Robinhood Financial LLC - Held NMS Stocks and Options Order Routing Public Report Generated on Wed Jan 29 2025 13:44:11 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) 4th Quarter, 2024 October 2024 S&P 500 Stocks Summary Non-Directed Orders as % of All Orders Market Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Non-Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Other Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders 100.00 24.35 30.16 35.99 9.50 Venues Venue - Non-directed Order Flow Non- Directed Orders (%) Market Orders (%) Marketable Limit Orders (%) Non- Marketable Limit Orders (%) Other Orders (%) Net Payment Paid/Received for Market Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Market Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/Received for Other Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Other Orders(cents per hundred shares) Virtu Americas, LLC 40.85 34.81 41.97 44.65 38.39 135,184.70 65.3472 153,520.50 75.6018 89,669.07 92.1731 289,360.91 33.7760 CITADEL SECURITIES LLC 32.82 30.25 33.30 34.39 31.94 278,132.20 42.3860 268,907.78 45.1332 144,418.85 59.7650 265,849.94 36.4021 G1 Execution Services, LLC 13.00 20.36 12.72 7.82 14.67 118,277.34 38.8192 46,935.18 28.4251 11,697.10 24.0153 5,729.50 30.2794 Jane Street Capital 7.37 6.02 7.04 9.16 5.09 86,101.80 45.7836 82,477.30 48.3623 52,529.58 54.4939 3,326.26 36.4439 Two Sigma Securities, LLC 5.43 7.56 4.46 3.61 9.92 58,376.79 48.2374 20,184.31 29.3980 6,490.82 24.7541 3,830.21 47.5055 Material Aspects: Virtu Americas, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. CITADEL SECURITIES LLC:
Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. G1 Execution Services, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Jane Street Capital: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Two Sigma Securities, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. October 2024 Non-S&P 500 Stocks Summary Non-Directed Orders as % of All Orders Market Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Non-Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Other Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders 100.00 21.92 32.59 40.86 4.63 Venues
Venue - Non-directed Order Flow Non- Directed Orders (%) Market Orders (%) Marketable Limit Orders (%) Non- Marketable Limit Orders (%) Other Orders (%) Net Payment Paid/Received for Market Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Market Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/Received for Other Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Other Orders(cents per hundred shares) CITADEL SECURITIES LLC 42.09 37.05 41.39 45.32 42.44 1,943,575.07 20.0116 1,653,722.72 12.3944 958,072.05 13.0797 633,309.01 22.0773 Virtu Americas, LLC 21.82 18.67 21.89 23.50 21.42 624,169.34 15.4033 561,503.32 9.4111 340,971.35 9.8119 562,662.12 16.2876 Jane Street Capital 21.26 18.57 21.97 23.03 13.40 1,094,751.09 15.2285 917,606.14 8.9784 556,897.46 9.6973 53,755.58 13.1618 Two Sigma Securities, LLC 9.52 16.58 9.45 5.10 15.66 588,850.15 15.5692 241,877.02 10.6410 66,427.98 13.2240 40,692.09 15.4311 Material Aspects: CITADEL SECURITIES LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Virtu Americas, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Jane Street Capital: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Two Sigma Securities, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above.
