This document is a computer generated SHIPMAN 98 form printed by authority of BIMCO. Any insertion or deletion to the form must be clearly visible. In the event of any modification made to the pre-printed text of this document which is not clearly visible, the text of the original BIMCO approved document shall apply. BIMCO assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage or expense as a result of discrepancies between the original BIMCO approved document and the computer generated document.
1. | Definitions | 1 | | | practice. | 49 |
| In this Agreement save where the context otherwise requires, | 2 | | | | | |
| the following words and expressions shall have the meanings | 3 | | | 3.1 Crew Management | 50 |
| hereby assigned to them. | 4 | | | (only applicable if agreed according toBox 5) | 51 |
| “Owners” means the party identified inBox 2. | 5 | | | The Managers shall provide suitably qualified Crew for the Vessel | 52 |
| “Managers” means the party identified inBox 3. | 6 | | | as required by the Owners in accordance with the STCW 95 | 53 |
| “Vessel” means the vessel or vessels details of which are set out | 7 | | | requirements, provision of which includes but is not limited to | 54 |
| inAnnex “A” attached hereto. | 8 | | | the following functions: | 55 |
| “Business Day” shall have the same meaning as ascribed thereto | | | | (i) | selecting and engaging the Vessel’s Crew, including payroll | 56 |
| In Section 1.1 of the Partnership Management Agreement. | 8 | | | | arrangements, pension administration, and insurances for | 57 |
| “Crew” means the Master, officers and ratings employed on the | 9 | | | | the Crew other than those mentioned inClause 6; | 58 |
| Vessel from time to timeof the numbers, | | | | (ii) | ensuring that the applicable requirements of the law of the | 58 |
| rank and nationally specified inAnnex “B” attached hereto. | 10 | | | | flag of the Vessel are satisfied in respect of manning levels, | 60 |
| “Crew support Code” means all expenses of a general nature | 11 | | | | rank, qualification and certification of the Crew and | 61 |
| which are not particularly referable to any individual vessel for | 12 | | | | employment regulations including Crew’s tax, social | 62 |
| the time being managed by the Managers and which are incurred | 13 | | | | insurance, discipline and other requirements; | 63 |
| by the Managers for the purpose of providing an efficient and | 14 | | | (iii) | ensuring that all members of the Crew have passed a medical | 64 |
| economic management service and, without prejudice to the | 15 | | | | examination with a qualified doctor certifying that they are fit | 65 |
| generality of the foregoing, shall include the cost of crew standby | 16 | | | | for the duties for which they are engaged and are in possession | 66 |
| pay, training schemes for officers and ratings, cadet training | 17 | | | | of valid medical certificates issued in accordance with | 67 |
| schemes, sick pay, study pay, recruitment and interviews. | 18 | | | | appropriate flag State requirements. In the absence of | 68 |
| “Related Manager” shall have the meaning as ascribed thereto | 19 | | | | applicable flag State requirements the medical certificate shall | 69 |
| in Section 1.1 of the Partnership Management Agreement. | | | | | be dated not more than three months prior to the respective | 70 |
| “Severance Costs” means the costs which the employers are | | | | | Crew members leaving their country of domicile and | 71 |
| legally obliged to pay to or in respect of the Crew as a result of | 20 | | | | maintained for the duration of their service on board the Vessel; | 72 |
| the early termination of any employment contract for service on | 21 | | | (iv) | ensuring that the Crew shall have a command of the English | 73 |
| the Vessel. | 22 | | | | language of a sufficient standard to enable them to perform | 74 |
| “Crew Insurances” means insurances against crew risks which | 23 | | | | their duties safely; | 75 |
| shall include but not be limited to death, sickness, repatriation, | 24 | | | (v) | arranging transportation of the Crew, including | 76 |
| injury, shipwreck unemployment indemnity and loss of personal | 25 | | | | repatriation, board and lodging as and when required at rates and | |
| effects. | 26 | | | | types of accommodations as customary in the industry; | |
| “Partnership Management Agreement” means the agreement dated | | | | (vi) | training of the Crew and supervising their efficiency; | 77 |
| [ ] 2015 made between the Partnership and the Managers. | | | | (vii) | keeping and maintaining full and complete records of any | 78 |
| “Management Services” means the services specified in sub- | 27 | | | | labor agreements which may be entered into with the Crew and, | |
