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Without the express prtor wmten consent of trul Company. THE INFORMATION AND MATERIALS CONTAINED IN THIS WEBSITE ARE PROVIDED “AS IS’’ WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCH/II<TABILITY. NON·INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING. WITHOUT LIMITATION. DAMAGES DUE TO LOSS OF PROFITS OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) OR DUE TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE MATERIALS In uslf’\9 this website. )‘OO agree tttat MindMed shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever (Including lndlH!Ct. 1ncldental. spe<.•al, pUnitive or consequential dam.ages and loss of profits, opportunities or information) arising from (a) your use of or- reliance 011 information contained on Chis website; (b) any inaccuracy or omisSioo in suc.h information or failure to keep the information current: (c) use of any third party web Sttes fmked or referred to 1n th1s website: (d) any delays, inaccuracies or errou in. or in the transmlss:iol’) of. any stock prlce Quotes or Olstorkal prlce data: (e) any lntemet software used In connection with this webs.lte or computer viruses or other destructive programs encountered as a result of using thi.s website: and (f) any other matter con~cted with the we-bsite; even if MlndMed is made aware of the possibility of such claims. damages or lOsses. Although considerable care has been taken in preparing and mainutfnlng the inform~uron and materials contained on thls website, they are provided on an -as Is” basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or lmptied, with respE!ct to th& accuracy or completeness of the Information. Unle$S otJ’lQrwise indicau~Cf. all tnformauo.n posted ot1 thls website ls current only as of the date of the document that contains tile tnformatk>n. If indtcautd. or the date on which the document ts posted, whk:hever is earlier MindMed m.ay at any time make changes to the information at this website wiU”‘OUt prior notice. You should always ensure that you are referring to the most current tntormation avaitable on ttlts webStt&. Privacy Policy Mind.Me<:J Is committed to controlhng the conecuon. use and dJsdosure of personallnformatlol”’. A copy or MlndMed’s Privacy POlley can be accessed at the bottom of the webpage. If you have any concerns relating to the privacy or conhdenriatlty of this website. plea.se contac-t MindMed·s Privacy Offi~er at privacyofhcera mmed.gtobal Cautionary Not•s ana l-‘orward’·LOOkin9 Stat•m•nts Certain statements on this website related to the Compbny cO(IStltute “forwatd·IOOktng information’” within the f’!\e:aning of appUcable seeurities laws and tu& prospecove in nature. Forward~k>oklng fnformatioo Js oot based oo hlstork:a1 faets. btlt rather on curre.nt expectattons and prOjections about future events a.nd ate therefore subject to rlsks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the future results expressed or Implied by the forward·looking statements. These statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-tooking words such as uwlll-, “may”’, “should’”, .. could”’. ‘“intend”, “estimate”, “plan”, “anticipate-. “expect”’. ‘“beheve·””, “potential· or ..continue’”, or I he n(!gatPie thereof Of slm•lar vaflauons. Undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking •nformatloo. wh1Ch are inherently uncertain, are ba~on esumates !nd assumptions, and are subJeCt to known and unk-nown nsJ<s and utK:ertllinties (both generel and specUtc) that contribute to the possib~ltty that the future events or c.rcumstances contemplated by the forward·lool(lng statements will rw>t occur. There- can be no assurance that the plans. Intentions- 01 exJ)ectatlons upon which forward-tooking statements are based wlllln fact oo reafi:ed. Forward-looking information on this website Includes. but is not limited to. statements regarding the potential benefits and deV’elopment of the company’s product candidates, trials. stud•es and programs; the strengtM and benefits of the company·s strategic plan: the Company·s buslness plans and obt,ecuves: the ability ot MlndMed to acheeve success consestent with management’s expectatiof\S: and tile expected tmpact and results of the Company’s corporate governance pract«:es. •ncfudlng of the Company’s director nominees. Forward·looking infonnatlon is based on tho- 09lnlons and estimates of management of the Company a1 the date the stateme-nts are made. as weU as a number of assumPtions made by, and information currently available to, the Company concerning. among other things. antic-Ipated performance of its product candtdates and programs, busitwss prospects, strategies, regulatory dev~opments, the development of its J)rO<Suct candidates into effective products, the ability to produce products if approved, Uie appfoval by reglJiators of ally products that are developed. and tne noo·occurrence of the r•sks and uncertainties ouulned below or other SI~Jnlf•C·&I1t events occurring outside of MlndMed’s n:ormat course of busmess.. Although management of the Company conseQers ‘hese assumpuons to be reasonabJe based on mrormatlon currently available to tt, they may prove to be 11\C.orre<:L There are numerous risks and uncenalnttes that could cause actual results and the Company’s plans and objectives to differ maler4a1Jy from those expressed in the forward· IOOkif\9 fnformatJon, lncludlng histoty of negative cash flows: limited operaUr\g histo(y; incurrence of future losses: availability of add•honat capital: changes in m.ar’ket conditions; lack of product revonue: compllance with laws and regulations~ ctlanges in government policy: difficulty associated wfth research and development: risks assoclated W1th c.llnlcal tr•ats or studles: hefghtened regulatory scruttny. early Mage product development: ctlmcal trial risks: regulatory approval processes; novelty of the ps’ychedellc: Inspired medicines Industry; as well as those risk fa< tors discussed or referred to herein and the risks described In the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10~K for the flscal year ended December 3t. 2022 under headings such as “‘Special Note Regard,ng ~otward~Looldng Statements.” and — Risk Factors.. and “‘Management’s Ois<usslon and Analysis of Ffnancial Condition and Rqsults of Operations’” and other filings and furnishings made by the Company wfth the securities regulatory authorities in all provinces and territories of Canada which are available under the Company’s profile on SEOAR at wwwsedar.com and With the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC’”) on EDGAR at www.sec.gov. Exceot as I’&QUir’ed by law. the company