Exhibit (a)(16)
Transcript of townhall presentation, dated September 24, 2020,
from Jayson Dallas to employees of Nestlé Health Science
Thank you so much, Greg and thanks for the opportunity to speak to the organization today.
So I’m going to tell a little bit of the background of the story of Aimmune and talk a little bit about how we got to where we’ve got to and what we’re doing so they can put the first slide up.
The first. The first thing I want to talk about a little bit is the problem statement in terms of food allergy, and it is relatively remarkable if you think about the many, many advances that have been made in the treatment of diseases and mobility and mortality around the world over the last many years that it has taken until 2020 to get the first ever approval for a product to treat food allergy and not only that, but when you look into the marketplace – Aimmune - the products that we’re developing at Aimmune have got a very long lead over any other potential options that may come into the marketplace, and this is astounding given the problem statement which you see on the slide, the number of people around the world impacted by food allergies, the impact that it has on the lives of people and the healthcare systems around the world. And if you look at the top of the right hand side of the slide, this is really why what we’re doing at Aimmune is so critical even when a family has a child diagnosed with a food allergy, and in the case of our lead product, a peanut allergy.
And when they are trying actively to avoid having their child exposed to that food at any time in any way in their life, you still end up with about 25% of the population in the ER or in the A&E or in the emergency part of the hospital every single year due to an accidental exposure.
And so therefore, the concept of simply trying to avoid the food that you’re allergic to really doesn’t work in clinical practice.
And so what we’re trying to do with step one in the management of food allergy is to provide a level of protection so that the child can go out into the community, go back to school, sit in the normal part of the lunch room, rather than sit at the peanut table, go back to summer camp, travel on airplanes, hang out with their friends, go to birthday parties without having the fear that if they somehow get exposed to a peanut or a piece of a peanut that they’re going to have a life threatening event, and that’s what we offer with Palforzia and that is the first part of the management of food allergy.
If I could have the next slide please, I want to talk a little bit about how Aimmune came to be.
This frustration that there was so little going on in the field of food allergy dates back even to 2011 when a group of very, very invested and interested people got together and said, how is it that so little is happening?
Why is big pharma not working in the field of food allergy?
And this includes group included a couple of parents who were very vocal about needing something for their children, but were also relatively high worth individuals in that group managed to put some seed money in. That group managed to get ready to start building a company and from that Aimmune was born.