| clauses 3.1 to 3.8 as indicated affirmatively in Boxes5 to12. | 28 | | | | if applicable, conducting union negotiations; | |
| “ISM Code” means the International Management Code for the | 29 | | | (viii) | operating the Managers’ drug and alcohol policy unless | 79 |
| Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention as adopted | 30 | | | | otherwise agreed in writing. | 80 |
| by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) by resolution | 31 | | | | | |
| A.741(18) or any subsequent amendment thereto. | 32 | | | 3.2 Technical Management | 81 |
| “ISPS Code” means the International Ship and Port Facility. | | | | (only applicable if agreed according toBox 6) | 82 |
| Security Code constituted pursuant to resolution A.924(22) of | | | | The Managers shall provide technical management which | 83 |
| the International Maritime Organisation now set out in Chapter | | | | includes, but is not limited to, the following functions: | 84 |
| XI-2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea | | | | (i) | provision of competent personnel to supervise the | 85 |
| (SOLAS) 1974 (as amended) and the mandatory ISPS Code as | | | | | maintenance and general efficiency of the Vessel; | 86 |
| adopted by a Diplomatic Conference of the International | | | | (ii) | arrangement and supervision of dry dockings, repairs, | 87 |
| Maritime Organisation on Maritime Security in December 2002 | | | | | alterations and the upkeep of the Vessel to the standards | 88 |
| and includes any amendments or extensions to it and any | | | | | required by the Owners provided that the Managers shall | 89 |
| regulation issued pursuant to it. | | | | | be entitled to incur the necessary expenditure to ensure | 90 |
| “Partnership” means Costamare Partners LP of Trust Company | | | | | that the Vessel will comply with the law of the flag of the | 91 |
| Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Republic of the | | | | | Vessel and of the places where she trades, and all | 92 |
| Marshall Islands MH96960. | | | | | requirements and recommendations of the classification | 93 |
| “STCW 95” means the International Convention on Standards | 33 | | | | society; | 94 |
| of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, | 34 | | | (iii) | arrangement of the supply of necessary stores, spares and | 95 |
| as amended in 1995 or any subsequent amendment thereto. | 35 | | | | lubricating oil; | 96 |
| | | | | (iv) | appointment of surveyors and technical consultants as the | 97 |
2. | Appointment of Managers | 36 | | | | Managers may consider from time to time to be necessary; | 98 |
| With effect from the day and year stated inBox 4 and continuing | 37 | | | (v) | development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety | 99 |
| unless and until terminated as provided herein, the Owners | 38 | | | | Management System (SMS) in accordance with the ISM | 100 |
| hereby appoint the Managers as the technical and commercial | 39 | | | | Code (see sub-clauses4.2 and5.3) and of a security system in | 101 |
| managers of the Vessel and the Managers hereby agree | | | | | accordance with the ISPS Code; | |
| to act as the technical and commercial Mmanagers of the Vessel. | 40 | | | (vi) | handling any claims against the builder of the Vessel | |
| | | | | | arising out of the relevant shipbuilding contract, | |
3. | Basis of Agreement | | | | | if applicable; and | |
| Subject to the terms and conditions herein provided, during the | 42 | | | (vii) | on request by the Owners, providing the Owners with a | |
| period of this Agreement, the Managers shall carry out | 43 | | | | copy of any inspection report, survey, valuation or any other | |
| Management Services in respect of the Vessel as agents for | 44 | | | | similar report prepared by any shipbrokers, surveyors, the | |
| and on behalf of the Owners.Subject to Section 4.6 of the Partnership | 45 | | | | Class etc.. | |
| Management Agreement, Tthe Managers shall have authority | | | | | | |
| to take such actions as they may from time to time in their absolute | 46 | | | 3.3 Commercial Management | 102 |
| discretion consider to be necessary to enable them to perform | 47 | | | (only applicable if agreed according toBox 7) | 103 |
| this Agreement in accordance with sound ship management | 48 | | | The Managers shall provide the commercial operation of the | 104 |
This document is a computer generated SHIPMAN 98 form printed by authority of BIMCO. Any insertion or deletion to the form must be clearly visible. In the event of any modification made to the pre-printed text of this document which is not clearly visible, the text of the original BIMCO approved document shall apply. BIMCO assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage or expense as a result of discrepancies between the original BIMCO approved document and the computer generated document.
