Clarios will pay (or reimburse you for) reasonable, documented out-of-pocket professional fees up to $10,000 incurred to negotiate and prepare this Agreement and all agreements related hereto.
Clarios will indemnify and hold you harmless for all acts and omissions to act occurring while an officer or other employee to the maximum extent permitted under Clarios’ governing instruments and applicable law. Clarios will cover you as an insured party on all directors’ and officers’ insurance maintained by Clarios for the benefit of officers of Clarios. Such indemnification and insurance coverage will continue during your employment and will survive thereafter for such period of time during which you may be subject to liability for any act or omission occurring while an officer or other employee of Clarios.
Non-Competition: In accepting this employment offer, and in consideration of this employment offer, your continued employment, and/or the Company’s obligation and promise to provide you with confidential and propriety information pertaining to its business operations and/or customers, and your promise and obligation not to use or disclose that information except in the course of performing your job duties, you agree that, except as prohibited by law, during your employment with the Company, subsidiaries or its parent, and for the 12 month period following your termination of employment for any reason, you will, directly or indirectly, own, manage, operate, control (including indirectly through a debt, equity investment, or otherwise), provide services to, or be employed by, any person or entity engaged in any business that (i) conducts or is planning to conduct a business in competition with any business conducted or planned by the Company, its subsidiaries or its parent, which on the date hereof (and without future limitation) is the business of energy storage solutions, battery manufacturing, battery and energy storage solutions distribution, and battery technologies; or (ii) designs, develops, produces, distributes, offers for sale or sells a product or service that can be used as a substitute for, or is generally intended to satisfy the same customer needs for, any one or more products or services designed, developed, manufactured, produced, distributed or offered for sale or sold by any of the Company’s businesses (1) that is located in a region where Employee had substantial responsibilities during the twenty-four (24) month period preceding Employee’s Termination Date, and (2) for which Employee (A) was materially involved in during the twenty-four (24) month period preceding Employee’s Termination Date, or (B) had knowledge of operations or substantial exposure to during the twenty-four (24) month period preceding Employee’s Termination Date.
Non-Solicitation of Customers: Further, in accepting this employment offer, and in consideration of this employment offer, except as prohibited by law, you further agree that during your employment with the Company, subsidiaries or its parent, and for the one (1) year period thereafter, you will not directly or indirectly, on Employee’s own behalf or on behalf of another (i) solicit, aid or induce any customer of the Company subsidiaries or its parent that Employee was responsible for, directly or indirectly through direct supervisor or management of other employees, departments or business units of the Company, to purchase goods or services then sold by the Company, its subsidiaries or its parent from another person or entity, or assist or aid any other person or entity in identifying or soliciting any such customer, or (ii) solicit, aid or induce any customer that was pursued by the Company and where Employee had direct contact, participated in the contact, or had knowledge of Confidential Information because of Employee’s employment with the Company within the twenty-four (24) months preceding Employee’s Termination Date if that sale or service would be located in a region where Employee had substantial responsibilities while employed by the Company, its subsidiaries or its parent.