| 87.All acts done by any meeting of the Directors or of a committee of Directors, or by any person acting asrt:r shall notwithstanding that it be afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointm<>nt nf ::mv sur:h,,d ''Ortr pany Rc.•gorcn,,1111 Director or person acting as aforesaid, or that they or any of them were disqualified, be as valid )f. yy.,,sJ;M:tl1,,.i'f;rl person had been duly appointed and was qualified to be a Director. PR ESU MPTION OF ASSENT A.J.)/5tW7t Rt'}Jlsrror 88.A Director of the Company who is present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which action on any Company matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless his dissent shall be entered in the Minutes of the meeting or unless he shall file his written dissent from such action with the person acting as the Secretary of the meeting before the adjournment thereof or shall forward such dissent by registered mail to such person immediately after the adjournment of the meeting. Such right to dissent shall not apply to a Director who voted In favour of such action. ALTE R NATE D I RECTO R 89.Any Director may from time to time in writing appoint any person to be his alternate Director to act in his place at any meeting of the Board of Directors at which he is unable to be present. The appointee,while he holds office as an alternate Director, shall be entitled to call and attend and vote at any meeting which the Director appointing him is not personally present, and generally to perform all the functions of his appointor as a Director without limitation, but shall not be entitled to any remuneration from the Company otherwise than out of the remuneration of the Director appointing him, as may be agreed between the said Director and the appointee. Any appointment so made may be revoked at any time by the appointor. Any appointment, or revocation by the appointor, made under this article shall be in writing, and notice in writing shall be given to the registered office or to some other place as the Company may determine from time to time. 90.Any Director may appoint any person,whether or not a Director of the Company,to be the proxy of that Director to attend and vote on his behalf, In accordance with Instructions given by that Director, or in the a,bsence of such instructions at the discretion of the proxy, at a meeting or meetings of the Directors which that Director is unable to attend personally. The instrument appointing the proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointing Director and shall be in the form set out below or any other common form and must be lodged with the chairman of the meeting of Board of Directors at which such proxy is to be used, or first used, prior to the commencement of the meeting. , of being a Director. of the above Company hereby appoint of as my proxy and on my behalf to attend vote at and to do all acts and things which Icould personally have done at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the said Company to be held on the day of _ 20 and at any adjournments thereof. Date:---------- Signature of Director I N DEM NITY 91.The Directors,Auditors and Officers for the time being of the Company and any trustee for the time being acting in .:relation to any of the affairs of the Company and their heirs, executors, administrators and personal representatives respectively shall be indemnified out of the assets oftAe Company from and against all actions,proceedings, costs, charges,losses, expenses and damages which they qr any of them shall or may incur or sustain by reason of any act done or omitted in or about the execution of their duty in their respective offices or trusts, except such (if any) as they shall incur or sustain by or through their own wilful misfeasance, bad faith, negligence or reckless disregard,or default of their duties respectively and no such Director, Auditor, Officer or trustee shall be answerable for the acts, receipts, neglects or defaults of any other Director, Auditor, Officer or trustee or for joining in any receipt for the sake of conformity or for the solvency or honesty of any banker or other persons with whom--any monies or effects |