| Vessel,-as-required-by-the-Owners,which includes, but is not | 105 | | | negotiation of the same. The Managers shall, on the request of | 147 |
| limited to, the following functions: | 106 | | | the Owners, either directly or by employing the services of a | |
| (1) | providing chartering servicesin-accordance-with-the-Owners’ | 107 | | | broker, endeavor to procure a buyer for the Vessel at a price | |
| | institutions-which include, but are not limited to, seeking | 108 | | | and otherwise on terms acceptable to the Owners. | |
| | and negotiating employment for the Vessel and the conclusion | 109 | | | 3.7 Provisions (only applicable if agreed according toBox 11) | 148 |
| | (including the execution thereof) of charter parties or other | 110 | | | The Managers shall arrange for the supply of provisions. | 149 |
| | contracts relating to the employment of the Vessel, whether on a | 111 | | | | |
| | voyage, time, demise, contract of affreightment or other | | | | 3.8 Bunkering (only applicable if agreed according toBox 12) | 150 |
| | basis. If such a | | | | The Managers shall arrange for the provision of bunker fuel of the | 151 |
| | contract exceeds the period and is for a rate that is less than | 112 | | | quality specified by the Owners as required for the Vessel’s trade. | 152 |
| | the rate, in either case, stated inBox 13, consent thereto | | | | | |
| | in writing shall first be obtained from the Owners. | 113 | | 4. | Managers’ Obligations | 153 |
| (ii) | arranging of the proper payment to Owners or their nominees | 114 | | | 4.1 Without prejudice to the relevant provisions of the Partnership | 154 |
| | of all hire and/or freight revenues or other moneys of | 115 | | | Management Agreement and in particular, but without limitation | |
| | whatsoever nature to which Owners may be entitled arising | 116 | | | to the foregoing, the provisions of Section 2.3, Section 4.1, | |
| | out of the employment of or otherwise in connection with the | 117 | | | Section 4.5 and Section 4.7 thereof, the Managers undertake to | |
| | Vessel;. | 118 | | | use theirbest-endeavors commercially reasonable efforts to | |
| (iii) | providing voyage estimates and accounts and calculating of | 119 | | | provide the agreed Management Services as agents for and on | 155 |
| | hire, freights, demurrage and/or dispatch moneys due from | 120 | | | behalf of the Owners in accordance with sound ship management | 156 |
| | or due to the charterers of the Vessel; | 121 | | | practice and to protect and promote the interests of the Owners in | 157 |
| (iv) | issuing to the Crewofappropriate voyage instructions and | 122 | | | all matters relating to the provision of services hereunder. | 158 |
| | monitoring voyage performance; | | | | Provided, however, that the Managers in the performance of their | 159 |
| (v) | appointing agents; | 123 | | | management responsibilities under this Agreement shall be entitled | 160 |
| (vi) | appointing stevedores; | 124 | | | to have regard to their overall responsibility in relation to all vessels | 161 |
| (vii) | arranging surveys associated with the commercial operation | 125 | | | as may from time to time be entrusted to their management and | 162 |
| | of the Vessel; | 126 | | | in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, | 163 |
| (viii) | carrying out the necessary communications with the | | | | the Managers shall be entitled to allocate available supplies, | 164 |
| | shippers, charterers and others involved with the receiving | | | | manpower and services in such manner as in the prevailing | 165 |
| | and handling of the Vessel at the relevant loading and | | | | circumstances the Managers in their absolute discretion consider | 166 |
| | discharging ports, including sending any notices required | | | | to be fair and reasonable. | 167 |
| | under the terms of the Vessel’s employment at the time; | | | | 4.2 Where the Managers are providing Technical Management | 168 |
| (ix) | invoicing on behalf of the Owners all freights, hires, | | | | in accordance with sub-clause3.2, they shall procure that the | 169 |
| | demurrages, outgoing claims, refund of taxes, balances of | | | | requirements of the law of the flag of the Vessel are satisfied and | 170 |
| | disbursements, statements of account and other sums due | | | | they shall in particular be deemed to be the “Company’ as defined | 171 |
| | to the Owners and account receivables arising from the | | | | by the ISM Code, assuming the responsibility for the operation of | 172 |
| | operation of the Vessel and, upon the request of the Owners, | | | | the Vessel and taking over the duties and responsibilities imposed | 173 |
