RECEIVABLES | NOTE 4: RECEIVABLES A summary of receivables included in the consolidated balance sheets as of March 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022 is as follows: March 31, December 31, 2023 2022 Retail notes $ 1,156,633 $ 1,241,775 Revolving charge accounts 194,329 207,744 Finance leases 195,003 198,064 Wholesale 983,267 875,628 Restricted receivables 8,595,842 8,343,621 Gross receivables 11,125,074 10,866,832 Less: Allowance for credit losses (117,472) (125,012) Total receivables, net $ 11,007,602 $ 10,741,820 Restricted Receivables and Securitization As part of its overall funding strategy, the Company periodically transfers certain receivables into special purpose entities (“SPEs”) as part of its asset-backed securitization (“ABS”) programs. SPEs utilized in the securitization programs differ from other entities included in the Company’s consolidated financial statements because the assets they hold are legally isolated from the Company’s assets. For bankruptcy analysis purposes, the Company has sold the receivables to the SPEs in a true sale and the SPEs are separate legal entities. Upon transfer of the receivables to the SPEs, the receivables and certain cash flows derived from them become restricted for use in meeting obligations to the SPEs’ creditors. The SPEs have ownership of cash balances that also have restrictions for the benefit of the SPEs’ investors. The Company’s interests in the SPEs’ receivables are subordinate to the interests of third-party investors. None of the receivables that are directly or indirectly sold or transferred in any of these transactions are available to pay the Company’s creditors until all obligations of the SPE have been fulfilled or the receivables are removed from the SPE. The secured borrowings related to the restricted receivables are obligations that are payable as the receivables are collected. The following table summarizes the restricted receivables as of March 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022: March 31, December 31, 2023 2022 Retail notes $ 5,782,638 $ 5,835,445 Wholesale 2,813,204 2,508,176 Total restricted receivables $ 8,595,842 $ 8,343,621 Within the U.S. retail notes securitization programs, qualifying retail notes are sold to bankruptcy- remote SPEs. In turn, these SPEs establish separate trusts, which are VIEs, to either transfer receivables in exchange for proceeds from asset-backed securities issued by the trusts, or pledge the receivables as collateral in exchange for proceeds from a committed asset-backed facility. In Canada, qualifying retail notes are transferred directly to trusts, which are also VIEs. The VIEs are consolidated since the Company has both the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact the VIEs’ economic performance and the obligation to absorb losses or the right to receive benefits that could potentially be significant to the VIEs. With regard to the wholesale receivable securitization programs, the Company sells eligible receivables on a revolving basis to structured master trust facilities, which are bankruptcy-remote SPEs. These trusts were determined to be VIEs. In its role as servicer, the Company has the power to direct the trusts’ activities. Through its retained interests, the Company provides security to investors in the event that cash collections from the receivables are not sufficient to make principal and interest payments on the securities. Consequently, the Company has consolidated these wholesale trusts. Allowance for Credit Losses The allowance for credit losses is the Company’s estimate of the lifetime expected credit losses inherent in the receivables owned by the Company. Retail customer receivables primarily include retail notes and finance leases to end-use customers. Revolving charge accounts represent financing for customers to purchase parts, service, rentals, implements and attachments from CNH Industrial North America dealers. Wholesale receivables include dealer floorplan financing, and to a lesser extent, the financing of dealer operations. Typically, the Company’s receivables within a geographic area have similar risk profiles and methods for assessing and monitoring risk. Retail customer receivables that share the same risk characteristics, such as collateralization levels, geography, product type and other relevant factors, are reviewed on a collective basis using measurement models and management judgment. The allowance for credit losses on retail customer receivables is based on loss forecast models that consider a variety of factors that include, but are not limited to, historical loss experience, collateral value, portfolio balance and delinquency. The loss forecast models are updated on a quarterly basis. The calculation is adjusted for forward-looking macroeconomic factors, such as GDP and Net Farm Income. The forward-looking macroeconomic factors are updated quarterly. In addition, qualitative factors