Management’s Discussion and Analysis
For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2020
costing and project economics for a proposed commercial plant at the property. All information contained within the PEA superseded that which had been previously reported for the Lanxess Project.
Lanxess PEA – Executive Summary
As described above, on August 01 2019, the Company issued the Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the LANXESS project, and the Executive Summary of this is provided below; please see the full report as filed on the Company’s SEDAR profile.
Property Location and Description
The LANXESS Property is located south and west of the City of El Dorado in Union County, AR, U.S.A. The southern and western edges of the Property border the State of Louisiana (LA) and Columbia County, respectively. The Property encompasses Townships 16-19 South, and Ranges 15-18, West of the 5th Meridian (W5M). The Property centre is at UTM 520600 Easting, 3670000 Northing, Zone 15N, NAD83.
Ownership and History
The LANXESS Property is presently owned by Lanxess Aktiengesellschaft (LANXESS), a specialty chemicals company based in Cologne, Germany. Presently, LANXESS is listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and FTSE4Good Index.
LANXESS owns 100% of the brine leases and brine rights on their properties, either by an executed brine lease or by operation of law, as a result of unitization by the AOGC. The land package consists of 150,081.81 acres that cover over 607 km2. Of the total land package, 142,881.81 acres are ‘Unitized’ and approximately 7,200 acres occur outside the Unit boundaries (Non-Unitized).
Each Unit (South, Central and West) has their own brine supply wells, pipeline network and bromine processing (separation) infrastructure. The facilities and their locations, which are 100% owned and operated by Great Lakes Chemical Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of LANXESS, are as follows:
South Unit (South Plant): 324 Southfield Cutoff, El Dorado, AR 71730;
Central Unit (Central Plant): 2226 Haynesville Highway (HWY 15S), El Dorado, AR 71731; and
West Unit (West Plant): 5821 Shuler Road, Magnolia, AR 71731.
Geology and Mineralization
The authors have reclassified the LANXESS Li-Brine Resource from an Inferred Mineral Resource to an Indicated Mineral Resource in the current Technical Report. The average lithium concentration used in the resource calculation is 168 mg/L Li. Resources have been estimated using a cut-off grade of 100 mg/L lithium. The total Indicated LANXESS Li-Brine Resource for the South, Central and West brine units is estimated at 590,000 tonnes of elemental Li. The total lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) for the main resource is 3,140,000 tonnes LCE. With a planned level of production of 20,900 tonnes per year (tpy) of LCE, the resources will exceed the planned 25 years of operation by a significant margin. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no guarantee that all, or any part, of the mineral resource will be converted into a mineral reserve.
Recovery Method and Mineral Processing
Standard Lithium’s objective is to produce battery-grade lithium carbonate from the tail-brine that exits the LANXESS bromine extraction operations. There are three (3) bromine extraction operations that will be used for lithium extraction (South, Central and West). Each facility will have its own primary lithium chloride extraction plant, which will produce purified and concentrated lithium chloride solutions. These solutions will be conveyed, via pipelines, to one location (Central Plant) for further processing to the final product—lithium carbonate. The total lithium carbonate production is 20,900 tpy. The final product