| | issuing releases on behalf of the Owners upon receipt of | | | | by the ISM Code and/or the ISPS Code when applicable. | 174 |
| | payment or settlement of any such amounts; | | | | | | |
| (x) | preparing off-hire statements and/or hire statements; | | | | | | |
| (xi) | procuring and arranging for port entrance and clearance, | | | | | | |
| | pilots, consular approvals and other services necessary for | | | 5. | Owners’ Obligations | 175 |
| | the management and safe operation of the Vessel; and | | | | 5.1 Without prejudice to the relevant provisions of the Partnership | 176 |
| (xii) | reporting to the Owners of any major casualties, | | | | Management Agreement,Tthe Owners shall pay all sums due to | |
| | damages received or caused by the Vessel or any major | | | | the Managers punctually | |
| | release or discharge of oil or other hazardous material not in | | | | in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. | 177 |
| | compliance with any laws. | | | | 5.2 Where the Managers are providing Technical Management | 178 |
| 3.4Insurance Arrangements’ | 127 | | | in accordance with sub-clause3.2, the Owners shall: | 179 |
| (only applicable if agreed according toBox 8) | 128 | | | (i) | procure that all officers and ratings supplied by them or on | 180 |
| The Managers shall arrange insurances in accordance with | 129 | | | | their behalf comply with the requirements of STCW 95; | 181 |
| Clause 6, on such terms and conditions as the Owners shall | 130 | | | (ii) | instruct such officers and ratings to obey all reasonable orders | 182 |
| have instructed or agreed, in particular regarding underwriters | 131 | | | | of the Managers in connection with the operation of the | 183 |
| conditions, | | | | | Managers’ safety management system. | 184 |
| insured values, deductibles and franchises. | 132 | | | 5.3 Where the Managers are not providing Technical Management | 185 |
| | | | | in accordance with sub-clause3.2, the Owners shall procure that | 186 |
| 3.5 Accounting Services | 133 | | | the requirements of the law of the flag of the Vessel are satisfied | 187 |
| (only applicable if agreed according toBox 9) | 134 | | | and that they, or such other entity as may be appointed by them | 188 |
| Without prejudice to the relevant provisions of the Partnership | 135 | | | and identified to the Managers, shall be deemed to be the | 189 |
| Management Agreement and, in particular, but without | | | | “Company” as defined by the ISM Code assuming the responsibility | 190 |
| limitation, Section 4.11, Section 5.1 and Section 10.6 thereof, | | | | for the operation of the Vessel and taking over the duties and | 191 |
| Tthe Managers shall: | | | | responsibilities imposed by the ISM Code when applicable. | 192 |
| (I) | establish an accounting system which meets the | 136 | | | | | |
| | requirements of the Owners and provide regular accounting | 137 | | | | | |
| | services, supply regular reports and records, | 138 | | | | | |
| (ii) | maintain the records of all costs and expenditure incurred | 139 | | 6. | Insurance Policies | 193 |
| | as well as data necessary or proper for the settlement of | 140 | | | The Owners shall procure,whether-by instructing the Managers | 194 |
| | accounts between the parties. | 141 | | | under sub-clause3.4or otherwise, that throughout the period of | 195 |
| | | | | | this Agreement: | 196 |
| 3.6 Sale or Purchase of the Vessel | 142 | | | 6.1 at the Owners’ expense, the Vessel is insured for not less | 197 |
| (only applicable if agreed according toBox 10) | 143 | | | than her sound market value or entered for her full gross tonnage, | 198 |
| The Managers shall, in accordance with the Owners’ instructions, | 144 | | | as the case may be for: | 199 |
| supervise the sale or purchase of the Vessel, including the | 145 | | | (i) | usual hull and machinery marine risks (including crew | 200 |
| performance of any sale or purchase agreement, but not | 146 | | | | negligence) and excess liabilities; | 201 |
| | | | | | (ii) | protection and indemnity risks (including pollution risks and | 202 |
This document is a computer generated SHIPMAN 98 form printed by authority of BIMCO. Any insertion or deletion to the form must be clearly visible. In the event of any modification made to the pre-printed text of this document which is not clearly visible, the text of the original BIMCO approved document shall apply. BIMCO assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage or expense as a result of discrepancies between the original BIMCO approved document and the computer generated document.
