarantee, assurance, predict ion or def ini t ive s ta tement of fact or probabi l i ty . Actual outcomes and resul ts may differ mater ia l ly f rom those contemplated by these forward-looking s ta tements as a resul t of uncertaint ies , r isks , and changes in c i rcumstances, including but not l imited to r isk and uncertaint ies re la ted to: ( i ) the abi l i ty of the par t ies to consummate the proposed t ransact ion in a t imely manner or a t a l l ; ( i i ) sat isfact ion of the condi t ions precedent to the consummation of the proposed t ransact ion, including the receipt of required regulatory and shareholder approvals ; ( i i i ) R1’s abi l i ty to t imely and successful ly achieve the ant ic ipated benefi ts and potent ia l synergies of the proposed t ransact ion, and ( iv) the impact of heal th epidemics , including the COVID-19 pandemic, on our business and any act ions that we may take in response thereto. Addit ional r isks and uncertaint ies that could cause actual outcomes and resul ts to differ mater ia l ly f rom those contemplated by the forward-looking s ta tements are included under the heading “Risk Factors” in our annual report on Form 10 - K for the year ended December 31, 2020, our quarter ly reports on Form 10-Q, the regis t ra t ion s ta tement on Form S-4 and the proxy s ta tement included therein that R1 intends to f i le re la t ing to the t ransact ions descr ibed herein and any other per iodic reports that we f i le with the SEC. The foregoing l is t of factors is not exhaust ive. All forward-looking s ta tements included herein are expressly qual i f ied in their ent i re ty by these caut ionary s ta tements as of the date hereof and involve many r isks and uncertaint ies that could cause our actual resul ts to differ mater ia l ly f rom those expressed or implied in our forward-looking s ta tements . Subsequent events and developments , including actual resul ts or changes in our assumptions, may cause our views to change. R1 assumes no obl igat ion and does not intend to update these forward-looking s ta tements , except as required by law. You are caut ioned not to place undue rel iance on such forward-looking s ta tements . Important Information About the Transaction and Where to Find It This communicat ion includes information regarding the proposed t ransact ion between R1 and Cloudmed, a leader in Revenue Intel l igence™ solut ions for heal thcare providers . R1 intends to f i le a regis t ra t ion s ta tement on Form S-4 with the U.S. Securi t ies and Exchange Commission ( the “SEC”), which will include a document that serves as a prospectus and proxy s ta tement of the Company, referred to as a proxy s ta tement / prospectus . A proxy statement / prospectus wil l be sent to a l l shareholders of R1. R1 also wil l f i le other documents regarding the proposed t ransact ion with the SEC. Before making any vot ing decis ion, investors and securi ty holders of R1 are urged to read the regis t ra t ion s ta tement , the proxy s ta tement / prospectus and al l other re levant documents f i led or that wil l be f i led with the SEC in connect ion with the proposed t ransact ion as they become avai lable because they will contain important information about the proposed t ransact ion. Investors and securi ty holders may obtain free copies of the regis t ra t ion s ta tements , the proxy s ta tement / prospectus (when avai lable) and al l other re levant documents f i led or that wil l be f i led with the SEC by R1 through the web s i te maintained by the SEC at www.sec.gov. The documents f i led by R1 with the SEC also may be obtained fre e of charge at R1’s websi te a t ht tps: / / r1rcm.com or upon wri t ten request to 434 W. Ascension Way, 6th Floor , Murray Utah 84123. Participants in the Sol ic i tat ion R1 and i ts directors and execut ive off icers may be deemed to be par t ic ipants in the sol ic i ta t ion of proxies f rom R1’s shareholders in connect ion with the proposed t ransact ion. A l is t of the names of such directors and execut ive off icers and information regarding their interests in the proposed t ransact ion wil l be contained in the proxy s ta tement / prospectus when avai lable . You may obtain free copies of these documents as descr ibed in the preceding paragraph. No Offer or Sol ic i tat ion This communicat ion is for informational purposes only and is not intended to and does not const i tute an offer to subscr ibe for , buy or sel l , or the sol ic i ta t ion of an offer to subscr ibe for , buy or sel l , or an invi ta t ion to subscr ibe for , buy or sel l any securi t ies or a sol ic i ta t ion of any vote or approval in any jur isdict ion, nor shal l there be any sale , issuance or t ransfer of securi t ies in any jur isdict ion in which such offer , invi ta t ion, sale or sol ic i ta t ion would be unlawful pr ior to regis t ra t ion or qual i f icat ion under the securi t ies laws of any such jur isdict ion. No offer of securi t ies shal l be made except by means of a prospectus meet ing the requirements of Sect ion 10 of the Securi t ies Act of 1933, as amended, and otherwise in accordance with appl icable law.