And that business, again, is those 44 back end MMO integrations but it’s also several satellite providers. If you want unlicensed cellular, Laura’s where we’ve made our bed, we can integrate that into the same platform. And it is the quintessential aggregation, sort of multi multi multi model, right. So multiple devices were agnostic, we don’t manufacture multiple locations, multiple geographies, multiple carriers, multiple protocols embarrass, right. And that proposition is a industry leading proposition. Some of you might think, Well, why isn’t Vodafone a competitor or AT&T, a competitor, Verizon a competitor? Well, you know, there could be, but very rarely do we end up competing because I mean, Verizon’s network really ends around the United States. And so they’re much more partner than they are a competitor. You insert a sim into a device, you put it out into the field on behalf of a customer, it throws off revenue for the lifetime of the device. Why? Why if Vodafone said I’ll do it for 20 cents cheaper? Why would the customer not shift to that the cost of changing out a sim can be as much as 150 or $200. For the truck rolled, as we call it in the industry, to send the individual our crew out, make that change happen, there is no business case, to save 1020 cents a month for you to go. So you know go spend a couple of 100 bucks. So tremendous longevity in the business that 91% recurring revenue is because of that singular fact. So usage based pricing. Again, very Twilio, like if you want to think of that as somebody we want to be like, and, you know, multi year contracts. But much more importantly, all the SIMS that are activated over that period of contract are gonna throw off revenue for the next seven to 10 years. Once you get that flywheel going of sales, as we did with shipping 5 million SIMS, give or take last year, excited about what that’s doing to the future. We’ve added a series of connectivity enablement services, our new platform lends itself well to enable others connectivity, aspirations. And then of course, all of the IoT management services around devices. And other SAS tools like our security process platform, which has won several awards Innovation Awards, location based services is so germane, it goes into every use case these days. We provide that as a SaaS platform, API, everything, a developer sort of persona front end, again, that will be just, you know, absolutely world classes that gets rolled out later this year and next year, and excited about things like private networking, etc, that are coming. Okay. So, I’ve already talked a little bit about our differentiators. As you can see on this page, the use cases on the right, we deliberately put these on here to say just about anything that’s connected is in our scope, potentially, right? This isn’t like, you shouldn’t think of IoT as some big fancy thing. Anything from simple smart meters and smart city, you know, led systems, to fleets of trucks, to remote patient monitoring, that’s a connected blood sugar monitor their continuous glucose monitor there, that’s depicted all of these use cases across these exciting sectors are in our scope. I’ve talked a lot about the differentiators on the left, I’ll just say that of the $50 million. We’ve invested these last two and a half years in our transformation, over 30 of that’s gone into technology. So we have the luxury of a very modern, open, scalable modular design for IoT KORE one platform, as we call it, from which our services and SAS tools are served. And in the solutions area, not only do we have the differentiator of being the one stop shop doing all of that, right? We actually have the HIPAA certifications and the FDA regs and the ISO 9001. But not more than 9001 134 and five, without which you can’t touch a medical device in this country. So you add all that up. And we think we have a great sort of, you know, growth Foundation, and looking forward to this next decade and frankly beyond. So this next decade, we’ll see the market go from shorter $400 billion last year to 7 trillion as fast as the 19% kegger is from here to 25. The 50% kegger from 25 to 30 should catch your attention that is powered by 5g. I’m not one of these guys that’s going to jump up and down here and hype 5g today. But 5g for IoT will mature over the next couple three years. It will lead to an order of magnitude more use cases than just like when 4g happened, right, there was Airbnb and Uber and all these things popping up sort of an order of magnitude more innovation around 5g, and that will really power this growth that manifests itself into those 75 billion connected IoT devices by 2030. And if you look at how those will connect, short range will continue to be an important part short range protocols, but not near as much as they have been these past 10 years, these past 10 years have been proof of concepts and pilots and what is IoT mean, for me, the always on technologies, cellular satellite, etc, are far more popular as we launched robust solutions as we launched globally, etc. So you can see how that mix is changing significantly over the next 10 years. And 2g, 3g, but 4g 5g and how those start to grow. And this notion of LP wha going into massive IoT is going to be huge. So if you take those same services I just depicted for us and sort of array those across the 75 billion devices are newer services, the IoT managed services and analytic services really are applicable to all 75 million devices, right? our cars, our bread and butter conductivity as a service business, our newer conductivity enablement business are more applicable really where customers are paying for usage paying per megabyte of usage. So those are depicted up at the top on the long range. And really the three deterministic factors that will drive all of this is all of the excitement about ECM. Many of you have heard of ECM Apple’s been pushing ECM, the notion that a consumer should own the sim not be locked into any one carrier, we’re pushing it. In the world of IoT, we shipped about 5 million Sims last year, I said almost a million were by far the leader industry standards driving all of that, again, low power wide area and the massive IoT volumes will be huge for us. And of course, 5g. So that’s the market. And by the way, the market keeps going right, by 2035. Most estimates have somewhere between 13 and 15 trillion. And all of these exciting use cases in these sectors, 5g will just keep going through 2035. In fact, 4g will keep going into the 2030s as a network of networks approach emerges rather than this painful traumatic migration of 2g and 3g to 4g that’s been going on. But let me skip ahead into really the meat of the value proposition that is driving what we call KORE three dot 0, this era that we’re in now, right.