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aaa, abandon, abandoned, abandonment, ability, absence, abstain, acceptable, acceptance, accepted, accessibility, accessible, accident, accrued, accuracy, accurate, achieve, achieved, achievement, achieving, acid, acquire, acquired, acquiror, acquisition, acreage, active, activity, add, Additionally, addressed, adequacy, adequate, adjacent, adjust, Adjusted, adjustment, Administration, administrative, admitted, advance, advanced, adverse, adversely, advice, Advisor, advisory, AECO, affiliate, aforementioned, agency, aggregate, aggregating, agree, agreed, agreement, agricultural, AIF, air, Alder, ALE, Alexander, alliance, allocate, allocation, alternate, alternative, amalgamated, amalgamation, Amara, Amarillo, America, American, Amethyst, amount, ancillary, Andeavor, Anderson, Andrew, Anhorn, announced, Ansell, anticipate, anticipated, appended, appendix, applied, apply, applying, appoint, appointed, appointment, appraisal, approach, approximately, arc, arise, arrangement, artificial, Asia, asphalt, assembling, asset, assigned, assignee, assignment, assist, assistance, Assistant, assume, assumed, Athabasca, Atlantic, attached, attain, attained, attend, attendance, attract, attributable, attributed, August, Australia, automatically, average, averaged, averaging, aviation, aware, Baccalieu, Bachelor, back, Baffin, balance, balanced, Bank, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, barge, barrel, Basin, Bay, BB, BBB, bbl, Bcf, BD, bear, began, beginning, Beibu, Bench, benchmark, beneficial, beneficially, bid, Bill, billed, billion, biodiversity, biographical, bitumen, Bivouac, blend, blended, blending, block, body, BOE, Bonavista, bond, Borger, bottom, bottomhole, BP, branded, Brent, Brian, British, broad, broader, Bruderheim, Buckeye, budget, building, bulk, bulkplant, burner, buyer, calculate, calculated, calculation, call, called, Canadian, cancellation, cancelled, capability, capable, capacity, Capline, capture, captured, capturing, Capwood, car, Carbide, carbon, cardlock, Carlyle, case, Casey, cash, cast, casting, catastrophic, category, cautioned, CBCA, cease, ceased, ceasing, certainty, chain, Chairman, Challenge, characterized, Charter, chartered, chemical, Chevron, Chiasson, Chicago, China, chosen, Christina, circular, civil, CK, claim, classification, classified, cleaning, clear, Clearwater, climate, climatic, CNOOC, CNRL, coast, COGE, cogeneration, coiled, coke, cold, collaborating, collateral, collectively, Colorado, Columbia, combination, combine, combined, commence, commenced, commencing, comment, commercial, commercially, Commissioner, commodity, commonly, Comparative, compared, compatible, compensation, competition, competitive, complement, complex, compliance, composed, composition, comprehensive, compressor, comprise, comprised, compromise, Comptroller, computed, Computershare, Cona, concert, conclusion, concur, concurrence, concurrently, condensate, conference, confidential, confirm, conflicting, conform, conformance, conjunction, consecutive, consideration, consist, consisted, consistency, consistent, consistently, consisting, constructing, construction, consultation, consulting, consummation, contemplated, context, contingent, continue, continued, continuing, continuity, continuously, contract, convenience, conventional, conversion, convert, converted, convertible, coordination, COP, corona, correct, corrosion, Corser, cost, counsel, counted, court, coverage, CPAB, CPC, crack, create, created, creating, credit, Creek, critical, Crookston, Crown, crude, CSA, cubic, cumulative, currency, curtail, curtailed, curtailment, customary, customer, cyber, cycle, Dahlin, daily, Dalhousie, damage, de, deal, debt, declaration, declare, declared, decline, decommissioning, decrease, deducted, deduction, deemed, Deep, deeper, deepwater, default, defer, deferral, deferred, degree, delayed, delegate, delegated, delegation, Delek, DelFrari, delineating, deliver, delivery, Deloitte, demand, demolition, demonstrate, denied, denominated, denote, Denver, dependent, depending, deposited, depth, Deputy, derivative, derived, description, design, designation, designed, desirable, desired, detail, detailed, detect, detract, develop, developed