Background of the Transactions
Cnova was incorporated on May 30, 2014, as a public limited liability company (naamloze vennootschap) organized under the laws of the Netherlands. In July 2014, Cnova completed the reorganization of the eCommerce businesses of Casino and its affiliated entities in France and Brazil, including CBD and Via Varejo, under the common control and ownership of Cnova. Following the completion of this initial reorganization, Cnova owned, directly or indirectly, substantially all of the assets that were used in the non-food eCommerce businesses of Casino, CBD and Via Varejo. On November 24, 2014, Cnova completed the initial public offering of its ordinary shares, which began trading on NASDAQ on that date. On January 25, 2015, the Cnova ordinary shares began trading on Euronext Paris.
The senior management and the boards of directors of Casino and Cnova actively monitor and assess developments in the online retail industry, as well as economic and business trends in Brazil and France, which are the primary markets in which Cnova competes. In addition, the senior management of Via Varejo and its board of directors actively monitor and assess developments in the Brazilian brick-and-mortar retail industry, as well as overall economic and business trends in Brazil. Casino, as the controlling shareholder of the Casino Group, periodically reviews the performance of the affiliated entities within the Casino Group, including Cnova and Via Varejo, and regularly assesses opportunities to improve the competitive position and business strategy of the Casino Group, as well as to maximize operating synergies among the Casino Group companies.
Throughout late December of 2015 and January and February of 2016, representatives of Casino, including Jean-Yves Haagen, Group General Counsel and Luis Enrique Devis, Director of Corporate Development and Holdings – Latam, and representatives of Cnova, including Stéphane Brunel (then Deputy Chief Financial Officer of Cnova, at present Chief Financial Officer of Cnova), and Steven Geers, General Counsel of Cnova, evaluated potential transaction structures that would permit the combination of Cnova’s Brazilian eCommerce business with Via Varejo. To assist in the legal aspects of this review, Casino and Cnova engaged Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier, which we refer to as “Darrois,” NautaDutilh N.V., which we refer to as “NautaDutilh,” Trindade Sociedade de Advogados, which we refer to as “Trindade,” Lefosse Advogados, which we refer to as “Lefosse,” and Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, which we refer to as “Wachtell Lipton,” as legal advisors.
On March 3, 2016, the Cnova board of directors met telephonically, discussed a broad outline of the proposed transactions, and met telephonically with members of Cnova’s management and representatives of BNP Paribas, financial advisors to Cnova, and a representative of Eight Advisory France S.A.S., which we refer to as “Eight Advisory.” During this meeting, Cnova’s board of directors determined that, in light of the relationships between Cnova, CBD, Via Varejo and their controlling shareholder, Casino, each of the following members of the Cnova board of directors recused themselves from participating in any further deliberations and decision making in connection with the Transactions: Peter Estermann, Didier Lévêque, Ronaldo Iabrudi do Santos Pereira, Eleazar de Carvalho Filho, Yves Desjacques, Antoine Giscard d’Estaing and Arnaud Strasser. The Cnova board of directors then approved the formation of a transaction committee for purposes of evaluating, negotiating and entering into agreements in connection with the Transactions, which we refer to as the “Cnova transaction committee,” consisting of Silvio J. Genesini, Bernard Oppetit and Cnova’s chief executive officer, Emmanuel Grenier. The other members of the Cnova board of directors then left the meeting.
The Cnova transaction committee subsequently discussed with representatives of management and BNP Paribas, the strategic rationale of a series of transactions that would combine the business of Via Varejo and Cnova Brazil, including, among other things, the operational difficulties experienced by Cnova Brazil and refocusing Cnova on the Cdiscount business in France, where Cdiscount has a market-leading position and a demonstrated capacity for expanding market share. The Cnova transaction committee retained Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, which we refer to as “Freshfields,” as independent counsel to the Cnova transaction committee, and Eight Advisory as independent valuation expert to the Cnova transaction committee in connection with its evaluation of the proposed transactions. In addition to representatives of the aforementioned financial advisors, representatives of Darrois, Lefosse, Nauta, Trindade and Wachtell Lipton, were also present in the meeting. At the conclusion of this meeting, the Cnova transaction committee directed Cnova’s management to explore further the proposed transactions and to develop a review of any other strategic alternatives available to Cnova, to be presented to the Cnova transaction committee.