For example, in February 2022, Russia commenced a military invasion of Ukraine. This outbreak of hostilities could result in more widespread conflict and have a severe adverse effect on the region and the markets for securities and commodities. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to, and may lead to, additional sanctions being levied by the United States, European Union and other countries and organizations against Russia and Belarus. Russia’s invasion and the resulting sanctions could adversely affect global energy, commodity and financial markets, and thus could affect the value of the Funds’ investments and broader global markets and economies, even beyond any direct exposure the Funds may have to Russian or Ukrainian issuers or the adjoining geographic regions. The extent and duration of the military action, sanctions and resulting market disruptions are impossible to predict, but could be substantial, and may put significant pressure on global financial systems, including on banks and custodians. The market capitalizations of many Russian companies have already experienced significant declines, and Russia closed its securities markets for an extended period of time, before reopening with limited trading. These market disruptions may result in the decline in the value and liquidity of Russian securities, devaluation of Russian currency, a downgrade in Russia’s credit rating, the inability to freely trade sanctioned companies (either due to the sanctions imposed or related operational issues) and/or other adverse consequences to the Russian economy, any of which could negatively impact a Fund’s investments in Russian securities. Sanctions could result in the immediate freeze of Russian securities, impairing the ability of a Fund to buy, sell, receive or deliver those securities. Both the current and potential future sanctions and other government actions against Russia also could result in Russia taking counter measures or retaliatory actions, which may impair further the value or liquidity of Russian securities and negatively impact a Fund or the broader global markets. Any or all of these potential results could lead Russian and other economic regions into a recession.
B. Fees and Transactions with Affiliates and Other Parties
The Funds have entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement (the “Agreement”) with JOHCM (USA) Inc d/b/a Perpetual Americas Funds Services (the “Adviser” or “PAFS”) to provide investment management services to the Funds.
Total fees incurred pursuant to the Agreement are reflected as “Investment Advisory” fees on the Statement of Operations. Under the terms of the Agreement, PAFS receives an annual fee, computed daily and payable monthly, at the annual rates set forth in the following table (expressed as a percentage of each Fund’s respective average daily net assets). PAFS has contractually agreed to waive fees and reimburse expenses to the extent that Total Annual Operating Expenses (excluding taxes, extraordinary expenses, expenses associated with investments in underlying investment companies, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, litigation and indemnification expenses) exceed the rates in the table below (expressed as a percentage of each Fund’s respective average daily net assets).
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The Third Amended and Restated Expense Limitation Agreement is effective until February 1, 2025 for the TSW Emerging Markets Fund, TSW High Yield Bond Fund, and TSW Large Cap Value Fund, and effective until February 1, 2026 for the TSW Core Plus Bond Fund. If it becomes unnecessary for the Adviser to waive fees or make reimbursements, the Adviser may recapture any of its prior waivers or reimbursements, for a period not to exceed three years from the date on which the waiver or reimbursement was made to the extent that such a recapture does not cause the Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses (excluding brokerage costs, interest, taxes, dividends, litigation and indemnification expenses, expenses associated with investments in underlying investment companies, and extraordinary expenses) to exceed the current expense limitation at the time of repayment or the applicable expense limitation that was in effect at the time of the waiver or reimbursement. The agreement to waive fees and reimburse expenses may be terminated by the Board at any time and will terminate automatically upon termination of the Agreement.
Thompson, Siegel & Walmsley LLC (the “Sub-Adviser” or “TSW”) serves as the investment sub-adviser to the Funds. For its services, the Sub-Adviser is paid a fee of 0.25%, 0.65%, 0.35%, and 0.43%, based on average daily net assets of the TSW Core Plus Bond Fund, TSW Emerging Markets Fund, TSW High Yield Bond Fund and TSW Large Cap Value Fund, respectively, by the Adviser.