| | Crew insurances);and | 203 | | | in accordance with the provisions of Article IX of the Partnership | |
| (iii) | war risks (including protection and indemnity and crew risks); | 204 | | | Management Agreement. | |
| | and | | | | payable on the commencement of the Agreement (seeClause | 247 |
| (iv) | any other insurance that the Owners determine or the | | | | 2 andBox 4) and subsequent installments being payable every | 248 |
| | Managers advise them in writing that, in either case, it is | | | | month. | 249 |
| | prudent or, as the case may be, appropriate on the basis of | | | | 8.2 The management fee shall be subject toan annual-review | 250 |
| | prevailing market practices to be obtained in respect of the | | | | in accordance with the provisions of Sections 9.2 and 9.3 of the | 251 |
| | Vessel, its freight/hire or any third party liabilities, | | | | Partnership Management Agreementthe anniversary date of the | |
| | | | | | Agreement and the proposed | |
| | in each case in accordance with the best practice of prudent owners | 205 | | | fee shall be presented in the annual budget referred to in sub- | 252 |
| | of | | | | clause 9.1. | 253 |
| | vessels of a similar type to the Vessel, with first crass insurance | 206 | | | 8.3The Managers shall, at no extra cost to the Owners, provide | 254 |
| | companies, underwriters or associations (“the Owners’ | 207 | | | their own office accommodation, office staff, facilities and | 255 |
| | Insurances”); | 208 | | | stationery. Without limiting the generality ofClause 7 the Owners | 256 |
| | 6.2 all premiums and calls and applicable deductibles and/or | 209 | | | shall reimburse the Managers for postage and communication | 257 |
| | franchises on the Owners’ Insurances are paid | | | | expenses, travelling expenses, and other out of pocket | 258 |
| | promptly by their due date, | 210 | | | expenses properly incurred by the Managers in pursuance of | 259 |
| | 6.3 the Owners’ Insurances name the Managers and, subject | 211 | | | the Management Services. | 260 |
| | to underwriters’ agreement, any third party designated by the | 212 | | | 8.4 The provisions of Section 9.4, Section 9.5, Section 9.6 and | 261 |
| | Managers as a joint assured, with full cover, with the Owners | 213 | | | Section 9.7 of the Partnership Management Agreement shall be | |
| | obtaining cover in respect of each of the insurances specified in | 214 | | | deemed as incorporated herein mutatis mutandis. | |
| | sub-clause6.1: | 215 | | | 8.5 The Managers have the right to demand the payment of any | |
| (i) | on terms whereby the Managers and any such third party | 216 | | | of the management fees and expenses payable under this | |
| | are liable in respect of premiums or calls arising in connection | 217 | | | Agreement either from the Partnership or the Owners. Payment of | |
| | with the Owners’ Insurances; or | 218 | | | any such fees or expenses or any part thereof by either the | |
| (ii) | if reasonably obtainable, on terms such that neither the | 219 | | | Partnership or the Owners shall prevent the Managers from making a | |
| | Managers nor any such third party shall be under any | 220 | | | claim on the other person for the same amount to the extent | |
| | liability in respect of premiums or calls arising in connection | 221 | | | that the same has been already paid to the Managers. | |
| | with the Owners’ Insurances; or | 222 | | | in the event of the appointment of the Managers being | |
| (iii) | on such other terms as may be agreed in writing. | 223 | | | terminated by the Owners of the Managers in accordance with | 262 |
| Indicate alternative (i), (ii) or (iii) inBox 14. IfBox 14 is left | 224 | | | the provisions of Clauses17 and18 other than by reason of | 263 |
| blank then (i) applies. | 225 | | | default by the Managers, or if the Vessel is lost, sold or otherwise | 264 |
| | 6.4 written evidence is provided, to the reasonable satisfaction | 226 | | | Disposed of, the “management fee” payable to the Managers | 265 |
| | of the Managers, of their compliance with their obligations under | 227 | | | According to the provisions of sub-clause8.1, shall continue to | 266 |
| | Clause 6 within a reasonable time of the commencement of | 228 | | | be payable for a further period of three calendar months as | 267 |
| | the Agreement, and of each renewal date and, If specifically | 229 | | | from the termination date. In addition, provided that the | 268 |
| | requested, of each payment date of the Owners’ Insurances, | 230 | | | Managers provide Crew for the Vessel in accordance with sub- | 269 |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | clause3.1. | 270 |
7. | Income Collected and Expenses Paid on Behalf of Owners | 231 | | | (i) | the Owners shall continue to pay Crew Support Costs during | 271 |
