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accident, accomplished, alleviate, American, arbitration, arguing, ARP, Ascent, Australia, compel, corrective, death, denied, detail, EGC, encourage, error, Explanatory, Facilitation, fared, field, foundation, Gelflex, grew, ground, hedging, imposition, inception, interference, internationally, Japan, Kingdom, Korea, led, lessee, lessor, linen, maintenance, master, mechanical, misappropriation, misclassification, perspective, poor, problem, proportion, random, recoverable, refinanced, reform, Reinvented, Reinventing, Rescue, ROU, seat, secret, Sleepy, Softstretch, subset, supplemental, suspend, tighter, trial, underwriting, underwritten, undiscounted, waived, wear, workplace, XI
accelerated, acceleration, acceptance, accessory, accurate, achieve, acquire, acquirer, advisor, affiliated, affordable, aggressive, aggressively, Amazon, America, amortize, announced, annum, antidumping, applicability, arranging, assist, assume, assumed, attestation, auditor, authority, avoid, award, bankruptcy, begun, Border, bringing, broaden, calendar, capitalized, carefully, cargo, CBP, ceasing, certainty, challenge, character, charging, charitable, Chinese, choose, claiming, Clara, clarify, Codification, commerce, comparability, compete, competing, competition, competitive, competitor, computing, conditioned, consolidation, consuming, consummation, Contacting, contraction, costlier, countervailing, decreased, dedicate, deem, defect, defense, defer, deferment, deferring, deficit, delay, delaying, departing, Department, departure, depreciate, desire, devastating, devote, Diego, dilution, directing, disadvantage, disclosing, discrete, discussed, disease, disproportionally, dispute, distributive, diversion, diverted, document, domestically, dumping, duty, EBITDA, effecting, effectively, efficiency, effort, elevated, eligibility, embody, employer, employment, enable, enactment, enjoy, entering, entry, epidemic, erode, essential, establishing, European, eventual, exceed, Exhibit, existed, expanding, expertise, expired, export, exporting, factory, failed, fall, favor, fewer, fifteen, flexibility, foam, forecast, foregoing, fourth, fragmented, frequency, fulfillment, functionality, funding, furlough, furloughing, furniture, generating, geographical, govern, grant, grow, growing, guarantee, guaranteed, harmed, headcount, healthcare, healthy, heavier, heightening, high, highly, hire, history, holdover, identified, immaterial, implementing, import, important, improved, independent, independently, indexed, inhibit, instruction, instrument, integrate, inure, inured, inuring, investigation, lack, Lake, large, larger, leased, Lehi, lending, lessening, limiting, locally, logistical, logo, lose, low, maintaining, manner, mark, matter, mature, maturity, meaningful, meeting, merit, minimizing, miscalculated, mix, Monica, month, moved, narrow, narrower, nasdaq, negotiate, netted, newer, ninety, North, observer, occurring, opened, outlet, owner, Oxley, parcel, partially, participating, payroll, perception, permanent, person, personally, petition, planned, pool, pre, preceding, precisely, predecessor, preliminary, premature, prescribed, presence, prevent, prevention, prioritize, proactive, profitable, program, protection, prove, PRPL, prudently, qualify, quickly, ramping, ranging, rapidly, raw, reach, reaction, receiving, recent, recognizing, recoup, recruit, reducing, refresh, refreshed, refundable, regulation, reimburse, release, removal, remove, rename, reopen, reorganization, replace, replenish, rescinded, respond, responding, responsibility, restrict, restructuring, revert, Salt, San, Santa, scaled, seek, selected, senior, separated, Shared, ship, shown, showroom, size, small, source, space, strain, Street, structure, styling, successfully, successor, supplied, survivor, sustain, sustainable, system, target, terminate, text, topper, TRA, transparency, travel, type, unamortized, unanticipated, underpriced, undistributed, unfairly, Union, unknown, usage, USPTO, Vietnam, violation, voluntarily, voluntary, vulnerability, VWAP, Walmart, wide, widespread, world
Filing tables
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- 10-Q Quarterly report
- 10.1 First Amendment to Lease Agreement Between Purple Innovation, LLC and PNK S2, LLC Dated March 4, 2021
- 10.2 Second Amendment to Lease Agreement Between Purple Innovation, LLC and PNK S2, LLC Dated March 26, 2021
- 31.1 Certification
- 31.2 Certification
- 32.1 Certification
- 32.2 Certification
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