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absolute, absorb, accommodate, accurate, accurately, achieve, achievement, achieving, Adam, addressing, adequate, adequately, adhere, advertising, advisor, affiliate, affirmative, agent, Air, alleged, alleging, allocable, allocated, allocation, alter, analyst, anniversary, announce, announced, apparent, appeal, appealed, appoint, appointed, appointment, approach, arise, arising, arose, arrangement, assert, assertion, assessing, assessment, assimilate, assumption, asthma, ASU, attendant, attention, attestation, attract, auditor, authentication, automation, award, back, bank, banking, bar, began, begun, behalf, beneficiary, bid, billing, Blackwell, book, bound, brand, broadcast, broader, broadly, build, building, burden, buy, California, campaign, Canadian, cancelled, cancer, capturing, card, Casey, caution, cautioned, CCP, CEO, CFO, CFR, chain, challenge, channel, civil, claim, claiming, clarify, Clarifying, classification, clause, Clean, clear, coil, Coliseum, collateral, collect, collected, collecting, collection, collectively, committee, compensation, competitor, complaint, complex, complexity, compliance, component, composed, comprehensive, compromised, conduct, conducted, conference, confidence, Confidential, conflict, confusing, confusion, Connecticut, consent, consented, Conservation, construction, consultant, consulting, consumer, consumption, contamination, content, contest, context, contract, contracting, contractual, convenience, convenient, conversion, copy, core, correct, corrected, correction, costly, count, Court, CPSC, criteria, customer, cycle, damage, data, deadline, death, debit, decide, declaratory, decline, Deep, defend, defense, deficiency, Deficit, delist, delisted, delisting, delivery, demonstrate, demonstrated, denial, depreciation, deregistered, derivative, derive, description, detected, Deutsche, develop, developed, developing, development, device, differentiated, difficult, digital, diminish, directly, director, discarded, discontinue, discovered, discretionary, discriminatory, dismissal, disparate, disposal, dispose, Disposition, disproportionally, disrupt, disruption, dissatisfaction, disseminate, District, donate, Double, DoubleGel, downtime, Drinking, driven, ease, EBITDA, economy, EdiZONE, educate, efficiency, elastomeric, electric, electronic, electronically, eligible, employee, enable, encumber, energy, enforce, enforceability, enforcement, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, enhancing, entertainment, entirety, environment, environmental, EquaGel, EquaPressure, equipment, equitably, erode, error, escrow, evidence, evolve, evolving, exacerbate, exceptionally, exclusive, exempt, exemption, Exhibit, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expeditiously, expend, experience, explicit, expressly, external, Extreme, face, Facebook, facility, factual, fail, failing, failure, fairly, faith, false, Fargo, FedEx, fewer, field, finalized, fire, fiscal, fix, fixed, Flame, Flammability, fluctuate, foam, Fold, forced, forecast, forecasting, foregoing, foreign, foreseeable, forfeiture, formula, fourth, fraud, fraudulent, free, freight, fulfill, fulfillment, fullest, fundamental, furnish, furnished, gain, gallon, gas, gel, geographic, GhostBed, gift, glove, glue, good, governmental, grant, granted, Gray, greater, greenhouse, grow, growing, guidance, handling, harm, harmful, headcount, health, hearing, hereto, high, highly, hire, hiring, HMR, Honest, hygiene, hypothecate, IASB, identification, Immaterial, impact, impacted, impair, impairment, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implicit, importance, important, impose, impossible, imprecise, imputed, inadequate, incorrect, increasingly, incurrence, indemnification, indemnify, indirect, indirectly, ineffective, inefficient, influential, infrastructure, infusion, inherent, inherently, injunction, injunctive, installation, integral, intellectual, intentionally, interchange, internet, interrupt, introducing, introduction, inventory, investigate, Investor, invoicing, IPO, Island, issuer, iv, joint, judgment, Judicial, key, Knudsen, Kyoto, labeling, labor, Lack, largest, launch, lawsuit, legislation, legislative, lend, leverage, liable, libel, license, licensed, licensing, likelihood, line, Lite, litigation, local, locally, longer, lose, losing, lost, lot, lower, machine, maintain, maintaining, manner, manual, manufacture, manufacturer, manufacturing, masked, matter, Max, McGarvey, media, member, membership, mentioned, merchandise, merged, merit, met, mineral, misleading, misstatement, mix, mobile, model, modification, Monahan, monetary, monitor, monitoring, moratorium, motion, multiple, multiplied, nature, NCI, negotiate, network, newer, nominating, noncancelable, noncash, noncontrolling, notify, Notwithstanding, obligate, obligation, occupational, offset, offsite, oil, online, Open, opening, optimization, oral, orally, order, ordering, OTC, outcome, output, overdue, overstatement, owner, Oxley, pace, Paired, panel, partially, partnership, passed, passive, past, PayPal, Pearce, penny, percent, percentage, perform, performance, persist, personnel, persuasive, petroleum, phishing, pill, Pillow, Pink, PIPE, plasticized, platform, pledge, poison, policy, pollution, Polymer, Portable, portfolio, post, postpone, powder, power, practicable, pre, predecessor, predict, Predicting, preempted, Pressure, previously, principle, privacy, produce, product, production, profit, profitability, profitable, prohibit, project, projected, promised, promote, promotional, pronouncement, proper, proportionate, Proposition, proprietary, protection, protectionist, Protector, Protocol, prove, publicly, published, purport, purported, pursue, pursuing, Qualitative, quality, quantify, Quantifying, Quantitative, quarter, quarterly, quickly, quotation, quotient, ramp, rapid, rapidly, ratio, raw, readily, recast, reclassification, reclassified, reconciliation, recoup, Recovery, rectify, recycling, refute, refuting, regain, regularly, reinforce, reinterpreted, relationship, relevant, reliance, relief, rely, remedial, remediated, remediation, remit, remitted, remote, renamed, rendered, rent, repeat, replaced, reputation, request, requested, resale, research, reserved, resource, respiratory, respond, responded, Response, responsible, restructure, resume, retain, retained, retardancy, retention, retrospective, retrospectively, revisit, Revolving, Rhode, role, Roll, rolling, rollout, routine, Royal, run, Ryan, Safe, safety, salary, scale, scaled, scaling, scheduled, scope, seasonality, secondary, selected, Seller, sentiment, serve, shareholder, shell, shipped, shipping, shopping, shown, Simply, single, size, slower, social, softening, software, source, spam, speculative, spend, spending, split, spread, spring, spyware, stability, staffing, stage, stake, stamp, statute, statutory, stayed, steadily, straight, strain, strength, stringent, strive, structure, structured, subdivision, subscription, successor, suffer, sum, summary, superior, supervision, supervisory, supplemented, supplier, supply, Supreme, surrendering, suspended, suspension, suspicion, swap, symbol, taxation, Team, technical, television, temporarily, term, Terry, testimony, testing, text, theft, therefrom, thereof, thirty, threatened, title, TNT, tone, Tony, Tooele, top, toxic, TRA, Trademark, traditional, traffic, train, training, transferee, transparency, transport, transportation, true, turn, TV, twelve, ultimate, Ultra, unaffiliated, unamortized, unanticipated, unauthorized, uncertain, unconstrained, underlying, underwritten, undistributed, undue, unencumbered, unfavorable, unimpaired, unpredictable, unregistered, unsuccessful, untruthful, unvested, unwilling, validity, vary, varying, vast, VAT, vehicle, Venmo, VIE, vigorously, volume, wage, warehouse, warranty, waste, Water, weakening, web, website, white, wholesale, wholly, widely, widespread, withhold, WonderGel, WonderGel®and, world, worldwide, writing, YouTube
absent, acceleration, accretion, acquire, acting, active, America, amortized, annually, ASC, assignable, assisting, aware, bearing, begin, blank, borrow, borrowed, broad, called, cease, classified, commencement, communicated, computed, Concentration, concurrent, conformity, consummate, consummating, Continental, convert, corporation, create, depending, deposit, depository, detail, deviation, diligence, dilute, diluting, discussed, dissolve, Distinguishing, dollar, doubt, earned, effectuate, eighty, equivalent, exceed, execution, facilitating, favor, feature, fee, flexibility, foreclosure, fractional, franchise, guaranteed, hierarchy, hundred, inception, institution, intent, invested, irrevocable, Jumpstart, largely, limitation, liquidate, loaned, locating, matured, maturity, measured, MergerSub, nearest, opt, Organization, permanent, person, presentation, prevailing, pro, proceed, processed, promissory, promptly, prospective, pursuit, rata, released, renegotiation, repay, repayable, residual, resignation, restricting, rounded, salable, seek, SeeLiquidation, senior, sequel, short, Similarly, subordinate, suitable, summarized, tangible, tender, terminate, terminated, thousand, transferable, transition, trust, trustee, unadjusted, unconsolidated, unpaid, unsecured, vulnerability, waived, winding, withdrawal, yielding, Youth
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-Q Quarterly report
- 2.2 Amendment No. 2 to Agreement and Plan of Merger, Dated May 14, 2018, by and Among Purple Innovation, Inc., Purple Innovation, LLC, Global Partner Sponsor I LLC and Innohold, LLC
- 10.1 Form of Option Award Agreement
- 10.2 Form of Restricted Stock Award Agreement
- 10.3 Form of Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement
- 10.4 Form of Stock Appreciation Right Award Agreement
- 10.5 Form of Stock Bonus Award Agreement
- 31.1 Certification
- 31.2 Certification
- 32.1 Certification
- 32.2 Certification
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