CHESSmeans the clearing house electronicsub-register system for the electronic transfer ofsecurities operated by ASX Settlement.
Corporations Actmeans the AustralianCorporations Act 2001(Cth).
Courtmeans the Federal Court of Australia or any other court of competent jurisdiction underthe Corporations Act agreed in writing by Avita Australia and Avita US.
Deed Pollmeans the deed poll to be executed by Avita US in favour of Scheme Participants,pursuant to which Avita US covenants in favour of each Scheme Participant to perform certain of its obligations under the Implementation Agreement and certain steps attributed to it under this Scheme, with such amendments as are approved in accordance with its terms.
Effectivemeans, when used in relation to this Scheme, the coming into effect, under section411(10) of the Corporations Act, of the order of the Court made under section 411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act in relation to this Scheme, but in any event at no time before an office copy of the order of the Court is lodged with ASIC.
Effective Datemeans the date on which this Scheme becomes Effective.
Fractional Avita US Sharehas the meaning given in clause 5.5.
Implementationmeans the implementation of this Scheme in accordance with its terms on thisScheme becoming Effective.
Implementation Agreementmeans the Scheme Implementation Agreement dated 20 April2020 entered into between Avita Australia and Avita US in relation to the Implementation of this Scheme.
Implementation Datemeans the Business Day which is a minimum of one Business Day, buta maximum of five Business Days, after the Record Date, as Avita Australia and Avita US may agree in writing.
Ineligible Shareholdermeans a Scheme Participant whose address, as shown in the Register(as at the Record Date), is in a place outside Australia, the United States, Hong Kong, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, France, Norway, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates and Singapore (unless Avita Australia is satisfied, acting reasonably, that the laws of that place permit the offer or issue of Avita US Shares or Avita US CDIs to that Scheme Participant and, in Avita US’s sole discretion, is not unduly onerous or impractical for Avita US to issue Avita US Shares or Avita US CDIs to the Scheme Participant).
Listing Rulesmeans the listing rules of ASX for the time being and from time to time.
NASDAQmeans the NASDAQ Stock Market LLC.
Record Datemeans 7.00pm (Melbourne time) on the day which is two Business Days after theEffective Date, or any other date (after the Effective Date) agreed by the parties to be the record date to determine entitlements to receive the Scheme Consideration under this Scheme.
Registermeans the register of shareholders of Avita Australia.
Sale Agentmeans a person nominated by Avita US to sell or facilitate the sale of the SchemeConsideration referrable to Selling Shareholders in accordance with clause 5.6.
Sale Securitieshas the meaning given in clause 5.6(a).
Schememeans this scheme of arrangement under Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act betweenAvita Australia and the Scheme Participants, subject to any alterations or conditions made or required by the Court under section 411(6) of the Corporations Act and approved by each of Avita Australia and Avita US.
Scheme Considerationmeans the consideration payable by Avita US for the transfer of theScheme Shares under the terms of this Scheme, being one Avita US Share (or five Avita US CDIs) for every 100 Avita Australia Shares held by a Scheme Participant on the Record Date, which will be satisfied in the manner set out in clause 5.1.