Action is taken at extraordinary meetings on the following matters: the removal of members of the Board of Directors and the appointment of their replacements, the amendment of the by-laws, the increase or reduction of share capital, the issuance of obligations, the agreement on the disposal, in a single act, of assets which accounting value exceeds 50% of the registered share capital of the company, the arrangement of investigations and special audits, the agreement on the transformation, merger, division, reorganization or dissolution of the company, as well as its liquidation, or any other matter within the powers of the shareholders specified in the agenda.
Our articles of incorporation further provide that shares have the same rights and privileges and, except for the provisions regarding the election of directors, in which the articles of incorporation provides for cumulative voting, each shall have one vote. Only holders of common shares are entitled to attend general meetings of shareholders.
The shareholders may be counted as present and may vote at any meeting either by way of their legal representatives or by way of proxies appointed by public or private document, with or without the power of substitution.
Our articles of incorporation provide that, on the first call of any ordinary or extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting, the presence in person or by proxy of shareholders representing at least one-half plus one of the shares issued and outstanding will constitute a quorum. If on the first call a quorum is not present, the meeting can be reconvened through a second call, at which meeting a quorum shall be obtained with the number of shareholders present or represented therein.
All resolutions of a general meeting of shareholders shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of a shareholder or shareholders representing one-half plus one of the shares present, except those enumerated hereunder, for which the affirmative vote of one-half plus one of the shares issued and outstanding shall be necessary: (a) to amend the articles of incorporation; (b) to issue obligations for more than 50% of the registered capital of the Company; (c) to encumber or pledge the property of the Company to secure obligations of others for an amount exceeding 50% of the registered capital of the Company as the same has been determined by the external auditors of the company; (d) to approve mergers with other corporations; (e) to dissolve or liquidate the company or spin-off assets; and (f) to remove the directors of the Company from office.
In the election of members of the board of directors, each shareholder shall be entitled to cast a number of votes equal to the number of shares held by or for him, multiplied by the number of directors to be elected, it being understood that such shareholder may cast all his/her votes for a single candidate, or distribute them among the total number of directors to be elected or among two or more thereof, as he/she may deem appropriate.
According to provisions of Panama corporate law, a resolution passed in a shareholders’ meeting is binding on all shareholders, but in no case can a vote of the majority deprive the shareholders of vested rights or impose upon them a resolution of any kind inconsistent with the corporation’s constitutive documents, except as provided by law. Any shareholder shall be entitled to protest against resolutions passed in a general meeting of shareholders in violation of the law, the articles of incorporation or the bylaws, and may sue in a competent court to have the same annulled. Within a peremptory 30 days, if requested by the plaintiff, and should the court deem the matter urgent, a judge may stay the execution of the resolution until the petition has been adjudged. Such a stay of execution shall not be ordered if the shareholder upon suing does so by ordinary proceedings.
Shareholder Suits
Under Panama corporate law, directors shall not be personally liable for the obligations of the company, but they shall be individually or severally liable, as the case may be, to the company and to third parties for the effectiveness of payments, which appear as having been made by the shareholders, the existence of the dividends declared, the sound management of the company’s accounting and, in general, for the