, developing, development, Devonian, diesel, differential, differentiated, digital, dignity, diluent, dioxide, direct, directed, directing, direction, directly, director, disaster, discharge, discount, discounted, discovery, discretion, dismissal, disposal, disposition, disruption, dissolution, distancing, distillate, distinct, distribution, diversification, diversified, divestiture, divided, dividend, doctorate, documentation, dollar, domestic, doubled, downstream, downturn, Dr, drainage, Drew, drill, drilled, drilling, driven, du, due, Duluth, Dunvegan, duration, duty, dynamic, earlier, east, eastern, EBITDA, economic, economically, EDGAR, Edmonton, education, efficient, efficiently, effort, Electric, electricity, Elliott, Elmworth, employ, employed, employee, employing, empowered, emulsion, enable, Enbridge, Encana, encountered, encouraged, endorsement, Eng, engineering, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, enquire, entered, entering, enterprise, entity, environment, EOR, equal, equally, equipment, equity, equivalency, equivalent, ESG, estimate, estimated, estimating, estimation, ethanol, Europe, Eva, event, evolving, examination, exceed, exceeding, exclude, excluding, exclusive, exemption, exhaustive, exist, existing, exit, exiting, expand, Expansion, expatriate, expenditure, expense, experience, experienced, expertise, expiration, expire, exploit, exploration, explore, Explorer, export, exposure, expressed, expressly, extension, extensive, extent, extraction, Extractive, extreme, extrinsic, ExxonMobil, facilitate, facility, facsimile, failing, failure, fair, faith, Falher, fall, falling, FCCL, FCPA, federal, feedstock, feet, Fellow, field, filled, final, finance, financing, Finning, Fitch, fixed, flank, fleet, Flemish, Fletcher, flexibility, floating, flow, fluvial, FNR, focused, Fok, footprint, forecast, forecasted, foregoing, foreign, forfeiture, forma, formal, formally, formation, Fort, forward, Foster, fostering, found, Foundation, fourth, FPSO, framework, Frank, freehold, frequently, FTE, fuel, fulfill, fulfilling, full, fully, function, fund, fundamental, funding, Gaolan, Gary, gasoline, gathering, geographic, geological, geophysical, GHG, global, goal, Gold, good, goodwill, GORR, governance, governing, government, governmental, GPCo, Graben, gravity, greater, greenhouse, group, guarantee, guidance, Gulf, habitat, half, Hamm, hand, Handbook, Hardisty, harmful, Harpoon, harsh, HCML, headquartered, Headwater, health, healthy, heavy, hedge, hedging, Helpline, hereof, high, higher, highest, highly, hired, hiring, historical, historically, History, HK, HMLP, hoc, hold, holding, home, honestly, honesty, Hong, honorary, horizontal, House, HR, HSB, HTAL, hub, human, hundred, Husky, Hutchison, hydrocarbon, iceberg, identical, identified, identify, iii, illegal, impact, impacted, impair, impairment, Imperial, implement, implementation, implemented, implied, imply, importance, important, imposed, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inaccuracy, inactive, inadequate, incident, income, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incurred, Indemnity, indenture, index, Indiana, indirect, indirectly, individual, Indonesia, Indosat, inevitable, inflation, inflationary, influenced, infrastructure, inherent, initial, initiative, injecting, injection, Inland, Innovation, innovative, inquiry, insolvency, instability, installation, installed, Institute, instituted, institution, Instrument, insulated, insurance, Intact, intended, intensity, intention, interest, interim, intermediate, internationally, interpretation, interval, inventory, investigation, investing, investment, investor, invitation, involve, involved, involvement, involving, IQRE, iRefine, Irving, Island, isolation, issuable, issuance, January, Java, Jean, Jeanne, jet, Jodi, John, joined, joining, joint, jointly, judgment, judgmental, July, June, Jurassic, Ka, Karamjit, Kaybob, Kearl, Keg, Keith, key, Keystone, knowledge, knowledgeable, Kong, Kwok, labour, Labrador, lack, Lake, land, largely, largest, Lavalin, law, lawfully, lead, leader, lease, leasehold, lecturer, legal, legislation, Leizhou, letter, levied, Li, license, licensing, lie, life, lifted, light, likelihood, Lima, Liman, limitation, limited