Filing exhibits
- 20-F Annual report (foreign)
- 23.02 Exhibit 23.02
- 97.01 Exhibit 97.01
- 2.01 Exhibit 2.01
- 4.01 Exhibit 4.01
- 4.03 Exhibit 4.03
- 4.04 Exhibit 4.04
- 4.05 Exhibit 4.05
- 4.08 Exhibit 4.08
- 4.09 Exhibit 4.09
- 4.10 Exhibit 4.10
- 8.01 Exhibit 8.01
- 12.01 Exhibit 12.01
- 12.02 Exhibit 12.02
- 13.01 Exhibit 13.01
- 13.02 Exhibit 13.02
- 16.01 Exhibit 16.01
- 23.01 Exhibit 23.01
- Download Excel data file
- View Excel data file
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated statements of fina
- Consolidated statement of profi
- Consolidated statement of chang
- Consolidated statements of cash
- Operations
- Company's subsidiaries
- Preparation basis
- Material Accounting Policies
- New standards, amendments and i
- Cash and cash equivalents and f
- Restricted cash
- Trade and other receivables
- Tax Assets
- Prepayments
- Property, plant and equipment
- Intangible assets and goodwill
- Trade and other payables
- Loans, borrowings and debenture
- Liabilities from acquisitions
- Employee benefits
- Tax liabilities
- Lease liabilities
- Provisions for tax, labor and c
- Long-Term Incentive Programs an
- Equity
- Segment reporting
- Costs and expenses by nature
- Financial Income (Expenses)
- Income tax and social contribut
- Earnings per share
- Risk management and financial i
- Related Parties
- Events after the reporting peri
- Material Accounting Policies (P
- Operations (Tables)
- Company's subsidiaries (Tables)
- Material Accounting Policies (T
- Cash and cash equivalents and_2
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Tax Assets (Tables)
- Prepayments (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Intangible assets and goodwill
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Loans, borrowings and debentu_2
- Liabilities from acquisitions (
- Employee benefits (Tables)
- Tax liabilities (Tables)
- Lease liabilities (Tables)
- Provisions for tax, labor and_2
- Long-Term Incentive Programs _2
- Equity (Tables)
- Segment reporting (Tables)
- Costs and expenses by nature (T
- Financial Income (Expenses) (Ta
- Income tax and social contrib_2
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Risk management and financial_2
- Operation (Details)
- Operation (Details 1)
- Operations (Details 6 - Textual
- Operationas (Details 7 - Textua
- Company's subsidiaries (Details
- Preparation basis (Details Text
- Material Accounting Policies (D
- Material Accounting Policies _2
- Material Accounting Policies _3
- Cash and cash equivalents and_3
- Cash and cash equivalents and_4
- Restricted cash (Details)
- Trade and other receivables (De
- Trade and other receivables (_2
- Trade and other receivables (_3
- Trade and other receivables (_4
- Tax Assets (Details)
- Tax Assets (Details - Textuals)
- Prepayments (Details)
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Property, plant and equipment_3
- Intangible assets and goodwil_2
- Intangible assets and goodwil_3
- Intangible assets and goodwil_4
- Intangible assets and goodwil_5
- Trade and other payables (Detai
- Loans, borrowings and debentu_3
- Loans, borrowings and debentu_4
- Loans, borrowings and debentu_5
- Loans, borrowings and debentu_6
- Liabilities from acquisitions_2
- Liabilities from acquisitions -
- Employee benefits (Details)
- Tax liabilities (Details)
- Lease liabilities (Details)
- Lease liabilities (Details 1 -
- Provisions for tax, labor and_3
- Provisions for tax, labor and_4
- Provisions for tax, labor and_5
- Provisions for tax, labor and_6
- Long-Term Incentive Programs _3
- Long term incentive Programs an
- Long term incentive Programs _2
- Long-Term Incentive Programs _4
- Equity (Details)
- Equity (Details 1 - Textuals)
- Segment reporting - Schedule of
- Segment reporting - Schedule _2
- Segment reporting (Details 1 -
- Costs and expenses by nature (D
- Costs and expenses by nature _2
- Financial Income (Expenses) (De
- Income tax and social contrib_3
- Income tax and social contrib_4
- Income tax and social contrib_5
- Income tax and social contrib_6
- Income tax and social contrib_7
- Earnings per share (Details)
- Risk management and financial_3
- Risk management and financial_4
- Risk management and financial_5
- Risk management and financial_6
- Risk management and financial_7
- Risk management and financial_8
- Related Parties (Details - Text
- Events after the reporting pe_2