“Energy Statute Law Amendment Act” means theEnergy Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016,SO 2016, c 10.
“Environmental Assessment Act” means theEnvironmental Assessment Act, RSO 1990, cE-18.
“Fair Hydro Act” means theOntario Fair Hydro Plan Act, 2017, SO 2017, c 16, Schedule 1.
“Final Instalment” has the meaning given to it under “Description of Capital Structure – Convertible Debentures and Instalment Receipts”.
“Final Instalment Date” has the meaning given to it under “Description of Capital Structure – Convertible Debentures and Instalment Receipts”.
“Financial Administration Act” means theFinancial Administration Act, RSC 1985, cF-11.
“First Nations Delivery Credit” means the credit pursuant to theFirst Nations Delivery Credit(On-Reserve Consumers Under Section 79.4 of the Act), O Reg 197/17, enacted pursuant to the Ontario Energy Board Act.
“Governance Agreement” means the governance agreement dated November 5, 2015 between Hydro One Limited and the Province.
“Great Lakes Power” means Great Lakes Power Transmission LP.
“Green Energy Act” means theGreen Energy Act, 2009, SO 2009, c 12, Schedule A.
“GWh” means gigawatt-hours.
“Haldimand Hydro” means Haldimand County Utilities Inc.
“Hydro One” or the “Company” have the meanings given to such terms set out under “Presentation of Information”.
“Hydro One Inc.” has the meaning given to it under “Presentation of Information”.
“Hydro One Limited” has the meaning given to it under “Presentation of Information”.
“Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie LP” has the meaning given to it under “General Development of the Business – Chronological Development of the Business – 2016 – Acquisition of Great Lakes Power”.
“IESO” means the Independent Electricity System Operator.
“Income Tax Act” means theIncome Tax Act, RSC 1985, c 1 (5th Supp).
“Indian Act” means theIndian Act, RSC 1985, cI-5.
“Instalment Receipt Agreement” has the meaning given to it under “Material Contracts”.
“July 2017 Underwriting Agreement” has the meaning given to it under “Material Contracts”.
“kV” means kilovolt.
“kW” means kilowatt.