, limiting, line, Liquefied, list, listed, literate, litigation, Liuhua, Liwan, LLC, Lloydminster, loaded, loading, local, long, longer, low, lower, lowered, lowest, LP, MAC, MacPhail, Madura, main, mainland, Mainline, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, managerial, mandate, mandatory, Manitoba, manner, manufacturing, Marathon, March, margin, Marie, marine, market, marketed, marketing, Marten, Mary, Master, mature, maturing, maturity, maximize, maximizing, maximum, MBH, Mcf, McGill, McMurray, MDA, MDK, measure, measuring, mechanism, medium, meet, meeting, membership, merger, message, method, Mexico, Michigan, middle, midstream, Midwest, Midwestern, migration, military, million, mineral, minimize, minimized, minimum, Minnedosa, Minnesota, misleading, Missouri, misstatement, mitigate, mix, Mizzen, MMcf, mobilized, model, moderate, modifier, modifying, Molnar, monitor, monitoring, monthly, Montney, Moody, Mountain, Mouth, move, MST, multiple, multiplied, municipal, Muskeg, mutual, mutually, nameplate, narrowed, national, natural, NCIB, nearest, negative, net, Netback, network, Newfoundland, NI, nominated, nominating, nonpayment, Nord, Norfolk, Norrie, north, northeast, Northeastern, northern, northwest, notice, Nova, November, NPV, NTR, nutraceutical, NuVista, NYSE, objecting, objective, objectivity, obligatory, obligor, observation, obtain, obtained, Occupation, occur, occurred, occurrence, occurring, October, offer, offering, offeror, officio, offloading, offset, offsetting, offshore, offtake, Ohio, oilfield, ongoing, onshore, Ontario, OPEC, open, opinion, optimization, optimize, optimizing, option, orally, order, orderly, ordinary, Organization, organizational, original, OSGP, outcome, outlined, outlook, overriding, Oversee, oversight, Ovintiv, owner, ownership, Ozark, pace, Pacific, paid, pair, pandemic, partially, partner, partnership, party, paving, pay, payable, paying, payment, Pdf, Pearl, Peco, peer, pending, Peninsula, Pennsylvania, people, percent, perception, permitted, permitting, personnel, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, phase, phased, Philadelphia, physical, physically, Pilko, pipeline, plan, planned, planning, plant, platform, play, pm, Poco, point, policy, political, pool, port, portfolio, portion, position, positive, potential, potentially, Pourbaix, Powder, power, Practice, prairie, Praxair, precisely, predicted, predominantly, preferred, presence, present, presentation, presented, presently, preservation, preside, President, presiding, prevailing, primarily, primary, prior, prioritizing, priority, private, privately, pro, proceed, proceeding, produce, produced, producer, producing, product, production, professional, profile, profitably, program, progressing, progressively, Prohibited, project, projected, prolonged, prone, propane, property, proportionate, proposal, proposed, proprietary, prospective, prove, proved, proven, province, provincial, PSC, PT, Pte, publicly, published, pumped, purpose, pursue, pursued, put, quality, quarter, quarterly, Queen, question, quorum, rail, railcar, railroad, Railway, Rainbow, ramp, ramped, Ramsay, range, ranging, rata, rate, rated, rating, ratio, rationale, reach, reached, read, realization, realize, realized, realizing, reappointed, reappointment, reassignment, rebuild, rebuilt, receipt, receive, received, receiver, receiving, recent, recently, reclaim, reclamation, reclassified, Recognition, recommend, recommendation, recommended, recommending, reconciliation, reconfirm, reconfirmed, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recurring, redacted, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, reduce, reduced, reduction, refined, refiner, refinery, refining, reflect, reflected, reflection, refresh, refreshed, region, regional, regular, regularly, regulatory, Reinstated, reinvest, reinvestment, release, released, relevant, reliability, reliance, relied, relinquished, remediate, removed, remuneration, renamed, render, rendered, repaid, replace, replaced, replacement, represent, represented, representing, Republic, repurchase, repurchased, reputation, requisite, reservation, reservoir, reset, Residence, resignation, resinated, resolution, resolved, resource, response, responsibility, responsible, restart, restarted, restarting, restricted, restriction, restructure, restructuring, result, resulted, resulting, resume, resuming, resumption, retail, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retirement, return, reuse, revenue, reversal, review, reviewed, reviewing, revolving, Rhinelander, Rhona, Rhonda, rich, risk, River, road, role, Rose, rotating, rotation, rounded, rounding, Roxana, Royall, royalty, run, rural, safe, safely, SAGD, Saint, sale, sanctioning, sand, Sandhar, sanitation, Sarah, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, satellite, satisfy, scale, schedule, scheduled, School, Science, scope, screening, Sea, seaboard, SeaRose, season, seasonal, seasoned, sec, Sector, secure, secured, security, sedar, seek, segment, seismic, selected, selection, sell, selling, senior, separable, separate, separately, separation, September, Sequestration, serve, served, serving, set, setting, settlement, shale, shallow, shareholder, shift, shifted, Shing, shipping, shore, short, significant, significantly, similarly, simultaneously, single, site, situated, Sixt, size, skilled, small, smaller, SNC, Society, solution, source, sourced, south, southeast, southern, southwest, spanning, specific, specifically, speculative, spending, spent, spread, Sproule, Spruce, square, SSR, St, stability, Stable, stakeholder, standstill, state, stated, statutory, steam, stewardship, Stikeman, storage, store, storing, Strait, strategic, strategically, strategy, stratigraphic, stream, strive, strong, stronger, structure, Subco, subcommittee, subdivided, subsea, subsequent, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substitute, successful, successfully, successor, sufficiency, sufficient, sufficiently, suitability, suitable, sulphur, sum, summary, Suncor, Sunrise, Superior, supervisor, supply, support, supported, supporting, surface, susceptible, suspended, suspending, suspension, sustain, sustainability, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, swapped, sweet, symbol, synthetic, table, Taiwan, talent, Talisman, tank, target, Tatanka, tax, Tbk, TC, team, technical, technology, Tel, Telecom, temporarily, temporary, tender, tenure, terminal, terminate, terminated, Terra, territorial, terrorism, terrorist, Tesoro, test, tested, therefrom, thereof, thereon, thermal, thought, thousand, throughput, tieback, tied, tight, timetable, tip, Toledo, TOM, ton, top, Toronto, TPG, tracking, trade, traded, trading, training, tranche, transaction, TransCanada, transfer, transferred, transformation, transloading, Transparency, transparent, transport, transportation, transported, transporting, travel, treasury, treating, treatment, trend, Trican, trillion, truck, trunk, trust, trustee, TSX, Tucker, turnaround, twelve, type, typical, typically, ULC, unable, unadjusted, unavailability, unavailable, underlying, understand, undertaken, underway, underwritten, undeveloped, undisclosed, undiscounted, undue, uneconomic, unexpected, unforeseen, unfulfilled, uniformly, uninflated, Union, unionized, unit, United, Universal, University, unknown, unlimited, unlock, unlocking, unpaid, unproved, unrest, unrestricted, unsecured, unsolicited, upgrader, upgrading, upper, upstream, urban, usage, utilization, utilize, utilized, utilizing, vacancy, vandalism, variety, vary, varying, vast, venture, Verde, vertical, viability, Vice, video, volatility, volume, voluntary, vote, voting, vulnerable, waive, waiver, war, water, Waterloo, WCS, weakened, weather, weighted, wellhead, Wembley, west, western, Whampoa, White, wholesale, wider, wildlife, winding, Windsor, Winnipeg, Wisconsin, withdrawn, withheld, Wolf, Wood, work, worked, workforce, working, world, WRB, writing, written, WTI, yield, Yorkton, Zieglgansberger, Zygocki
absolute, accumulated, attestation, BTR, charge, check, Codification, complying, conceived, concluded, condition, contacting, covered, electronically, Employer, file, fiscal, furnish, GAAP, implicit, Instruction, Interactive, mark, matter, met, Mine, par, Percentage, print, referencing, registrant, requested, respond, Secretarial, shorter, submit, submitted, Supplementary, Tabular, Title, transition, undersigned, viewing, WASHINGTON, zip
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