| 7.1 Without prejudice to the provisions of Section 10.7 of the | 232 | | | | the said further period of three calendar months and | 272 |
| Partnership Management Agreement,Aall moneys collected by the | | | | (ii) | the Owners shall pay an equitable proportion of any | 273 |
| Managers under the terms of | | | | | Severance Costs which may materialize, not exceeding | 274 |
| this Agreement (other than moneys payable by the Owners to | 233 | | | | the amount stated inBox 16. | 275 |
| the Managers) and any interest thereon shall be held to the | 234 | | | 8.5 If the Owners decide to lay up the Vessel whilst this | 276 |
| credit of the Owners in a separate bank account. | 235 | | | Agreement remain in force and such lay up lasts for more | 277 |
| 7.2 Without prejudice to the provisions of Section 9.7, Section | 236 | | | than three months, an appropriate reduction of the management | 278 |
| 10.5 and Section 10.8 of the Partnership Management Agreement,Aall | | | | fee for the period exceeding three months until one month | 279 |
| expenses incurred by the Managers under the terms | | | | before the Vessel is again put into service shall be mutually | 280 |
| of this Agreement on behalf of the Owners (including expenses | 237 | | | agreed between the parties. | 281 |
| as provided inClause 8) may be debited against the Owners | 238 | | | 8.6 Unless otherwise agreed in writing all discounts and | 282 |
| in the account referred to under sub-clause7.1 but shall in any | 239 | | | commissions obtained by the Managers in the course of the | 283 |
| event remain payable by the Owners to the Managers on | 240 | | | management of the Vessel shall be credited to the Owners | 284 |
| demand. For the avoidance of doubt, the Managers can make | 241 | | | | | |
| such demand on the Owners as well as on the Partnership as | | | 9. | Budgets and Management of Funds | 285 |
| provided in Section 10.5 of the Partnership Management Agreement. | | | | 9.1 The Owners are aware that the Managers will be preparing | 286 |
| Furthermore and without prejudice to the generality of the | | | | budgets in connection with, inter alia, the provision of the | |
| provisions of this Clause 7, the Managers shall, subject to being | | | | Management Services which the Managers will be submitting | |
| placed in funds by the Owners or the Partnership, arrange for the | | | | for approval to the Partnership in accordance with the provisions of | |
| payment of all ordinary charges incurred in connection with the | | | | Article X of the Partnership Management Agreement.The Managers | |
| Management Services, including, but not limited to, all canal | | | | shall present to the Owners annually a | |
| tolls, port charges, any amounts due to any governmental | | | | budget for the following twelve months in such form as the | 287 |
| authority with respect to the Crew and all duties and taxes in | | | | Owners require. The budget for the first year hereof is set out | 288 |
| respect of the Vessel, the cargo, hire or freight (whether levied | | | | inAnnex “C” hereto. Subsequent annual budgets shall be | 289 |
| against the Owners, the Partnership or the Vessel), insurance | | | | prepared by the Managers and submitted to the Owners not | 290 |
| premiums, advances of balances of disbursements, invoices for | | | | less than three months before the anniversary date of the | 291 |
| bunkers, stores, spares, provisions, repairs and any other | | | | commencement of this Agreement (see Clause2 andBox 4). | 292 |
| material and/or service in respect of the Vessel. | | | | 9.2 The Owners shall indicate to the Managers their acceptance | 293 |
8 | Management Fee | 242 | | | and approval of the annual budget within one month of | 294 |
| 8.1 The Owners shall pay to the Managers for their services | 243 | | | presentation and in the absence of any such indication the | 295 |
| as Managers under this Agreementan-annual the management | 244 | | | Managers shall be entitled to assume that the Owners have | 296 |
| fees as stated inBox 15 Section 9.1(a) and Section 9(b) of the | 245 | | | accepted the proposed budget. | 297 |
| Partnership Management Agreement -which shall be payableby-equal | | | | 9.3 Following the agreement of the budget, the Managers shall | 298 |
| monthly installments in advance, the first installment being monthly | 246 | | | | | |
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This document is a computer generated SHIPMAN 98 form printed by authority of BIMCO. Any insertion or deletion to the form must be clearly visible. In the event of any modification made to the pre-printed text of this document which is not clearly visible, the text of the original BIMCO approved document shall apply. BIMCO assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage or expense as a result of discrepancies between the original BIMCO approved document and the computer generated document.