that are not fully captured in the loss forecast models are considered in the evaluation of the adequacy of the allowance for credit losses. These qualitative factors are subjective and require a degree of management judgment. Wholesale receivables that share the same risk characteristics, such as collateralization levels, term, geography and other relevant factors, are reviewed on a collective basis using measurement models and management judgment. The allowance for wholesale credit losses is based on loss forecast models that consider a variety of factors that include, but are not limited to, historical loss experience, collateral value, portfolio balance and delinquency. The loss forecast models are updated on a quarterly basis. The calculation is adjusted for forward-looking macroeconomic factors, such as industry sales volumes. The forward-looking macroeconomic factors are updated quarterly. In addition, qualitative factors that are not fully captured in the loss forecast models are considered in the evaluation of the adequacy of the allowance for credit losses. These qualitative factors are subjective and require a degree of management judgment. Retail customer receivables and wholesale receivables that do not have similar risk characteristics are individually reviewed based on, among other items, amounts outstanding, days past due and prior collection history. Expected credit losses are measured by considering: the probability-weighted estimates of cash flows and collateral value; the time value of money; current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions. Expected credit losses are measured as the probability-weighted present value of all cash shortfalls (including the value of the collateral, if appropriate) over the expected life of each financial asset. Charge-offs of principal amounts of receivables outstanding are deducted from the allowance at the point when it is estimated that amounts due are deemed uncollectible. Revolving charge accounts are generally deemed to be uncollectible and charged-off to the allowance for credit losses when delinquency reaches 120 days. Allowance for credit losses activity for the three months ended March 31, 2023 is as follows: Revolving Retail Charge Customer Accounts Wholesale Total Allowance for credit losses: Beginning balance $ 110,341 $ 8,519 $ 6,152 $ 125,012 Charge-offs (5,612) (4,238) — (9,850) Recoveries 392 — 11 403 Provision (benefit) (1,669) 3,065 523 1,919 Foreign currency translation and other (10) (1) (1) (12) Ending balance $ 103,442 $ 7,345 $ 6,685 $ 117,472 Receivables: Ending balance $ 7,134,274 $ 194,329 $ 3,796,471 $ 11,125,074 At March 31, 2023, the allowance for credit losses included a decrease in reserves primarily due lower specific reserve needs. Allowance for credit losses activity for the three months ended March 31, 2022 is as follows: Retail Customer Wholesale Total Allowance for credit losses: Beginning balance $ 109,742 $ 6,211 $ 115,953 Charge-offs (897) — (897) Recoveries 297 11 308 Provision (benefit) (666) 3,491 2,825 Foreign currency translation and other 174 11 185 Ending balance $ 108,650 $ 9,724 $ 118,374 Receivables: Ending balance $ 6,806,268 $ 2,435,962 $ 9,242,230 At March 31, 2022, the allowance for credit losses included an increase in reserves primarily due to specific reserve needs, partially offset by the improved outlook for the agricultural industry and a reduced expected impact on credit conditions from the COVID-19 pandemic. Allowance for credit losses activity for the year ended December 31, 2022 is as follows: Revolving Retail Charge Customer Accounts Wholesale Total Allowance for credit losses: Beginning balance $ 109,742 $ — $ 6,211 $ 115,953 Charge-offs (8,202) (49) (4,631) (12,882) Recoveries 2,262 — 526 2,788 Provision (benefit) 7,311 (169) 4,099 11,241 Foreign currency translation and other (772) 8,737 (53) 7,912 Ending balance $ 110,341 $ 8,519 $ 6,152 $ 125,012 Receivables: Ending balance $ 7,275,284 $ 207,744 $ 3,383,804 $ 10,866,832 At December 31, 2022, the allowance for credit losses included increases in reserves primarily due to the addition of revolving charge accounts. The Company assesses and monitors the credit quality of its receivables based on past due information. Receivables are considered past due if the required principal and interest payments have not been received as of the date such payments were due. Delinquency is reported on receivables greater than 30 days past due. As the terms for the retail customer receivables are greater than one year, the past due information is presented by year of origination. The aging of receivables and charge-offs as of March 31, 2023 are as follows: Greater 31 – 60 Days 61 – 90 Days Than Total Total Past Due Past Due 90 Days Past Due Current Receivables Charge-offs Retail customer United States 2023 $ 56 $ — $ — $ 56 $ 550,629 $ 550,685 $ — 2022 8,860 1,008 1,176 11,044 2,468,926 2,479,970 1,126 2021 5,354 