October 2024 Options Summary Non-Directed Orders as % of All Orders Market Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Non-Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Other Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders 100.00 0.60 31.08 52.62 15.70 Venues Venue - Non-directed Order Flow Non- Directed Orders (%) Market Orders (%) Marketable Limit Orders (%) Non- Marketable Limit Orders (%) Other Orders (%) Net Payment Paid/Received for Market Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Market Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/Received for Other Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Other Orders(cents per hundred shares) CITADEL SECURITIES LLC 30.90 36.06 31.08 29.55 34.91 150,403.65 28.0346 10,456,121.32 33.6261 7,401,402.47 42.7352 2,282,218.10 36.5891 Dash/IMC Financial Markets 30.08 31.88 30.75 28.73 33.24 85,014.13 31.2990 6,810,467.68 34.4689 5,459,687.92 44.8998 1,710,679.29 43.2655 Wolverine Execution Services, LLC 15.07 15.37 15.91 14.13 16.58 40,805.88 31.9195 4,010,330.88 32.6036 2,899,068.59 41.2348 1,154,408.74 40.3767 Morgan Stanley & Co., LLC 12.60 8.96 12.43 16.03 1.61 37,851.83 41.8687 4,717,742.07 38.0696 4,366,309.84 50.9137 81,248.81 41.9643 Global Execution Brokers, LP 11.33 7.73 9.83 11.57 13.67 28,003.48 39.2035 3,216,855.28 34.6216 2,846,047.22 47.9602 1,106,584.68 41.9083 Material Aspects: CITADEL SECURITIES LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Dash/IMC Financial Markets: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Wolverine Execution Services, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Morgan Stanley & Co., LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Global Execution Brokers, LP:
Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. November 2024 S&P 500 Stocks Summary Non-Directed Orders as % of All Orders Market Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Non-Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Other Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders 100.00 28.73 31.86 30.28 9.12 Venues Venue - Non-directed Order Flow Non- Directed Orders (%) Market Orders (%) Marketable Limit Orders (%) Non- Marketable Limit Orders (%) Other Orders (%) Net Payment Paid/Received for Market Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Market Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/Received for Other Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Other Orders(cents per hundred shares) Virtu Americas, LLC 42.51 35.14 46.18 46.90 38.34 194,259.42 65.3213 209,705.94 72.7149 97,130.65 78.7713 411,549.00 39.1430 CITADEL SECURITIES LLC 23.31 19.60 23.94 26.09 23.51 261,250.40 52.6943 251,511.11 54.7444 119,406.86 62.2314 293,706.94 42.3797 G1 Execution Services, LLC 20.90 31.30 18.38 12.86 23.59 202,984.98 42.2076 71,901.42 31.9973 17,519.05 29.3449 11,219.06 34.6700 Jane Street Capital 7.42 5.81 7.22 9.92 4.96 108,754.22 48.5754 108,609.00 55.7123 58,185.25 58.7371 5,618.91 39.6268 Two Sigma Securities, LLC 5.30 7.15 3.81 3.83 9.60 71,731.32 57.5494 22,991.54 38.0033 7,176.87 35.2174 4,400.74 49.3797 Material Aspects: Virtu Americas, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. CITADEL SECURITIES LLC:
Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. G1 Execution Services, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Jane Street Capital: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Two Sigma Securities, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. November 2024 Non-S&P 500 Stocks Summary Non-Directed Orders as % of All Orders Market Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Non-Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Other Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders 100.00 25.04 32.78 37.47 4.71 Venues
Venue - Non-directed Order Flow Non- Directed Orders (%) Market Orders (%) Marketable Limit Orders (%) Non- Marketable Limit Orders (%) Other Orders (%) Net Payment Paid/Received for Market Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Market Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/Received for Other Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Other Orders(cents per hundred shares) CITADEL SECURITIES LLC 36.84 30.60 36.90 41.02 36.38 2,174,092.49 21.0519 1,859,706.74 13.2482 1,110,381.67 13.9260 1,019,359.20 32.2231 Virtu Americas, LLC 23.00 19.03 23.82 25.07 21.98 913,288.32 14.0642 797,159.49 8.6954 480,716.34 8.9291 1,203,012.06 23.8877 Jane Street Capital 21.50 18.16 22.67 23.70 13.59 1,437,011.60 15.5221 1,190,728.86 8.7793 699,886.21 9.3378 98,708.34 21.1176 Two Sigma Securities, LLC 10.24 17.29 9.10 5.65 17.14 822,790.53 15.0873 276,499.42 10.2127 95,657.73 14.6008 62,045.70 20.0082 G1 Execution Services, LLC 7.95 14.02 7.10 4.28 10.91 868,072.07 17.2023 316,461.37 12.7753 101,714.01 13.7922 47,602.62 18.1016 Material Aspects: CITADEL SECURITIES LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Virtu Americas, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Jane Street Capital: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Two Sigma Securities, LLC:
Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. G1 Execution Services, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. November 2024 Options Summary Non-Directed Orders as % of All Orders Market Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Non-Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Other Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders 100.00 0.63 30.02 53.75 15.59 Venues Venue - Non-directed Order Flow Non- Directed Orders (%) Market Orders (%) Marketable Limit Orders (%) Non- Marketable Limit Orders (%) Other Orders (%) Net Payment Paid/Received for Market Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Market Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/Received for Other Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Other Orders(cents per hundred shares) CITADEL SECURITIES LLC 37.23 42.82 37.28 36.50 39.46 169,553.53 29.8519 11,180,038.82 38.1542 8,867,049.39 48.7852 2,285,911.29 40.3662 Dash/IMC Financial Markets 28.85 27.39 28.93 28.17 31.12 93,141.07 31.3365 7,560,396.73 32.3298 6,224,252.66 43.6367 2,018,192.23 40.4994 Wolverine Execution Services, LLC 16.78 16.56 17.27 16.32 17.44 44,150.38 34.8115 3,925,700.29 35.5865 3,213,738.73 46.6099 1,060,182.35 43.2905 Global Execution Brokers, LP 9.98 6.91 8.83 10.33 11.10 25,597.56 39.2661 2,852,901.35 35.5033 2,563,102.33 49.8316 913,015.21 43.7109 Morgan Stanley & Co., LLC 7.16 6.31 7.70 8.68 0.88 28,837.57 38.0433 3,675,509.32 34.1469 3,209,868.34 46.5799 54,348.58 32.7496
Material Aspects: CITADEL SECURITIES LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Dash/IMC Financial Markets: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Wolverine Execution Services, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Global Execution Brokers, LP: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Morgan Stanley & Co., LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. December 2024 S&P 500 Stocks Summary Non-Directed Orders as % of All Orders Market Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Non-Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Other Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders 100.00 28.24 30.72 31.28 9.77 Venues Venue - Non-directed Order Flow Non- Directed Orders (%) Market Orders (%) Marketable Limit Orders (%) Non- Marketable Limit Orders (%) Other Orders (%) Net Payment Paid/Received for Market Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Market Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/Received for Other Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Other Orders(cents per hundred shares) Virtu Americas, LLC 46.22 38.70 48.84 50.76 45.19 248,744.94 56.3624 260,463.10 73.2051 120,216.41 86.5541 385,731.43 43.4022 G1 Execution Services, LLC 16.98 25.17 15.15 11.01 18.19 177,676.89 49.3867 70,378.46 43.7314 17,945.56 40.0039 10,125.67 46.4040 CITADEL SECURITIES LLC 15.40 13.47 15.40 17.05 15.66 170,468.51 41.2058 165,552.86 51.5233 69,749.85 55.8625 328,527.76 40.7879 Jane Street Capital 13.38 11.31 13.95 16.07 9.00 171,566.88 49.3362 160,166.96 61.6231 71,370.42 63.2958 10,526.79 44.5998 Two Sigma Securities, LLC 7.46 10.36 6.16 4.71 11.95 76,144.03 51.8810 29,413.84 41.0367 7,805.58 38.8877 6,506.92 47.7168
Material Aspects: Virtu Americas, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. G1 Execution Services, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. CITADEL SECURITIES LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Jane Street Capital: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Two Sigma Securities, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. December 2024
Non-S&P 500 Stocks Summary Non-Directed Orders as % of All Orders Market Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Non-Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Other Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders 100.00 24.68 32.22 38.22 4.88 Venues Venue - Non-directed Order Flow Non- Directed Orders (%) Market Orders (%) Marketable Limit Orders (%) Non- Marketable Limit Orders (%) Other Orders (%) Net Payment Paid/Received for Market Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Market Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/Received for Other Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Other Orders(cents per hundred shares) Jane Street Capital 29.84 26.32 31.80 31.72 20.01 2,273,736.26 15.3681 1,876,523.42 10.4428 1,115,979.90 11.0082 181,402.05 18.8616 Virtu Americas, LLC 27.45 23.52 28.59 29.04 27.28 1,194,297.39 15.7201 1,051,803.67 11.8949 644,952.09 12.1151 964,978.06 22.5740 CITADEL SECURITIES LLC 25.99 21.70 24.73 29.72 26.77 2,083,398.38 19.6468 1,868,428.85 14.8649 1,155,827.28 15.4317 1,287,179.76 24.2512 Two Sigma Securities, LLC 10.02 16.73 8.77 5.80 17.33 1,009,155.66 19.3454 369,470.44 14.3263 115,021.75 16.0517 79,078.60 22.2217 G1 Execution Services, LLC 6.25 10.84 5.70 3.44 8.61 647,007.47 19.4859 249,955.06 15.2308 81,170.26 16.4354 38,053.49 19.1643 Material Aspects: Jane Street Capital: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Virtu Americas, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. CITADEL SECURITIES LLC:
Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. Two Sigma Securities, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. G1 Execution Services, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. RHS may execute a share-based or dollar-based customer order for a quantity that includes a fraction of a share, or a portion of such an order, in a principal capacity (rather than an agency or riskless principal capacity); RHF does not receive payments or pay transaction fees for any portion of such an order executed in a principal capacity. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing equity order flow to it on behalf of RHF, including flow that resulted from orders for which customers granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at https:// robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Note that RHF deems each of the following stock orders entered by or on behalf of a customer to be a “not held” order (i.e., an order with respect to which the customer has granted RHF discretion with respect to the price and time of execution), and such orders are therefore excluded from the summary statistics and routing percentages provided above: orders (i) entered by a customer for a share quantity that includes a fraction of a share (fractional share-based orders); (ii) entered by a customer for a dollar amount (dollar-based orders); (iii) entered by a customer to invest in a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs) pursuant to a recommendation from RHF; (iv) entered for Robinhood 24 Hour Market trading; (v) to invest in a security pursuant to a customer instruction provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Paycheck Recurring Investment (split-your-paycheck) program or the Robinhood Stock Round-ups (weekly roundups) program, both offered by Robinhood Money, LLC and certain of its affiliates; or (vi) to invest in a security pursuant to customer instructions provided in connection with the customer’s participation in the Recurring Investment program or the Dividend Reinvestment Program, each offered by RHF, to the extent such orders are routed by RHF to an order batcher engine that is operated by RHS. RHS does not execute held orders in a principal capacity and therefore is excluded from the list of venues above. December 2024 Options Summary Non-Directed Orders as % of All Orders Market Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Non-Marketable Limit Orders as % of Non- Directed Orders Other Orders as % of Non-Directed Orders 100.00 0.67 29.76 54.37 15.19 Venues Venue - Non-directed Order Flow Non- Directed Orders (%) Market Orders (%) Marketable Limit Orders (%) Non- Marketable Limit Orders (%) Other Orders (%) Net Payment Paid/Received for Market Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Market Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/Received for Other Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Other Orders(cents per hundred shares) CITADEL SECURITIES LLC 34.59 35.51 34.11 33.93 37.82 176,865.22 32.9180 12,165,147.58 40.4566 9,598,252.68 51.7794 2,514,837.82 43.1205 Dash/IMC Financial Markets 32.09 34.97 32.95 31.05 33.99 132,525.85 33.3665 8,886,980.98 35.3446 7,482,872.13 47.2599 2,272,808.02 42.6569
Venue - Non-directed Order Flow Non- Directed Orders (%) Market Orders (%) Marketable Limit Orders (%) Non- Marketable Limit Orders (%) Other Orders (%) Net Payment Paid/Received for Market Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Market Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Non- Marketable Limit Orders(cents per hundred shares) Net Payment Paid/Received for Other Orders(USD) Net Payment Paid/ Received for Other Orders(cents per hundred shares) Wolverine Execution Services, LLC 14.84 15.33 15.30 14.21 16.17 50,603.18 36.3808 4,014,102.50 37.7974 3,344,012.74 49.6394 1,156,409.37 45.3777 Global Execution Brokers, LP 9.94 6.93 8.71 10.38 10.94 29,612.65 41.2277 3,072,667.08 38.3284 2,795,625.00 53.2025 984,598.26 45.0853 Morgan Stanley & Co., LLC 8.54 7.26 8.93 10.43 1.08 41,793.30 43.4234 4,744,627.17 37.9692 4,412,906.86 51.6407 72,574.31 37.6579 Material Aspects: CITADEL SECURITIES LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Dash/IMC Financial Markets: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Wolverine Execution Services, LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Global Execution Brokers, LP: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/. Morgan Stanley & Co., LLC: Robinhood Financial LLC (“RHF”) routes customer orders to its affiliated clearing firm, Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”), which routes to various third-party market centers. Revenue and costs that RHS receives and pays, including revenue from third-party market centers, are shared with RHF pursuant to a revenue and cost allocation agreement. RHS passes 80% of such revenue to RHF. The amounts above accordingly represent 80% of the payments received by RHS from this venue for routing options order flow to it on behalf of RHF. Additional information regarding payments made or received by RHS can be found on its quarterly Rule 606(a) report, available at http://robinhood.com/us/en/about/legal/.