| D. | Loans and other receivables |
“Loans and other receivables” under IFRS include accrued interest income on loans in “Other assets” under Japanese GAAP and also financial assets associated with financial guarantee contracts described in “H. Financial guarantee contracts,” but do not include loans and other receivables measured at fair value through profit or loss.
Under IFRS, the JBIC Group measures loans and other receivables initially at fair value plus transaction costs directly attributable to loan origination, and subsequently at amortized cost using the effective interest method. The JBIC Group amortizes loan origination fees, which are considered integral to the origination using the effective interest method.
Under Japanese GAAP, the JBIC Group recognizes general allowance as well as specific allowance for loan losses.
In accordance with the expected credit loss model under IFRS, the JBIC Group recognizes impairment losses, and the carrying amount of loans and other receivables is reduced by the amount of impairment losses measured through the allowance for loan losses. See “C. Securities” for the method for recognizing expected credit losses.
| E. | Equity method investments |
The JBIC Group’s investments in associates and joint ventures are comprised mainly of investments in partnerships. Under Japanese GAAP, the JBIC Group applies the equity method to certain investments in partnerships. Under IFRS, the JBIC Group adopts the equity method to all of its investments in partnerships that are determined as investments in associates and joint ventures, except for investments held by the investment company which is the subsidiary of JBIC. Gains or losses on investments in partnerships to which the equity method is not applied under Japanese GAAP but applied under IFRS are recognized as “Losses of equity method investments” under IFRS.
The JBIC Group presents exchange differences on translation of foreign operations from applying the equity method as “Other reserves” under IFRS, whereas they are presented as “Foreign currency translation adjustment” under Japanese GAAP.
On April 1, 2019, the JBIC Group adopted IFRS 16 Leases. Lease transactions entered into by the JBIC Group as a lessee primarily consist of rental offices. Under Japanese GAAP, lease transactions are classified as either finance leases or operating leases based on the risk and economic value approach. The significant lease transactions entered into by the JBIC Group are classified as operating leases and are expensed when lease payments occur. Under IFRS, on the other hand, right-of-use assets and lease liabilities are recognized in “Other assets” and “Other liabilities,” respectively, in the consolidated statement of financial position at the commencement date of the lease. Those assets and liabilities are subsequently measured at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses, and amortized cost using the effective interest method, respectively.
The JBIC Group does not enter into lease transactions as a lessor.
Under Japanese GAAP, the JBIC Group expenses bond issuance costs as incurred.
Under IFRS, the JBIC Group measures bonds payable initially at fair value less transaction costs directly attributable to bond issuance, such as fees paid to underwriters and discounts at issuance, and subsequently at amortized cost using the effective interest method. For bonds payable to which hedge accounting is applied in accordance with IFRS 9, their carrying amount is adjusted to reflect changes in fair value arising from the underlying hedged risks.
| H. | Financial guarantee contracts |
Under Japanese GAAP, the JBIC Group records the same contractual amounts of financial guarantee obligations in both “Customers’ liabilities for acceptances and guarantees” as assets and in “Acceptances and guarantees” as liabilities.
Under IFRS, the JBIC Group initially measures financial liabilities associated with financial guarantee contracts at fair value as well as financial assets associated with financial guarantee contracts. They are subsequently measured at the higher of (a) the amount of the loss allowance determined in accordance with IFRS 9 and (b) the amount initially recognized less, when appropriate, the cumulative amount of income recognized in accordance with the principles of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers.
| I. | Liability for retirement benefits |
Under Japanese GAAP, the JBIC Group expenses actuarial gains or losses on defined benefit plans in profit or loss as incurred.
Under IFRS, the JBIC Group recognizes remeasurement of defined benefit plans directly in “Other reserves” as incurred and reclassifies immediately to retained earnings. The JBIC Group remeasures retirement benefit obligations based on IFRS, and charges for differences caused by the period allocation method of retirement benefit obligations, etc. as “Operating expenses.” The JBIC Group includes a liability for retirement benefits in “Other liabilities.”
| J. | Difference between the reporting date of consolidated financial statements and of subsidiaries |
Under Japanese GAAP, if the difference between the reporting date of consolidated financial statements and of the subsidiary does not exceed three months, it is required that only important inter-company transactions made during that period be reflected in the financial statements of the subsidiary. Accordingly, the JBIC Group adjusts only important inter-company transactions in the consolidated financial statements under Japanese GAAP.
On the other hand, IFRS requires that financial statements of consolidated subsidiaries be prepared on the reporting date of the parent company, except it is impracticable. For this reason, the JBIC Group prepares the financial statements of the subsidiaries whose reporting dates are different from JBIC to conform to the reporting date of JBIC.