1,715 2,119 9,188 1,457,176 1,466,364 759 2020 3,079 581 33,064 36,724 708,953 745,677 1,355 2019 2,505 527 2,111 5,143 321,689 326,832 1,409 Prior to 2019 808 782 4,801 6,391 181,919 188,310 928 Total $ 20,662 $ 4,613 $ 43,271 $ 68,546 $ 5,689,292 $ 5,757,838 $ 5,577 Canada 2023 $ 80 $ — $ — $ 80 $ 99,418 $ 99,498 $ — 2022 1,536 273 110 1,919 585,553 587,472 91 2021 1,123 271 2,338 3,732 396,754 400,486 197 2020 669 330 1,031 2,030 170,126 172,156 (418) 2019 320 175 270 765 77,213 77,978 23 Prior to 2019 201 101 1,017 1,319 37,527 38,846 142 Total $ 3,929 $ 1,150 $ 4,766 $ 9,845 $ 1,366,591 $ 1,376,436 $ 35 Revolving charge accounts United States $ 4,153 $ 2,078 $ 965 $ 7,196 $ 173,160 $ 180,356 $ 3,907 Canada $ 403 $ 178 $ 91 $ 672 $ 13,301 $ 13,973 $ 331 Wholesale United States $ 5 $ — $ — $ 5 $ 3,066,973 $ 3,066,978 $ — Canada $ 8 $ — $ — $ 8 $ 729,485 $ 729,493 $ — Total Retail customer $ 24,591 $ 5,763 $ 48,037 $ 78,391 $ 7,055,883 $ 7,134,274 $ 5,612 Revolving charge accounts $ 4,556 $ 2,256 $ 1,056 $ 7,868 $ 186,461 $ 194,329 $ 4,238 Wholesale $ 13 $ — $ — $ 13 $ 3,796,458 $ 3,796,471 $ — The aging of receivables as of December 31, 2022 is as follows: Greater 31 – 60 Days 61 – 90 Days Than Total Total Past Due Past Due 90 Days Past Due Current Receivables Retail customer United States 2022 $ 6,258 $ 976 $ 350 $ 7,584 $ 2,728,247 $ 2,735,831 2021 6,610 1,269 3,701 11,580 1,610,175 1,621,755 2020 4,490 1,503 32,505 38,498 807,990 846,488 2019 2,365 1,034 4,114 7,513 382,168 389,681 2018 1,579 465 1,493 3,537 186,897 190,434 Prior to 2018 765 131 4,955 5,851 54,566 60,417 Total $ 22,067 $ 5,378 $ 47,118 $ 74,563 $ 5,770,043 $ 5,844,606 Canada 2022 $ 1,544 $ 22 $ 387 $ 1,953 $ 652,576 $ 654,529 2021 2,420 502 2,371 5,293 436,138 441,431 2020 810 128 960 1,898 190,905 192,803 2019 197 114 615 926 90,968 91,894 2018 388 178 262 828 38,477 39,305 Prior to 2018 123 25 257 405 10,311 10,716 Total $ 5,482 $ 969 $ 4,852 $ 11,303 $ 1,419,375 $ 1,430,678 Revolving charge accounts United States $ 12,979 $ 9,965 $ — $ 22,944 $ 169,851 $ 192,795 Canada $ 1,237 $ 759 $ — $ 1,996 $ 12,953 $ 14,949 Wholesale United States $ 7 $ — $ 4 $ 11 $ 2,721,282 $ 2,721,293 Canada $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 662,511 $ 662,511 Total Retail customer $ 27,549 $ 6,347 $ 51,970 $ 85,866 $ 7,189,418 $ 7,275,284 Revolving charge accounts $ 14,216 $ 10,724 $ — $ 24,940 $ 182,804 $ 207,744 Wholesale $ 7 $ — $ 4 $ 11 $ 3,383,793 $ 3,383,804 Included in the receivables balance at March 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022 is accrued interest of $61,198 and $57,831, respectively. The Company does not include accrued interest in its allowance for credit losses. Recognition of income is generally suspended when management determines that collection of future finance income is not probable or when an account becomes 90 days past due, whichever occurs first. Accrued interest is charged-off to interest income. Interest income charged-off was not material for the three months ended March 31, 2023 and 2022. Interest accrual is resumed if the receivable becomes contractually current and collection becomes probable. Previously suspended income is recognized at that time. The receivables on nonaccrual status as of March 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022 are as follows: March 31, 2023 December 31, 2022 United States $ 44,333 $ 48,690 Canada $ 4,766 $ 4,852 As of March 31, 2023, total revolving charge account receivables on nonaccrual status were immaterial and there were no revolving charge account receivables on nonaccrual status as of December 31, 2022. As of March 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, there were no wholesale receivables on nonaccrual status. As of March 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, the Company’s receivables on non-accrual status without an allowance were immaterial. Interest income recognized for receivables on non-accrual status for the three months ended March 31, 2023 and 2022 was immaterial. Troubled Debt Restructurings A restructuring of a receivable constitutes a TDR when the lender grants a concession it would not otherwise consider to a borrower that is experiencing financial difficulties. As a collateral-based lender, the Company typically will repossess collateral in lieu of restructuring receivables. As such, for retail customer receivables, concessions are typically provided based on bankruptcy court proceedings. For wholesale receivables, concessions granted may include extended contract maturities, inclusion of interest-only periods, modification of a contractual interest rate to a below market interest rate and waiving of interest and principal. TDRs are reviewed along with other receivables as part of management’s ongoing evaluation of the adequacy of the allowance for credit losses. As of March 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company’s TDRs were immaterial. |