Policy Against Retaliation
The Company prohibits retaliation against an employee who, in good faith, seeks help or reports known or suspected violations. An employee inflicting reprisal or retaliation against another employee for reporting a known or suspected violation may be subject to disciplinary actions, including termination of employment.
Waivers of the Code
Waivers of this Code may be made only by the Board or the appropriate committee of the Board and will be promptly disclosed to the public as required by law or the rules of the NASDAQ Global Market. Waivers of this Code will be granted on acase-by-case basis and only in extraordinary circumstances.
Employees have an obligation to comply with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to the Company’s operations. These include, without limitation, laws covering bribery and kickbacks, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets, information privacy, insider trading, illegal political contributions, antitrust prohibitions, foreign corrupt practices, offering or receiving gratuities, environmental hazards, employment discrimination or harassment, occupational health and safety, false or misleading financial information or misuse of corporate assets. It is your responsibility to understand and comply with the laws, regulations and policies that are relevant to your position. If any doubt exists about whether a course of action is lawful, you should seek advice from your supervisor or the Compliance Officer.
Failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations can result in civil and criminal liability against you and the Company, as well as disciplinary action by the Company against you, including termination of employment. You should contact the Compliance Officer if you have any questions about the laws, regulations and policies that may apply to you.
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (the “FCPA”) prohibits the Company and its employees and agents from offering, promising or giving, directly or indirectly, money or any other item of value to win or retain business or to influence any act or decision of any governmental official (including employees of any state-owned or state-controlled entities), political party, candidate for political office or official of a public international organization. This prohibition also extends to payments to a sales representative or agent if there is reason to believe that the payment will be used indirectly for a prohibited payment to foreign officials. Violation of the FCPA by employees and agents is a crime that can subject the Company (including any U.S. citizen or green card-holding employees) to severe fines and criminal penalties. Any violations shall result in appropriate disciplinary action by the Company, including termination of employment.
Health and Safety
The Company is committed not only to complying with all relevant health and safety laws, but also to conducting business in a manner that protects the safety of its employees. Employees are required to comply with all applicable health and safety laws, regulations and policies relevant to their jobs. If you have any concerns about unsafe conditions or tasks that present a risk of injury to you, please report these concerns immediately to your supervisor or the Human Resources Department.